Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Planet Vegeta: Final Rewrite ❯ Chapter Eight (Part 2 of 2) ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Eight
By: LMK (LoveMeKags and Co. Productions)
Special Thanks to: Julesie (for encouragement)
“Dream / flashback speech”
“Dream / flashback thoughts”
/Telepathic speech/
Warning: This chapter contains mentions of sexual action between two men. Also, there is nakedness, plus mention of wanting to initiate sexual action between two guys. I suggest you be 16+ to read this chapter. Only 16 and older for the fact there is no true part of sexual action in here. Though, language is mentioned as caution, and Goku is OOC in this chapter.
To Reviewers: Thank you for all your lovely reviews. Here is the next installment. I took time off Beta-reading Julesie's story so you may have this update. This is the second part of the two, and there might, just might, be a third part. I hope you like it.
To Others: Thank you for all your lovely reviews. Here is the next part. Here is the second part, but there might, just might, be a third part. I hope you like it.
I stared out at the ocean, having escaped from the isolation of the cave at last. I couldn't stand to be around him since he had uttered that one sentence. “I don't think we should get married, Kakarrot.” It shook my reality, and made me realize just how much I wanted a permanent relationship with someone. I had wanted our marriage to be everything a woman would dream of - regardless of whether he was a woman or man. I just wanted to be what he wanted. But it kept playing over in my head. “I don't think we should get married, Kakarrot.”
Before I could stop myself, I opened the connection and spoke to him, /fine, just say goodbye to me then, cause I'm leaving./ I was overdoing it a little. I know I was making a threat, but seriously, I was the only one who would suffer from this. If I left him, I would suffer more. I can't go back to him. If I do, I'm falling again. /I'm serious, Vegeta./ He didn't answer still. I could sense his ki was far away, on the other side of the world, but still close enough to hear me with clear reception. He had to have heard me. /I'm not coming back,/ I growled, /so you can take care of that brat on your own./
I let everything get so high, let my hopes rise, all to fall with one sentence. I can't believe how stupid I was. He doesn't love me. His son is more important to him than his life-mate. I guess I pushed too far to be happy this time, for I was always made to be a miserable runt who saved the planet who never loved him. No one loved me, not even the one who birthed my child today. It was pointless.
/I don't want you to go,/ I heard his voice at last. It sounded sad, emotional, and devoid of anger. It was nothing like earlier. I had thought he meant what he did. /I just don't think we should get married. How is that so bad?/
I didn't even bother to answer. I thought he was ready to apologize and take me back. “Such a waste of time.” I spit, watching it fall to the ocean below, my interest mostly in the sky. The sun's rays cast over the ocean, making my eyes narrow in wonder. Whether it be or not, I did not wish to make this day worse, so I laid back. A good tan is what I needed, no matter if it damaged the skin or not. “Such a waste of time.” I repeated that one sentence again. I was convinced that there was nothing without marriage. As though he were saying, “I don't love you.” Was that the way Chi-Chi made me? Believing that togetherness required marriage before we were sure we loved each other? Yes. It had to be her.
I felt a sudden ki in the surrounding area. I didn't bother to recognize who it was. I just lay there, staring at the sky. “Excuse me,” a wimpy voice called to me. I gazed up, finding him standing but two inches from my head, looking down at me. His skin showed his bones clearly, as skinny as he was, you would be amazed at the amount of ki I sensed from him. I got up rather quickly and looked strongly at him. Was he… is it possible he's the reincarnation I asked King Emma for? He isn't Majin Buu, I can tell, but his ki is rather high for that of a human. Perhaps he is. “Are you okay, sir?”
He is so formal. “Yeah,” I slipped my mouth open halfway to answer. “Who are you?”
He laughs, offering me a hand to help me up, which I take graciously. As I made it to my feet, I realized that he looked rather beautiful from this point of view, much better than looking up at him. He was shorter than… I dropped the name, not wanting to remember the past. “My name is Uub.” He is Majin Buu's reincarnation. The name alone is the proof of that. “And you are?”
“Oh, forgive me,” I scratched the back of my head with a big, goofy smile, “my name is Son Goku.” I hold out a hand to him, which he, in turns, shakes. “Nice to meet you, Uub.” This is the boy who I was looking for. I guess I should've waited a little longer. I scowled suddenly as my ex-lover entered my mind. /This is it, Vegeta. I found a man. It is time for me to say goodbye for good. Good luck raising that brat of a child I gave you./ In the last second, I closed off the connection, my mind completely against the connection. Eventually, with a little effort, the bond disintegrated. There was nothing left but a baby from my love with Vegeta. I could start over now. “Where do you live?” I asked.
As days passed in Uub's village, I began to realize that I wasn't as excited as I thought I would be. I seemed depressed and lost in the solitude of the place. I missed where I once was. I missed Vegeta. I couldn't believe I did, but in the wake of it, I started to dream of him, lying in a pool of his own blood, his wrists slit, the child beside him in the same manner, and I was helpless to save them. I felt tears dried on my face as I woke up for the fifteenth time from that nightmare. I started to miss my child too.
/Vegeta?/ I questioned whether he could still hear me. He did not answer. It took me a while, but then I realized how much Vegeta did love me, regardless of marriage or not. I had only had sex with Uub once, and he was too scared to do foreplay, he had wanted the thing without lubrication too. It wasn't like with Vegeta. My power didn't increase, nor did the feeling of the mating feel good at all. His muscles forced me to come, but the rest was up to him. I missed Vegeta's body under mine, his walls massaging around me, his love in my heart, and his smile. I missed our child too. I can't take this pain. /Vegeta! Please! Answer me!/ It was no use. I had deleted the bond I had with my mate. He could no longer hear me. No. I no longer had a mate. I threw away my child too.
“Goku,” Uub's voice reined in my ears, drawing me attention, “is something wrong?” I didn't answer, feeling guilty down to the core. What have I done? Just because Vegeta said that he wouldn't marry me didn't mean I had to overreact so harshly. A kiss was placed to my neck, and I heard Uub gasp. I opened my eyes, turning around.
There. I saw Vegeta. His eyes so full of regret and pain, and in his arms was our child, who looked rather happy to see me. I felt the tears come to my eyes. “Kakarrot,” his voice sounded out Uub's confusion, “where have you been?” I could see out of the corner of my eye that Uub wasn't happy about Vegeta's appearance. For we had only known each other a week, and already he was attached to me like a vice. It was the same with Vegeta. “I've been looking all over for you. I left the baby with Piccolo at one point, but after one day with the child, he stated it was just a troublesome as you.” He got a chuckle off that one.
“Excuse me,” Uub intervened. I was about to warn him about making Vegeta angry, but then again, if Vegeta killed him, I wouldn't have to be with him anymore. I wouldn't have to break his heart. But, wasn't that the way I handled it with Chi-Chi? Now that I think about it, perhaps it is. I held a hand out to Uub. He looked at me, hurt and confused, but I said nothing. “Goku? Who is this man?”
I said absolutely nothing, shaking my head. “He's no one.” I saw horror cross Vegeta's face as he realized that I was pushing him aside again. No shit, Sherlock. You can just take that child and leave. I can't believe you came all the way out here to hand me that child. You didn't come because you love me. No one cares about me. “Uub, what is for dinner tonight?” I was attempting to change the subject, which he found very flattering, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw, no, I noticed that Vegeta was losing his composure. He was about to cry. His tears were cascading down his face in no time, but I ignored him. Like I told him before, he had his chance, and he blew it. I was with Uub now. “Is it my favorite?”
“Yep,” the boy smiled at me. I can't believe I'm with a little boy. Shouldn't this be against the law or something? I don't care, because I'm happy. “Shall we invite him over for some too?”
Vegeta looked hopeful at me, but I shook my head. “Naw, he's got his own place. The only history we have is that child in his arms.” I stated this with little interest in explaining it further. Why should I explain myself?
“I came out here to accept it, Kakarrot,” Vegeta's voice tore through our conversation, startling me, “to take you back.” I looked away. How could he do this? The feelings are stirring up again. My ki is rising. I want him back, but I don't want to go through the heartbreak again. His eyes closed, and he sighed, gaining courage - or so I guessed. “You once told me that I had be honest with myself, to realize what I really wanted. Well, I want you.” I completely ignored him. He had his chance to prove this to me. “I took the time we had apart and I thought it over. I really, honestly missed your company.”
I scowled, “yeah, you missed my company, but that's all.” I wasn't about to let him back into my heart. He had his chance. I stood, making my way over to Uub, placing a kiss on his lips. “I'm moving on, you should too.” I made no other remark as I readied to leave.
“I still love you, Kakarrot!” he dropped the baby, racing towards me, and his arms circled around mine. I was too shocked to make a move for the falling child, but Uub managed to save it just in time. Whether or not Vegeta just admitted something rather loving at me that Uub could not counter, the baby was an innocent life. I stared at nothing, trying to come up with a comeback, but his arms around my neck, his breath in my ear, and his soft skin against mine; it was enthralling me to be one with him. I felt my ki rise higher, almost to the point that I could become Super Saiyan 3 without a problem. “I still love you. I'm prepared to do what it takes. I talked it over with Trunks. He and Goten will join us on the voyage and get married on Planet Vegeta, where family members don't matter. We can get married, Kakarrot.”
My mouth dropped open, rather shocked. He talked with Trunks on this, but what did Goten think? He knows that Vegeta and I were lovers, but he had no regards for the moment I told him I was in love with Vegeta. I wonder if that has changed now. I looked at Uub with a sad expression. My prince is where I belong. I belong with him. I can't say that I don't love Uub, I just see him as a friend - who I occasionally treat as a lover. It was time I tried one more time. “Uub… I'm sorry, but my heart lies with him.” It is true, I can't stop thinking about him and loving him, no matter whether we're mates or not. He haunts my mind. It is time that I joined with him again. “I still love you, Vegeta. I just was afraid to have my heart broken again if you decided you wanted to just drop everything yet again for your son.”
“I did that because I hadn't talked to him on the issue,” he stated, holding me close, even his legs wrapped around my waist, “but you didn't stay long enough for me to tell you I needed to talk him about that.” I swallowed thickly, knowing this was true. I left out of grief, hate, and anger. I didn't bother to think of the many reasons he said that. “But, it's okay now. We can get married on both planets. I love you, whether or not we get married, I ain't leaving you.” I slipped my arms around his frail body, suddenly realizing something. He was weak. He hadn't eaten in what seemed like days. His matted hair looked dirty, meaning he hadn't bathed either. “I was worried that you left for Yadrat again.”
I smiled softly, but ran a hand down his cheek, “that didn't mean you had to go without food and water - “
“I drank, just didn't bathe or eat,” he finished for me. I pushed him away, allowing him to stand once more, and I took the child from Uub, making faces at it. He laughed at me, calling me his “papa.” I smiled. My family was here again. “I named the child after us, so I called him Vegeto.” I recognized the name from when we first used Fusion against Majin Buu with the Kais earrings. The name was “Vegeto” and the earrings we used were called “Potara.” I remember that much. I don't remember much about being bonded with Vegeta though. “Is he everything you wanted, Kakarrot?”
I dropped my face at his question. Dismissing Uub, Vegeta and I left, taking to the sky, my child and my ex-mate in my arms. Vegeta was too weak to fly on his own, had even stumbled at take off. I didn't want to risk losing the child to his arrogant pride of never needing help. He needed some help for the moment. He was too weak from lack of food. If he was right, he had not eaten in a long time. I landed on the hard rock surface of where the cave was. I recognized that Trunks was outside the cave entrance, as if waiting for his father to return, for he seemed shocked to see me there. “Trunks,” I called to him, “you got a cooked meal in there, cause Vegeta could really use one.”
The boy nodded and rushed in to tell his mate and Piccolo of my return. Now… I was home. All I needed now was our real planet and to tell King Vegeta that I love his son. That was all I needed to do. I was the strongest man alive, the strongest Saiyan; it was his duty as a prince to marry a strong Saiyan. That is why I feel such pride, but that doesn't stop me from leaving. All I want back from him is unconditional love. Nothing more.
A few hours passed, and I realized that we needed to still call on the dragon and wish for the thing we wanted, but… As I looked in my prince's direction, I realized that he had not fully recovered from giving birth to our child. He had been starving himself, worrying, calling out to me this whole time, and I made no charge to come looking for him. He was so worried about me, and I just ignored the feeling of his regret. I could still somewhat feel his connection with me.
We exited the cave after a long talk with Trunks and Goten on their marriage, and we made our way towards a spring. I needed to - because of my mistake - reclaim Vegeta as my mate before we headed off anywhere. It was my decision to do such. I felt Trunks's ki leave for Capsule Corporation to talk to his mother about what was going on, and to watch out for Gohan and the others until further notice. Meanwhile, Kuririn had come over, feeling rather bleak about what happened with No. 18, and he asked me about who would be a good therapist. I pit him on Piccolo. I just needed the alone time with my mate to reclaim my mark on him.
We made our way through the woods, spotting the spring mere inches from us. “Here we are,” he smiled lightly. I know that this is like we're making love again for the first time. It feels rather uncomfortable for me too. I pulled him with me as I entered the spring, careful with his injured, starving body. He was in need of this bath anyway. I scrubbed him up and down, occasionally brushing myself against him, loving the feel of it. He is such a lovely, devilish creature. If only he could remain in my arms forever, that I would never have to let that soft skin go; I would be eternally happy. I would make love to that sexy body for the rest of eternity. “Kakarrot,” he spoke softly, attracting my attention, “what will happen once we go back?”
I didn't answer, more concerned with his health than anything else. How could he worry about that when he was the one who wasn't ready to go on the trip? His health was failing him. He's lucky he doesn't have an infection in the stitches. I need to take those off too. “Vegeta, are you healed?” He shook his head a little, motioning that his stomach still had a little uneasiness to it. I wonder if the Senzu beans are ready yet. I placed two fingers to my forehead at the thought, locking onto Karin's ki, disappearing. I quickly realized I was naked and, as usual, I took nothing of it. “Karin, do you have the Senzu yet?”
He walked out, his wooden stick clanking on the metal. He smirked at me, his cat whiskers moving as he answered, “yep.” He picked up the little brown bag and threw it at me. I caught it, thanking him for his kindness, then I heard him halt me. “Wait,” his voice rung my ears. I halted right away, nearly falling off the lookout. That was way too close. “There is something that has come to my attention, Goku.” I looked at him, still unaware truly of my nakedness. “Freeza is here, isn't he?”
I nodded lightly, “yeah, I'm going to take care of that, but I need a little bit more time.” He nodded weakly, understanding. “Now,” I smiled weakly, placing two fingers to my forehead yet again, “I have to get back to the spring with Vegeta before he notices I ain't stroking his tail anymore.” I vanished before he could even blush at the remark.
The second I came out, I got a whack from Vegeta, who had meant to actually hug me, but ended up slapping me with the fast maneuver. He apologized quickly and helped me up, rather startled. I had only had that done once. When I appeared in front of everyone on the New Planet Vegeta, Kuririn had whacked me one hard on the cheek, almost shattered my jaw in the process. I had landed flat on my ass and cried out in pain. What a punch! I know that Vegeta is stronger, but still. “Sorry,” he apologized again.
I patted him on the back, “a common mistake. It's okay.” Somehow, I found myself falling out of love with Vegeta. As much as I cared for him and treated him like a life-mate - even when we weren't - I missed something; but even thinking about how it was in the past, there was still something that always kept me there during that time. I eventually grew tired of it, the hate, the void that he filled, and yet, now I missed his evil side. The Majin part of him that tried to kill me, I loved that part of him, and with his loyalty and love, it changed him. I don't see him like I used to. That's what I hate. “Vegeta,” I turned him around, having started to wash his back again, “could you do me a favor?” His eyes were rather hopeful that it was something related to sex than something else. “I want you to become your normal self again.”
His face perked up at the mention of this, but I could still see hope that this was sex related. I mean, who could blame him? I'm damn sexy in Super Saiyan 4, plus, I think he likes me just the way I am. It matters not to him whether I am normal or all the way up to Super Saiyan 5 - which I figure might happen the way that he pushes me to the brinks sometimes. “You mean, you like me the way I was, when I was mad at you and shit?” I nodded lightly. I know he probably thinks I am being a little unfair, but I liked that lovely, hateful nature he had. I suddenly heard a sigh come from his mouth, and he smirked, “thank God I don't have to act all lovey-dovey anymore. But are you sure about that?”
I nodded. Never have I been more sure. “But you'll still let me wash you, right?” He blushed rather thickly, but nodded nonetheless. I gave him the Senzu, softly telling him to chew and swallow, then I allowed myself to dive in for his mouth. I like his taste, and I like the way his tongue is… Oh! I pulled away and gasped, covering my mouth with shock. He just nearly bit my tongue off! What was he thinking? “Vegeta!” I scolded him harshly. How dare he do that? “What were you trying to do, bite my tongue off?”
He didn't smirk, more of made confused / wondering face. He was trying to nip my tongue, not bite it! As an apology, I kissed him again, being a little bit more understanding this time. His teeth grazed my tongue and he made a slight nip, but did not force himself to draw blood. He slipped his tongue in cautiously, as though afraid I would harm his lovely, sexy object. I wish I could have that tongue around my flaming erection - which I finally took notice of. How long has it been erect, damn it? I don't understand how he can affect me so. It seemed odd. He broke the kiss with a popping sound, and I saw my saliva roll down his chin. It was rather seductive. “Now, now, Kakarrot, I didn't expect you to be so sexual.”
I blushed thickly. “Are you better now that the Senzu has worked?” His expression changed to one of shock, but he did not answer, dropping his attention to the stitches. I should really take them out now. “Let's go, I need you out of the water for a bit.” He turned to me with a blank emotion, but did as told. I walked back to the camp and picked up a pair of scissors. I had been trained to be careful with them now. He was still outside the water when I returned, just gazing at the stars as if nothing was wrong. Then, after a few bleak moments, I saw tears in his eyes. Why was he crying? “Is there something wrong?”
He turned around swiftly, rather shocked I was there, but his mouth hung open, no sound forming. Was he okay? He turned back towards the stars, but unlike that one night, he did not start sobbing, just merely let tears fall. I worked slowly, carefully removing every stitch on his stomach. I made sure that I didn't cut him, and I made sure that the thing wasn't infected. I just wanted to be sure he was okay. Once I was done, I placed the thread down on the forest floor. I proceeded to help him into the water once more, but he had yet to answer. “I didn't want to be through this, Kakarrot.” My eyes shot to his face in shock. He didn't want to love me? Was that what he was talking about? “I didn't want to go through the suffering and torment like on Freeza's ship. That's why I attacked you at the tournament. Cause I was scared of falling in love with you for that very reason.”
My eyes connected with his, and for a moment, I could swear that I pitied him. I never thought I would, but looking at how much he suffered because of how I left him all alone, I deserved to pity this poor man. He had waited, desperately praying I would return, but I never did. I always ignored him, like he was nothing, and he suffered because of it. The alone time warped his brain and got him to thinking that if he couldn't have me, he would succeed in killing me. Which, the second option, didn't make sense, for I was already dead. Or he could delete me altogether. That was how he saw fit. If I wasn't his, then I would be no one's love. “I understand, Vegeta.” I stroked his one cheek lovingly.
I could feel his skin underneath my fingers, his blood rushing through his body, and I could feel the heat of his need as well. I could smell that he was going through something, that a small, delicate, but rather seductive scent was waving through the air. What was that scent? I was attracted to it. It wasn't like before, with normal material things, where I could just ignore it, it smelt delicious. It smelt like a ripe strawberry. Ripe? “If you are going to ask, the reason I didn't come looking for you before was because… I reached my heat cycle.” I stared at him in confusion. Once the word crossed my mind, I opened my mouth to answer, but he beat me. “It is when two Saiyans can mate and create spawn, or children. It is just like with our child now, only difference is, there might be a possibility that this newer child could be stronger. It will have your full power. Your latent powers - or as you like to call it, Super Saiyan powers - will be brought out and will change your sperm to fertile seed by the power of your ki. This will increase the possibility of child consumption.” He looked down briefly, rather embarrassed to be telling me such a thing. “Let me explain it to you in detail.”
I nodded.
“Okay, before I tell you this, you have to promise me that you most certainly will not freak out or interrupt me the entire time.” He stared harshly at me, completely serious, and I nodded. “Good.” He forced me on the bank of the spring, get on there himself, and we sat there, staring at the water. “During a heat cycle, for me, you will be drawn to me by my scent. I am the submissive, and as usual, you must chase me down. But during times that you are angered, you would most likely kill me in a fit of rage for being around someone other than you. As the dominant, your duty is to court me - which you have done - and then you have to claim me. Now, since you are more than Super Saiyan now, I can say that once you let go of your powers - whether or not by your will - and you turn all of your sperm into fertile seed, it will hurt me very much. I could die of blood loss, but I am willing to give that a try. Because if we don't consummate the mating, there is also a possibility that the lack of sexual tension in my body could drive me… rather crazy. It did that before on Freeza's ship. I attacked Raditz and fucked him silly.” He blushed thickly and looked away. I had never heard this before. “So, let me have it.”
I looked really confused as I heard him state that. What did he mean by that? Give what to him? Oh! He wants me to let go of my… I scowled at him. “Are you insane!? If you think that it could hurt that much, then we shouldn't do it. You'll just have to wait, Vegeta.” I ended the discussion and jumped into the spring. He did not follow this time, too stumped to do so. He didn't like this factor at all. I cared too much about his health to fuck him to death like a maniac and get him pregnant. It wasn't like I didn't want another child, I just didn't want it to be that way. At the first sign that it might be dangerous, I run. That is how I have always been. “Still, I guess I should, considering how Vegeta just told me that. If he attacks me, the feel of his inner walls around me is way too much for me to ignore. There has to be some way of knowing what to do.”
I dived under the water, floating under the surface, and as usual for Saiyans, we could hold our breaths for extended amounts of time. I held mine, staring straight ahead. If I couldn't talk to Vegeta about this, who could I talk to? It dawned on me. I had never had a true discussion with Kakarrot before. If I would, then perhaps everything would change. I blasted out of the place, making rain fall all over Vegeta. “Kakarrot!!” he screamed at me.
“I'll be right back!” I promised him. I had not had a talk with Kakarrot in my life. The subject had never popped up to talk to Kakarrot about. Now that it had, I needed to confront him. I felt his ki not following me, but I had to make sure I was far enough away from his Saiyan hearing. I landed in a clearing, looking around for other friends of mine who had been taken over by Freeza, but I saw none. Before I could even ask him, Kakarrot appeared in front of me, his fading image one that always reined in my mind at times. What was it about him that made me want to hurt him? “We need to talk.”
He smirked darkly, “that we do, Goku.” He sounds so distant, yet seems so close as well. How far away were we? I don't care. I have to confront him on this thing about Vegeta. “No matter what you say, the ritual has to be done.” I shook my head. As much as I wanted to be buried in Vegeta's slick heat again, I didn't want to harm him as he had said. This made Kakarrot frown. “It is not like it'll be every day of the damn year. It is just for one night only. Or at least until he's good and pregnant.”
I frowned at this. After just giving birth to one, Kakarrot was telling me to give him yet another child? No. I would not allow that to happen so damn soon. He was still feeling injured, even with the Senzu. “He just had a child. Can't it wait till we're on Planet Vegeta and have settled in?” He scowled. He hated the fact I cared about him. He hated that I felt love for my mate. Did that truly matter? Vegeta had his own little way about caring for me too. He may have never shown it, but he had his own bleak was of letting me know about certain things. “He just gave birth. I would think that he needs time to tend to the child, considering the qualifications on Planet Vegeta don't apply down here. We don't have the right equipment to take care of it till we reach there. Can't you wait that long!?” I screamed in rage. I love my prince too much to allow this.
“That is your final decision?” he asked, his voice becoming even more distant. How dare he ask such a question? It has always been my mate's welfare that comes before anything, and I would've hoped he realized that by now. Damn Kakarrot. His eyes closed, the smirk fading, becoming a small frown. “Then I guess you never needed me to do anything. Against Majin Buu, who would've helped you? Against Freeza, who would've saved your ass by angering you? If you hadn't listened to me, you wouldn't be here!” I did not disregard this.
During the fight against Freeza, I allowed Kakarrot to talk me through it. Of course, because I disobeyed him a few times, I got whacked around, which caused more harm than good. I did not like the fact that he was screaming at me, cursing at me, making me burn with anger, and I almost felt like Vegeta was screaming at me from the sidelines. Then, before I realized it, I saw Vegeta's spirit. He was talking to me, trying to give me courage and pride, and he tried to make me realize the Super Saiyan powers within me. He was more of a cheerleader than Kakarrot, that's why I obeyed Vegeta's words over Kakarrot's. I liked his encouragement better than Kakarrot's. At least he didn't yell at me.
Later on, against Cell, that was my own fight. I was convinced that Gohan would take care of this bitchass moron. He thought that he was everything, that I was just playing with him, but I had had my fill with the warm-up for him. It wasn't a fight I could win. Even though I was almost equal with an ascended Saiyan, I couldn't take down Cell. I was too weak in that department. But at the end, I made my last decision against Cell on my own, ignoring Kakarrot's screech that I hadn't made Vegeta my mate yet, that I had disgraced the Saiyan race - for Vegeta filled that department already. So, without further hesitation, I pulled the plug on my life. I ended the whole fight. I transported Cell and I to Kaiou-sama's planet and blew up. I died, but I was more concerned when I found out that Cell survived. I worried more for Gohan's sake, for he had lost lots of energy, but… Before I knew it, a fearing thought crossed my mind. I was worried for Vegeta too. I know that he loves Trunks, somewhere in his odd heart, and I watched through Kaiou-sama's foresight, and I saw Trunks fall to the ground in a deathly way. I saw the way Vegeta handled the pain, by unleashing it all - whether or not helpful - at Cell. He let all of it go. He missed me already, and his son was dying, that was the edge for him. He was losing the two ones he loved most, that's why he was so mean.
Later on, after Cell was dead, more of seven years later, I returned at the tournament. The Budoukai was rather packed, allowing something odd to occur. I had not known how helpful returning that one day would change the course of history. For if I hadn't returned, would Majin Buu have been revived? Perhaps Vegeta would have done it on purpose to make me mad. He figured that, unlike a normal Saiyan, I would get angry and figure the only revenge was sex. I would fuck him - or as he called it, angry sex - and he would get pregnant. That would make him happy, and he wouldn't need me anymore. But, the day I returned, the whole tournament became a shotgun at me. Everyone pointed their pistols at me, or so it seemed, and I could no longer read Vegeta like a fucking book any longer. I saw hate, anger, fear, and love, but I could no longer sense what his motive was. It was like he had closed the cover so I couldn't see the pages any longer. I had always liked to be able to do that.
Our fight had gone from small warm-ups to harsh, pounding fists of fury. No matter how much I hated this betrayal, I couldn't help the Saiyan nature in me that smirked and loved the action. I was excited, in both ways. I had blood pounding in my veins, and I had the weird urge to shed more of his royal blood, to drink it like wine. The other was, I felt this odd sensation in-between my legs. I had looked down sometime during the fight to realize that this battle rather excited me. I have to say that little Goku was looking rather hopeful that Vegeta would give me a blowjob. But… During the middle of the fight, Vegeta grew tired of playing around, and he chained me to the cliff, thinking that he could finish me off now, or do something totally unfriendly-like to me. I had figured that now he would kill me, not being able to read his eyes anymore, but something occurred to Kakarrot at the time, and he told me not to just sit there and let him practically beat me to a pulp. Kakarrot thought that Vegeta would rape me. I had always thought that he was a horrible bastard, but I never. I broke out of the wall and attacked him directly.
What I hadn't expected from the fight, was the moment that Vegeta knocked me out. He took the one Senzu left and didn't regard to me. His last resort to keep me alive, to make sure that I would still be around when he would get back, he charged at Buu on his own. It was his last fight, or so he had figured. For once, all he could think about was me and his son, along with Bulma. He had loved her, even though he pretended not to. I heard him in my head as he died, saying goodbye, but I couldn't awake or respond. I didn't want him to die. And, silently, the tears started to form behind my eyelids as I heard that. I didn't want him to do it. The next thing I knew, I felt the shockwaves cover the planet, scaring everyone, and I felt the regret wash over me. I drove him that far! I didn't deserve what I got. I shouldn't have been allowed to live.
During my fight with Majin Buu, the first fight, I went completely on instinct alone. I didn't need Kakarrot to keep yelling at me. I had to worry about Trunks and the Dragon Radar being recovered. I worried more about keeping my ass away from that blob, the way he smirked with me. I didn't want to know what “play time” was. I was too frightened of that thing trying to grasp me and fuck me than anything else, for he had that lusty look in his eyes as he fought me. The more damage that didn't work on me, the more he wanted to fuck me. It scared me. I only wanted Vegeta to look at me that way - but not at that moment, but later on. I managed to get away with just about an hour left on time on Earth.
Against Majin Buu the second time, I relied on mostly gut instinct, telling me that joining bodies with Vegeta was the only option. He was against it, but we had to work together to win this, yet he was still yelling at me for hiding the Super Saiyan 3 transformation during our battle. Did it matter? Or was it, that all along, he wanted me to win? He wanted me to show him my dominance over him in more ways than one. I didn't realize at first, but as he continued to harp on it, it came to my attention. When I mentioned to him that all of his family - and what little friends he had - were absorbed, he accepted the earring rather swiftly. When the Fusion was converted, we stood up in our minds, and it seemed like we were against each other there. It was like we were playing GameCube game inside Vegeto's head. Neither one of us wanted to give in. We both wanted to kill Buu, but in our own way. Finally, we agreed that we would wait and rescue the others, but he finally got introduced to Kakarrot, and that's what made him not want to keep the earring once we separated.
How could Kakarrot tell him about the fact he had been thought about becoming mates? Kakarrot never realized it, but he never bettered the situation, just made it that much worse. After the insides of Buu swallowed us inside, we went in two separate directions - well, sort of - and we ended up fighting our sons. In all reality, they were mere made up thoughts, like a virus protection on your normal computer, meant to keep out infections - which we fit that category. Once we made it to the main chamber, we found all of them, but we were too late to realize that taking out the fat Buu would result in Kid Buu being born. He was worse that the original - who had learned to love all of Earth's creatures, except that people who shot his puppy and dared to try to kill Hercule. I have to say that he was better than Kid Buu.
With Vegeta's mistake of crushing the earring, he learned that we would need it. When I first started to fight Majin Buu, I thought that I could win. My Super Saiyan 3 was lasting against his attacks, and I was bounding all around the planet, sometimes avoiding his attacks, but eventually, I slowed down. My power started to wane sometime in the middle of the fight, and I fell to the ground in pain. I liked fighting to test my limits, but Vegeta was more a challenge when I didn't have to worry about anyone. I was more worried for him, my thoughts forever resting on him and how he could possibly add up to me against Buu, and I couldn't concentrate my ki. I kept losing my ki because my thoughts centered on his welfare, and whether he would ever come back to life, and what would happen once King Emma returned him to Otherworld.
Once I was face down on the ground, Vegeta came rushing, worried. He reassured me that he was here for me if I needed help, but covered up his let go in emotions by telling me that if I was done eating the gravel I would allow him to take charge. Against my better judgment, that was the best I could do. I needed to recharge some ki. Instead, I learned it just made the situation worse. The more he was beaten and damaged, the more I worried, and with that, it was the more that I couldn't concentrate. I started to wonder what was holding me back, and then, right at the moment that Vegeta was thrown against the wall, Buu preparing his final move, I realized. I cared about him. If he died this time, he could never come back, he would be gone from this world and the next. It was too risky.
Once I had recharged a little, I knocked Buu away from my friend, and I started to pound into him again, giving him back the pain he had given Vegeta. I tried to kick his ass, but in the end, once again Vegeta had to distract him so I could gather my energy. The more that he got harmed, the harder it got to concentrate. I was concerned that he would die of pain before he was eliminated completely. I was frightened that he would say the hell with it and kill himself again in order to try and kill Buu. He had done it once, what stopped him the second time? Just when I was out of options, Kakarrot gave me one very good one, forming the realization way before Vegeta told me his plan. The Spirit Bomb, or Genki-Dama, was his plan. I had realized just how stupid that was. I mean, the power of all the Earthlings, without their full ki, would not be enough for defeating Majin Buu.
But as the bomb got bigger, and I begged Kaiou-sama to gather energy from all over the universe, I realized that Vegeta's idea was nice. It seemed like, at this rate, it would come out fine. Once the thing was complete, I didn't even bother to think of how much energy I had, all I cared about was Vegeta's life. I realized that he could not move, his body was stuck there, unable to even lift his arms enough to get some ground. He had nothing left to give. It was a horrible sight as I had to watch his body get even more damaged. He was alive again, and if he died, he couldn't be brought back to life a second time by Earth's Dragon Balls. I begged him to move, hoping he would come up with some unknown power to do this, but he remained there, coughing up blood in pain.
Kakarrot told me to fire the bomb, and so did Vegeta, but I refused. I couldn't fire on my own friend, even if he was going to be my mate within the moment. I pulled the bomb back, deciding to give up to his demands. I couldn't allow Vegeta to suffer like with Freeza. I had to do something. At the last moment that I was about to give up, Kid Buu was thrown to the side and fat Buu told Hercule to carry Vegeta away. In doing this, my prince allowed the human to carry him off. In a last moment, fat Buu was blasted away, and that gave me the opportunity to throw the bomb.
Then, in this one moment, I finally realized that I didn't have the power to unleash it. My power had waned too much. I was weak. I had lost too much power by becoming Super Saiyan 3 both times. It was too much for my physical body to handle. I was too weak to unleash the bomb. With one last wish to the Dragon, I was finally able to put all our efforts to good cause, and I destroyed Majin Buu.
Uub was his reincarnation, and I knew that it would be wrong to allow what happened, but I went up and I fucked him silly. I gave it to him raw. He had wanted it that way. No lubrication or preparation, nor did we do foreplay, just a raw, unemotional fuck. But, was that better than how Vegeta and I did it? We made love, not fucked like animals. We cared about each other. When I was inside of Uub, I didn't care for his painful cries, nor did I try to better the fucking, just kept up the pace, and sometimes made it faster, trying to show him that I had more power to give. I soon realized that only Vegeta could withstand the power I had to give.
I stared at Kakarrot, nodding. It was his gut instinct that usually saved us. I was never any match for those enemies. I was just a joke of energy compared to Kakarrot. “You owe me this, Goku.” I didn't acknowledge this, merely started to return to camp, wanting to return before Vegeta got suspicious. “Does this silence mean you agree with my demands?” I stopped short, nodding the back of my head, and I let the conversation fall. I started to trail aimlessly through the woods, Kakarrot following behind closely. “Then that means that Vegeta is all mine, am I correct?”
With a small whimper, I nodded briefly. I don't want to give up my prince to the man who could kill him, but if I don't do it, I will forever be stuck with the scent that entraps me so well. I would rather delete that scent for the moment, if nothing else.
When I saw Vegeta come out from the shadows, a towel wrapped around his short body, I winced in fear. I don't want to do this. I love him too much. That's why… I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him lovingly. I pledge my life to you, Vegeta. Please, be alive when I wake up from this long sleep, okay? Before I could say anything, everything went dark, and Kakarrot took over. I hope he at least remembers to mark him afterwards.
Author's Note: I have to say that I am making this into a Soap Opera, ain't I? I mean, from one second, Goku and Vegeta are clear, then Goku hears those hateful words “I don't want to marry you, Kakarrot,” and jumps at Uub like he's a fuck toy. Makes for drama, huh? The next two chapters, possibly will be when we reach the wishes. I mean, this one is filling a lot of gapes, as one of my reviewers has said, and this rewrite makes more sense than the last two. Thank you for your reviews.
If you have questions, or remarks - and I do accept flames - please review or contact me via PM. Thank you!!! ^ - ^
LoveMeKags and Co. Productions