Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Planet Vegeta: Final Rewrite ❯ Chapter Thirteen (Part 3 of 3) ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Thirteen
Part Three
By: LMK (LoveMeKags and Co. Productions)
Help by: Julesie and Little-Washu
“Dream / flashback speech”
“Dream / flashback thoughts”
/Telepathic speech/
Warning: Mentions of incest and rape.
To Reviewers: Thank you for all 28 reviews. I hope this chapter is what you were expecting. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so this will be the last for a couple of days. Thank you for sticking with me.
To Other Reviewers: Thank you for all the reviews. Here's another chapter.
It wasn't just my hate for Vegeta that drove me to it, it was my betrayal, the need to move on, and the lust I felt for Brolli's touch again. I wanted him. He had been right all along. I wanted his touch on my bare skin. I wanted him to ignite the fire in my system. It was his hands that helped before. I needed someone to help me out in this situation. As long as I held distrust with Vegeta, I would forever being betraying him. He was my only love, but I need someone to ease the pain of my rape.
I could sense that not only does Brolli still love me, but he had been paid to do this, and so, he was not part of the rape. He might have done it, but during it, I had enough power to sense his true feelings. He had always loved me, but I had been to blind to realize.
I placed a cold, but calm, hand on his cheek, smiling softly at him. I do not fully blame him for the rape, for I can only pray he didn't truthfully mean to take me that way, but I had to chose someone. “I love Vegeta,” I told him lightly, being truthful, “but he doesn't love me.” The prince entered the room and dared to actually intervene with what I said, but I turned sharply to him with a dark look in my features. That shut him up immediately, for he didn't want to make me any more angry. “If he loved me, he wouldn't have even paid you to rape me.” Brolli and Vegeta's eyes were wide. Father seemed to get the message. “You are the only other who I can count on.”
He wrapped his strong, bronze arms around me an held me close, making sure that Vegeta didn't dare to comfort me, growling when he took a single step forward. He was protective of me, that is what I liked. He wanted me so badly that he killed for me. I wanted someone loyal and loving. “I will be here during the many months of your pregnancy, Kakarrotto.” I didn't respond, but he knew I like that factor by the way my ki felt to him. I was being loyal and following my destiny. “However,” he continued, pushing me away, back towards Vegeta, “your heart belongs to him. Your body is claimed by him, and while you wish to make that go away, your inner self doesn't wish to let go of your bond with him. The two conflicting with each other allows him to keep you, while you resist.”
“Brolli—“ I tried to say something. Anything to make the situation better.
“Your love is standing there. All you need is to trust in his decisions.” He looked up at my shaking mate with a dark, daring glare. He knew that if the prince did something like that again, he would kill him without regard for my feelings. “I didn't take his virginity… I was humping his ass through a cloth if you snapped out of dream world enough.” I stared, quite surprised. A hand was placed on my cheek, and a subtle kiss covered my pink lips, absorbing the questions I was about to ask. His gentle, loving touch fueled the hormones in me even more. “Go,” he said as he pulled away, “and find the trust you once had in your mate. Once you do, you will understand so much better.”
I stared at him in confusion, and then, I understood what he was saying. I had always believed that mating someone meant that they would hate me the next day (provided they were sore), and I would be pushed out of bed the next night. However, with Vegeta, he had taken the worst of it, and he was still here. He still loved me, whether or not he admitted it fully. I know that in his whole life, he never loved someone so much that he didn't know what to do, but his father had a point. The King said he had multiple personalities, but what if they were merely there when he became too close to someone. He had only started showing signs after I told him to give me some distance. He was getting too far into his love with me, and it affected his brain.
I have to make things right… at least for the child inside of me. “I love him.” Even as I admitted this with much pride, I still felt fear. What do I do if he does it again? Will I be able to forgive him? “And I believe in him. I trust him. But I can't accept it.” Brolli stared at me, as if he knew what I was talking about. His eyes were narrow slits, but even without pupils for me to read, I knew he could sense my pain, and he knew he could not erase it all on his own. I placed two hands on my stomach and slouched over, tears rolling down my cheeks, but no one moved to comfort me. “Vegeta is the reason that I'm pregnant in the first place! If it weren't for that cheating, backstabbing bastard, I wouldn't be like this! It wouldn't have happened!!!
Brolli couldn't comfort me. My father wouldn't even come close, nor would King Vegeta - who had walked into the room because he and his bodyguard, Nappa, were curious to what was going on (the noise traveled). My own sons wouldn't help. Raditz was the only one who dared to step forward. He wrapped his bulky arms around my shoulders and held me to his chest, allowing me to cry into his sleeping gown (which is merely the spandex suit he wore).
Turning to our father, Raditz suggested that I be put into a room by myself for a few days to recuperate and regain self-confidence in myself. It would've sounded like a good idea, but I refused. “Brother?” he stared at me.
“Father?” Gohan begged. “You need to keep yourself in a secluded area for the moment. You need to regain your conscious. You are being too rash.” The boy didn't know what the fuck he was saying. I'm rash? I don't think so. The next thing I knew, I wanted to yell at him, and before I knew it, I was. I yelled right in his face, spit flying everywhere at once. The next thing I came to realize, was I went smashing to the floor, a burning sting on my left cheek. He slapped me! “Father, you need to think of your health and that baby inside of you! If you don't consider what being this down will do to your body, then you are not fit to be the father I knew who was understanding and allowed himself to accept even the most horrible thing an enemy could do!” Not a bit of that made sense to me, Gohan. He sighed, calming himself, seeing as he had my attention. “You need to think of others later, start thinking with your brain and make decisions on your own. Isn't that how you came to love Vegeta? You left mom.” I looked down, realizing that once again, he was speaking the truth. “You need to realize that by punishing others for their actions, you're only punishing yourself. I pay for my actions. Piccolo hates me now because I fucked you and got your pregnant. He loved me. Now I have to make amends. And I do my best. But no one could compare to the original me. That's why,” his hand touched my bruised cheek ever so lightly, and Piccolo looked away with a dark scowl, “this is my apology. A last kiss, gentle and kind. I will take that thing from you the odd way.”
His lips smoothed over mine so lightly, I barely felt they were there. The kiss turned into a passionate one, and my ki started to grow, as another started to vanish. I realized just what he meant when we pulled away. I held my stomach lightly and gasped, a hand over my mouth. “You transferred it from me to you.”
Brolli looked really confused, not one for guessing games and whatnot. “What did he do to you, Kakarrotto?”
Gohan looked up at Vegeta and told him silently to come towards him. For a moment, confusion finally settled in, but once the prince was on his knees before my son, I understood. He was going to transfer the child to my mate. I felt that same energy swarm through the air as Gohan and Vegeta's lips collided. Their was no furry or passion, but my mate accepted the child within his stomach. I could tell it was over when both broke away. “There. Now, stay together. Please, you must love each other again.”
I looked to Goten, who placed a hand on my shoulder. “Father.”
Another glance in Piccolo's direction, who folded his arms and stared me down. “Goku.”
I looked at father with a hope that he would stand up for me instead of Vegeta. No luck. “Son.”
I looked to King Vegeta, hoping he would since everyone else wouldn't. “Kakarrot.”
“Kakarrotto.” I heard Brolli command me gently.
I turned in vain to Trunks, his son. “Goku. No… I mean, father.”
Finally, I turned to Raditz, who I knew Vegeta had a history with, so I figured he would help. But as I gazed at his pained expression, I could tell that by the look on his face, and a glance in Nappa's direction, he wouldn't back me up. “Brother.”
It was no use. No one cared about what happened. “I hate all of you.” They all gasped at the sincerity in my voice. It wasn't dark and cruel, or loving and kind; but it was a bare statement. I hated them. Plain and simple down to the last moment of breath they took. “You never think of how I feel. All you want is for your lives to go back to normal! You don't care about me at all! You love yourselves! All you want is for everything to be normal! Well, fuck you all!” I jumped to my feet, eyes narrow in disgust and hate, and I fisted my hands, daring to want to hit someone. “I'm tired of saving the day when all you do is pair me up with a bitch who wants to hurt me! What have I ever done to deserve this!!? You are all so shitty and disgusting! You guys hate me so much!! I get tired of it! I DON'T WANT VEGETA ANYMORE!!! SO, FUCK OFF!!!” I held my hands to my face as I finally broke down.
It all caught up with me. The rape, King Vegeta's words, Kakarrot's advice, Brolli's love, and everyone going against me; it added up to a mental breakdown. Everyone in the room was quiet as my sobs wracked the entire palace. I was screaming with every inward turmoil digging its way to the surface. I had been through so much pain that I didn't know what to do any longer. Why did everything have to happen to me?
“I'm sorry…” I heard Vegeta apologize at last. I snapped my eyes open with a dark look in his direction. The last one I wanted to speak was him. His voice is like a menace in my ears. I hate that husky voice so damn much. “I shouldn't have been so rude,” Vegeta continued, daring to keep talking even with my glare, “and I should have told you what I was doing through our mental connection.” I glared darkly at him, as if telling him silently to shut up. “I will gladly take pain if you want to beat me, but I will not watch you suffer for my mistakes. I love you too much, Kakarrot.” I saw tears appear in the corners his eyes, which made mine widen considerably. “If you hate me… I'll never forgive myself!”
“Father, we all love you, but sometimes, we just don't know what you want.” Gohan's voice captured my attention again. “All of us hold a special place in our hearts for you. I love you like a father and lover, but I respect that we are father and son. We will never become lovers or mates, or even share a night of making love; but I accept my new father just as much. I love you for you. If you were anyone but my father, I would have to hit you all the time for the ways you act. I would be like my mother.”
Goten smiled out of the corner of my eye. “Father, I think the same way. I want to make love with you even if you hate me afterwards, but I wouldn't rape you. I love you.” He placed a hand over mine and smiled lightly, kissing my forehead. “Only if you allowed me to, I would make love to you.”
“Brother?” I heard Raditz speak. I turned to him, eyes of dark literature bleeding into his own. He has a history with Vegeta. He's defending him because he found someone else. “Whatever happened in the past with me and Vegeta, it means nothing to me now. I love Nappa now. Once I died, and he didn't tell me to run when Gohan injured me, I decided to let my prince go. He deserved someone better.” That's understanding.
A hand slowly landed on my shoulder, attracting my attention to Trunks. “Father is loving, and caring, but he is nothing like I could be. I love you. I want to be with you, and make love with you. But I love Goten as well. I don't know who to chose.”
“Son,” Bardock spoke, “I love you too.” He smirked lightly and placed a kiss on my chest, snuggling closer to me. “You're my strong Super Saiyan son. I love you.”
King Vegeta smiled lightly. “I hold my own special love for you too. You are the first lover that my son truly loves.”
Nappa frowned, whispering, “I don't really like you, but you're okay.”
Finally, I looked to Brolli. He looked like he was longing to hold me and show me how much he truly did love me. I reached out and gripped a single arm.
“I can only please one of you at a time. Does that suffice to you guys?” They all nodded. I quickly took the pill case on the top shelf of the cupboard and strolled towards the man I had chosen for my first one. I pulled Gohan into the backroom, glancing at Vegeta. /I need to do this for their sake. They all want me and won't leave me alone till it's done./ He gave me a slight nod of understanding. “Come, show me what you can do, Gohan.” The door closed away from the others.
Once inside, I smirked at my son. This would be his possible first time doing this with someone. He would not be on me. The pill box was for Brolli and Piccolo, as well as my father. It was so that they would not get me pregnant. I also made sure that some of them were for Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Vegeta. I opened the childproof cap and shook the bottle till it gave me one pill. I handed it to my son. “I guess this is a pill to avoid pregnancy?”
“Yes.” I smiled weakly. “You will be the one underneath, son.” I nearly felt pride at that. I would be the one inside the son I created with a bitchy woman who I couldn't stand. I love my son, even if he hates me. I love him so damn much. I want to do this with him. No matter how much I hate how he treats me sometimes, I still love him. “I will be gentle.”
“I haven't done it with Piccolo yet,” he mentioned lightly, trying to make a basic point. I understood. Not many people jump right into it. “Can Vegeta go first?” I considered the option, but I didn't focus much on it. He held the pill at me, as if telling me to take it back. “Do Vegeta first. It is his virginity. He wants to give it to you.”
Finally, I found myself nodding. Vegeta wants it to be with only me. If I didn't live up to that, who knows what I would do. We both exited the room. Everyone stared at the two of us in shock, asking how it could be over that fast. I tossed the pill to Vegeta, who caught it. He stared down at it for a few moments.
“Kakarrot,” he motioned in my direction. I stared at him with a dark glare. I wanted to rape him the same way he did me, but right this moment, I wanted to see his reaction. “I'm already pregnant.”
As soon as it hit me, I slapped my forehead with a silly laugh. “Sorry, sorry; I forgot.” For a moment, I realized I became normal again. I was being the usual self I was before. I needed more of that. I needed to return to normal, and I found that his jokes (or realities) and my stupidity were bringing me back. It was making me who I used to be. “Vegeta, guys; make me laugh.”
“That's not hard,” Brolli stated, even not knowing much about me. “What do you do when you get Vegeta mad?” All stared at him in utter shock, as if he would know the prince so well. “It merely takes the words I love you to do it.”
For a few moments, everything was still, and no one said a word. Finally, I started to crack up, soon bursting into waves of unending laughter, and all stared at me suddenly, eyes wide. I held my stomach and laughed harshly, slapping my forehead. My face lost its deep scowl, and the thoughts of what had happened to me faded. It no longer mattered that Vegeta made Brolli rape me. I loved laughter, and freedom, and I loved Vegeta still.
“Ha,” I finally stopped giggling, wiping my eyes, “thank you, guys.” They all nodded, shocked. I walked over to my mate, gripping his hands, and I stared into his eyes, smiling softly. “Vegeta… I can't promise that I can always trust you and your decisions, but I can try. I want to make a full commitment.” I turned to the others, mainly looking at King Vegeta. “King, prepare a wedding ceremony for me and Vegeta. I have now made a proposal for marriage with my dearest prince.”
King Vegeta was shocked and had wide eyes, but once it sunk in, he smiled from ear to ear. “YES!!!” The man raced out the door to hurry and accomplish. I love my Saiyan prince so much that I am willing to give up everything. “MY SON IS GETTING MARRIED!!!” He jumped down the halls in a skipping manner. I could tell he was growing accustomed to me. That just made me feel more at home.
I turned to Raditz and Bardock, who were cheering with fake joy. I could tell my father wanted me to be his. Incest between family members was allowed, and he knew that even if it wasn't, he would forever love me and desire me. I didn't hate that idea. If I ever needed a shoulder (or dick) to lean on, it would be my real father. “Congratulations, my son. You will be married in the way of a Saiyan.”
I smiled, taking a choice glance at Trunks and Goten. They looked rather disappointed at me. I stared without a word. Both of them wanted to have me. “I will still please all of you one at a time. You all deserve that much. You have saved my life so many times.” Gohan dropped his mouth, and I noticed Piccolo rather looked forward to whether I would touch him. Asexual or not, just because he couldn't give out fertile seed only meant I didn't have to take the pill. As with Brolli, he was smirking, so I figured he was ready for it. The only one who looked left out was my mate. He seemed lost in a river of doubt that after all of them would fuck with me (or fuck me period) they would steal my heart. “Vegeta,” I gripped his shoulders firmly, “you are still going to be the first one in that room with me, no matter what.”
All of them didn't respond, knowing that trying to reassure the little Saiyan was hard to do. I barely manage to get him to quiet when he's angry. A blush resided to his face, and I saw a moment of passion, trust, loyalty, and love mixed together in his dark eyes. It was acceptance. He trusted my decisions, which is what he hadn't done before. “If you are sure, Kakarrot, I won't stop you.” I cupped his cheek, pulling him in for a deep, passionate kiss. Our tongues didn't collide, or play, merely touched, extending our emotions and love through the tips of our contact. This way, the feeling was better. It meant more when it wasn't a lustful, sexual kiss. It was better. Pulling away, after reading his emotions and mind, I realized just how much I made him suffer. I should have sat down and talked with him instead of assuming. “I still love you so deeply, Kakarrot. If anything ever happened again where I would lose you like that…” he was silent after that, wrapping his arms around me fully. His hands clawed at my shoulder blades, just for support. He was so tiny in my arms, and I finally saw the red fur all over my body. I had turned Super Saiyan 4 again! Damn this idiotic form! “I love you just the way you are. Don't change, Kakarrot.”
He likes this form. He likes my Super Saiyan forms, and my usual idiotic self. He loves me as I am, compared to Chi-Chi, he's a God. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him towards me as close as we could get. He was so close to me, if we were shadows, you would think we were one person. I knew we couldn't breathe, but I didn't care. “You accept me for everything I am. Even if I was a brute on the inside with a heart of gold, you accept it. That's why I love you so much, because I can love you and accept return love in the process. Unlike with Chi-Chi, you can treat me the way a Saiyan is to be treated.” I dared to finally wrap my tail around his neck, rubbing his back so lively, and since he was so tiny, it wrapped around his waist too. “Aw,” I said lightly, looking at my tail coiled around him, “you're so tiny.” I felt him freeze against me. He didn't like anyone calling him short. He made up for it in power. “I love you that way. At least I know my big hands please you.”
A bright, powerful blush lightened his face. “Thank you,” he looked away quickly, “and they do please me,” he whispered.
“I know they do,” I told him with a blush of my own, “that's what I like, Vegeta.” Confused, he glared up at me with that same, usual scowl. “If my hands please you, that means you ain't dead, like Chi-Chi. She never liked my touch. I know you tire of me bringing her up, but she was my wife, and she treated me like virtually shit.” I hated her so much after she did that, I killed her. How dare she beat my sons and make them her loyal servants? It was unheard of. I took care of that bitch fast. The only thing was, I should have run away the second I saw the blood, so I wouldn't be arrested by the police. Vegeta and I wouldn't have been found out as aliens. “You've merely replaced her on the side of giving birth and raising our kids, but you don't beat them. You love our children… and that's why I accept the darkness that is your heart.”
“I know that I am evil by choice. Freeza taught me how to hold back anger and release it, but that was when I was a little boy.” I stared in confusion. What's this about? This had nothing to do with what I just said. “My anger led me to do things I shouldn't have. I killed, pillaged, and destroyed, along with my bodyguards at the time. My evil had become the bloodshed that built up over the years inside of Hell. Once it released into my body through Bobbidi's magic, it remains still. I fight it, but I can't do it all by myself.” I get what he's talking about now. He's referring to the evil that Bobbidi saw in him. So that really wasn't Vegeta at all! It was his buildup of evil and hate for me. “Over the years I spent on Earth, the buildup stopped, until I…” he turned in Goten's direction for a moment, and shut his eyes at the nod, “…raped Goten by accident.”
I couldn't help what happened next. Before I could stop myself, I fell backwards, right into a state of unconsciousness. I realized just how much pain I had gone through, and how much my disappearance affected others. I would not wake, not for a while. I needed rest.
I need to find the only one who can talk to Vegeta and reassure him of our relationship. I could not control my Oozaru before, and I think I can now. If I can control my anger and revenge, why shouldn't he. He misses the one whom gave his life meaning at that one point in time. Only she could help him now.
I need to find Bulma.
Author's Note: Thank you for sticking with me this far. I like the fact all of you are enjoying my story. I'm sorry it has twists and turns, but it will get better. I'm not one much on romance, much like my cousin, so I try to get inspired by your questions. There is this one doujinshi I'm looking for of Piccolo x Goku, it is rated 18+, but it might inspire me to write the interlude. I have a bunch of interludes coming up that will be the pairings listed in the beginning and the ones mentioned above.
They will not stay as couples (to not confuse Julesie), it's so I can live up to the promise above. This was part 3 of the 3.
The name of the doujinshi is: Hetttyra X2
If you know where I can find the scans, e-mail me at lovemekags@hotmail.com
Thank you guys so much for sticking with me for so long.
LoveMeKags and Co. Productions