Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Planet Vegeta: Final Rewrite ❯ Chapter Fourteen ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Fourteen
By: LMK (LoveMeKags and Co. Productions)
Inspiration from: Julesie, Jodie, and Zofo
“Dream / flashback speech”
“Dream / flashback thoughts”
/Telepathic speech/
To Reviewers: Thank you for all your wonderful reviews. Here is the next chapter. The interludes (as planned) will not be up for a little bit. I had to set down a ground plate for me to work off of, so I put this chapter up. It is basically some smut between Goku and Vegeta, plus some explanation on how Veggie and Kaky fell in love. PG-13 just to be safe.
To Other Reviewers: Thank you for all your wonderful reviews. Here is the next real chapter. The interludes will not be up for a little while longer. Enjoy. Basically smut between Goku and Veggie, and more explanations for you guys that asked for it. Special moment in here is when he's reading his diary to Vegeta. Like I said, enjoy. PG-13 just to be safe.
I stared out the window as we laid in our bedroom, a different sort of colors brightening the sky. There were two moons, bright stars, and a sun just rising in the distance. Four big circled objects were in the sky around Planet Vegeta. Two suns and two moons. It made for a lovely sunset / moonrise. I like that light in my eyes. The moon looks so lovely tonight. I want to gaze at it directly, but I would transform if I did. “I don't want to become Oozaru.”
“What's that?” I turned my eyes to my mate. We had not shed our clothes yet, even though I had woken up mere moments ago.
I had fainted and they took me into the dark room that used to be ours. It had been a little trashed thanks to Brolli and my little fight, but it still had a bed for us to lay on. Brolli had carried me into the room and placed me on the bed, while Vegeta merely changed himself into a different state of dress. Once both of us were on the bed, he allowed himself to fall asleep. It was merely an hour later that we came to be here.
I woke up first, rolling onto my side to gaze out the window. The bright light came into the room out of nowhere. I felt like I was bathed in the light of the sun, the warmth of its rays bleeding through my skin like water eliminated the sweat on my skin. But to wish for such a thing was like saying I was back on Earth. I don't wish to go back, but I was right, I had to get Bulma.
“Are you feeling better?” he asked me, flipping onto his stomach, a hand on mine. I did not look at him. He laid his head on my chest and breathed out lightly. His one hand threaded out onto my thighs. I paused, freezing slightly, my breath catching in the back of my throat. What was he doing? “I'm glad you're okay. I was worried about you when you fainted.” His hand finally worked its way back up, slipping between my fingers, interlocking with my hand. I stared down at him, finding this to be his first act of showing me how he really felt in such a long time. “I love you, Kakarrot.” It was emotional, sweet, and caring. I like hearing him speak like that. As long as I know he really does love me. “You are really okay, right?”
I gave a half nod, as though nothing was wrong. I still felt a little pained by what had happened, but I knew that the faster I had sex with the ones I had mentioned (or told), the faster I would be heading to Earth. I need to hurry this along. I slipped my other hand around his neck, drawing him up for a kiss. He quickly looked away, his lips moving away before I could make contact, and I scowled at him. Wasn't this the thing he wanted? “Vegeta?” I questioned his actions. He is pushing me away when he told me he wanted me. Why?
“This…” he paused for a moment, looking away with a dark scowl on his face, “…promise to the others… must you keep it?” I stared at him in wonder, but realized his concern. After being raped, I was allowing others to fuck me. That sounded worse than he put it. Fingers traced every part of my bare skin on my chest, feeling it as if it were the first thing he realized about me. My nakedness had come to bother me. I sudden found that I was naked. My clothes, shredded and torn, were on the floor. He had removed them with haste. “Why must you do this, Kakarrot? Can you not see that I would do anything to be with you?” His voice is emotionless, much like when he turned Majin. Why? Are you okay, my prince? He trembled as he climbed upon me, straddling my thighs. “Why do you always push me away? You keep saying that I am the reason for our mistrust, but you did not wish to devote yourself to me.” His fingers slip up to brush my cheeks and lips, pausing between my ruby lips. Am I that attractive, Vegeta? “I love you…”
“I know,” I whisper lightly. I open my mouth, allowing my tongue to exit, licking between his small digits, tasting the salty, tangy sweat upon his skin. He was visibly shaking for my touch, I could tell by the way he was looking at me. He needed my touch. He would die without it. I grabbed his hand and kissed the palm of his hand, running my tongue up and down it, tracing all of those lovely curves and wrinkles. “You are so beautiful.” Gazing at me from his point of view, being the uke (submissive), I could see how that would make him blush thickly, and I enjoyed seeing how he loved my compliments. “My prince, I never listened to you before because I—I didn't think of Kakarrot too much. He wanted me to kill, yet I loved to fight for the fun of it, just to gain more power. I loved you since… since I met you. I saw a dark fire in your eyes, and I wanted it. I figured once I got you away from Gohan and the others, I would be able to make love to you, or at least show you my feelings. As soon as you asked me to join you in the hunt, I knew it wouldn't happen. You would not like me the way I do you.” My gentle hand caresses his face, dancing lower until I touched a perk nipple, smiling lightly. He is beyond any comparison. I love him just like our son. I just have deeper feelings for him than our son. I am sexually attracted to Vegeta, whereas our son I am not.
He catches my hand in his own, shocking me. What is he doing? Is he ashamed of me touching him this way? “Remove this child.” The first time I heard this, I didn't react, but once it finally came into my brain and registered finally. He placed my hands on his stomach. “Shoot a ball of ki through me and give me a Senzu. I don't want Brolli's child. I want yours.” My reaction was slow, but I finally managed to groan lightly. Another kid, that meant he wanted an abortion. “I don't want this child.”
“Then why did you accept it in your when Gohan pulled it from my body?” I asked with a pleading look he would just have it for Brolli's sake. The poor man was so confused with his emotions that he even handed me over so easily. Could I really choose between my mate and the one who cared for me after I had been raped by him? I don't know. I know that I hold a certain passion for Brolli as another Saiyan, and I want to see him as a friend, but a lover? No. I see only Vegeta as that.
His eyes dropped, a small blush on his face. Was he in love with Brolli? “Because,” he started, but I was already shooting for the easiest answer, “I didn't want to hurt your feelings anymore than I already had.” My mouth dropped a little, a gape at that, and I finally cringed, looking away. My hands dropped from their position on his arms, clenching at my sides. My face turned away, a harsh clench in my posture for him to see how pathetic he sounded. “I hurt your feelings before… and I had you raped… I wanted to make it better… but I can't raise two kids on my own.” My eyes shot open at this. On his own? “I know you don't want to be with me anymore. I can see it in your eyes.”
“That's not true.” You don't know how much I do want to be with you. He does not look up at me. “You don't know how much my heart alone is in jeopardy right now. I am so confused out of my mind. I know that I like Brolli, and I admit that I have seen him sexually once or twice; you are my mate, the one I chose to be with forever; and between those two things and my sons - along with my friends - I'm so confused, I could write a novel about my feelings, Vegeta.” I slapped a hand on my face in disgust, wiping it down until the sweat dissolved, and all that was left was mere skin. The tangy flavor washed over me as I licked my hand clean. Why was it so hard to stay relaxed around Vegeta after that incident? Perhaps it was the fact he ordered the rape. “I love you. I know you love me. But I'm confused. I have Trunks, who loves me sexually, and Gohan and Goten to boot that way… then there's Brolli, and Piccolo. It just doesn't seem right to settle down with one of you when I could make all of them happy. Not to mention if Kuririn ever showed up. He's always wanted me too.”
“No way is that bald asshole fucking with you,” he warned me darkly. I glared at him. How dare he call my friend that? He has a wife. He has a child with her. He doesn't leave because the child's too young, whereas you had a chance.” I get his meaning. Having sex with me would tear his marriage apart and he would hate me for the rest of my life. He loves 18 (what's the Japanese name?), I know he does.
I remember asking him one day that if he wanted to leave her, I would find him a temporary whore for him to screw. Of course, being an innocent bystander to everyone else, we had a men's night out. It was after a few minor bottles of beer and almost fifty bottles of Sake (for me), and I was hooked on the taste of vodka after that. I had just gotten kicked out of bed for the fifty-millionth time, so I was pissed. I asked him if he wanted to leave. “Yo, Kuririn,” I burped, “don't you want to leave that sassy bitch you call a wife?” I don't know if I said that or something with more verbal abuse to her. I know that once I'm drunk, I don't remember a thing. Works for all Saiyans. Thank God he told me I didn't say something too bad. “I mean, don't your grow tired of being thrown out of the sack right when you want to fuck?”
Shocked at my language, he stole the other bottle of vodka from my hand. “No more drinking, Goku. It does weird things to you.”
I slurred the words through my head, but did not make a sound. I mean, I really, actually started to wonder if that was true. A little piece of my mind was aware, but otherwise, nothing felt the way it should. “Don't know what you mean.” I giggled like a school girl with her crush, blushing slightly. “Would you happen to find me attractive, Kuririn?” I pointed a finger at my face, smirking, my black eyes glazed over with drowsy passion. I was merely jumping on everyone in the place, as I usual would, but I was never unfaithful to my wife. “You aren't answering,” I said, attracting his attention at last, “do you find me attractive, Kuririn?”
He blushed darkly and pulled himself up, quickly paying the bill. “It's time to get you home. You obviously are too drunk to talk to right this moment.” I smiled widely, and, without a thought in the whole damn world, I placed a kiss to his lips. He jolted at the feel, but it did not deepen, merely a thank you for the beer, or so I think he assumed. He was right, I was too fucking drunk to know what I was doing. “I think I better go.”
I frowned, losing the need to be friendly. “Who's going to drive me home?” He sighed, getting that he had no money to call a cab for me. He waited for a moment, and pointed a finger at me, but I cut him off sharply. “What if I could find you a temporary whore? Would you fuck with her? I mean, that would be like sexual tension in the air. Geez, thinking of how Chi-Chi always kicks me out of bed…”
Kakarrot's mind fused with mine the instant I heard this, making the memory becoming larger, bleeding out to more vodka bottles, and complaints from myself at my lack of sex. But as the time passed on, I noticed that I was starting to compare Vegeta to Chi-Chi, and how much I found him attractive.
“You know, Kuririn,” I smiled slightly, “whenever I'm around Vegeta, I get excited and want to fight him, but another part of me wants to jump him. I want to make him mine, make it known to the world that he's mine and mine alone. I just think of how angry he is, and how Saiyan his smell is, and I'm ready to go.” He merely gawks at me. I know that I am frightening him, but he says nothing. I never realized how much ahead my unconscious brain thought into Vegeta. I knew that I had a special place in my heart for only him, but I never knew it was so visible or so close to my feelings. I never knew how deep that love was. “If I had the chance, and his permission, I would tell him how much I love him.”
He smiled a little, thinking that I was merely drunk, but I could tell his expression was completely neutral. “Buddy, I'm not going to lie, but it's against God's wishes to love another of the same sex.” I frowned again, as if threatening to start a fight. I really did love Vegeta so much I would kill for him. “I mean, if he… if Vegeta doesn't return your feelings either… what would you do?” Suddenly, my actual brain nearly kicked in. What would've happened if he hadn't returned my feelings?
As the memory faded, I realized that I was staring at him, and he started to check multiple things, worried that something was wrong with his body. I grabbed his hand, stopping his short, nearly cracking his knuckles, holding him hard. “What would've happened… if you hadn't loved me back?” I asked with a harsh look in my eyes. My grip faltered at the confused look in his eyes. “What would've happened… if you and I never met? What would've happened if I failed all the time? Would I have been in the same empty marriage as I had? Would I have never met Freeza? Would I have never been born? I wonder sometimes, Vegeta.”
He starts to look away with fear, as if he too had contemplated all this before. “I don't honestly know, Kakarrot.” If he knew, he would have told me years ago. I just don't feel good knowing that things could've happened so much sooner. “I know that you definitely would've been born even if we hadn't met, but the rest is like traveling back in time. It confuses everything.”
“I know.”
My hands are always comforting you, always begging that you listen to me, and that you accept my kindness, for you are a prince, you can be helped once and a while. I always love you, always cherish you close to my heart, but I never know you are there. I think you are invisible to me. I see those emotionless voids you call eyes, and I think that you really have no heart, and I take one look at your family… you do have one. You have heart and soul now, all because I loved you to death, even saved you. It is what I was raised to do, but I still have this deep passion for you. I search endlessly in those void depths for an answer, for your feelings, but I see none. You are dead, or at least that's what your eyes are, the emotionless pits that lead to Hell if I ask a question. You are forever mad at me for no reason, hitting me and trying to kill me just because you want to have the thrill, but you are merely stating that you are strong. You think I see the meaningless signs that you love me, but I don't. I hold those deep, passionate feelings for you too, but you don't know how to determine humanoid feelings. You are a prince. You have a reason to be confused. The name Freeza crosses my mind all the time. I hold all these emotions deep in my heart, yet I know not how to express love and kindness to you without a yell or upset argument. Is there a way? Can I do it without you interrupting? Can I tell you how much you make me want to hate you? Because I can. I can tell you so much. I have a whole world of emotions and things to express to you. It would be a book if I could publish it. That's how I think. I wish you knew… Vegeta. I love you so damn much, it hurts to think about you with someone else.
Thank you for listening, Diary. I will close the book now, but I might come back.
Son Goku (Kakarrot)
I forever love Vegeta.
“I wrote this so damn long ago. It's pathetic.” I closed the book and sighed. I wrote that after my fight with Cell, up in Heaven, I had been merely allowed to carry this book as to write down my adventures in Heaven. It was a lost cause. I loved him, but I could never tell him. “I loved you so much… and I always tried to hide it. How much you affected me… it was beyond words, beyond any physical description as well. I loved you. I wanted to kill myself so the pain would disappear completely, but I saw that me being gone killed you too.” I gripped his arms, whispering, “but I can't do it anymore.”
He looked up, his eyes a little wide with shock at the diary entry. “Do what?”
“I can't stand to be away from you,” my hands are shaking, my body is tense, and my voice is trembling, “because I love you so much it hurts!” I crushed him to me in a desperate hug, slamming his body against mine in a harsh manner. His breath caught in throat, as the rest flowed from him in a quick breath. I made his heart skip a beat at the intensity of my love. He could feel the feelings clearly through our bond now, and he opened up for once. I felt his sorrow, pain, and regret for what he had done to me. “I don't hate you, Vegeta! I can't…!” Tears are sliding down my cheeks, and I feel the clench in my heart like before, like I'm diving in too deep. I should pull out of the water before he gets caught up.
I look at you, hoping that you are satisfied with everything, that you care for your family. If you are happy, I can force myself to be happy. You still want my power, and I tell you what, you can fucking have it. I just want you to notice my feelings. I want you to love me. I want you to hold me and make love with me, to become one with me. I don't want the Kais permanent Fusion, I want to be one with your physically - emotionally - and mentally. I want you for everything you are. But you look away, walking towards the booth to change into your battle clothes. From that moment of no yelling, no demanding of any sort, I gathered that something was wrong with you.
Later, as the battles proceeded past the preliminaries, I noticed that you didn't wish to hang around us. You were at least fifteen feet away, as if you hated my scent. Don't you like me? You used to please yourself screaming it. I don't understand why you still continue to hate me for no reason. I love you. I still do. I don't hate you in anyway. Is there something bothering you? I'm back now, just tell me. At least say something to me. You haven't said a thing to me since I returned from the dead for the day. It just makes me wonder if you are okay.
As the time comes for our match, I watch your face hesitantly, wondering if you are going to cry, for your eyes are glassy. What is wrong? Why aren't you speaking to me!? I open my mouth to say something, but I freeze as you drop your head, small buckets of water leaving your eyes. You believe that I am not looking, but I am. You… are crying. Oh my God… what have I done to you? I want to comfort you, but as before, I can't move to do a thing. I can merely watch and pray that you still love me. I know you have to. I pray… but it was not answered.
You turned Majin. You killed the love. How dare you hurt innocent people? I know that I hurt you, but seriously, must you harm other people? I hate you now. I can't believe I do. Another part of me still wants you to make love to me, and show me that you do love me, but I refuse myself. I have to think for all the people I protect. How dare you? I thought that you were better than Freeza, that you cared, but you don't. I thought I could depend on you. But I can't. That's why, I write this, because I can never tell you how I feel. If I do, I always seem weak in your eyes, which I never want to.
I love you because I can always serve you in some way, Vegeta. But, if you push me away, I can't serve you. I hold too much deep passion for you to give you up to that bitch you call a wife. Come to me, my prince. I love you! Please! …
The page is stained with tears, and I am leaning over it, I can still remember that much. I am crying like mad. I loved you so much that I would risk my life just to bring you at peace. I know that it is a false feeling in your eyes, but I still try, Vegeta.
I know that I saw you there, and I admit that the moment you shed tears in front of me, complaining that you were still weaker than me, I felt a pang of regret. You always wanted to prove yourself, but you never really had to. If you just realized, damn you, that I loved you, you would be in my arms, kissing me. I love you so much that seeing you so… so lost just kills me. I want you to come to me, to let me comfort you, but you push me away. And, for a split second, my hand offered to you lands on your ass. I blush for a miller second with a dazed expression, but your words to me, they comfort me. You want out of Hell so badly that you would join bodies with me for thirty-minutes. That meant a lot to me. I smiled.
I think you do love me, but you think yourself as a weakling for loving me, for the thought of telling me makes you seem below even the others. But Chi-Chi is weak, yet she says, and lies, that she loves me. My sons love me, and you can't say they are weak, cause they aren't. So, what's your excuse? Is it some weird Saiyan thing I will never understand, or am I reading you wrong.
If you ever read this… let me know which is correct.
Son Goku (Kakarrot)
“Kakarrot!” he yells, holding me so close I can't breathe. “You knew all this time… and you never…” he didn't dare to continue. We were both hugging, holding each other as close as the other could come. There was no breathing space between us, just enough space to fit a small layer of air, but we were compact to the point of injury. “You knew all along…”
“Yes,” I whispered.
I knew so very long ago… that you loved me.
Author's Note: This is chapter fourteen, but I haven't done those interludes yet. I am working on it. I thought that it might be fun to include some confusing stuff in here, but some of you thought that Goku wasn't sure of what he was getting into, so I put that in there. I hope you enjoyed it. This is the last one for a little while. My brain is fired. I'm out of ideas.
LoveMeKags and Co. Productions