Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Planet Vegeta: Final Rewrite ❯ Interlude Two: Goku x Gohan ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Interlude Two
Goku x Gohan
By: LMK (LoveMeKags and Co. Productions)
Assisted by: Dori Productions
“Dream / flashback speech”
“Dream / flashback thoughts”
/Telepathic speech/
Warning: This chapter contains yaoi / incest. Sexual content ahead. If you are under 18, please avoid fruity bits. If you are 18 and older, enjoy or read at risk. Thank you.
POV: Goku's; Goku: seme, Gohan: uke
To Reviewers: Okay, I am thanking each one of you this instant. I don't care how many people have reviewed this one, just… thank you. As much as I would love some of you to tell me where doujinshis and pictures are (or give me leads for another chapter), it won't help now. I am just buying time for my E-bay winning to get here. I ordered two Goku x Vegeta doujinshis on E-bay and they are headed here right now. I don't know when they'll get here, but I am taking a break from all writing until they get here.
Here is the next interlude. At first, it was going to be Gohan x Goten x Goku, and then it jumped to Goku x Trunks, and finally Goku x Gohan. It is now Goku x Gohan only. Thank God. In this interlude, Goku learns a bit more about his son than necessary, and Gohan finally understands why his father doesn't want him to get too close to him.
I wrote this one after watching “Scrubs,” so don't sue me if it is mean to Gohan or Goku. I was just out of ideas. Enjoy.
To Other Reviewers: Thank you for all the reviews. Enjoy this yaoi / incest serving of Goku x Gohan.
Author's Note (Quicky): This fanfic will not be updated for a while! I have run into a thing I call “stone cold.” The thing basically makes your brain forget ideas (old ones) and forget present ones, as well as you can't think up new ones. It is almost like a “writher's block,” except you can't plan other ideas. It's almost like a lockdown. Lot's of people get this during stressful times, or when you are lonely and bored. I plan to get a hamster with the books and Pokemon cards (getting rid of `em cause I don't like it anymore) on E-bay. The money, I mean. I have it all planned out. Once I have some company, someone (or more like something) to talk to, things might change. Keep looking, I might update sometime.
It was merely fifteen minutes after my lovely experience with Piccolo that I exited the kitchen. I know that I liked the way he handled me and made me feel so good… but now that it's over, I want more. I knew that it would hurt, but it hadn't hurt at all by the time he got inside of me… so what would I tell Vegeta? Certainly, he wants me still. Oh, what I would kill to know what he's going through. I wish I could experience having a baby inside me. What would it feel like to have a life growing inside of my stomach? I guess I will never know. Unless I asked someone to give me that. Piccolo's asexual, and all that came out of his dick was water, so he wouldn't be an option. Plus, that might make Gohan resent me. But to have a kid from Brolli, that wouldn't be wise. Maybe I could…
I broke the thought harshly, not wanting to get too lost in the moment. I turned the corner, spotting King Vegeta outside of my mate's room. What is he doing there? I saw Vegeta exit, smiling at his father. The baby was in his arms, and a hand was on his stomach, with a frown upon his lips. He's going to get the abortion. No, I can't let that innocent life die. There has to be someone who Brolli can have… I suddenly smiled as I realized the answer to that. Turles.
But if I want to keep that life alive, I have to stop the abortion. I quickly ran out of my hiding place, and I appeared in front of my mate. “Don't abort it just yet.” He stared at me, shocked that I was there. About to say something, he opened his mouth, but I quickly covered it. “Hear me out. I think that if Gohan can pull that trick off again… he could give the child to Turles.”
King Vegeta cocked his head to the side, an eyebrow raised, “abortion? Son, was this really going to happen?”
I nodded, but as soon as I heard it all, I opened my eyes wide, mouth agape, and my brain blanked. “Wait, you mean that you don't know about him wanting to get rid of the child?” I guess I just screwed it up yet again. I looked at my prince's dropped face, realizing that I could never sum up the courage to apologize. “Okay, so you didn't tell him?”
“No. Not yet.” He looked away, holding Vegeto close to his chest. He walked back into the room with a huff, and King Vegeta stared me down with a dark ambition in his black eyes. “I was telling father that we needed to plan for the wedding.” Ah, that's what they were going to do. I guess I jumped to conclusions without a thought in the world. “And since you are here, why don't you watch the baby while I go out to my physical?”
My eyes dropped at the mention of this. “A physical? Why do you need one of those?”
He dropped the baby into his crib lightly, playing with his stomach, making him giggle and wiggle in joy. I know how much I hate how he treated Gohan and Goten, as well as his own boy, on Earth, but seeing him like this, so nice to our kid, I realized just how much I needed to have my own little child. I want to experience the joys of feeling a life growing inside of me. “It is so that they know I will be healthy enough to consummate the full mating. If I can't, perhaps we will have to wait.” He exited the room and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “It should only be about an hour or so. It depends when they can squeeze me in.”
I frowned, “shouldn't a prince get the mandatory?”
The King cleared his throat. I just realized he was there. “There are some things that are not controlled by the Prince or King. These things are controlled by the senate.” Ah, that's it. But, shouldn't a prince come first? I mean, he's the next King-to-be. “Doctors here on Planet Vegeta take care of huge issues first. It does not go by rank.” I see. “So, we have to get there early before tons of others request spots in the doctor's time. However, with the upcoming marriage as a public opinion now, I think they might move him up.”
I quirked up a little, even knowing that I had to continue with my promises. If he needed this check up, I guess I have to obey him. “Okay, but make it as quick as you possibly can. I have another appointment and a few errands I need to run.” He nodded, but quirked an eyebrow at this. “I have to pick up tuxes and ties… and I do remember that I haven't made any official plans of the honeymoon suite—“
“That is provided by me,” the King interrupted, “you need not worry about that.”
I turned my head to him sharply, a growl residing in my throat. I want everything to be utterly perfect for my prince when we get married. There will be no exceptions to that. “I want to choose the suite. I mean, I am the one who is getting married to your son.”
He shrugged. “Fine. The senate would love to hear that.”
I sighed. Great. There goes my wedding. I guess I would never get the wedding of my dreams. Vegeta looked at me for a brief moment, and then turned to his father. “What about he picks, and you say you were the one who picked it?” My eyes shot up as my prince mentioned this. He wanted me to pick a honeymoon suite for us? Wow. Vegeta was placing some work in my hands for once. “I mean, Kakarrot isn't half bad about those kind of things. If it was up to him on Earth, we would've lived in a mansion.”
The King placed a finger to his chin in utter wonder towards this news. It sounded okay to him, or at least that's what I was beginning to gather. “Fine, but I must inspect it before you go off on your honeymoon.” I perked up. Thank you, Vegeta. This may be my wedding as well as yours after all.
I waved as they left, but I did not see the one behind me. I entered my room and shut the door, locking it with a key code that only Vegeta could crack. I noticed that the baby was crying, begging his mother for attention. I gained a soft smile and approached him, a hand gently running down his stomach to land at the same place my prince had tickled him. “Your mother's gone to run an errand. But I'm your father.” He smiled at me, taking my hand in his own little ones. Oh, how I wish I could experience the thrills of you being in my stomach. Giving birth to you would have to be my lifelong dream. But since you are alive now, I wouldn't put you back in. “I know you think I'm crazy, boy, but you are beautiful. You are my son. I love you.”
“Father…” my eyes shot open. Was that Vegeto? “I guess you never praised me as your son. All you ever said to me was that you cared about me.” I shot my glance to find Gohan standing there, his dark, onyx eyes blazed with tears. How did he get in if my door is locked? No, my main concern would be why he is here. I don't get what he is here for. “You always did have a liking for Goten more than I.” What is he getting at? I don't understand the reason that he is being so rude for. I mean, I understand I treated Goten a little weird, but… “Now that Vegeta's in the picture… there's no place left for me.”
My mouth gaped, and I stuttered to say something. “G—Go—Gohan?”
“Why did you have to save him, father?” His question, I don't understand it. I don't know who he is talking about. I've saved tons of people in the time I've spent on Earth. Which he could Gohan be talking about? “He messed our family up and everything! He is a menace.” He clenched his teeth as he continued to insult this person. Who are we talking about? Wait. Saved him. He's talking about… “He stole you away from me and mother. He took you away. He's done that for years.”
“You're talking about Vegeta, aren't you?” He does not need to answer. I can read him like a book. He is talking about my prince. Why does he say that? Vegeta never stole me away from my son. Maybe it seemed like it, but I was never really gone. I respected that I could never leave my family, but maybe Gohan doesn't realize how much I gave up for him in the first place. “I stayed with your mother, Gohan, because I loved you. I—You were my child. You were the only child at the time, and I hated her for everything she was. She hit me and abused me. Marital abuse, as they would call it. She never regretted anything she did to me… or anyone else.”
His mouth did not move, but I could tell by the way his hands clenched, he wasn't too happy about my words. “You left mother just so you could be happy?”
“I never got to do anything I really wanted. I chose to go along with it and fight the battle just so you and I could train, but there were many times I was afraid I would have to hurt her.” He glared at me, not getting the point of it. “She was out of control. She was mental by the time she and I had you. She had lost all sight of the love she held for me and decided to hate me. So I hated her back.”
He growled low in his throat at me. “You hated me too.”
“You are not listening!” I yelled at him. I gripped his shirt, pulling his whole frame off the floor, his feet dangling from his body. He kicked and squirmed, but to no avail. I would not let go. I hate this. He just won't listen to me. “You never hear me out, always making assumptions, just like Vegeta used to. I hate that! If you were the real son I raised, you would listen to me for once!”
His frame is suddenly frozen, but I am not choking him. This freeze means he has heard my words and respects them. Finally, I am getting through to that thick skull of his. “F—Father?”
I pulled him towards me, without realizing, and we were touching noses. This caused him to blush with fever. He expected me to pull away, to realize what I was doing, but I didn't. My lips met his in a harsh, demanding kiss. I dominated his mouth with a dark look in my pools of darkness. He stared at me, startled by the move, but he did not fight it. Holding onto my black locks, he accepted it. My hand let him go, and with a deep, passionate response, I gripped him around the waist. I collided my hips with his own, rubbing our erections together in the process. I let out a small groan, but he gave a harsh moan. We broke away.
Wow, I never expected to be turned on by my son. I must just be angry. I did just slam my lips on his. I guess that's my reason for that. I dropped him back on his feet, letting him go fully. “Sorry,” I told him lightly.
“Don't be,” he told me in a whisper. “I expected that.” He gave me a half smile. “You Saiyans always were a weird species. Anger makes you hot. That's some of the ways you express feelings, isn't it?”
I laughed lightly. “Not really.” I placed a hand on his cheek. I think, after mating with Piccolo, that incest doesn't sound so bad anymore. It certainly sounds better than what I had with Brolli. I let that hand slip downward, landing over his erection. It poked through the spandex clothes he wore (mandatory on Planet Vegeta), daring me to lick it and caress it. I suddenly felt the urge to actually do that. Why did I want to touch my son that way? I don't like incest. I don't like even the idea of fucking my boy… but I had promised him and Goten that. “You're hard.” I was stating the obvious again. But then again, what else could I say? I knew not what I should say, nor if it would harm our relationship even more.
“I love you, father,” I heard him say against my ear. It was a hoarse whisper. I like that, Gohan. How do you know how to affect me? I don't understand all this. “Do you want to touch me, father?”
I felt a blush creep to my cheeks. Hell no. He did not just ask that. I don't—“Yes.”
His lips curved into an understanding smile, as if he knew I was fighting the fatherly side in my soul for control over this situation. I did not want to touch my son's dick. He kissed my neck with soft lips, a small tongue curving along my jaw line to the shell of my ear. My breath caught in my throat. “An eye for an eye, father. If I please you, you do the same for me.” He drifted a hand down, and the next moment, I was starting to see corners of white. His hand curled and pulled my shaft through my pants, making me jerk, a harsh moan leaving my lips with each pull, and I was utterly helpless. Gohan… You are not the man I thought you were. “This feels good, huh, father?”
“Y—Yes,” I whispered on his shoulder. My knees were starting to feel weak. I opened my eyes a little, glancing in Vegeto's direction to find the little one asleep peacefully. Oh Gods, kid, if you turn out like Gohan, I'll kill you. The hand shifted and entered my pants, and I suddenly almost fell to the ground if I hadn't gripped his shoulders hard enough to break bone. He… he pinched my head. That feeling, it nearly made me cum. That was such a velvety feeling. “G—Gohan…”
“I hear you, father,” he whispered back, “but I don't think you are far gone enough to moan my name so lovingly.” He took my hand in his and led me towards the little patio. Why is he taking me out here? He laid me upon the little bed of grass, moss, and pink flowers. This was my prince's idea of saving some money, by making his own little hammock. Geez, it smells just like him. “I know you don't like me. So, picture Vegeta instead. Imagine Vegeta and his scent.”
That's not going to be hard with his scent on the hammock. Before I knew it, the pants that constricted my erection were removed, and my erection sprang free, begging for fulfillment. Someone… help me. I need relief. His tongue came out from those parted lips and he slid it along the slit of my shaft. Gohan! My head fell back. Since I was already taken before, and I had just had sex not that long ago, my dick still remained swollen. It didn't quite hurt as it would after this round, but my Saiyan was taking the pain away and sending me the luscious pleasure. Gohan was so loving with my beautiful rod of flesh. My hands threaded out in his hair, fighting with the instinct to thrust into his mouth with all I had and choke him. His lips were unlike that of Piccolo's or any other's! They closed around my erection and pulled, and sometimes, he allowed himself a chance lick, not to mention the occasional nibble on my head. I was thrashing for completion before long.
He pulled away, licking his lips. “I can't wait, father. To feel you in me… it will make me so happy.” Shut up, Gohan. Just make it happen, damn you. I want my dick in you now! He smirked at me, straddling my waist, and he closed his eyes, slamming the whole thing into his tight channel without lubrication. Oh my… I shot up just to convulse in utter pleasure. Like I said, swollen, and it was already pleased to the bone. Holy shit! That felt… so good! “Father… you are so big and… it fills me up so much.” Gohan, I can't help but say this. But damn it, you dirty little slut. It is good for me more than you. “I like the way you fit me. Locks and keys, father. Your key fits my lock.”
“If it does, it fits Vegeta's too,” I regarded with a small frown. How dare he say that? I don't love him like that! That whole “key and lock” thing was basically a talk of mates. What happens is, if you don't fit in your lover's body, then you aren't compatible. If it were Brolli taking Vegeta, they wouldn't be a “key and lock,” Brolli would be a “key” and Vegeta would be an “unlocked” door. If you have to stretch and break bone to fit your lover, you don't belong together. I see. That meant that since Brolli fit me, he is a compatible lover. “Gohan, just because you fit… doesn't mean that we are compatible. For one, you are my son, and I don't love you any other way. Second, you are Piccolo's mate. Third, and final, you are a brave, loving, and gentle man, but you need to find a path for your own. I am older than you, and I have more possibility to pass on before you. If you continue to love me like this, once I die, what will you do?”
He is silent, and I can see the expression on his face. He finally understands why I don't want him to love me. “But, father—“ he started.
I placed a finger to his lips, rocking my hips towards his. He moaned desperately. I watched as his cheeks stained pink, a small smile on my face. I was pleasing my son in a way, that made my fatherly side feel so much pride, but also made it grimace. Such a dirty, disgusting way of handling this. Oh well. “It won't stop me from finishing this.” I changed our positions, my body over his, my dick still buried deep inside of him, and I started a fast, hard pace. My Super Saiyan 4 transformation came into notice, and my tail massaged his erection. No part of this was lovely to me. My dick went limp awfully fast, and I was stuck with humping him raw. He continued to scream and thrash in my hold, and before long, I realized Vegeto was coming to. “Quiet, Gohan. You are waking the baby.”
He seemed to understand, for he covered his mouth as best he could. A few more huge thrusts and he arched, his seed coating my stomach, thighs, and tail. “FATHER!!!!” he screamed as loud as he could muster.
I didn't realize it, but I had obtained pleasure from this as well. I came inside his deep canal, moaning lightly. It wasn't as good as I would've hoped, considering it is my own son after all. But… it was the first time in a long time that I've seen Gohan look at me with understanding, a smile on his face. I found that this… was okay. This made me accept what we had just done a lot easier.
“I love you, father,” he whispered lightly, realizing that Vegeto was awake at last. He smiled, holding me form to his for what seemed like an hour, but he pulled away a few minutes later. “I will always cherish this, father.”
I found myself smiling. “I know you will.”
Before either of us could move, Vegeta walked through the door, not even looking for me. It was as if he had been standing there all along. He folded his arms and snarled at Gohan. “Couldn't you just control yourself, brat!?” he frowned. I quickly removed myself from Gohan's hole, moving to take a shower. I might need a little break before I see Goten, Trunks, or Brolli. As soon as I closed the door, I heard Vegeta starting conversation with Gohan. “Where is Bra?” came his first question.
“I have no clue, Vegeta,” my son answered honestly. “I wish I knew. As much as I resent you for taking father away… she is a nice gal and Bulma would kill me if anything happened to her. But I don't know of her whereabouts.”
“The most I have to go on is the fact she's on the planet.”
That's making me wonder. Where is Bra? She hasn't shown up with all the disaster and all. So where could she be?
The question began to plague me as I showered, getting ready to take a short nap before my next turn with either one of the last three on my list. Scratch that. There were four, if you included Vegeta. I smiled. I couldn't wait to mate my prince. I want to try something totally new this time…
Author's Note: Ya'll wondered how long it would take me for this one, well, here it is. I am counting the days and hours to when I get my first doujinshis that I bought online. I'm hoping they'll give me ideas. However, I hope you enjoyed this one, cause I've lost my idea for this whole fic. Ya see, I've hit what I like to call the “cold stone.” It's a time when your brain forgets ideas and doesn't even think up new ones. Some might call this writer's block, but that is when you forget the idea and you start on something new. This one is different. I've put hold on all of my fanfics till I find new inspiration to get me out of this thing.
Meanwhile, the thing might cause me to write a rape fic near the end of the cycle, so don't hate me. It is just how most people go through this certain disease (or so they would possibly call it). I hope to update before next month, so keep an eye out.
LoveMeKags and Co. Productions