Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Points of Authority ❯ Points of Authority ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey there u guys! This is a new songfic, yet another one of Linkin Park's songs. You don't need to read the song part or anything to get what is going on in the story and if you don't like Linkin Park or their songs, you don't have to, this story is perfectly good even without the song. ^_^ Okay, you're going to need some background information for this one…Trunks was fighting 17 and 18 one day, Gohan has been dead for like a week and Trunks gets distracted and 17 and 18 kidnap him and take him to their lab. So this songfic starts like a week after Trunks has been kept there and well…you'll see from the fic ^_^ Don't forget to review! I love reviews! P.S. I think that 18 would really be like this, since she did in the other timeline become one of the good guys, but probably, you guys will think that she is OOC and at the end, 17 is OOC.

[Disclaimer]: I don't own DBZ, or Linkin Park.


Points of Authority

Forfeit the game / Before somebody else
Takes you out of the frame / Puts your name to shame
Cover up your face / You can't run the race
The pace is too fast / You just won't last

I didn't think that I could make it. Everything was so wrong. I never thought in all of my wildest dreams that they would have kidnapped me. When they did, I couldn't understand why, but now I do. They wanted a toy to play with…well, at least 17 did. He's the one who wanted to kidnap me, 18 had just wanted to kill me then and there and get rid of me. Instead they took me to their hideout, making sure to cover my eyes so I wouldn't know where I was. We flew for such a long time, but soon they had me in their lab and trapped me inside. Both of them shot out energy to create a forcefield to keep me in a section of the lab where it would be most 'comfortable' for me. On my side of the lab I had a chair, a bathroom with a shower, and a mat on the floor that they told me I could sleep on.

As soon as 17 had locked me up, he said he was going to go out and have some more fun, 18 stayed behind. For a long while, she stood looking at me, my eyes wide and frightened. I was sure that she would kill me like she wanted to, but instead she said, "Hmm…well, I suppose you need something other than that mat to sleep on right?" She said it in a lifeless tone, like she didn't care.

"You know," she called out from a different room, "17 has had toys before…" She walked back in the room holding two blankets and a pillow. "He always breaks them." She threw the blankets and the pillow at me and I caught them. I looked down at them, then back up at her. "Don't be so shocked. I don't like you and believe me, I would love to kill you, but," she sighed, "I'm not supposed to touch 17's toys anymore."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked. I heard the note of terror in my voice, but it was too late, it had slipped.

"What? Giving you things to keep your pathetic body warm? Well, even though they're his toys, 17 doesn't know how to take care of you all. He plays with them for a little bit, then leaves them for a while. He forgets to feed all of his toys. So, every single one of them has either been beaten to death, starved to death, has died because of how 'cold' it gets in here, or a combination of all of those things." She laughed. "So, I figure that if 17 wants to keep his toy, meaning you, he'll have to take care of you, which he won't. So I will, but only as long as you promise not to be a bad boy and try to leave."

"What makes you think I will ever want to stay here? I'll take the first chance I get to get out of this place!"

"Oh no, I doubt that. There has only been one person to do that…and 17 made sure that that pet died."

"I'll find a way out," I threatened.

"Just give up. You won't get out of here alive."

You love the way I look at you
While taking pleasure in the awful things you put me through
You take away if I give in
My life
My pride is broken

And 18 was right. All 17 ever did was beat me. Like I was his own punching bag or place to test out a new technique. Time and time again my body ached from all the blows he dealt. He would smile when he saw me lying on the ground not able to move. Sometimes I would go into the bathroom and not come out for half and hour and one of them would come in to find me bleeding from the cuts I had made in an attempt to kill myself. It would only make things worse. 18 would bandage me up, telling me it was very stupid of me to do it, then 17 would come and beat me again.

"Look at that, I beat him again. No surprise there. Trunks, why do you even bother to try and fight me, you know I'll win." He still stood above me. "I love the look on your face every time I beat you." He kicked me lightly with his foot.

"No matter what I do, you beat me anyway. No matter if I fight you deliberately or if I just let you beat me, I still feel the same afterwards," I whispered.

He just laughed and walked away from me. I heard him slam the door of the lab.

"This wasn't supposed to happen to me," I whispered to myself. "I never thought…this would happen to me. I thought I'd be dead by now. This is demeaning…I don't have a life anymore…and my pride is broken." Tears slid down my face onto the mat.

You like to think you're never wrong (You live what you learn)
You want to act like you're someone (You live what you learn)
You want someone to hurt like you (You live what you learn)
You want to share what you've been through (You live what you learn)

"Should have thought about that before you started to fight us." 18 stepped in front of me.

Usually I made an attempt to punch her or to do something to her, but today I was just too weak. 18 was by far the nicer of the two, and not just because she's the one who fed me and washed my clothes while giving me other things to wear. She talked to me. I think she wanted someone to talk to. I guess, in a way, I was her plaything as well. The feeling I got was that she was lonely, though in a million years she would never admit it. She couldn't talk to 17 about the things she talked about with me like, for example, the clothes she bought, or this new place she wanted to take over and make it their new hideout. Whenever she did try to talk about these things with 17, he would space out or just leave. I, on the other hand, couldn't leave, but I welcomed her conversation because it never involved any type of beatings. I talked to her as well, about the things I felt. I told her how I wanted to leave, how I missed my mom, how I missed Gohan. I told her about everything 17 did to me. Sometimes she wouldn't say anything back, she just would sit there and listen to me the same way I did with her. Sometimes she would answer and tell me I'd never make it out, but to look on the bright side because they didn't know who my mom was, so they couldn't kill her.

"Why is he like this?" I asked her today. "You never beat me, and it just can't be because I'm 17's toy. What is different between you two? Please, tell me."

18 sighed and sat down on the couch on the outside of my enclosure. "Well…He's always been the more immature one of us. He could never learn to obey Dr. Gero's orders, so Gero beat him."

"How could he?" I asked. "You two have endless energy and were certainly faster than your human creator…why would 17 let him?"

"At that time we didn't have endless energy. We were still mostly human back then. Being the idiot that he is, 17 would wear himself out quickly doing whatever immature things he would do. By the time Gero confronted him, 17 barely had enough energy to put up a fight and Gero was able to beat him up. And so that is all he knows how to do now. Thankfully, Gero decided to give both of us endless energy and now, well, here we are."

You love the things I say I'll do-
The way I'll hurt myself again just to get back at you
You take away when I give in / my life
My pride is broken

Later, 17 returned and wanted to beat me up again. I still couldn't move and didn't even want to try, but I did feel like trying to give him an emotional beating.

"Still lying on the floor I see. Get up, let's fight."

18 had left to do some shopping I think. "Is fighting all you do?"

17 walked into my prison and lifted me up off of the ground by my shirt. "I know how to destroy too. Enough of the chit chat." When I made no move to fight him, he said, "What? Can't fight today? Well, at least you've lasted longer than any of my other pets." How could I fight him? I was barely able to stand up.

"One of these days I will get out of here. I will. If I have to kill myself in order to escape, then so be it."

17 laughed. "Oh, but you've tried that already. You know that we're not going to let that happen. But I do think it's funny when you say things like that."

"If I kill myself you won't have a plaything."

He raised his eyebrows. "That's right, and that would mean that I would have to go out and get some other worthless human to torture. And you don't want that...do you? Maybe it should be your mom…Yeah, come on, why don't you kill yourself?" He punched me in the gut and I fell to the floor.

"You know nothing else do you? That's because all you've been programmed to do is destroy. There is so much more than that to being alive!" I lifted myself up from off the floor.

You like to think you're never wrong(You live what you learn)
You want to act like you're someone(You live what you learn)
You want someone to hurt like you(You live what you learn)
You want to share what you've been through(You live what you learn)

Seventeen got into a fighting stance, waiting for me to attack him. Instead I stood and looked at him and gave him my verbal attack. "You like to think that you're never wrong. You think that you're actually someone. You want attention and will get it any way that you can, even by destruction. That's all you were ever taught. Gero even showed you himself."

He straightened up, I had obviously struck a nerve. "You don't know what you're talking about, human." His tone meant certain death.

"He beat you," I continued. "Whenever you did something wrong, he would beat you up because at that time you didn't have infinite powers. You would wear yourself out and then not have enough energy to fight back."

He sneered. "You know nothing! And who told you that anyway!" He looked away, thoroughly pissed at me. "I bet I know who told you. It was 18 wasn't it?"

I ignored him. "That pain that you felt then, you've carried it with you all your life. I've been wondering, all of my life, why you have this need to kill. Why you need to bring pain to others. I mean, Dr. Gero has been dead for such a long time, even if he told you that his master plan was to destroy the world, why do it?! He's dead! He can't control you anymore!"

"I like killing, now shut up before I kill you! I don't want to have to break my new toy." I was getting to him, I could definitely tell. The door to the lab opened and 18 walked in. 17 spun around and was about to yell at her, but I cut in.

"Why can't you accept it 17?" He turned back to face me. "You hurt people because that is what you were taught! That is what you went through. It's not because you enjoy it. I bet that every time you hurt someone, it reminds you of the life you used to have. It reminds you of the daily beatings. You just want someone to share your pain. You want people to hurt the way you used to be hurt. That's what this is all about, isn't it?"

By now, he had raised his hands to his head and tried to rip his hair out. "Shut up! Shut up! 18, get this piece of shit out of here! Now!"

I was shocked. My aim was for him to get so mad that he would kill me so that I wouldn't have to suffer anymore. Why was he letting me go? Eighteen seemed to be as shocked as I was.

"Are you sure? I mean, don't you want to beat him for all of that?" she asked.

He seemed to be completely breaking down. I had no idea that this could ever happen, but I saw a single tear run down his face. "I said get him out of here!!!!" he screamed. I had to cover my ears at the loudness of his voice.

It seemed to wake 18 up because she ran over to me, grabbed me roughly by my hair and dragged me towards the door. The last thing I saw before she covered my eyes with a blindfold was 17 pacing back and forth across the lab, holding his head and muttering under his breath. Once the blindfold was covering my eyes, I heard things crashing around in the lab and 17 cursing. 17 was obviously destroying everything in his path. I began to wonder if this had been such a good idea. It was likely that he would go out and destroy more cities after he got done with the lab.

Finally I felt air rushing by me as 18 flew me someplace far away from their lair.

"Why did you have to go and do that?" 18 asked. "Do you know what you've done? He doesn't need to be reminded of that! Once he's done with being this way, he's not going to have any mercy on you."

She let me go and I plummeted to the earth. I fell to the ground with a thud. I whipped the blindfold off and lay looking up at her floating above me.

"He's going to be even worse now, do you realize that?" 18 left me there, stranded in some strange place, far away from any city. It took forever for me to recover from everything and finally get myself oriented. Two days later I returned to my house where my mom treated my many wounds and forbid me from leaving the house.

That was a month ago, and in that month I have figured out why 17 had let me go. It was his one act of kindness. I had gotten through to his cold heart and made him realize why he did the things he did. He doesn't want to be that way and deep down he knows it. He realized that killing wasn't the right thing to do and hurting people would never take away his pain. In fact, I haven't heard anything of either of the androids for that entire month. I hope everything stays this way and both of the androids give up destroying Earth. But, even that might be too much to hope. 18's last words to me have stayed with me and I know that she is probably right. Once he recovers, if he does, 17 will do more damage than ever before and I'll have to defend Earth once again. I can only hope that maybe, by some sort of miracle, 17 will give up his ways and become a better android. After all, all I can do is hope.
