Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Rebel Princess ❯ Song and dance ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7
The moment they arrived back at Capsule Veronica was examined in depth by Dr. Briefs and he determined all was well, she just need rest to replenish her spent energy and constant watch to be sure she did not revert. There was no shortage of volunteers to keep watch on her. For three days they all kept constant vigil over her. Vegeta, Bulma, Bra, Trunks, even Goten and Pan showed up to give the rest of the family a break. The only reason Vegeta would allow Goten in the same room as Veronica was because Pan was with him. Of course Bra would take Pan away for short bits of time to allow Goten alone time with Veronica it was the least she could do for the love struck fool that saved her sister's life.
Goten would sit by her side and hold her hand. He was full of an inner turmoil. No one knew whether or not she would remember the whole ordeal when she awoke. Part of him wanted her to remember so that she would finally notice his feelings for her. On the other hand he wanted Trunks and Vegeta to forget the whole thing happened and part of him believed it would be better for her to forget as well.
Not 5 hours after the incident Trunks confronted him about the incident.
“Tell me are you truly in love with my sister or is that just something you said to appease her beast.” Trunks asked coldly.
Goten had forever dreaded this topic coming up but now there was no avoiding it. “It's true, I love her, Trunks.”
Trunks clenched his fists and then his jaw. Anger was evident in his stance though his eyes were hidden by his lavender locks. “When were you going to tell me your were lusting after my LITTLE sister?”
“Trunks….I never expected it to come up. Veronica never showed any interest, it wasn't going anywhere.”
Trunks shook his head and turned on Goten getting right in his face. “To think, all this time I thought…..” He turned away and ran an agitated hand through his hair looking for all the world like his father. “I smelled that musky lust scent whenever we were around her, but it was never just the three of us so I could convince myself it was someone else. Or at the worst it was her….I never knew what she was thinking….her mind wanders all the time…I always expected it to be her daydreaming.” His gaze turned sad and he clenched his fist once more before turning a determined and angry look on his best friend. “I'll never forgive you for not telling me….but if things should….develop…between the two of you……” His face softened ever so slightly. “I will make sure my dad doesn't kill you.”
Goten smiled softly for the first time that whole day. “But…” Trunks pointed a finger at him. “If you hurt her in any way, you'll have the both of us to contend with.”
Goten nodded numbly and chuckled nervously. “It doesn't even matter, she's not interested. Only her beast was. She probably won't remember what happened anyway.” Goten tried to hide the note of disappointment in his voice. Trunks patted him on the back. “Don't lose hope man.”
“Yeah….” Goten gave him a sarcastic disbelieving look and the two friends shared an awkward laugh.
On the third day Veronica awoke while Vegeta was keeping guard over her. He had years of practiced control to keep his relief from overflowing, but he did hold her hand and watch as she came back to herself. “Welcome back my daughter.” He said.
Veronica blinked rapidly and focused on him and spoke slowly. “Dad….what happened?”
Vegeta smirked. “It seems you have done something even the creators themselves did not design for you.”
Veronica sat up a little and was immediately dizzy. Vegeta steadied her and she held her head and looked confusedly at him. “I remember you were upset with me and then I got angry and I ran away. Then I…. OH MY GOD!” She said as it all rushed back to her and she covered her mouth in astonishment. Tears filled her eyes.
“Dad….I didn't mean it….I almost… killed mom and Trunks and Bra. Oh my god! Dad I didn't mean it! Please.” She started to sob and Vegeta did not hesitate he wrapped his arms around her and sat beside her holding her and trying to shush her sobs and broken apologies.
“Shhh. It is alright fireball.” He whispered using a nick name Bulma had used for her when she was little. He had called her it once or twice, but now it seemed appropriate. “None of this is your fault.”
Veronica looked up at him with red eyes and sniffed. “But…”
“No buts, I am your father and I am always right. This was just a fluke of the gods. You're only crime was being an overachiever, and breaking your grounding.”
Veronica sniffed and laughed a little. “Sorry about that.”
“Nonsense. As long as you don't do it again.”
“Do you think everyone else is angry with me?”
Bulma walked in at that moment to relieve Vegeta and when she saw Veronica awake she gasped and rushed to crush her daughter into a tight hug. “OH THANK THE GODS” She shouted almost in tears.
Her exclamation drew Bra and Trunks in as well. “Veronica!”
“Thank goodness! How do you feel?”
Veronica was being smothered by happy mother and sister and Vegeta chuckled. “I think your answer is no, my dear.”
“I'm so sorry, you guys. Mom, Trunks, please….”
“Shhhh. Don't worry about it baby. Everything is going to be fine.” Bulma said smoothing her daughter's hair.
“Yeah, you just won't be able to go super saiyan anymore.” Trunks added.
Veronica frowned slightly at the realization and looked pleadingly at Vegeta. “I can't ever? Never ever? Again?”
He shook his head. “Sadly no, the gods did not mean for you to have the power and it is too dangerous for you and those around you to use. But I will teach you how to increase your strength in normal form so that you may be just as formidable without having to go super.”
“But what if there is a crisis, what if I have to go super to help!”
“You won't.” He said with a tone of finality.
Veronica pouted, but Bra patted her hand. “Don't worry sis, Pan and I won't ever be able to transform either. And besides you can do something the guys can't.”
“What's that?” She asked.
“Sing!” Bra smiled wide and it was contagious. Veronica's smile mirrored it and she laughed.
“This is true.”
“Oh that reminds me! I have to call your friends and let them know you're alright.” Bulma said.
Veronica's eyes opened wide. “They know about this?!”
“Well they know you ran away. You didn't think that we wouldn't send as many people as we could looking for you did you?”
“Relax they don't know what actually happened to you.” Trunks added.
“But what will you tell them?” She asked almost frantic.
“The truth.” Bulma stated.
The whole family stared at her as if she had grown another head.
“We'll tell them you ran away for a couple of days, trained straight through and exhausted yourself.” Bulma answered nonchalantly.
Vegeta smirked at his mate she was becoming sneakier every day she was with him…and he loved it.
Bulma smirked at her disbelieving children and shrugged innocently. “What? It's an almost truth.”
They shared a good laugh as a family and for the first time in a long time they felt like a close family.
Two weeks passed in short succession and Veronica regained her strength and began her new training with her father. It was hard to monitor her power level constantly, but Vegeta made sure that he and Trunks did not tempt her to transform as they stayed in their regular forms.
Her friends visited often and it was determined that she could return to school soon. But still many things stood unsolved….
One day after some rigorous afternoon training after Veronica had returned to a semi normal school life. Her friends still worried about her, but she insisted everything was all right again. She hadn't however gone back to one thing…her music. She was afraid that her father would not approve once again and she did not want to repeat the fall out that had almost cost her her family and her life.
Vegeta was not a fool and had recognized Veronica's lapse in the world of music. Normally she would be found beating drums in her bedroom or singing at the top of her lungs anywhere around the house, now she only hummed. He knew he was becoming old, comfortable, and sentimental when he realized he missed her racket. And so on this particular afternoon, he decided to try his hand at the one thing that had always posed the greatest challenge to him, being an understanding father.
They flopped down on the floor of the GR and wiped the sweat from their brows. Vegeta had to admit even without her super saiyan abilities she was still a formidable opponent.
“So, I haven't heard much singing around the house as of late?” He said trying to act nonchalant. *author chuckle*
Veronica fidgeted nervously. “Well I just didn't want a repeat of what started this whole mess.” She avoided his gaze and Vegeta chuckled.
“No this mess started because you disobeyed me, it had nothing to do with your music. Besides as I hear it, your band needs you.”
Veronica glanced at him sheepishly. “Well there are other singers out there…..it's just that I lose control of my energy outflow when I sing and I don't want to risk losing it like that again.” Her voice turned serious and she stared at the floor once more.
“Nonsense. You're singing is a natural control your energy cannot take malicious form from something such as that.”
When this elicited no response from Veronica he snorted in his prideful way.
“Giving up is not something saiyans ever do, Veronica. You know this. I will not tolerate a quitter….”
Veronica's face twitched as she fought a frown at her father's disapproving words. Before any reply could be formed Vegeta continued.
“Therefore I have arranged for you and your band to provide the music for our next gathering. All your friends from school may attend.”
Veronica's face pulled a 180 in expression and she shouted. “NO WAY! YOU MEAN IT? All my friends? Here? With the Z gang too?”
Vegeta nodded. Veronica squealed and threw her arms around his neck in a crushing hug. “You're the best daddy!” Vegeta hid a small smile and patted her back. And in that moment he thanked all the gods for giving him his family, and for keeping them safe and happy.
Veronica jumped up and ran from the room in an excited burst of energy. “I have to go call the guys! We have major practicing to do! And OH MY NEW SONGS!” She continued to babble before she heard Vegeta's chuckle. She looked back at him quizzically and he cleared his throat.
“Just a warning, I believe your mother and sister are aware of this development as well, they will want to drag you shopping.”
Veronica paled. “Oh…….no…..”
After a month of practicing and tweaking new songs and several excruciatingly painful shopping trips followed by a few successful ones, it came the day for the party.
As promised all Veronica's friends were present as were all the Z fighters, to say both sides were intimidated by one another would be a gross understatement. The humans were in sheer awe of the odd mix of family friends the Brief's had and likewise was the thought of the Z fighters toward Veronica's friends. Awe was about to double and in some cases turn to admiration as Veronica and her band took to the makeshift stage.
*The songs used in this next section of fic, aren't mine, I disclaim them as of now. But lets pretend for the sake of the fic and for my lack of originality that they were written by Veronica*
Veronica was dressed in a new outfit coordinated by her sister, but chosen by her. It was a red and black filmy ankle length skirt and a black sleeveless top with red flames licking the sides, black fingerless gloves and stylish black and red flamed flats. She had tiny drumstick earrings as well. When the light hit her a cheer went up, first through her group of friends followed by Bra, Pan, and the rest eventually followed. Piccolo of course was well equipped with ear plugs.
They played a pretty good selection of music, and a couple of brand new songs that they themselves wrote. The Z fighters were blown away by these abilities Veronica possessed that known of them had even known existed. Her skills of speed and precision were transformed into music by her drumming and her voice projected more power and energy then her punches ever did. All the Z fighters could feel her ki level rise as she sang, but her state never changed and strangely enough it worried no one. Vegeta had never been more proud as he watched her command that stage with all the presence of royalty, skill of a warrior, and charisma of a leader.
After the applause stopped Veronica put on a cat like grin and spoke into the mike. “This next song I wrote for my saiyan ancestors,” She winked as she saw a few sets of eyes widen because she spoke of her alien ancestry in public. “If I could go back in time to meet them this is what I would say.” The synthesizer started up followed by a drum beat and a covering guitar. The song was first sung by just Ethan and Shawn, but Ebony, Eva, and Veronica joined in for the chorus. And the lyrics made the crowd chuckle for several reasons.
“I've been to the year 3000 .Not much has changed but they lived underwater, and your great, great, great, granddaughter is pretty fine.” On this part Veronica stepped front and center stage to shaker her hips and even Vegeta shook his head and chuckled. The thought of his headstrong daughter meeting his father was a scene that made him laugh, he knew they were kindred saiyan spirits in some ways and her attitude was sure to throw his father for as much a loop as it did him.
When that song ended even the band was laughing and the floor was taken over by Ethan. “Alright, alright,” He said in between laughter. “This next song is one me and the guys wrote after observing our fellow gender of the species react to our fair Ronnie at school. Check it out.”
Veronica stepped back and shook her head in mock disapproval. She stood off to the side and waited as Ethan started up on guitar and the others followed it up. “8 o clock Monday night and I'm waitin to finally talk to a girl a little cooler then me, her name is Ronnie she's a rocker with a nose ring…” Veronica laughed off to the side and as the song continued she started to dance.
“When she walks all the wind blows and all the angels sing, but she'll never notice meeeeeee! Cause she's watching wrestling, creaming over tough guys, listening to rap metal, turn tables in my eyes.”
Her dancing was very provocative and Vegeta was not very happy with the song lyrics, if they were true, he was going to have to take her to school every day from now on to be positive that every male new she was not for them.
Goten was thinking something along the same lines, although he himself realized how gorgeous and yet untouchable she was.
A few more songs were sung and then the party was going to switch to stereo so there could be dancing; one of the Chi chi and Bulma as well as the other girls favorite past times.
But there was one more song Veronica needed to sing. “Now this is the last one guys, I promise.” She smiled brightly looking for all the world like her mother.
The lights dimmed a little and Veronica nodded covertly at Bra who nodded back and headed towards Goten, a plan that had been previously arranged earlier that day between the two sisters. “Pst…Goten, come here.” Bra beckoned pulling Goten over closer to the stage and off to the side. “Watch from over here, this is the perfect spot.”
“This song is one I wrote after my….incident…it is for someone very dear to me, someone who I would not be here today without. But this isn't a thank you, it's something else.”
The room stood baffled for a few moments before Veronica nodded to Ebony. “Hit it Ebony.” Ebony began to play on the piano. The first soft slow song of the night.
How did I get here
I turned around and there you were
Didnt think twice
Or rationalize
But somehow I knew
That there was m
ore than just chemistry
I mean I
know you were kinda of in to me
But I
figured its just to good to be true

I said pinch me
Wheres the catch this time
Cant finda single c
loud in the sky
Help me before I
get used to this guy
In the middle of the song she turned away from the crowd to look diagonally straight down at Goten. Goten was astonished to say the least as he found himself trapped in place by her golden smile and the sparkles around and in her eyes made him stop breathing.
Bulma, Chi chi, Videl, and 18 all realized where this was going and there were gasps of surprise and yelps of excitement or just knowing smiles.

They say that good things take time
But really great things happen
in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet someone lik
e you
were a million to one
I can't believe it
(o woah)
You're one in a million
All this time a was lookin for love
Trin to make things work
They werent good enough t
I thought I'm through
Said I
'm done
stumbled into the arms of the one

Your makin me laugh
about the silliest stuff
Said that I'm your diamond in the
When I'm mad at you
you come with your
velvet touch
Can't believe that I'm so lucky I have never been so happy
Every time
I see that sparkle in your eye
After this verse she reached her hand out to pull Goten up on stage with her and held his hand while she sang to him, and he stood facing her with his jaw hanging slack and a small smile gracing his lips.
Obviously by this time Vegeta was becoming suspicious and angry, and Goku was watching Vegeta carefully, trying to protect his love struck son's life from afar.

They say that good things take time
But really great things happen
in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet someone l
ike you
were a million to one
I can't believe it
(o woah)
You're one in a million...one in a million
All this time a was lookin for love
Trin to make things work
They werent good enough t
I thought I'm through
Said I
'm done
stumbled into the arms of the one

Can't believe that I'm so lucky I have never been so happy
I have never felt so lucky I have never been so happy.
Every time I
see that sparkle in your eye

They say that good things take time
But really great things happen
in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody l
ike you
were a million to one
I can't believe it
(o woah)
You're one in a million...one in a million
All this time a was lookin for love
Trin to make things work
They werent good enough till
I thought I'm through
Said i'm done
Then some one into the arms of the one

You're one in a million
She finished singing and there was a lot of clapping and whistling. As if on perfect cue the lights on the stage went out and the lights on the dance floor went up and the stereo music came on and Veronica instantly transmitted her and Goten behind the stage away from her father's angry glare.
“Is this the me, you wanted Ten?” Veronica asked holding both his hands tightly and smiling coyly at him.
Goten's eyes widened when he realized she remembered what happened that day on the beach. But then he smiled as she wiggled slightly in her spot waiting for his response. “Yes. This is what I meant.” He said.
“So it's true then? You do love me?” She asked her facial expression somewhere between mocking and serious.
Goten looked a bit stunned by her question and his mouth opened and closed for a moment like a fish out of water and then when she squeezed his hands lightly he pulled one hand up to place it against her cheek. “I care deeply for you V, I care so much for you it scares me. I do love you.”
“But you barely know me…I mean really know me at all.” She said insistently trying to understand his affection for her.
He smiled and ran his thumb gently across her cheek the movement was so soft it was almost her undoing, “I would like the chance to get to know you better. The real you.”
She smiled and leaned forward. She had never felt so much for someone and she partly believed it was her primal saiyan side looking for a capable mate and yet he was very sweet. She had spoken with Bra about him and had got her to admit his secret admiration for her. And truth be told she had never before had a crush on anyone really, but Goten touched her in a different way emotionally and physically then any man she had ever met. And she had to chuckle, she had known him all her life and it had taken her that long to realize how perfect he was. She whispered near his lips. “I suppose I could give you a chance. I mean my song was true, you are really one in a million….to me.” With that she kissed him gently and he responded with passion turning her first kiss into a dizzying sensation of bliss. When they pulled apart both were breathing hard and smiling.
“So how about a date?” Goten asked trying to sound calm.
Veronica smiled wickedly and for a moment Goten thought he saw her eyes flash red. “Sounds good, but first….dance with me.”
With that she dragged him out on the dance floor to dance right in front of her father….the first test of his love for her, and what their new relationship could with stand.
~The End~