Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Reconcile ❯ Reconcile Part VII: To Reconcile With Love. ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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As the loving family fell asleep together, Vegeta could feel himself flung back into the vat of colours. He was certain that his next destination would be at the beach, where he and his mate would have finally completed the ritual.

He had a greater understanding of the hurt and pain he had caused her and vowed to himself to never inflict that pain upon her again. He also knew that he wanted the little girl known as Bra in his life as soon as possible. She, Bulma and Trunks were three stars that shone brightly in his life.

He had the perfect family, and nothing was going to stop him from being with them.


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Bulma coughed and groaned as she sat up. She felt as though she'd been hit by a train. She found that she was no longer standing in the fire, but that she had been hurled about twenty feet from it. The fire was still roaring in as if in an animal anger. Bulma looked around, trying to find Vegeta. Her eyes traveled upwards, above the flames that almost touched the twinkling sky. She gasped.

Vegeta was above the tip of the fire with arms out stretched, as was his legs. Amazement shone on her face as she saw him hovering perfectly still, a dangerous bright blue aura surrounding him. He looked so serene, like the calm before a storm, a shining star if you will. She couldn't remember why she was here on the beach, or what had happened. Confusion reigned down, but stopped as she looked at her husband.

Bulma screamed as the ruby flames engulfed his body again.

"VEGETA!!" What was going on? Why was this happening? So many questions cascaded through her mind like an uncontrollable waterfall. She ran nearer to the fire, hoping she could do something to help, anything.

A cry of pain burned her throat as she was back by an imaginary shield. She watched helplessly as her husband was engulfed by the hacking flames. "VEGETA!" Bulma screamed again, hoping to awaken him.

She abruptly stopped screaming and watched in awe as his blue aura in the fire crackled around it. What astounded her more, was the fact that the crackling aura changed from a heart stopping blue, to an eye catching gold. She stood alone, silently watching her husband transform into his Super Saiya-jin state, probably unaware that he was doing so. "What is going on..." She whispered to herself, mesmerized as the bulging muscles in his body, increased to accommodate the massive power.

Bulma was taken aback by how god-like he looked. As if he were about to condemn anyone and anything that did wrong. She blinked again as he ascended to the second stage, once again increasing in size. She ran her tongue over her dry lips, looking at him in the sky with wonder.

What happened next, shocked her to the core of her soul.

His aura changed from the yellowy-gold to a darker shade of gold. Squinting at the brightness, she watched in amazement as his hair began to grow, slowly and gradually. Was this a good thing or a bad thing? She couldn't help but feel slightly ominous to the occurrence.

The wind around her picked up speed, causing Bulma to grit her teeth and kneel on the sand, letting one arm shield her sensitive eyes. Throughout all of this, she kept looking at Vegeta, unable to tear her gaze away.

A bright light exploded before her vision, causing her to wince in pain. The large explosion, forced her to fly back in the harsh wind like a weightless feather. Blackness engulfed her, but the last thing she saw was Vegeta in his complete transformed state, looking more frightening than ever before.


Vegeta growled as the bright colours simultaneously stopped attacking his vision, and he was hurled to the ground, out of the fire. He frowned as he stood up, not really hurt by the harsh way he was thrown from the fire. It dawned on him that he wasn't in his normal state.

A rush of power surged through his veins, unlike any he had encountered before. He roared at the sky as the maddening power flew threw his veins. It was then he realized he had ascended to the next level of a Super Saiya- jin. He chuckled and looked at his hands, also realizing his hair had grown longer and downwards in sharp knife-like spikes. "Beat that Kakarott..." He said to himself. He didn't even have to worry about training hard to achieve the third level anymore. It must have been due to the Py'ar ritual.

The Py'ar.

Powering down and returning to his normal state, he searched for Bulma's ki. Sure enough he found it a few meters away from the fire that had calmed down considerably. Flying over to her fallen and still body, worry began to take over his senses. Why wasn't she moving? As he reached her side, he kneeled before her limp body, looking at the back.

Frowning, he reached out and pulled her around so that she faced him. He began to panic as he saw a thick line of blood trickle out from the side of her head. Amongst the panic, he started to shake her awake, hoping to Dende that she would wake up. If this is what the Py'ar ritual had done to her then he wanted to turn back time.

Fuck understanding, fuck the power.

What was the point if she wasn't there for him to understand? What was the point if she wasn't there to see his new found power? What was the point if she wasn't there for him to love her...

"Onna?" He spoke in a frantic manner as he shook her. "Wake up dammit." He spoke through gritted teeth as he shook her gently, but enough so that she would awake.

When nothing happened, he growled and lowered his ear to her lips to see if she was breathing. When he couldn't here anything, he snarled in anger and shook her again. "Wake the fuck up!!"

Relief flooded his entire being as her eyes fluttered open and she gasped, coughing herself to wake. "Vegeta...?" She asked meekly. Her head was pounding even more than before, and she couldn't remember where she was.

"Onna," he breathed with relief. He tore off a piece from his silk PJ's and dabbed at the blood on the side of her head. She was alive! She was going to be ok!

Bulma began to sob as memories from the Py'ar ritual flashed through her mind. She had forgotten previously, but now it all flooded back. She sat up and hugged her husband with relief, sobbing from the intense situation she had been in the ritual. She could still feel the ki of flames licking at her body. She shivered, pressing her face into his chest.

Vegeta ran his hand through her short silky hair, brushing away parts of her fringe. His heart ceased to hammer in his chest. He had been so close to losing her... "Did everything in the phases go accordingly?"

Bulma stood up and sniffled, walking away and looking at the white sand below her feet. She couldn't bring herself to speak.

Vegeta began to panic at each passing moment. He stood up, walking to her. What had she exactly seen? He sunk down to the sand, pulling her with him so she sat in his lap, once again on the sand. The ritual was still not completed. They still had to consummate their joining. But upon seeing her condition, he paused and sought to comfort her.

He had learned a lot about her through the Py'ar ritual and he was going to use the knowledge to the best advantage he could. He placed his lips against her ear and mumble into it. "Tell me Onna. What did you think of the ritual?" He had been so worried when he thought he'd lost her. Never again would he let himself feel that way or endanger her.

She drew a shaky breath, "I-" her voice faltered and she buried her face in his chest. The final memories she had were too painful for her to bring back. She felt his hands wrap around her waist tightly. It was so comforting to know that he was with her, "I understand." She whispered. With shaky hands, she wrapped them around his neck as she sat in his lap and brought him closer to her. She didn't want to be separated from him a moment longer.

Vegeta held back a smile. He knew what that meant. He was forgiven. He thanked Dende above and the Saiya-jin deity Vegar for allowing him to have a second chance with his mate... Now Tashi. He smirked. The title seemed to fit them perfectly. They were now Toshu and Tashi for eternity. Not even death could separate them. As he looked at her state, he was slightly worried how her experience had gone.

Carefully looking over her shoulder as she hugged him, he checked the back base of her neck. Sure enough, he found Vegeta-sei's insignia imprinted on the back of her neck. It was permanent and would remain with her even through and after death. Their ritual was almost complete, but he didn't know if he could coax her into consummating their new bond, due to her current emotional state. For once he was thinking about her feelings before his.

Bulma looked up into his eyes, "What happened to you after? I saw you changing and then... Everything went black." She forced herself to ask the question even though she didn't want to speak. All she wanted to do was be held in his arms.

He began to feel slightly guilty. So it was his transformation that caused her to be hurt. "I've ascended." He spoke quietly, unsure of what her reaction will be. Will she trust him and believe that he hadn't known that he would transform? Or would she think that he had only performed the ritual because he wanted to ascend and become stronger than Goku?

Her eyes brightened for a moment, "Really?"

He held back a sigh, she wasn't angry at him. He nodded and offered her a smirk. She hugged him tightly as she sat in his lap, once again remaining silent and feeling a surge of tears push their way into her eyes. The end phase of the ritual had been so traumatizing for her. To see her husband's last moments on Earth had been so difficult. And to experience his death with him was even more painful. The tears flowed down her cheeks.


Another hour passed in which Bulma had remained silent, tears falling freely down her face. In that hour she had simply stayed in Vegeta's arms as he let her cry to her hearts extent. It had been a very traumatizing experience for Bulma. As the tears on her cheeks began o fade, she found that she couldn't bring herself to cry anymore. She was too emotionally drained and so she sat silently sat in her husband's arms.

A pained expression flew across Vegeta's face. Bulma had been shaking and crying for the past hour and she had finally stopped, much to his relief. He couldn't bear to see her cry. if it was one thing he hated, it was crying. It pained him to see his mate so deeply disturbed by the Py'ar ritual.

But no one said it would be easy being his mate. After all, Vegeta had a very dark past that even he had blocked out some memories. He considered that he had been lucky to witness Bulma's past life and a part of her future, which he was very much a part of. Patience was not his virtue, but as he sat holding his Tashi he knew he could wait forever for her.

"Vegeta..." She finally mumbled, exhausted by the day's events. Bulma rubbed her cheek into his chest as his arms were wrapped tightly around her. She turned her head and saw the ruby fire slowly dying out, but not completely.

He grunted in response.

She sighed, closing her eyes. "I'm tired... Can't we go home?"

He wanted to smirk, but stopped himself. "We must finish the ritual before the fire dies out."

Bulma looked up in surprise, "You mean, it isn't finished yet?"

This time he did smirk. "Not by a long shot."

She shook her head miserably. "I don't know how long I can do this for... I'm so tired."

Vegeta simply stared at her. Tearing his gaze away, he looked back over the roaring ocean. He started to speak in a distant tone of voice. "As you wish, Onna. We will return home." He began to stand up, with her in his arms. He understood her if she did not want to complete the ritual. It was the downfall of the Py'ar ritual. Too much understanding meant that anger of any sort of anger towards their mate would not be diminished.

A sigh escaped her lips as she saw the hurt buried deep in his face. This was the first time she had seen the hurt clear on his face. Of course, if it hadn't been for the ritual she would have never seen it at all. He was too good at hiding his emotions, but Bulma had become good at reading them and now she understood perfectly what he was feeling.

She tugged on his arm, making him look at her. "I meant lets do this first and then go home. I am not going to lose a chance at taking part in your Saiya-jin ritual. I can see how much you treasure your heritage." She spoke softly and the words pounded straight against his soul.

Vegeta tried not to look as though he were pleased. He shrugged indifferently, smirking and lowered her to the sandy ground.

Bulma looked at him in confusion. "What are you doing Vegeta? The sand is getting into my robe!"

He put a finger to her lips, not wanting her to say anything to him. He just wanted to bask in the endless blue beauty she emanated through every pore. Laying her down fully onto the sand, he lay on top and let an evil glint slide into his eyes.

Bulma's jaw dropped as she looked into his eyes. She knew exactly what had to be done to complete the ritual. A small smile warmed her face. "Tsk tsk, naughty Vegeta..." She scolded in a husky whisper, shaking her finger back and forth in front of his face. She was beginning to feel more like her old self with each passing moment. The traumatizing experience began to wear away.

He quirked his brow. This was indeed a change from her sullen behaviour before. Or maybe it was the effect of the Py'ar causing her to have the mood swings. Either way he didn't care. He was glad to see her have the mood swing, for once. "How am I naughty?" Amusement wound its way around the syllables.

Without replying, she placed her hand on the back of his neck and softly pushed her lips into his. She shivered involuntarily as his lips sent electric shock waves of pleasure down her spin. It had been nearly over a year since she had felt the touch of his lips against hers. It felt so good. So right. Her tongue slipped out and caressed his lower lip gently. Arching her back, Bulma stifled a moan as her body began to ache for his touch.

Vegeta pinned her down tightly beneath him, his hands running down the sides of her cotton robe. Slowly but purposely, he began to tease her, opening the robe fraction by fraction.

She was growing impatient by the minute. Why was he being like this? He had never once teased her like this before, it was confusing yet highly erotic.

As Vegeta's own tongue plunged into her throat, she wrapped her legs around his waist showing him that she was more than ready and that all that was separating them was their clothes.

He smirked down into her cloudy lust filled eyes, pulling his lips away and earning a groan of frustration from his Tashi. "Impatient Onna... What are you going to do about it?" He asked innocently as he stroked her sides, causing her to shiver and ache even more with his absence.

Bulma looked up fearlessly into his eyes. "Is that a challenge Vegeta?"

"Yes." He said in a low voice, and began to kiss his way down her exposed throat, teasing her once more.

She chuckled. "Then I accept." Her firm unwavering voice caused a chill to do down his spine. He almost gasped as he felt her rub his tail spot vigorously. Shock waves of pleasure infiltrated his sensed.

Growling in hidden lust, he pinned her hands above her head. "Big mistake." He laughed cruelly as her face paled. Without hesitation, he ripped the robe apart down the middle. It was going to be fun to hear her beg for him after so long.


Bulma panted, collapsing against her husband's rock hard chest. She closed her eyes and listened to the rhythmic beating of his heart. She felt so fulfilled at that moment that she never acknowledged Vegeta's stare. Bulma sighed, stroking the cleft between his hardened pecks. Her harsh breathing slowed down, returning back to normal. Resting her chin up, she looked into his eyes and smiled.

Vegeta stared back into her eyes, his own onyx orbs warming greatly at the love her cerulean ones showed. He stroked her bare back as she lay on him. Could life get any better? He knew it probably could if a certain little girl would have been conceived that night. He sent a sly glance her way, deciding that he wouldn't tell her about the future.

In any case, the phases they had experienced were not meant to be shared with one another. It was supposed to be kept in the mind and heart, never to let it escape past the lips. A coy smile wound its way across his face. He could definitely go another round. After all, he hadn't been with her in slightly over a year. He had pined for her in that year, truly repenting for his sins just for a final touch, kiss, anything. But now he had her completely and he was never going to lose her again.

Bulma rubbed her way up to meet his lips. Rubbing them gently into his, she shook from the cold air that was ever present, the ocean its main cause. Vegeta sensed her condition and arched his back, pulling out her robe that he was laying on. Grimacing as rough sand rubbed into his back, he draped the robe over her bare body, covering them both. She smiled heartily and rubbed her nose against his lovingly. "Vegeta..." She breathed, ready for another round.

He smirked and smoothly lowered his hands around her bare curves, earning a pleasurable moan from her. Bulma playfully bit his lobe, "Do you know how much I love..." She trailed off, leaving him hanging.

Vegeta of course was expecting himself to be the answer and grunted for her to continue.

"I... Love..."

"Spit it out Onna," he said in amusement, not irritation.

She licked the inner walls of his gorgeous Saiya-jin ear in an erotic manner. "Sex," she whispered.

He snorted in surprise. He hadn't been expecting that. Scowling, he pulled away from her slightly.

She had to laugh at his reaction. Wrapping her arms firmly around his neck, she planted a kiss on his lips.

They continued in such a manner for the rest of the evening, making love until the sun rose over the horizon of ocean.


Her eyelids were assaulted with harsh rays of sunlight. Groaning, she flinched and fluttered her eyes open. A grin spread across her face as she looked up into the onyx eyes of the man she loved. "Morning," she said sleepily.

Vegeta smirked and lowered his lips to the crook of her neck. He started to massage his lips against the wound he had caused last night, earning a moan in return. He stopped abruptly when he could hear giggling from behind the faraway tree.

"Look Mommy, there's two people on the beach and they're buck naked!" A little eight year old boy jumped out of the tree and pointed at Bulma and Vegeta.

Bulma gaped in shame at the eight year old boy as she lay there frozen to the spot.

Vegeta reddened. It was a good thing that their bodies were covered by Bulma's robe.

The boy tore his gaze away from the couple and went in search of his mother behind the tree. "Mommy, where are you? THERE ARE NAKED PEOPLE ON THE BEACH DOIN' SUMTHIN NAUGHTY!"

Vegeta scrambled to his feet and roughly pulled on his silk PJ bottoms. Once he was off of her, Bulma jumped up and shook the sand off her body. She quickly slipped on her robe and jumped into Vegeta's outstretched arms.

They flew away together like a bullet in the sky.


The little boy turned back and found the couple gone. His mother ran towards him breathlessly, waving her arms and questioning the little boy. "Shin!! Where are they?!" She hadn't been getting any action lately, she might as well see other people have their fun!

Shin looked at the dead fire and shrugged. "I dunno. They disappeared- OW!" He cried as his mother pulled his ear.

"You naughty boy! It's not good to make up stories!!" She pulled him away by the ear, scolding him all the time. Secretly disappointed she hadn't seen any form of sex in action.


Bulma laughed in Vegeta's arms until her sides ached. "Did you see his face?" She asked breathlessly in joy.

"Stupid brat," he muttered under his breath as they flew at a tremendous speed.

Bulma laughed again and snuggled closer, "I guess we deserve it. It was a public beach you know."

"How was I supposed to know?" He sulked.

She had to smile at his childish behaviour. A glint of mischievousness passed through her eyes. "We still have our room you know," she finally managed to goad a smirk out of him.

The euphoria she felt was slowly fading. Silently, she rested her head in the crook of his neck, drifting off to sleep.


She woke again, finding herself still in Vegeta's arms. She stared at his face and frowned. He looked tired and worn out. She tapped the side of his cheek and let him know she was awake. Vegeta nodded, acknowledging that she was up.

Bulma was surprised by his reserved actions. "Are you ok?" She asked in a concerned tone.

He nodded. But if he was honest, he was contemplating and worrying about the future. What if the future didn't happen the way he had seen it in the Py'ar ritual? What if she hadn't forgiven him truly in her heart? He needed to know. That thought plagued him more than anything. Another tap brought him out of his reverie and he looked at Bulma questioningly.

Bulma kissed his cheek, sensing some sort of apprehension in him. "What ever it is, everything will be fine."

He smirked. She knew him like her favourite book. He looked ahead, seeing the Capsule Corp. building in the distance. He landed softly on the balcony of their room and gently lowered her to her feet. Before letting her go, he let his gaze penetrate her eyes. "Onna..." He stopped talking as her finger was pressed into his lips. His heart expanded as she smiled and shook her head.

"Vegeta, it's ok." She sweetly kissed his lips.

He roughly pulled her close to him and devoured her in a kiss, glad that their relationship had finally been reconciled. It had been a long hard road, but in the end, they had remained together and it would stay that way for the rest of their lives. She shivered at the intensity of his lips against hers and moaned as his hands roamed her curves. Pulling her lips away, she grinned in a catty manner. "I think I managed to get some sand stuck in the wrong places," she mumbled wickedly against his lips.

Vegeta chuckled wryly, it was too funny for words. Lifting her in his arms once again, he carried her into their large room. Softly padding in to the room, he turned to the bed and walked near it. A growl escaped his throat as a sharp object entered his foot. Placing Bulma on the bed, he went to examine the crushed object on the floor.

Bulma sat up, "What is it?" She burst out laughing as Vegeta stood from his crouched position, a destroyed clock in his hand. He was scowling at it. It was the one he destroyed the night he had been revived.

In an irritated manner, he threw the clock into the bin. "Damn thing, even in its death it still bothers me. Probably related to that baka Kakarott."

Bulma laughed as she heard his mutterings, but stopped as he glared at her. She placed an innocent look on her face and smirked in a sexy manner. "Serves you right for harming the poor thing." She stuck her tongue out at him slightly, an odd glint in her eyes.

Vegeta growled and pounced on her, pinning her to the bed. "You dare mock me Onna?"

She grinned, "Of course dear Prince."

"Wench, I will show you who is the Prince of Saiya-jins!"

Bulma smiled sweetly at him and brought his head down for a small kiss. "I love you Vegeta,"

He smirked. "Of course you do."

With her mouth agape, she whacked him but squealed as he growled and attacked her neck with sweet, loving and extremely arousing kisses.

It is always a good thing to be reconciled with the one you love. You get so much out of it. For the rest of that day, Bulma definitely got a lot of out of it. And I mean a lot.

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