Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Redirection ❯ Dont mess with me ( Chapter 8 )
Hi again!
I'm so glad that Fanfiction got sorted, and we can update.
Check out my friend blonde-e's story. It's a Pan and Trunks fanfiction.
Thanks for reviewing it means a lot to me.
Chapter 8
Don't mess with me
Drahyrt scowled at the new boy, he had instantly disliked the newcomer.
There was something intimidating about him.
His brain tried to come up with a suitable comeback, but he seemed to be temporarily paralysed.
Instead he just glared at Gohan, and almost fell off his chair when the teenager who had insulted him sent a glare straight back, that was ten times as scary as his.
The teacher saw the look that passed between the two boys, and since Drahyrt was his favourite student, he decided to scold Gohan instead.
He placed his hand on the glaring Gohan's shoulder, causing the boy to jump slightly.
"Gohan, I know you're new, and you may have been able to get away with mouthing off to other students at what ever school you were at before, but here, you act like a civilised being and treat others with respect. My students defiantly do not deserve to be threatened by a loud mouthed punk who can't even be bothered showing up for class on time."
Gohan almost did a double take.
No one in his life had really told him off before except for his mother, and he didn't even really know this teacher.
He was seriously considering frying the annoying man, by caught himself just in time.
He `d remembered he wasn't around people like him.
So he resorted to the next best thing.
He forced a fake smile, and gave his best performance that he used to reserve for his mother.
"I'm so sorry Sir, it's just that I feel a bit intimidated being the new kid, and I needed to use up some nervousness and I guess I struck out in the way I knew best."
Gohan watched as the teacher's face changed from anger to a mask of acceptance, and he knew he'd got away with it.
The teacher nodded once to Gohan to say you're forgiven.
The bell rang, and the students piled into the corridor.
The hallway was almost empty by the time that Gohan made an attempt to figure out where he was supposed to be.
He pulled his timetable out of his pocket, and walked along studying it.
The next minute he found himself up against a wall.
Normally if Gohan had been attacked he wouldn't have budged an inch, but he had been preoccupied, and had been caught off guard.
He looked at his attackers, but didn't recognise them.
He had a teenage boy holding on to each arm.
Gohan was about to break away, when someone who had stayed out of the way stepped forward.
"Hello, Gohan." The boy drawled.
The speaker was easily recognisable.
It was the boy that Gohan had had the glaring competition with.
Gohan raised an eyebrow.
"I guess we haven't been properly introduced have we?"
The boy continued before Gohan could answer.
"My name is Drahyrt, I'm top dog of this school, I have strong and powerful friends, and nobody has stood up to me yet, because they knew what was good for them.
But then Gohan, you came along.
Since you're new, you didn't know any better, but I'm still going to have to hurt you.
You see I can't let these things go unpunished, because then other people will start rebelling if you know what I mean?"
Gohan almost laughed, this puny weakling hurt him.
Drahyrt walked forward and stopped a metre in front of Gohan, and prepared to beat the person he believed to be a victim up.
Gohan waited till Drahyrt's fist was about a split-second away from him when he made him move.
He lifted his arms with Drahyrt's goons still attached and threw them forward, sending the two extra pieces of weight into the opposite wall.
Then he ducked and kicked Drahyrt's legs out form under him (Like Trunks did at the tournament in the Buu saga.)
Gohan walked up to Drahyrt's form that lay on the floor, stunned.
Gohan laughed.
Not a happy, normal, teenage laugh, but a cruel, cold, Vegeta laugh.
"Guess what Drahyrt?
I'm stronger then you, smarter then you, and I can beat you any day.
You don't get me, so don't mess with what you don't understand, you know what I mean?"
Gohan gave Drahyrt a kick in the ribs for good measure and walked down the hallway to his next class.
Drahyrt's flunkies hurried to their fallen leader, to help him up.
He knocked them away, and struggled to his feet by himself.
He stared after the figure of Gohan.
"This isn't over Gohan, I promise you, I will get revenge, I guarantee it."
Well how did everyone like that, there is a way you can tell me, its called REVIEWING, HEHEHE
I hope you guys do review, I like 2 no what ppl think about my writing.
I'll write the next chapter soon.