Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Repentance ❯ wonderment ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
** means telepathic communiction between gods **

Disclaimer : no dragonballs damnit why can't I find a dragonball (sigh) I dont own DBZ

And as far as I know neither does lynx or if he does then he's not telling me!

Repentance Chapter2 : Wonderment

Beat beat beat "my heart it's beating" Bardock couldn't believe it last time he checked he was dead and in HFIL (hell or home for infinite losers) but two things seemed to disagree with this assessment. One he could feel and hear his heart beating and two his current scenery was definitely not the HFIL he remembered in fact it was closer to "no it can't be " mumbled bardock as he fell to his knees " Vegeta-sei" "but how? The planet was destroyed, it was destroyed by the same blast that killed the rest of us what has happened have I missed something"

At the Saiyan-jin Palace King Vegeta was wondering the same thing " what the f*ck is going on here!" he screamed at the closest of his guards though he knew to be fair to them they probably had less of an idea than he did still at times like these you had to scream at people

It was expected of you " Well come on I asked a question answer me !" " um we don't know lord" answered the poor guard who happened to be closest he had had no choice all his compatriots were backed up against the far wall preparing to flee the room " perhaps one of the gods would know"

King Vegeta was impressed the poor guard had actually come up with a coherent thought even though being cowered. " What is your name and rank guard" asked the king.

"Sub-Commander Kael Lord"

"Not anymore it is Commander Kael now" " um thank you Lord"

"And your first assignment as Commander will be to go to the plateau of the gods and tell them that King Vegeta would like them to grace him with their presence so that we can figure out what to do with our renewed life."

"It shall be as you command Lord" turning Kael departs.

"Now I just have to figure out some intelligent questions to ask them" mused King Vegeta to himself.

Bardock meanwhile was catching up on looking at scenery that he hadn't seen in a long time

When an astonishing sight greeted his eyes his son Raditz engaged in a friendly conversation with Nappa. He knew the two didn't get on that well that they would choose the others company so soon after being brought back to life there were plenty others they would choose first. With that thought in mind bardock flew down to join his son and nappa. "Raditz Nappa "

Greeted Bardock. "Father" "Commander" came the response " what have you two been up to" " oh not much father you know just the usual wondering why are we here after we have been dead so long nappa's actually got a theory as to why"

"Well raditz did help it was him that put me on the track of them"

"Them ?" Enquired Bardock

"Yeah them the dragonballs the things vegeta and I went to earth looking for I think someone made a wish with them for the saiyan-jins to be wished back don't know why though."

"Yeah the few people that know about the dragonballs or the saiyan-jins don't exactly like us enough to make a wish restoring us to life." Agreed Raditz.

"Well who could it be then?" Asked Bardock.

"Only the earthings or the nameks they are the only ones with dragonballs and knowledge of us"answered Nappa.

"Yeah and the things that they remembered about you probably are not pleasant still this is most likely the only answer for our current state of well being we should tell the king about this " " you lead and we will follow father" " very well then raditz, nappa let's go"

King Vegeta was getting annoyed where were those damned gods Kael had been gone an hour they should have been back by now wait yes here they were the four gods of the saiyan-jin.

The gods of Air, land, Sea and the chief god of the saiyan-jin the god of war.

"Thank you for coming at such sort notice did this current situation catch you by surprise as much as it did us" greeted king Vegeta.

" Yes it did and thank you for asking for our presence so quickly perhaps we can find some answer to this unexplained happening"answered Ares the god of war as always the spokeman of the gods.

" So you do not know what has caused our renewed life either then."Asked king Vegeta

"No we do not" admitted Ares.

"Lord we have three warriors seeking admittance to this meeting They are Commander Bardock, his son Raditz and elite Nappa they say that they know what has caused this lord shall they be admitted" cried the door warden

"Admit them at once" answered the king.

Bardock, Raditz and Nappa entered the throne room and stood before the king.

"Commander Bardock is this true do you know what has caused this miracle"

"Yes lord though I did not make this discovery it was made by Nappa with the aid of my son

It seems from what they have told me someone has made a wish with the dragonballs to restore our planet and our lives."

"What are these dragonballs"

" I can answer that King Vegeta they are seven mystical orbs that when brought together grant the summoner of the dragon a varias number of wishes I don't know the exact number" answered Ares.

"So where are these dragonballs then "

Nappa answered "there are only two places we know of lord where they exist earth and new namek"

"But from what I remember of your briefing in hfil Nappa both of those places have little love for us why would they let their dragonballs to be used to wish us back."

I don't know lord perhaps one of our gods should contact theirs to see if we can find out anything"Nappa said.

"I will do that"Ares responded ** This is Ares the chief god of the saiyan-jins contacting Namek please come in Namek **

** This is Elder Mori of the Nameks how can I help you Ares **

** greetings Elder Mori our race has just been restored to life we think someone wished this so with the dragonballs we were wondering if yours had been used lately **

** no they have not perhaps someone used the earth dragonballs their kami Dende might know something **

** thankyou for assistance and your time Elder Mori we will continue our enquires with this dende **

"Well it was not the nameks time now to try earth" Ares told those assembled.

** This is Ares the chief god of the Saiyan-jin contacting Dende the kami of earth come in Dende**

** this is Dende did you just say the saiyan-jins **

** yes I did Dende our race has been restored to life we were wondering if the earth's dragonballs have been used for this purpose**

**" saiyan-jins alive "** Dende faints

** hello anyone there**

**err sorry about that Dende has been a little stressed recently I am Mr Popo his assistant oh and what was Dende meaning about Saiyan-jins alive**

** Mr Popo I am Ares the chief of the saiyan-jins our race has been restored to life we were wondering if the earth's dragonballs were responsible **

** no wonder Dende fainted they could be they were used just a few days ago and we do know who by so it could have been that they wished you back do you wish to send a small party to find out some more details they may be able to ask some of the saiyan-jins that we have living here if they know any more **

** yes we will do that we will despatch a party within the week it should take another week for them to get there is this okay **

**Yes we will be expecting them thankyou for letting us now of your newfound life will I be hearing from you again before they arrive **

** Yes and thankyou for your cooperation **

"King Vegeta the representative of the god of earth has agreed to a party to go there to question the saiyan-jins who live there. It seems it was the earth dragonballs that revived our life and our planet who do you think should go on this party King Vegeta" Ares said.

"I not yet sure let me think on this for a while in the meantime there are plenty of other things that call for our attention would you meet with me here again tomorrow" Mused King Vegeta.

"We will king until then good health and prosperity"Ares responded on behalf of the gods as the ascended back to their plateau.

"Commander, Nappa, Raditz you are all dismissed of duties today but I expect you before me tomorrow as well"

"Of coure Lord " the three responded.

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The saiyan-jins are coming the saiyan-jins are coming who will the king send(i wonder) will dende recover consciousness will gohan and videl ever show up find out in chapter3 decisions decisions that is solely g/v oh yeah reviews would be nine on the meantime