Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Repentance ❯ decisions decisions ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3 yes finally some g/v and I will need to set the scene or no one will no what I'm on about. It is just over a year since buu has been defeated gohan, videl and co have graduated high school finished summerbreak and are about to enter university (college for you poor people in the states I'm an australian I use australian terminology I don't know yours I do know mine (i'm 2nd year engineering)translate that and you'll do fine)They are both studying

a Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts(history) degree their friends degrees will be revealed in time. gohan and videl are officially going out but are not married yet and have not mated though they do have a slight bond (they can only project thoughts if they try really hard)gohan has continued videl's training and she is about the level piccolo was in the fight with vegeta and nappa (3200 odd) but she has not been trained in ki blasts yet(if you think that is a bit low remember that piccolo could blow up the moon with less than that and that is about the elite level of the saiyan-jins nappa at 4000 was considered a super-elite hmm I wonder if that will change when they get to earth).

/* thoughts */

Disclaimer : no dragonballs equals ** smoke and mirror illusion trick ** no dragonballz huh it didn't work damn.

Repentance chapter 3 : Decision Decisions

Finally Gohan was were his mother wanted him to be. At University, a scholar but after spending a full year at high school even after that fracas with buu he was damned if he was going to waste four years of his life going through all the trouble he'd had at high school on a grander scale. Sure he wanted to achieve the degree he had chosen but basically he already knew it all if only there was a way to communicate this to his lecturers "now there's an idea"

As gohan stared off into space /* now how can I go about getting exemptions to all these units that I have to take what about if I huh */ Gohan stared at the rapidly moving object inches from his face which gradually resolved into Videl's hand. "Jeez Gohan when you space out you really space out what is it this time think you are going to fail something and comtemplating how to avoid Chichi's wrath."

"Oh hi videl no I was just thinking about how I can get exemptions for my units so I can get my degree sooner."

"I think not Son Gohan I'm doing the same course as you are for a reason you know I expect you to help me out with this uni stuff if you think you can just look at me and blow happy bubbles all day your sadly mistaken"

" oh forgot about that yeah I did say I was going to help you didn't I" (no disrepect to videl fans she probably does need help sure she's smart but she's not in gohan class and she knows it)

" yes you did gohan and don't you forget it "

"But I don't want to spend 4 years of my life just bumming round uni"/* lets see videl resist the son gohan's sad look now */

Softening just a little " I know gohan 4 years is a long time but have you ever heard of summer term"

"Huh what's that"
"that's where you can take units externally over the summer break"

"External how does that work"

"Who ever think me explaining things to gohan, external is where you study at home and only have to come in for the unit exam that way if you take say 4 units over summerbreak each year

You could be finished in 2 ½ years and that way I can take the courses same time as you so I'm happy, you finish earlier so you are happy and you can still blow happy bubbles at videl" she finished with a smile.

"2 ½ years is still to long but I guess I can put up with it if it makes my videl happy"smiled gohan back.

" and then videl can blow happy bubbles at gohan" she finished with a laugh.


"So what have we got today"

"Well at 12:00 we have an introdutory lecture by the arts faculty and at 1:00 another by the science faculty and at 2:00 we have a 2 hour welcoming presentation in the auditorium by the dean of the university and its chief patron oh shit"

"Gohan whats wrong now"

"It's bulma and she's bringing vegeta and knowing my luck trunks and goten will tag along as well it's over my life it's over"

"Come on gohan what can they say everyone already knows that your're the great saiyan-man

What can they point out that's any worse than that"

"Oh yeah good point I may have over-reacted a little bit"

"Umm I wouldn't go that far gohan they're still dangerous just more what's the word umm predictable yeah that's it"

"Bulma and Vegeta predictable that's a bad thing they always spring something on you when you think they've gone predictable"

"Oh yeah now why do I suddenly have a very bad feeling about this"

Next chapter why does videl have a bad feeling about this (hmm I wonder)

Two boring lectures and a enlighting presentation.

Yes I know I said I say more on who the king would send and when dende will wake up that will be in one of the future chapters because it will give me something to write about which will prevent the entry of writers block or at least delay it a bit another thing that fights writers block is reviews the more you give the less writers block I have so please review