Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Repentance ❯ videl's surprise ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer : lynx's grin hasn't gone away but he's saying nothing about it so I have to assume that he doesn't own Dragonballz either besides he's into transformers more.

Repentance Chapter 5 : Videl's Surprise

"Right gohan now that you've finished wandering round campus trying to get lost for the last ten minutes and have settled yourself down in that seat perhaps you might like to continue my education in surviving vegeta 101"

"Sure videl but I wasn't trying to get lost they design these things just to confuse poor students like me"

"Riiiight i'm sure the university's planning office has a design plan specifically to confuse poor helpless saiyan-jins seriously though gohan how come you can get lost so easily they even had arrows pointing out the right direction"

"They did, where, I never saw any"

"Oh I know that, the way you were wandering led me to that conclusion, how did you think that I knew were I was, I was following the signs."

"I still don't think there were signs"

"Like father like son, genuises in one thing, babe in the woods in all others"

Videl ignores evil glare " so am I getting my vegeta training now"

"I spose" continues evil glare "another important thing when faced with vegeta is to not let him get everthing his own way he admires strength and people standing up to him but make sure you have either cast-iron underwear or brown pants on because vegeta will test your resolve and when a vegeta induced pants soil happens it's not a pretty sight"

"So the alternate plan when facing vegeta is not 'first i'm going to soil myself then regroup and come up with a new plan' so what is a good alternate plan if the stand up to him doesn't work"(a/n I couldn't resist that Austin Powers line)

"Probably hide behind me that might give him a reason to calm down and approach things rationally, from his viewpoint at least anyway vegeta likes to fight me but not where he thinks people can see him get beaten"

"So is that the key to vegeta then, his pride, figure out when it kicks in and your right then"

"Yeah it's his pride all right as long as he can keep his pride intact he's happy"

"So now all we have do to is sit through the rest of this and then I can try all these fun things out"

" yeah hopefully we won't fall asleep and miss it"

"Are we there yet woman"

"No vegeta"

Minute later "are we there yet "

"No vegeta"

Another minute

"Are we there yet "

"NO vegeta"

Another minute

"Are we there yet"


"Snicker,snicker,snicker"(think of the sound)

Vegeta had loved it when he'd first seen that add he'd even been proud of the fact trunks had used it to torment kakkarot's harpy and then precede to corrupt mini kakkarot with it.

But it wasn't the same as being able to do it yourself and he was pleased he'd finally had the opportunity of trying it out first hand it worked wonderfully he just wished he'd known it when he a servant under frieza he really could have pissed the bastard off tremendously then he may have killed him early but it would have been worth it to see the look on his face.

" ahh memories"

"Vegeta are you all right"

"Yes bulma just reminiscing about old times"


*/ right now all I have to do is torture gohan and get him to faint from the wonderful news */

" vegeta what is it your not telling me"

" oh damn forgot you can read my thoughts just planning how to torture gohan"

"Riiight then why am I suddenly worried"

The biggest smirk vegeta had had in a long time cracked across his face " no idea"

Up at kami's lookout dende was in fix

"What can I do the saiyan-jins are coming, Mr Popo is drunk, my vodka is gone, i'm going to die."

"Surely it can't be that bad dende"

"It's worse piccolo vegeta has to tell gohan that they're alive"

"Who's alive dende"

"Didn't you hear that bit piccolo the saiyans are alive and some of them are going to be coming to earth for a family reunion"

"They're coming ? You sure you've got no vodka left dende"

"Yes Mr Popo just drank the last bottle"

"Damn cause we really need a drink and water ain't going to be strong enough"

"I know piccolo you can materialise objects right can't you just materialise a couple no make that a doxen of bottles of umm I donno bundy and cola or something"

"Sure but is that a doxen total or each"

"Each we need to get plastered fast better make that two doxen each"

"You know dende I think this is one of the best ideas you've ever had"materialising bundy and colas

"Thanks piccolo bottoms up"

" so videl ready to face the vegeta"

"Isn't it face the music gohan"

" it ain't music when vegeta's around just make sure he doesn't get near any of the sound system or he will pop a linkin park cd in and absolutely crank it"

" isn't that a good thing gohan"

"Videl you know how people are scared of vegeta right well so are stereos he has the same effect on them. A stereo hasn't really been cranked to the max until vegeta's done it and speaking personally I don't know how his ears stand it.

" right well now were at this here were do you think we should sit given that you said he would spot you wherever you are do you think it would be better to sit up the front"


" That way fewer people will be between him and us meaning less sacrifices on the altar of vegeta's ego"

"Yeah good point do you think they'll give us some bonus credits on our assignments for that"

"Probably not worth a try though"

"Look here comes the procession let's laugh at the funny colours(Aus spelling)

"Look videl pretty blue and there's a green and ohhh pink"

"Hey look gohan there's bulma she's in a light blue one too and no way is that vegeta in a black one"

"You're right how the hell did the ever manage to get him out of spandex that's all he ever wears have you got camera on you videl we've got to get a picture of this"

Snap snap " there's two I wait till later to get some more"

MC " welcome everyone today is a blah blah blah blah blah blah blah let me introce to you the faculty heads blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and our university patron Bulma briefs doctor of science and technology and her husband Vegeta doctor of military history from the university of Edinburough blah blah blah blah blah blah blah let me present to you our dean

" thank you for the introduction blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and now let me introduce our patron the wonderful Bulma Briefs"

"Hey videl is it just me or has vegeta be very quiet over in that corner"

"Gohan if you hadn't warned me I would have said he was an overgrown kitten it like he's on his best behavior or something"

" oh shit things always go wrong when vegeta starts acting normal either that or he's just trying to put me off guard and if that's the case then he is definitely succeeding"

"Yeah but let's be quite for a bit I want to hear what bulma's going to say"

" thank you professor and thank you too students for paying attention I know how difficult that can be from my uni days so I won't take up much time let me just say that as a former student of this university you have indeed chosen the best in the world the only reason my husband didn't go here was because they didn't offer his degree so to finish good luck in your chosen fields and may you find success in them and if your lucky you may even end up working for me one day." Applause.

MC"thank you mrs Briefs and now if the students would like to join the staff and Mr and Mrs briefs at the refresment tables you are most welcome"more applause.

"Wow they got food they're legends"

"It doesn't take much to impress you does it gohan anyway lets go see what was causing vegeta to behave himself he'll be round the food tables too"

"Damn we'll have to hurry then or he'll eat everything"

" mmmm cake lovely cake now why can't bulma learn to cook this good mmm cake"

"Yes hi to you to vegeta is the cake that good"

"My cake my precious mmmm cake"

"From that i'd say it is videl where's the next closest cake"

"Just here but why can't you share"

"Hsss my precious my cake"

"That answers your question vegeta will kill anyone who touches that cake lets finish this one off and then we may get some answers."

"Mmm cake"

"Okay cake all gone so how come you've been all quiet vegeta it's not like you"

"Can't I be good now and then"

"Hey gohan you left a piece"

"You have it videl you didn't get much"

"Now I now she's your girlfriend brat you wouldn't share food with anyone else"


"Oh damn I got some food on my necklace I better clean it"pulling out a silver half-moon necklace

"You must be teaching her bad habits eh gohan huh /sees necklace for first time / where did you get that from"all trace of affability gone from vegeta's manner.

"My mother gave it to my before she left dad years ago why"

"This is why" pulling out a opposite necklace vegeta brought it over to videl's they aligned with a snap"

Separating them again vegeta put his away and turning directly to videl asked

"So your mother gave you this is she still alive"

"I don't know she left when I was three why does it concern you anyway"

"Because there is only one necklace that could be then I know who she is"

"Oh who is she then "

"Her name is vanessa she is my little sister"

Bwahahahhahaha how will videl take this news find out in chapter6 where the saiyans will make an appearance again

Piccollo and dende will be drunk and and hercule will nearly have a heart attack

And due to my lack of net time the earliest it will be up will be Sunday afternoon(aus time) at worst Tuesday until then please continue to review.