Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Repentance ❯ Answers ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer : lynx's grin now has him worried that he think that I think he's up to something

Repentance chapter 7 : Answers

"Have you called that medic yet brat"

"Yes vegeta they said they'd be here in five minutes but I would have loved to have seen their faces when I told them it was for hercule their voices raised about five octaves and their words oh no who's going to defend us while he's out we'll be there as soon as we can ahh I love it when people panic"

"Has trunks been getting to you lately brat you're starting to sound like me"

"You say that as if it's a bad thing"

"I'm sure bulma and that fry-pan wielding devil woman would say that it is"

"Hmm yeh good point"

"Umm vegeta now that i'm the princess of the saiyan-jins is there any things I should know"

"Yes many but I don't have enough time to teach them all to you right now but one thing you need to decide is who will complete your training because with the saiyan-jins coming here they will not accept you as their princess if you are a weakling actually only by showing exceptional power will they accept you what level are you currently at"

"Gohan says my power level is about 3200 but there is a lot of stuff he hasn't taught me"

"3200 ehh that's not bad about the old level of elite but you need to do a lot better than that i'd say you need to be at least 20000 when they get here how advanced is her training gohan"

"Well videl's mastered flight and ki sensing she has some mastery of hiding her ki and can raise it when angered but she hasn't really mastered powering up yet and I haven't taught her any ki blasts or manipulations"

"What are you defining as manipulations"

"Things like Tien's solar flare or dad's kaio-ken or instant transmission"

"You know kaio-ken and instant transmission"

"Well dad did teach me kaio-ken but i've never really used it and as for instant transmission

I think I know how he does it but you really need to lock on to a ki to do it right and if I do that it sort of gives it away that i'm practicing it because dad doesn't know I can do it yet and I want to surprise him"

" Good work gohan never let up an opportunity to surprise kakkarot"

"Make way medic coming through where is hercule"

"Over here thanks for coming so quickly"

"That's all right videl what happened though your dad's not someone to just have a heart attack for no reason"

"Oh he just had a bit of an emotional shock thats all"

"Riiight well stand back so we can use the paddles on him"

Shock shock

"I think he's coming round"

"Were am I ahh its you what do you want from me"

"Well that's not the usual reaction but then hercule's not the usual man"

"I think it was me that remark was aimed at"


"Um who are you"

//* gohan he's going to use fav line 1 isn't *//

//* oh yeah *//


" umm bowing sir"


" Umm we'll just be going then have a nice day"


"Run away run away"

"They're gone now hercule now you have to answer my questions"

"NOOOO I don't wanna die don't kill me"

"Who said anything about killing I just want answers"

"I tell you anything just spare my life"

"I think i'm getting to like this right first question where did you meet videl's mother"

"Umm at a nightclub I think, we met had a few drinks then went back to my pad and got it on"

"I didn't need to know that last bit dad"

"What happened after that"

In the morning she left and I didn't see her for 3 months and when I did boy was she not happy"

"You mean I was the result of a one night stand shit I really didn't need to know that"

" how was she not happy"

"Well a lot of chicks turned up a little way after a good night pretending they were pregnant and trying to make me marry them so they could get my money not her she was like you got me pregnant you bastard that wasn't sposed to happen now what am I gonna do i'm not going to marry you and i'm damned if I'm going to have an abortion"

"So what did she do"

"Well she agreed to live with me on the condition I shut up and didn't make a fool of myself around her or she would beat the crap out of me ,she could too, anyway after videl was born, she named her by the way, she stayed another three years to give videl some sort of upbringing

With a mum and dad but after that she just coudn't stand me anymore and left, but left videl with me saying though that I should teach her martial arts when she got old enough and to make sure that I gave her everything she asked for as she couldn't give her the kind of life I could after she left I never saw her again"

"So you don't know if she still lives"

"No I have no idea wait if videl's mother is your sister doesn't that technically make me your brother-in-law"

"Did she ever bite your neck"

"Nooo why"

"Because if she didn't then she didn't consider you as her mate and saiyan-jins customs in this would override human customs especially since you have been seperated for 15 years"

"Umm could you explain that"

"As she didn't bite you, you aren't her mate therefore i'm not your brother-in-law"

"Oh so what am I then"

"Videl father and my sister's flesh mattress, any way I had most of my questions answered so I be leaving you in peace for a bit, videl would you like to spent the night at your uncle and aunt's"

"Sure uncle"

"Right gohan you're coming with us too for a bit we've got to figure out videl's training schedule"


"Well then hercule keep out of my way and you'll live longer goodbye"

"Come on then were flying over lets see what you can do girl"

"Okay were here uh videl are you all right"

"Leave me be gohan its a bugger trying to keep up to you and vegeta"

"Yes it was we made it dificult too but you impressed me videl you fly a lot faster than one with a power level of only 3200 I was particularly impressed by your ability to stay in our drag trail so you had us cutting your wind resistance maybe we got less work to do then we thought eh gohan"

" I don't know about that vegeta you will not be happy until you've got her to the first level of super-saiyan-jin"

"Damn right brat but that can wait until she masters the basics so which of us is going to teach her what"

"Come on vegeta just admit it you want to teach her to fight the saiyan-jin way and don't want me to interfere at all"

"Close but no cigar brat I do want you to teach videl ki manipulations I don't know your friends fancy tricks and the turtle style your dad trained under as well as he namek tricks that you know I want to teach her ki- blasts and saiyan-jin fighting techniques as well as the secrets of the transformation speaking of the transformation can you still go super-saiyan-jin"

"Yeh I can but it's bloody difficult it's like my ki's all focused the wrong way"

"How do you mean"

"Well you know that mystic power up I now have well anytime I try to power up my ki automatically wants to go into mystic I have to actually take control of it and guide it into super saiyan-jin the trigger is still there it just doesn't like being activated"

"So you could theoretically then power up to max in mystic and then take control of your ki and trigger super saiyan-jin on top of mystic"

"Hey I never thought of that yeh I could but the power that would generate, it would vaporise

The earth in an instant the only place I could try it would be either deep space or the hyperbolic time chamber and it would probably even shred the chamber"

"How do you mean"

"Well you how majin buu and gotenks got out they powered up to max and yelled and created a portal well the power up aura would be one huge portal"

Come one brat how much power do you think you'd have"

"How much would have veggetto had vegeta"

"Oh about eight hundred million(800 000 000)"

"Well i'd probably have around 2 ½ to 3 billion"

"What the hell how do you figure that"

"Well that number is conserative but as mystic I have about the same as dad as a super saiyan-jin 3 around 450 million that would be before I go super now think of the increase we normally get going super those numbers would be very lowball it would probably be closer to 15-20 billion and that's only a 33 -44 times increase those numbers are probably a touch on the high side but closer to what i'd actually be"

"Holy shit bugger cell and frieza for power with that much you'd just about shred the solar system if you powered up once you got there it be all right it just the getting there that would scare the shit out of us"

So vegeta how does that compare to the rest of us"

"Well videl your power as we've said is 3200 so at normal gohan max of 450 million leaves you for dead mine is about 340 million beacuse I can't go super saiyan-jin 3 yet in perspective your dad's is about 28-30 a normal human with no training would be about 2 or 3"

"Holy shit is right and this is my boyfriend, gohan where have you been hiding this power"

"Ummm no where"

"Right so what are you two going to do with me then"

"Well tonight I can scare bulma when I introduce my only niece and give trunks a heart attack

And maybe give you a light work out in the GR, tomorrow after this meeting thing in the morning I'll give you some ki blast training and Sunday you can go to gohan's and he can teach you ki manipulations sound all right"

"Sure I finally get some decent training"

"Yeh fine with me"

"You know videl you're even starting to sound like a saiyan-jin"

"Works for me uncle now didn't you have to teach me how to be a saiyan-jin princess"

"Yes we'll get right to it then, tell the others what is happening gohan and we will see your at the lookout in the morning"

"Yeh bye gohan be good"

"See you videl, in the morning vegeta"

"Right now who should I tell first I know i'll pass by roshi's that way krillin can phone everyone which saves me from having to fly everywhere"

"Hi gohan what's up"

"Oh hi krillin just popped by to give you some ahh probably from your perspective bad news"

"Okay this can't be good"

"No it's not someone wished the saiyan-jins and their planet back to life and it gets better they are sending a party here for a family reunion"

"Oh shit that means radditz will be along hopefully he won't try to kill goku this time"

"I don't think he'd be able to any way but from what dende said this is just a peaceful visit"

"Peaceful visit what's dende been smoking"

"Smoking no, drinking yes, you should have heard the mind connection I tried with him to find out what was going on 'pretty pink piccolo's dancing in a tree one fell down and then there were three' I mean seriously he's as drunk as a skunk up there"

"Yeah but I still wouldn't mind seeing a dancing pink piccolo"

"Oh yeah drunk has got to have some good points"

Marvelous another chapter done next will go up Thursday i'll try to make it a long one because I can't post this weekend anyway next chapter videl learns about saiyan-jin royalty and gets a lot training expect a big jump in power by the end of her weekend

Until Thursday please R&R.