Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ REPRISAL UNBOUND ❯ Chapter 24 ( Chapter 24 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Imajineer 
The battle between Gokou and Vegeta comes to completion with only one outcome for the loser.
Chichi and youngest generation of saiyajin race to the battlefield, will they reach there in time to put an end to the fight?
What of Yamchua and Gaila, how do they fare, as they make their journery back to the earth?
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Angst /
Drama /
Hentai |
Type: Revenge Fic |
Uploaded On: 07.03.2004 |
Pages: 6 |
Words: 5.2K |
Visits: 387 |
Status: Work In Progress
NOTICE: After my hard drive broke with my latest chapter on it this is a rewrite straight from memory. And as best as I tried I felt it still did not measure up to the original. So, sincere apologies in advance for any drop in quality.
AN: Thoughts and mental speech;
Flashbacks (if any) are clearly noted.
Previous speech recalled;
"Now, remove your clothing and take her place."
Bulma's mirror image unfailingly looked her `father' in the eye. "As you wish." Before the two men in the room, Bulma stripped herself of her clothing and then lay down in the bed making sure to hide her body from leering eyes with the sheet that had previously discarded on the floor by Shizema.
"Good." Glancing over at his `son' and not liking the way he looked at his `sister' Shizema made a slight alteration in plan. "For now, Yamchua you had best come with me. And you," he spoke addressing the woman in bed. "Make sure you come up with plausible lie as to your sudden recovery, or I shall make you wish that she were you and you were she." Raising his wrist to his mouth Shizema spoke a command through the communication link maintained with the computer on his personal spacecraft, and in mere seconds he, Yamchua and the still cataleptic Bulma disappeared from the room.
Once they all vanished, Bulma lay down and closed her eyes. Now that she could allow herself to fully relax and revelled in her solitude moment of freedom.
They had been soaring through the skies for a while now and were far from any source of life that could be endangered. The city scape had given way to rural surrounding which in turn had lead to wild lands and eventually and empty plane. Now, he realised was the time to start.
Gokou raised his hand until it as well as his vision aligned with the back of the prince some distance before him. In an act so very uncharacteristically like himself he released an energy blast with enough force and power to hurl the prince before him to the ground far below, immediately following behind.
Vegeta pushed himself out of the self made crater his fallen body had made. Shock and pain twisted his facial features. Never hand he imagined that Kakarotto would undertake such a cheap, low and underhanded deed. Ever since his had known him, he who's own moral code demanded that his behaviour be the epiphany of justice, honour and fair play. Not allowed any more time to work out the puzzlement a hard kick was delivered into Vegeta's side launching back into the air where he had been moments ago.
Gokou leaped after the body he had propelled skyward, slamming his fist repeatedly against it. When he threw back his fist while arching back his body for a destructively powerfully blow the time delay gave the no ouji the time he needed to recover and quickly strike his own fist against the side of Gokou's face. The blow sent the younger saiyajin wheeling away and Vegeta rushed forward in order to follow through with his assault, but Gokou was equally as fast to respond defensively. He blocked the blows that were too slow to reach their target and dodged the more powerfully ones. When the deliverer and receiver swapped roles each was forced to mirror the previous efforts of the other. It took Gokou a few seconds to remind himself why they were battling. He guiltily acknowledged how easy it could have been to fall back into one of the old routines that was their sparring match. But this was to be the last bout that they would ever take part in.
When the opportunity presented itself Gokou parried one of Vegeta's straight and while twisting himself struck out with a kick that sent his opponent some distance from him. However it only allowed enough time for Gokou to climb two levels in power, the transformation turning his eyes emerald and his jet black hair gold, as some of the power manifested itself a crackles of electricity that danced about his body. The prince who had obviously anticipated his move, incremented his status to the same level.
This evenly matched state made for an equally matched fight. When one attacked, the other was forced to go on the defensive until an opening occurred and was used to reverse the situation. The attacker becoming the defendant, and the defendant becoming the attacker. The varying series of punches, blocks and kicks appeared to have no foreseeable end. Gokou knew that only way in securing victory and ensuring the princes defeat would be for him to transform into his ultimate state, but Vegeta was not likely going to just give him that chance.
~ I have to finish this. ~ Gokou part pondered part reasoned. ~ I have to finally stop him. ~
Gokou's train of thought ceased when he counted one of Vegeta's powerful punches with his own. The fist on fist impact created a shockwave that knocked both saiyajin back, but it was Vegeta who recovered first from the disorientation.
"Come now Kakarotto, surely you can do better than that." Not allowing time for a response Vegeta blasted forward to continue the battle.
The light reflected by the moon in turn reflected off two large black eyes. The lids of the creature very slowly came down before it very quickly went back up. Then, more than 260 yards deep in the bush the night bird of prey saw it. Movement. In the undergrowth to be exact. In a glide the feathered predator took off towards its prey using a silent night breeze to transport it.
The source of movement had found the most usual thing, in a small patch of wheat growing in the forest. It was as if this source of food was grown only for this lone little rodent, who immediately began to devour it hungrily and happily. Had it chosen to also be alert as it dined then it would have noticed death on the night's breath, and the event that followed might not had taken place. The glance of a moving shadow caught the corner of its vision, the surging pain of multiple punctures engulfed its back and coursed through to the very centre of it tiny body, and then the ground itself began to fall beneath it at an incredible speed before darkness overcame all senses.
The night bird of prey took its kill to a high well hidden perch to dine upon it. Using its sharp talons to hold the meal in one place and its sharp beak to tear off chucks of fur and flesh and swallow them whole. Before it could completely consume its meal the powerful sound of some contraption that sounded like a creation of the two legged creature that dominated all, rose into the air. Looking around wildly in fear the hunter failed locate the sound source, its well hidden perch hiding much from it vision. Suddenly in a sequence of events that held almost no time intervals, a white fiery flash blinded its eyes and a heavy body of hard unrelenting material trampled and squashed a number of the trees of the forest, including the tree that housed the night bird of prey.
Though the pod came to a full halt, smoke continued to issue forth from its hull still intensely hot from having passed through earth's atmosphere. The door depressed from it frame before retreating upward to open and the two passengers leapt forth.
Once his feet had touched earth's soil once again Yamchua's heart rejoiced. Closing his eyes he inhaled deeply glad beyond words to be home again. More than he had though possible, being within a metallic prison floating in the nothingness of space had certainly taken a toll on him. He could tell that this was both physically and mentally, never had he remembered that the gravitational forces he had lived with all this life would pull so heavily on his body, in addition to feeling the relief that came when one sensed he was no longer isolated from other life but had company once again.
Yet, among his friend's he hadn't been the only one to experience this. Gokou, Krillin, Gohan and Bulma had all spent time in space. The latter three spending the most time in the endless cold void, journeying to Namek in order to retrieve the dragon balls and wish their friend back to life, and that had included himself.
He remembered Bulma telling him of all the adventures that they had shared together as well as dangers and fears that she had to brave alone.
~ How did you guys do it? ~ Yamchua wondered in utter amazement. ~ For so long. All for us. For me! Bulma… ~ Truly she had more inner strength and devotion for others than was rightly accredited her.
"Yamchua," Gaila said tearing him away from his thoughts. "We must get to your friends before it's too late. As much as I can tell you want to, we don't have any time for you relish in being on your native ground right now."
"You're right, you're right. I'm sorry." As he took in her statue it was evident just as she had told him, the injuries she had received as part of her ordeal no longer troubled, at least visibly. Not only that but the absolution of how she focussed on what needed to be done, was astounding.
"Is there some device we can use to contact them?" She inquired.
"No need, I can track them?"
"By sensing for their life energy." When he saw her puzzled expression he continued. "It's a skill few of us earthlings have learned to develop."
"Impressive…" Gaila momentarily breathed in wonderment before refocusing her mind on the their main priorities. "I think we need to make contact with the saiyajin no ouji and Bulma first. Can you tell me where they are?"
Concentrating, Yamchua reached out with his senses, it took mere seconds to feel where Vegeta was located, and he wasn't alone.
"They're not together, but Vegeta isn't on his own…he's with Gokou…"
"He's friend of mine, and he also is saiyajin."
"Nani? How can that be possible? I…we all thought"
"If there's time I'll explain." Yamchua cut her off knowing her questions before she spoke them, as he continued to sense for more indication as to what was going on. "Dammit!"
"It's Bulma, I can't sense Bulma…but…" Yamchua abruptly stumbled backward as if struck and his eyes widened to an alarming size.
"Gokou and Vegeta, it feels like…they're engaged in a heavy battle!" Fear began to creep into Yamchua voice. "I've felt this once before?"
"When? What does it mean?"
"It was when Vegeta was trying to kill Gokou."
"That can't be possible!" Gaila anger rose at what looked like contradictions being cast on the new persona the saiyanjin prince was supposed to have developed over the years. "I though you told me that Vegeta had turned back from murdering people!"
"But he has!" Yamchua yelled in frustration and rage. Even he couldn't understand what the hell was going on, but he determined that wouldn't remain the case. Grabbing Gaila by the waist, he took off into the might sky at top speed. "We have to get to them!"
"Come on boys!" Chichi shouted to raise the volume of her voice so that it would be heard to the two saiyajin children with her. "Kick it up a few notches we have to get to your fathers."
"Kaasan maybe we should put you down somewhere and fly on ahead." Little Goten suggested
"Yeah you're slowing us down!" Trunks chimed in.
"No! Don't' you dare!" She retorted annoyed at the rudeness present in the older boys tone. Then she added with finality. "I'm not going to allow you two small children to face this on your own. Just go as fast as you can, don't worry about me!"
"But you won't be able to take it," Trunks warned and added the following discouragement. "You might not even be able to breath at such high speed. Not even my kaasan can!"
As soon as Chichi turned her fierce dark brown eyes towards him, he instantly realised by his friend was as times frightened of this woman. The way she looked at him was similar to how his mother looked at him when he infuriated her. Swallowing hard, he stole a glance at his best friend who shared the same expression he wore and both boys nodded in union agreeing to the demand just made of them. With an extra burst of energy the trio travelled even faster to location of the battle that had already begun.
Having just successfully convinced them to obey her, in particularly Trunks, she refrained from making any disagreeable facial gestures or sounds.
~ With an attitude like that, this boy is truly his father's son. ~
Refraining from any further thought or discussion Chichi concentrated on raising her ki so as to survive the journey. She was forced to increase her efforts when she felt the wind resistance increase exponentially, blasting so hard against her face she thought her skin would tear off and the pressure compressing her chest almost to the point of crushing her lungs.
Hearing her struggle to breathe, Trunks through a frustrated growl motioned to Goten to decrease their speed as they continued.
The searing pain that erupted from his innards signified that at least several broken ribs were perforating his flesh, including his lungs. Vegeta wiped the blood that poured from his mouth as he heavily exhaled. Looking high above he saw Kakarotto staring down at him.
~ Seems you're serious after all. ~ His deduction was confirmed as the younger saiyajin zoomed at incredible speed towards him unleashing a barrage of punches and kicks so ferocious that Vegeta had to utilise all his heightened senses and powers of concentration to block, parry and strike back whenever was possible. The first two possibilities were a lot more common than the last.
"You are useless Kakarotto!" Vegeta bellowed. "This fight is useless; it only serves to delay me. When I am done with you here I shall go back make all your family and friends suffer immensely before release them."
Gokou listened on as his fears were once again reaffirmed, and the decision he had made was proving to be all the more the only possible one to carry out. Never in his entire existence had he felt so much disappointment, so much hopelessness as the darkness of his intended deed began to stain his soul.
"Your sons, your mate, that bastard Yamchua, Trunks and Bulma." Even as Vegeta directed upwards to his opponent a sicken and evil grimace, his own words dealt more damage to his heart than any attack that had been made upon his body. "I'll break very bone in that half-breed's body before crushing his skull with my bear hands and as for Bulma…did you enjoy viewing the fruitage of my efforts?
"I promise no one, not even you shall recognise her body when I through. Rape? Ha! Not even a collection of words from all the languages of this planet will be able to describe what I shall do to her."
That was it! Gokou now determined in mind and heart that at the end of this round the saiyajin no ouji would be no more. He charged downwards with death the only thing before him for the first time in his entire life.
~ This is it! Let us end it Kakarotto! ~ As Gokou happened upon his target, Vegeta twisted his body, ignoring the further pain the movement caused his already injured body, and using both his own and the Gokou's momentum shoved him away.
The manoeuvre threw Gokou off balance and he suffered a kick to the stomach that knocked him far back. Gokou forced his weight onto his heels, digging up huge long groove of dirt to slow down and eventually stop. Before he could even think about readying himself, Gokou felt a ring shaped object fasten around his neck, like a collar. As an instinctive reaction he raised his hands to remove it but found it was no easy task to do so. Especially since the object was not one of conventional material, but rather one of ki energy. Suddenly he found it difficult to breathe.
~ What the…it's tightening… ~ He realised in a panic.
"How easily you forget Kakarotto." Vegeta mocked. "I did this once to you before." The prince looked upon him and shook his head with an air of distain. "You truly are a fool to have fallen for this trick again, the only difference is that I have to intention to restrain and humiliate you."
As if confirming the words he spoke, the ki collar tightened even more, this time applying a crushing pressure to his wind pipe completely cutting of Gokou's air supply. His efforts to remove the object intensified, but as the ki collar was quite literally buried in the flesh of his neck, his finger tips merely slipped off the smooth surface.
~ I should have expected nothing else. ~ As the younger warrior continued in his efforts he stared his former enemy, former friend straight in the eye. "Ve…ge…ta…"
"Nani?!" The sneering prince laughed. "Please don't tell me this is your pathetic attempt at begging for your life! Kakarotto, Kakarotto, Kakarotto. I would have expected more, even from you." Despite seeing the beginning of drowsiness due to oxygen deprivation a raging and vengeful flame was also present in his eyes. "But as of now, all I expect of you is to die so I can get on with killing your family and friends."
Vegeta lips spread thinly to sneer that revealed all his teeth, including the sharp fang-like ones and as if in an act of obedience the ki collar around Gokou's neck begun to decrease in size in steady increments showing no sign of stopping or reversing.
Super saiyajin or no, one truth was very clear, if Gokou failed to remove the object chocking him, without a shred of doubt he would lose both this battle and his life.
"Give up Kakarotto and just die!"
No! He couldn't die! Not at this point. For Chichi, for Bulma, for Trunks…for everyone he loved. He wouldn't die. Squeezing his eyes close Gokou began shaking his head from side to side as he though about all that would be lost and all that was already lost as regard as the friend he once called the saiyajin no ouji.
A scream that found it's beginning from the depth of his soul and spread itself throughout his entire body, erupted from his voice box as Gokou seized the power he needed to reach out for his freedom and life. The already fierce golden glow surrounding him with threads of lightening weaving around his body began an upsurge of growth.
Seeing that Gokou was reaching into to that inexhaustible well of power that existed within him, and had always frustrated the prince to no end, Vegeta shot off some distance into the sky before turning around, positioning his body at angle so that he faced the surface of the earth.
"This goes no further!" Vegeta yelled in all conviction. With that said he drew the base of his outstretched palms together and began to gather all his energy. "I shall kill you myself, even if this fucking ball of dirt and grime dies with you!"
As it became all too clear what Vegeta next move would be with a climatic scream Gokou finally attained enough power to destroy the object that would have ended his life, when he reached his third and final status of power, as was visually evident in the pronounced bone structure of his brows, his emerald eyes with pupils that contained a darker shade of emerald and super long spiky mane. Setting his feet so that a firm and secure was standing position was gained; Gokou brought his hands to one side of his body and focussed all his power for the technique was going to use to stop the prince once and for all.
The phenomenal energies of the simultaneous duel blasts collided in a shockwave that was felt earth wide in repeated waves. Each fighter pushed more and more of their reserves into winning this battle of ki beams. Even when Vegeta had given it all he could he made up the deficit by tapping into the power and living energy of his own soul.
However, when he felt his life waning and slipping away he wouldn't give up despite knowing that he could never win this. In fact he never had any intention to. The opportunity for which he was looking for ever since his had begun this battle was now before him and with the grief and regret that he had caused the ones he loved and well as would cause them thereafter he surrendered himself to the only fate that he knew he deserved. Death.
~ Bulma…Trunks please…I beg you to forgive me… ~ Taking one last look into the determined eyes of his justly self appointed executioner, Vegeta smiled a secret sad smile, and in a fraction of a second he ceased his attack, dropped his arms and decreased his power to absolutely nothing. Closing his eyes and putting up no defence, he awaited his end "Arigatou gozaimasu Kakarotto…"