Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ REPRISAL UNBOUND ❯ Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Imajineer 
Vegeta & Bulma have a little heart to heart about the mistreatment of Trunks.
Can none physical wounds be healed?
And Chichi & Bulma see a spot of trouble.
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Angst /
Drama /
Hentai |
Type: Revenge Fic |
Uploaded On: 01.24.2003 |
Pages: 7 |
Words: 5.9K |
Visits: 406 |
Status: Work In Progress
AN: Thoughts and mental speech;
~ O...Otou…sama…I…forgive you… ~
Otousama = a traditional/highly respectful term for father. As opposed to `Otousan'.
Flashbacks (if any) are clearly noted.
Also I'd really, REALLY like to thank you for all you reviews. You don't know how happy that makes me! I love you guys!
Bulma was content enough to just to stand still and motionless under the hot spray. She wrapped her arms about her upper body, careful of her bruises, and allowed the fairly high flow of water to massage her.
Now that she had completely calmed down and once again was in possession of her rational mind, she was glad that Vegeta was not present when she had come home. She would have thrown herself at him screaming insults and curses and words borne only of hurt and anger. She would have most likely thrown her fists at him also, as hard as she could, but all in vain. No doubt it would have had the effect of a wasp trying to sting a brick wall, not to mention breaking every single bone in both her hands.
Bulma didn't know for exactly how long it was for but she slowly began to feel a rise of temperature, and it was not from the shower. It heat was radiating from another independent source. A source she was very well acquainted with. She knew who it was and Bulma slowly turned around to see an unclothed Vegeta no Ouji standing in the shower with her.
Vegeta found it near impossible to keep his eyes from wandering over what was before him. It could be described with no other words than truly the body of a goddess. Vegeta wanted nothing more than to reach out, take hold and pay homage to the body that stood in front of him. Several times he moved his hand in minuscule amounts in an attempt to do so, but upon realisation of this, he was forced to make sure that his hand strayed no further.
He would not touch her unless she asked him to.
Bulma looked at Vegeta uncertainly. She wanted to choose her words carefully, but that look in his face made it hard for to her think clearly about anything else except what it seemed to tell her. She didn't get to see this particular expression often, but the few times she had seen it always made her submit to him. To allow him to take her in his arms, to allow him to kiss her, caress her, taste her, and then…to allow him make the tenderest love to her she had ever experienced. To completely overwhelm her, and Bulma suddenly found herself wanting him to do just that.
Bulma closed her eyes and held onto herself more tightly. If she didn't look at him, then she wouldn't give in to him. She scolded herself for even having the yearnings and desperately tried to latch onto that irrational rage she had held against him earlier. But she found it impossible to even remember how intense the anger had been let alone actually reclaim the feeling.
"Vegeta…" She found herself only able to speak in a near whisper like tone. "What happened…what happened with Trunks?"
At first when he saw her close her eyes, Vegeta had feared that she was angered to the point of not even wanting to look at him. But then, when he noticed the desperation on her face and saw the way she supportively held herself, he realised she was fighting not to succumb to him.
"You don't know?!" She repeated. "Dammit Vegeta! The way my mother told me made me think you had almost killed him! And I saw his fading injuries!"
Vegeta flinched inwardly at the possibility that just maybe; he could have almost killed his son and those within the Capsule Corps compound.
"I…" Vegeta shook his head twice and closed his eyes, giving Bulma the only possible explanation he could think of. "It must have happened when I simply lost control."
"Simply lost control?!" She cried incredibly, almost to a near scream.
"Bulma…" Vegeta spoke her name softly and Bulma was surprised into silence. "Great power, such as I possess, is never always easy to control. I'd thought that after all this time, you would know that."
Vegeta silenced himself then. He was making excuses for his actions. Yet, Bulma could see the disappointment, the hurt he held at the possibility that even over the pass years they had shared; it was something she had yet to appreciate about him. Not to mention the hurt pride at having to admit that, to her.
"I never meant to harm him the way I did," Vegeta continued. "Just as I…never meant to harm you."
Bulma stared at him silently. Watching as he struggled with mixed emotions, of anger, confusion, guilt, and with his damnable pride.
"I have no reason!" He suddenly exclaimed. "I have no excuse…" He looked away from her.
"I only know that I must better my control." He told her, turning his thoughts to a certain island in the Atlantic that he sometimes frequented. "Perhaps, somewhere…without distraction."
Bulma felt the sudden urge to hold him then, and to hold him fast, as if he needed it. She couldn't really explain it. It was just a feeling she felt in her heart. A feeling that he had a great need for her right now, just as she realised she needed him.
"But I wanted you to know," he looked her squarely in the face. "I do regret what I did to you and our son."
Closing his eyes, Vegeta took one step back to begin his departure, but that's all he managed to do. He was suddenly unable to move another millimetre. It wasn't until he looked down that he knew why. Bulma was now standing right before him. Her finger tips rested lightly on his chest and she stared silently at them. Vegeta suddenly was incapable of breath, nor speech, nor movement. He just continued to look down at the top of Bulma's head.
A good few seconds passed before the next move was made. Bulma obliterated the gap between Vegeta and herself when she pressed the entire area of both her palms against Vegeta while her head came to rest on his chest in between them.
"Please," she begged him. "Don't go."
Her eyes slid shut when she felt him slowly and carefully encase her in his arms. One arm was holding her to him by her upper back and the other over her lower spine. When his fears of her suddenly rejecting him fled, he tightened his embrace of her, pulling their bodies taut together and he rested his chin on her crown.
Bulma in turn squeezed her eyes tighter, relishing in the unique warmth and comfort Vegeta brought her. This was right and she knew it. Not to mention the lingering guilt she felt that she should have stayed home after the incident in the kitchen, to talk and dissolve the situation with Vegeta rather than shooting off at her father's command and allowing it to fester. Which she realised had exactly happened, adding to Vegeta's rage and lost of control and then the resulting damages Trunks had to suffer.
Bulma suddenly felt that this intimate connection was as much an act of comfort and form of redemption for her as it was for Vegeta. She completely buried her face into his chest, unable to suppress the whimper that escaped her.
Trunks turned over trying to ignore the sounds that his sensitive Saiyan ears picked up on. A pair of adult voices and a running spray of water were the sounds that floated through the air to him. Moaning in complaint he turned over once again, only desiring the bliss of sleep to take him over.
Trunks heard Vegeta's voice suddenly roar, and he bloated up straight in bed, now fully alert. What was his father doing in his bathroom?
After pondering the question, he then felt the life of the second occupant. His mother!
~But they have their own bathroom! And they always use it!~
Trunks also sensed the erratic jumble of emotions that emanated from his otousan. Though he couldn't identify every single one of them individually, their intensity unnerved him and a significant rage was definitely a part of them.
~He can't still be angry, could he? I thought he would have calmed down by now.~ Trunks thought fearfully. ~I know he'll never hurt her…but he doesn't exactly feel relaxed right now.~ Trunks threw off the covers, jumped out of bed and then quickly but quietly made his way to his half closed bathroom door.
~Maybe I shouldn't have played possum for so long?~ He contemplated. Trunks opened the door to its fullest, but before he could even take his first step inside he froze as he viewed a sight he never expected to see.
Both of his parents stood together in his shower booth. The hot water from the shower head cascaded down both their naked bodies. Vegeta had his arms locked tightly around Bulma in a very intimate hug, and his cheek rested on her head. The angle at which they stood along with heavy steam prevented Trunks from seeing anything that would have shames either his parents or self.
Trunks continued to stare in confusion. What was going on? Just a second ago he heard his father shouting angrily, most likely at his okaasan, and now he was holding her, comforting her. Even now, from looking at his mother's face he could tell by her expression that she was upset.
The demi-Saiyajin suddenly heard his okaasan whimper and watched as she buried her face into Vegeta's chest. Trunks had never seen his mother look so vulnerable and so close to tears before. In fact he had never seen her cry, ever. He had no idea what was causing her so much pain, but he determined, in his young mind, that he should be the one to end it.
That immediately decided, Trunks moved his body and shifted his weight on the foot in front of him, preparing to take a step forward. His actions ceased however when he saw his otousan's eyes snap and focus directly on him. Trunks silently stared into his father's black eyes, his irises indistinguishable from the pupils. Trunks found it impossible to even try and move a single muscle of his own free will. Swallowing, he awaited to be reprimanded for his intrusion on his parents, the fact that it was his own bathroom no longer registered in his mind. Thankfully, though, it never came. Vegeta maintained an indifferent face but allowed the black void in his eyes to soften, letting the child know that he wasn't really angry with him. Motioning with his eyes alone, he wordlessly told the boy to leave. With instant comprehension Trunks obeyed and left as silently as he had come. Noiselessly closing the bathroom door, Trunks then did the same to his bedroom door as he exited his room and made his way downstairs in his search for food.
~I should have known I was worrying about nothing!~ He thought happily to himself. ~I should have known that otousan would never do anything to hurt kaasan. She'll be alright. He'll take care of her. ~
Vegeta watched his boy leave the bathroom doorway and a second later heard the open and close of the bedroom door, followed by the retreating sounds of small foot falls which eventually disappeared altogether. He then closed his eyes and concentrated on the feel of the woman in his arms.
Bulma would only shiver slightly every now and then, but when Vegeta had heard her whimper, it was as though something had suddenly given his heart a squeeze. He deepened his breathing and began to emit a very faint, low vibrating sound from the depths of his throat. Almost like purring, but not quite. After a while, however, it had the affect Vegeta desired. Bulma's trembles ceased all together and what remaining tears she had been holding back had now finished run their course.
Lifting her head, Bulma placed a delicate touch from her mouth on Vegeta's chest. She pulled away only to do it again while Vegeta held his breath and kept his eyes close in anticipation.
Bulma kissed Vegeta's chest again and again, ascending as she went along. Each caress she gave with her lips was as gentle as the one before it. Her actions were building longings in Vegeta that he so wanted to be quenched, but he kept still and allowed her to do as she pleased. After all, it was a beautiful feeling having her touch him like this and he didn't want her to stop.
The tender touches of Bulma's lips were now travelling across Vegeta's shoulder to his neck, which he willing tilted to allow her full access. When she kissed along his smooth jaw line, Vegeta's face slowly moved to level with hers and even more slowly both opened their eyes in perfect synchronization. It took only a second for the mutual acquiescence to be acknowledged between the two, and Vegeta lowered his mouth until his lips rested on Bulma's. Vegeta deepened the kiss and the entrance of his tongue was welcomed with Bulma's own.
It wasn't a maddened lust driven oral ravishing, but rather a sensitive, gentle, affectionate connection. Tender passion was also there, and Vegeta gently moved his hands to Bulma's face in order to hold her for the kiss. The way his lips moved against her own, the way his tongue stroked the insides of her mouth, it was like he was making love to her with just this kiss alone.
Bulma moaned into him and her hands came to rest on top of his. Her hands slid from their positions over his wrists, elbows, up to his shoulders and then around his back. How she wanted complete bodily contact with him!
Vegeta then moved one of his hands from her face so that he could slip it behind her back to bring her closer to him. The other hand slowly slid down the front of her chest down the valley of her breasts. When he reached her stomach he brought his hand back up and used his fingertips alone to play about the sensitive underside of her breast. Bulma half moaned and half cried in pleasure at his unconscious teasing of her.
He parted his mouth from hers and proceeded to suck the water from the shower off her shoulder, and then he began to lower his mouth towards her chest returning the gentle kisses that she had initially given him. Bulma's arms automatically moved to wrap around his head while she closed her eyes and bit down on her bottom lip, sensing some vague need that she just had to be silent. (AN: Remember she's in her son's room, and not in Vegeta's and her own.)
After staring at her breasts for a second, Vegeta lightly flicked one of her nipples while he tweaked the other with his fingers, and Bulma paused in her breathing at the sudden manoeuvre. Vegeta then parted his lips to take a nipple and areola into his mouth which he sucked upon ever so deeply. Simultaneously, so as not to neglect the other breast, Vegeta positioned his hand to take it fully in his palm and he sensuously massaged it.
"Vegeta…" Bulma breathed in a near sob and pulled him even closer to her chest. Vegeta's heart warmed immediately when he heard his name from her lips spoken so; and that only made him more eager to continue, more fervent to pleasure her. Swapping between breasts, he repeated the action for several more moments. Then his hand began to travel down, further and further, easily sliding between her thighs until it came to rest on her womanhood. Vegeta continued to suck on breasts, alternating between the two, and when she least expected it. His fingers entered her lower lips to rub at its hidden treasure. His ministrations were well paced and had a level of intensity that caused the beginnings of wonderful sensation to build in her body.
Bulma breaths deepened and became more rapid. The moans she had so desperately tried to stifle now flowed freely from her lips. It was devastating to her senses to have the sensations that Vegeta caused her to feel surge throughout her due from his duel actions.
Having every intention of letting the situation build even further, Vegeta rubbed Bulma's clitoris between his fingers and then thrusted two of his fingered into her, causing her to gasp loudly at the intrusion. The pressure he applied and the nadir he claimed were done so with a vehement demeanour. He felt the tension that was beginning to mount in Bulma's body, so he ceased his actions, not yet wanting it to end.
Falling to his knees, Vegeta took hold of one of her silky thighs and lifted it on his shoulder. He kissed along the inside wall of her thigh, moving towards her crotch all the time. Bulma head fell back; her wet hair dangling freely, her breaths nearing pants. All she could do was wait, as he continued to move along her leg.
"Ve-Vegeta…" She wasn't quite sure if she wanted to beg him to stop or continue. She didn't have much time to choose though, in an instant he was tasting her, sucking on her rosebud, probing as deeply into her body as he could with his tongue, causing that feeling to grow in her once more. Just when the muscles in that part of her body was about to reach their tension retaining limit he withdrew himself from her. Crying out at the loss, Bulma slumped forward, her small hands lay on Vegeta's shoulders, supporting her weight on him.
Still on his knees, Vegeta raised his head to look Bulma's face, showing her, even through the haze of hunger in his black piercing eyes that he did love her. She reached out a hand to him then, to hold and caress his cheek and Vegeta couldn't stop himself from closing his eyes and leaning his face further into her hand, allowing himself to be loss in the affectionate gesture.
Bulma eventually moved her hand to place her fingers under his chin and applied the gentlest of pressure, in a silent request for him to rise. Opening his eyes, Vegeta did so, all the while never breaking their optical contact. Once standing straight Bulma brought her lips to her mate's in a lingering kiss. After brushing her tongue against his lips he gladly parted them to allow her entry, and their tongues danced as they drank of each other.
Vegeta suddenly began to grind his pelvis against her body, and it wasn't until this action did she feel his engorged member, sensing his need to be complete with her, now.
Bulma lifted her leg and rubbed it against Vegeta eagerly giving him her permission, and he broke away briefly signing in relief. Placing his hands beneath her buttocks, Vegeta lifted Bulma off the shower stall floor. She in turn opened her legs wide and wrapped both of them around Vegeta's slender waist, a second later she felt the shower wall come up to meet her back as she was pinned to it. Positioning himself by her entrance, Vegeta kissed her lovingly once more, then with a single push of his hips, he entered her warmth, and Bulma squealed into his mouth at the brief sensation of pain. Vegeta held still for several seconds, allowing her body to get accustomed to him, and then he began to move. Bulma's body jostled in accordance to every movement Vegeta made, and it touched her deeply that he was being so gentle with her. It was all Bulma could do to repeatedly say his name breathlessly as she wrapped her arms tightly about his neck holding onto him. Vegeta looked into her flushed face before kissing her and increasing his speed, pressure and depth.
Bulma whimpered his name several more times. It was indescribable, what he was doing to her. The way he ground his body into her, how he felt inside her, his steady, rhythmic caress like strokes. Bulma could have sworn she felt power and heat radiating directly from his body and into her, setting her whole body on fire. It wasn't long before the all familiar feeling of increasing tension worked its way throughout her muscular system. It was a sensation impossible to express with words that continued to build inside her with each stroke, driving her closer and closer to the edge. She gave up trying to comprehend them and just allow them to take her over.
Vegeta was in the only of piece heaven he had ever experience in his entire life, the act of becoming one with her. Oh how she felt so hot, so tight, so good…so right. With every thrust he felt her squeezing him tighter and tighter. And then, he felt her inner wall constrict to their limit, signalling her completion which almost simultaneously triggered his causing him to join her with an eruption of his own.
They both collapsed onto the shower floor panting heavily, the flow of the shower cleansing both their bodies of sweat. After recovering, Vegeta just held her in his arms, tightly against his body, nether wanting to let her go even for a second or wanting to remove himself from inside her. Still feeling her chest heave against his own, he tenderly kissed her shoulder and neck waiting for her to recover.
"Ve…ge…ta…" Bulma's voice sounded broken and weary.
Vegeta pulled away from her just enough to glance worryingly upon her face, but his fears ended when he saw that she was sleeping. He had exhausted her. Staring in awe at the beauty that was his other half, he lovingly smoothed away the tresses of hair were stuck to her forehead and kissed the silky skin that he had exposed.
Bulma opened her eyes and nearly immediately cried. She slammed her eyes shut and inhaled deeply. She lay wrapped up warmly, in bed, in Vegeta's and her own bedroom. But that was not what had caused her emotional reaction.
HE…had left her alone. AGAIN!
After appearing suddenly out of no where, after their brief heart to heart, and then…after making such incredible, tender, affection love to her. He had deposited her in bed, like a garbage bag in a dust bin, and left her.
Not that she knew, but after just sitting on Trunks' shower stall floor and staring at her for almost an hour. Vegeta had picked her up and in a blink of an eye carried her to their room. Refraining from using his ki, he had resigned to using a soft bath towel to dry them off instead, her first, and then himself. He placed her in their king sized bed and crawled in besides her, enfolding his body securely around her own. Though he knew that he should leave to begin his several day long intense meditation period, he elated in the physical sensation and the emotional and mental comfort the contact of their naked bodies provided.
He stayed with her. Not really sleeping, not really fully awake, more like dozing. Whenever he had his eyes open, he would move slightly so that he could stare into her face, and then after a while attempt to sleep. But he could never completely manage it, and it suddenly occurred that he wanted her again.
With the first telltale signs of daybreak, a bird chorus, the beginnings of sunlight gracing the eastern horizon. Vegeta had then risen from the bed, dressed and then left her.
Though Bulma was completely unaware of what Vegeta had done while she was sleeping, something still made her feel that she was overreacting. She reached out for her husband's pillow and hugged it tightly to her, still rich with his masculine, alluring natural scent. She inhaled deeply so that the aroma filled her nostrils.
~I guess I'mstill feeling a bit…sensitive. ~ She though as regards to last night. ~Oh…Vegeta…I love you so such. ~
Bulma in an absent minded movement shifted one of her hands to her stomach, giving it a gentle stroke, completely oblivious to the changes that were going to take place within her body. The sudden ringing of the telephone demanded that Bulma stop her reflection and answer it. In a way she glad, the person who was calling had ended a moment of lonely hurt. Stretching over her side of the bed she picked up the receiver and placed it by her head.
"Morning Bulma!" A pleasant mood Chichi's voice rang.
"Ohayo Chichi." A yawn escaped Bulma before she had a chance to stifle it. "Oh excuse."
"Did you just get up?" Chichi asked.
"No, not exactly, but I'm just tired anyway." The aqua haired woman replied. "Went to bed late."
"You're getting increasingly hard to get in touch with you know." Chichi said in a near complain. "Where have you been in the last few days?"
"I was at the URSO building." It was clear in Bulma's voice that her URSO dealings were not her favourite subject at the moment.
"Alright, Bulma, we won't take about it." Chichi wisely perceived. "In fact I called hoping we could go shopping for the barbeque for Saturday. I really wanted a second opinion on different dishes to make other than my own."
"Sounds like an excellent idea." Bulma commended. "I could really do with some engrossing shopping."
" I'd thought you'd want to."
"Give me about…" Bulma looked at her digital clock and it read11:22 A.M. "Two hours and I'll come and pick you up. Would that be alright?"
"Yeah, sure. See you then. Ja ne."
"See you soon." Bulma waited until Chichi hung up before doing so herself. Pulling the covers off she stood on her feet and walked over to her vanity table, all the while mindful of the distinct soreness between her legs. She picked up her rob and wrapped it around her naked body.
She debated for a couple of seconds what she should do first.
An immediate grumble from her stomach decided for her and she exited her bedroom and headed downstairs for some breakfast. Halfway down she picked up the sound of sizzling and her nose told her it was eggs cooking. It seemed that her mother had already awoken and had beaten her to the kitchen.
Just as she was going to enter the kitchen, she was almost knocked off her feet by a blur of tan coloured body with a lavender coloured hair. She screeched loudly and made a grab for the door jamb to prevent an unpleasant nasty fall.
"TRUNKS!" Bulma screamed.
The little demi-Saiyajin skidded to a halt and cautiously turned around to face his partly startled, partly angry and partly relieved mother.
"Uh…ohayo gozaimus okaasan?" He suggested a greeting in hopes that it would nullify the results of his careless act.
"Trunks Vegeta Briefs." She said in a annoyed voice. "You know better than to ran around the house like that!"
"Gomen nasai kaasan." His face fell and walked up to stand before her. "I didn't see you there."
"Apology accepted," the genuinely regretful look defused her anger. "Just make sure to be careful next time, alright?"
"Hai." Trunks gave a nod with his verbal answer. "Come on," she said as he put a hand on his shoulder. "I think grandma has some breakfast waiting for us."
After grandmother, mother and son had sat down at the table to consume a nutritious breakfast of toast, orange juice and omelette, Bulma decided it was time to talk, but Trunks beat her to the punch with a question of his own.
"Kaasan, where did otousan go?"
"He went off to meditate for a few days." Bulma deduced from her mate's absence. He had told her that he had to go somewhere to better his control, didn't he.
"Oh, I see." Trunks looked down at his empty plate.
"Yes." He raised an attentive face.
"If your father hasn't already told you," she spoke in a voice filled with sincerity. "He's very, very sorry for what happened between you and him."
"I know that, kaasan. He told me so. I know that something happened to make him lose his temper, but it alright. I told him I'll be alright." He rotated his shoulders and flexed a bicep. "You see?"
"Hai, Trunks, I see." She smiled at him.
"In fact," he unwittingly continued in his bid to reassure her. "I've been feeling much better for days now."
Bulma's smile turned to a small frown as she looked at her son nodding his head smugly with a smile from ear to ear plastered on his face. His smile was so large even his eyes were closed.
"You mean to tell me you've fine for the past few days, and have been doing nothing but lying in bed instead of going to school?"
Trunks suddenly froze and then sunk into his chair.
"Trunks…" Bulma began but was interrupted by his mother.
"Oh Bulma, he's only missed a few days." Mrs Briefs said in defence of her grandson. "Besides, if you had seen how Vegeta had stayed by his side and watched over him, it would have really warmed your heart, Bulma honey."
Bulma sighed in resignation. She looked at her son, taking in the features that were his father's. How she wished she could have been home to have the opportunity to have witnessed that!
"Alright, fine." Then she added firmly. "But you will be attending school promptly for the rest of the week. Do I make myself clear?"
Bulma and Chichi loaded the last of the grocery bags into the air car boot and then Chichi slammed it shut.
"There!" She said. "A weeks worth of grocery shopping, plus food for the weekend barbeque."
"What time you make it?" Bulma asked Chichi who then looked at her watch with an almost debating expression on her face.
"Not bad. We didn't even take a full three hours."
Bulma released a small chuckle.
"Come on, Bulma. It's after five and I still have to cook dinner."
"You're not the only one." She complained.
Both women climbed into the aero-vehicle and Bulma lifted them out of the parting lot.
"So," Chichi started. "Are you going to tell me how far you and URSO have come in finding out about the UFO?"
"You know, I'm not supposed to talk about this." Bulma explained. "And what little I've told you, I shouldn't have in the first place."
"Aw, come on Bulma." Chichi complained. "It's not like I'm going to blab this to anyone."
Bulma briefly looked at her best female friend with a humoured smile before turning her attention back towards flying the air car. She then proceeded to give her the details of what had occurred while she had been within the laboratories underground at the URSO building headquarters.
"Sounds like things are getting very interesting." Chichi commented.
"They most certainly are." Bulma agreed.
"Do you believe what this `Sarumi' says?"
"Well, we haven't exactly been given any reason to doubt." Bulma answered truthfully.
"That's not exactly a `yes' or `no' Bulma."
"I hope you've considered that this could be a part of some extremely elaborate ruse, you know."
"Chi, do you have to be so pessimistic about this? Not all alien species are hostile and bent on planetary domination or destruction you know."
"Bulma, my point of argument involves the following persons." Chichi began to count along her fingers as she spoke.
"Now, don't get angry at me for this," she warned. "But number one, Vegeta and Nappa."
Bulma looked at Chichi from the corner of her eye but didn't say anything, even though she a noticed a pre-emptive smile of success on her friend's face she didn't say anything. After all she was right.
"Number two, Garlic Junior and his lackeys." Chichi now added a third finger to the two she already counted. "Number three, Freiza and King Cold. And let's not forget Piccolo in his dark days."
"Alright, fine." Bulma conceded "Those are three undeniable points, but there are still friend alien races out there."
"Four really," Chichi corrected. "And I'm not saying there isn't, it just seems that Earth seems to attract all the undesirable kinds."
The two women then switched to small talk, and then continued to plan the dishes of choice for the weekend barbeque venture. Once both were satisfied, Chichi stirred the topic of conversation to a subject that was touchy for Bulma.
"Bulma, I didn't want to discuss this over the phone earlier, but I was wondering how things are between you and Vegeta now. You know since what happened last time you spoke to me."
Bulma briefly considered tell her friend what had happened within her family thus far, but quickly decided to against it.
"Fine," she spoke honestly and turned to look at her friend. "Everything is fine now. Thanks for being concerned Chi."
Chichi gently placed her hand on Bulma's shoulder and smiled at her and both women shared a peaceful moment of understanding between true friends.
Suddenly the air car was abruptly and violently jolted upwards. As if some kind of projectile had flown into the air vehicle's underbelly. There was an explosion from bellow and then the controls also began to smoke and sizzle, and Bulma quickly pulled her hands away.
"Bulma, what's going on?!" Chichi demanded in a panic stricken voice.
"I don't know!" She replied looking around wildly.
There was a second jolt as another explosion occurred from bellow, but this time an explosion from the controls console followed, causing both passengers shriek in shock. The air car began to plummet downwards as the engine died, turning frightful shrieks to horrified screams.
"Bulma, do something!" Chichi cried.
Bracing herself, Bulma took hold of the burning hot controls. Gritting her teeth and trying to negate the pain, she pulled backwards on the controls trying to keep them airborne. When it was oblivious that the engine was not going to respond, she switched to thrusters; trying at least the get them to level off out of the nose drive and slow in decent. But the unresponsive air car with Bulma and Chichi inside only continued to fall towards Earth, picking up speed as it did so.
That's all for now, but look out for the next chapter!