Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Resident Evil: NextGenZ ❯ Forced Apart ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Resident Evil: NextGen Z

Chapter 6: Forced Apart

From the Safe Room they travelled down stairs and empty corridors, the zombies having mysteriously disappeared. The group of four didn't know whether to take this as a good sign or a bad sign. Through the station they went until they reached a hall that led to the basement steps. Glass crunched beneath their feet as they slowly made their way to the lower staircase.

"Basement?" asked Trunks nodding down.

"Yeah," said Bra and Marron in unison.

Down they went into the dark. At the bottom of the stairs was yet another hall leading to a fork in direction.

"Stop," said Bra halting quickly.



The light clicking of nails scraping against the dirty marble ground was heard in the distance.


"Bring them on," said Goten moving to the front of the group and pulling his gun.

When the undead canines moved within view, they were all shot dead. Moving up to the T-section the group looked left to right.

"The sewer entrance is to the right," said Bra, "in the kennel."

"Let's go," said Trunks taking point. The four survivors made their way down the quiet hall. Their footsteps and breathing the only sounds they heard. Coming to the end of the hallway Trunks reached to pen the door that would lead them to the kennels. CRASH!

Trunks had barely enough time to pull Marron out of the way and into an alcove to his left. Bra and Goten jumped back as the door and half the wall came tumbling down. The group found themselves separated by an RR Tyrant. Seven feet high and towering above them, the monster was a massive silver humanoid wrapped in a long green coat, Mr. X had arrived.

"We can't get by! Bra, Goten run!" shouted Trunks as he pushed Marron through the door behind them.

"Goten! Goten come ON!" Bra grabbed him by the arm and the two STARS members ran the opposite way. At the end of the hall there was another door. Once through it, Bra and Goten found themselves in an alley. Snaps and growls were heard above them as two dogs leaped down from a balcony.

"Dead End!"


Bra hurried down into the sewers and Goten quickly followed, dragging the covering over the hole efficiently blocking the dogs out. Bra was leaning against a wall when he finally jumped off the ladder.

"Don't tell me we're in another dead end," said Goten looking around, the tunnel to his right was completely caved in. There was a ramp to his left that led up to a chain link fence with a hole in the top, "we're going through that aren't we?"

"Do you see another option?" asked Bra making her way over to the ramp and hoisting herself through the hole. Once on the other side she surveyed the area, when she heard Goten jump down, the two headed through their only option. A dark tunnel to their right.


Through the door, Trunks and Marron found themselves running through the parking garage. BAM! The door they had just came through had been destroyed as Mr. X followed them into the parkade.

"There should be a door!" screamed Marron.

"And whe--there!" said Trunks as the two ran to their right and straight for the door. Which was locked.

"No, no, no," the blonde muttered as heavy footsteps got closer to them.

"Stand back," ordered Trunks as Marron got out of the way. He kicked the door open, grabbed Marron by the hand and ran in.

"We're in the sewers," said Marron, "this is the main access!"


"Through the door straight ahead!"

Shoving open the metal door Trunks and Marron got into the room. Trunks pulled down the metal lock and rested his head against the door when he heard it click in place. Leaning against the cold metal his little rest was interrupted by something poking frantically at his shoulder. Trunks turned his head to face the blonde that was poking him.

"What?" he asked.

Marron was staring dead ahead, her eyes wide. With a slight groan, Trunks turned around not wanting to see what was behind him. In the centre of the room, in the middle of a bridge; which was the only way across to the other side was the Tyrant. It was about a head shorter that Trunks, all veiny and red. It's face looked like a Pug. The Tyrant hunched over and spit up about four six-inch copies of itself.

"Okay now that's just sick," said Trunks pulling his gun and killing the four copies as they ran at him and Marron. A crash was heard just outside the door Trunks was leaning against, which meant that Mr. X hadn't quite given up his chase.

"We don't have time for this."

After firing a few rounds into the rather pathetic "Tyrant" Trunks and Marron ran over the bridge dodging the monsters corpse and heading through the last door. It was a heavy, steel door that led them into Sewer Control Room B.

Faint thuds were heard back in the room from where they had just run from. The doors were heavy and thick enough to keep Mr. X out for now.

"There's no way out," said Trunks taking off his bulletproof vest and sweater, revealing (an oh so familiar) black tank.

"There's a ramp right there," said Marron pointing across the room, she had taken the pins out of her hair and let it cascade down her shoulders. Her torn up blouse was the next thing to go having been almost reduced to ribbons. She was wearing a thin white tank top underneath.

"So we go down even more? Wonderful."


"Where do you think we are?" asked Goten as he and Bra rounded another corner.

"I have no-what the?"

Spreading out before them was a massive sess pool. A rusted railing led up to stairs on their left and ran up the edge to a door. Further along the corridor was another door and a ladder leading up to a balcony-like structure up above.

Bra went up the stairs followed by Goten.

"This is where Pan was."

"Oh God," said Goten looking over the edge of the stairs. Down on a slab of concrete lay what used to be Dr. Gero. He was nothing more but a ripped up chunk of meat, blood and guts strewn everywhere. The 'water' around him tinged red.

"Ow, fuck!" Bra whipped around to see Goten trip and fall, "aw shit man, glass."

When Goten fell, his hands shot out to soften his landing automatically. Shards of glass cut into one of his hands as he landed.

"This better not get infected..." he started as Bra reached into a pant pocket and brought out some gauze to wrap up his hand in.

There wasn't much glass on the ground, whatever it was must have been something small...neither Goten nor Bra noticed the dried purple liquid that clung to the floor's grating, as they headed across to the ladder...


A/N: Oh God I have been SO busy! Sorry this has taken this long but not only did I get bored but I also have another fic I'm writing, and my school work has tripled this semester >.<

I have no idea when Chapter 7 will be out, but I fully intend on completing this story no matter how long it takes, it will get done sometime. Thanks for your reviews, but remember the more I get the more I'll want to keep writing this!!!!

Disclaimer: DBZ&RE are not mine they belong to their respected creators/companies etc.