Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Resident Evil: NextGenZ ❯ Infected ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Resident Evil: NextGenZ

Chapter 7: Infected

"Oi! Bra, Goten!"

Bra and Goten were up on the balcony thing after just going up the ladder. Turning around they saw Trunks and Marron come through one of the doors.

"You're still alive!" yelled Goten, he winced a bit and shook his wounded hand.

Minutes later Trunks and Marron were up on the same balcony platform as Goten and Bra. The formers told their tale about Mr. X and the baby "tyrant"

"What about you two?"

"Us? Dogs," said Bra.

"Dogs? That's was it? Dogs?! I want dogs..."

"Whatever Trunks, now where the hell are we?"

"I don't know," said Marron.

The four of them walked under the arch and across a thin platform that led them to a security watch. Two mangled bodies of former sewage workers littered the area. One was thrown on his chair with his chest ripped open His pale colour and dried blood suggested that he had been dead for quite some time. The other man, you couldn't even tell it was human. He was completely ripped apart, blood was everywhere. The only thing that identified him as a person was the name tag within the mess.

"Okay that's just gross," said Bra, "I've seen a lot but...ewww."

Goten was looking at it stoically, as Marron was turned the opposite direction looking away from the carnage.

"There's a map on the wall," Marron pointed out. The others turned to look and find out where they were. Trunks slowly picked up a bronze medallion from the victim's dead hand, during whatever attacked him he had managed to hold onto it.

"There's no where to go," said Goten wiping his forehead, he was beginning to feel very hot all of a sudden.

"Let's follow this and see where we go."

"Trunks it-"

"Let's go," he said. His tone signaled that the conversation was over.

The three of them followed their leader down the ramps. Out through another heavy steel door they heard the sounds of rushing water. Stepping into the loft there was a drop off into a sewage filled corridor or it was really dirty water.

"Just think mud," said Bra.

Trunks was looking down the corridor from the side.

"It looks like there are a few more openings over there," he said, "and a waterfall thing at the end."

"Are we going in that?" asked Marron.

Trunks looked Marron up and down, little black skirt and heels, the sewage might come up to her waist.

"Come on I'll carry you."

So with that they all headed into the sewage/water. Trunks went first after picking up Marron, Bra came next, followed by Goten who was trying to wipe the sweat out of his eyes.

They went to the end of the corridor to where the last loft was, all that was there was a dead end and a mangled Red Ribbon squad member.

"Aw man," said Trunks.

Bra climbed up in there to check what the soldier had. She found a crystal medallion.

"What's this?"

"Wait a minute," said Trunks he set Marron up on the inlet with Bra as he took out the bronze medallion. Bra gave him the crystal. On the bronze there was a picture of a dragon and the crystal showed a pterodactyl.

"Is-is that a door?" asked Goten squinting through the water fall, "or am I way out of it?"

"No, it is. Then what?" Trunks looked to the side to see a small grey box. It had two openings on it. One with a picture of a dragon, the other a pterodactyl. Trunks glanced at the others and slid the medallions in. As soon as they clicked into place the waterfall stopped and the sewage immediately drained.

"Goten?" asked Trunks glancing at his friend, "are you okay?"

"I don't know..."

Bra leapt down from the ledge and made her way to Goten, his forehead burned her hand at the touch.

"Goten you have a fever, a very high fever at that, you...."

Dark circles were starting to form under his eyes


"Bra, Bra, slow down," called Pan she leant against a wall.

"Pan come on-what?"

Bra ran back to Pan as she saw her slide down and slump against the wall.

"I feel so hot."

Bra felt her forehead, "you have a fever..."

Pan lifted her head weakly and Bra saw dark circles forming under her eyes. Her breathing was becoming laboured.

"That zombie...I-I think it did something..."

Bra turned Pan's head to the side. Her wound was almost completely healed except for the strange discolouration surrounding it.


"Did you get bitten? A zombie? Dog?" asked Bra.

"No," said Goten, "maybe it's a tropical flu..."

"Let me see your hand, you cut it o-on..."


"He dropped a disk?"

"Yeah and whatever was in that smashed vial over there," said Pan.


"The glass...Pan said she stepped on a vial, that that doctor dropped, Goten give me your hand."

Bra started to unwrap the gauze, when she got to his skin she gasped. The cut was nearly gone, but unlike Pan's wound Goten's skin was turning black and scaley, just along the cut.

"Oh great," said Goten sarcastically.

"Come on," said Trunks, "we're getting out of here."

He grabbed one of Goten's arms and put in around his neck to help him up the ledge.

Goten was becoming weaker with each step.


A/N: My Muse has returned! Inspiration has struck! Well how was this chapter? Come on people review! Is my story good, bad, what? Review! I need something to go on here!

Disclaimer see prev. chaps.