Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Reunited ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: I am suffering from some serious writer's block. I have lots of ideas, but it's hard to bring them to fruition. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks. Now on to the show. I wasn't sure about the name of the guy who was watching the World Martial Arts Tournament with Erasa and Sharpener, but I think I saw his name somewhere as Marker. I just can't remember if it was someone's fanfiction or I got it from an official summery or something. Either way, since I own nothing but a used car and an extremely used computer, I have nothing of value to be sued for.

Reunited 4

After their McDonald's breakfast, Videl and Gohan headed to school. Although everything was fine at the restaurant, Gohan was a bit nervous about school. Erasa, Sharpener and Marker know about his secret. Who knows who else from school was present at the tournament when he turned into a Super Saiyan. Little did he know he was about to get the answer to that question.

The two landed on the roof and didn't have any problems with unwanted witnesses to their flight. They both went to their first period English class. Nobody accosted Gohan in the halls or even said anything to either of them out of the ordinary. When they got there, they saw Erasa, Sharpener and Marker all huddled around each other. When the three noticed that Videl and Gohan had walked in, they were all smiles. The kind of smiles that made Gohan a little nervous.

"Videl, are you sure this is going to be OK?

"Don't worry Gohan. They're our friends. They're not going to treat you any differently. It will be OK."

"OK, let's go."

"Hi guys! How's it going?" asks Videl in what was probably an overly cheery voice. At least it was for her. She didn't want Gohan to know, but she was a little nervous about the whole thing as well.

Gohan just gave a little wave. He was still worried despite Videl's comforting words.

"Videl, Gohan, we're so glad you could join us. Aren't we guys." Erasa said as she knocked Sharpener and Marker in the head.

"Yeah, yeah, it's good to see you two. We were worried about you there Gohan, what with those guys stabbing you and all. But then you got up and flew away so I guess that means you were fine. Well, fine until Majin Buu killed us all," said Marker in one big breath.

"I knew he'd be fine. I mean really, like Videl would have left me for anyone other than a superhero. Honestly, she had to go after someone with superpowers after being with me," added Sharpener in his usual boastful way.

Videl knocked him out of his chair and yell, "Plu-leaze, like I would ever have dated you!"

"Calm down Videl. You know how he is," said Gohan trying to calm down his volatile girlfriend.

"Yeah Videl, he's just in his own dream world as usual," Erasa commented. "Plus, I guess one of us had to say it. You and Gohan are an item now, officially, huh?"

"You're right Erasa. We're a couple. And before you say anything, no I will not fill you in on the details."

"But Videl, come on, you know I always share with you about my boyfriends."

By this point Gohan was turning read. "Exactly what does she share with you Videl?"

"Nothing, just girl talk. Right Erasa," Videl says while giving Erasa one of her patented `I'm-going-to-beat-the-ever-living-crap-out-of-you' looks.

"Oh, yeah Gohan. Nothing to worry your cute little head about."

After that, everyone took their seats and the class began. It was pretty boring until Videl's watch beeped.

"Videl. Police Chief Clancy. We have a situation at the Tweeter Center. The mayor is being held captive. Please get here immediately. Contact the Great Saiyaman if you can."

"I'm on it Chief. Videl out." She turns to Gohan and he nods his head to signify he'd heard the whole exchange. He planned on going with her. He just had to figure out how to get past the teacher. Videl on the other hand had it all worked out. She got out of her seat and walked over to the teacher who was writing on the board.

"Excuse me Mr. Seymour, the police are in need of my assistance."

"By all means go help them. You're excused. And don't forget to take Gohan with you. They'll probably need the Great Saiyaman."

"You know?"

"Yes, I do. Principal Hoover was attending the Tournament and saw Gohan do all

those things. She held a staff meeting to inform us that he is allowed to assist you with your police work."

"Thanks Mr. Seymour."


"Yes Mr. Seymour."

"You may go too. She may need your help."

"Thanks Mr. Seymour. But why are you OK with this?"

"Don't worry Gohan. We'll discuss it later."

"Oh, OK. Thanks again."

Gohan changed into his Saiyaman costume as soon as they reached the roof and

he and Videl headed off to the stadium.

"I wonder who could be holding the mayor hostage. We all died a few days ago for crying out loud. You would think that would cause some of these criminals to reevaluate their lives and live for the better."

"Maybe they didn't end up in HFIL so they figure their life of crime didn't hurt their afterlife."

"Would King Yemma really let criminals go on to the Other World instead of HFIL. Even though they were killed by Majin Buu, they were still bad guys Gohan."

"Yeah, but my dad says Buu caused an overflow so King Yemma probably didn't have a chance to weed out the bad seeds, so to speak."

"Oh, yeah, I guess with a whole planet dying in one day, it kind of makes it hard to do that."

The two heroes were silent the rest of the way to the Tweeter Center. When they arrived, they were surprised to see a truckload of police vehicles, but not one cop in site. Once inside, they were shocked to see that no one was at the entrance.

"This is weird. What do you think is going on?"

"I sense several life forms gathered in the ballroom. That's weird. Usually cops don't go inside the building while they negotiate. Stay here. I'll investigate further."

"Don't think just because we're a couple that you can keep me out of police business. I've been helping the police a lot longer than you have Mr. Saiyanman."

"I know Videl. It's just that I want you to be careful."

"I am careful. I've always been careful. And can we please talk about this at a later time. We have to rescue the mayor."

"Oh yeah. Let's go."

They continued on further into the building stopping just outside the closed doors of the ballroom.

"This is it Videl. Just remember, if there is shooting, stay behind me. I can deflect the bullets."

"Jeez Gohan, oops, I mean Great Saiyanman! It's not like I haven't dealt with hostage situations before," whispered Videl.

"I know. But if we can avoid any bloodshed, I'm all for it. Especially if it's your blood that's being shed." Gohan replied, slightly above a whisper.

"What are you saying?" Videl replied in a not so quiet voice.

"Come on now Videl. Like you don't just rush in sometimes, damn the consequences."

"I do not!" she yells back.

"Do too!" he responds just as loud.

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

As the argument was escalating outside of the ballroom, inside there were dozens of Satan City's finest, Police Chief Clancy, "the hostage" Mayor Selma Bouvier as well as other local dignitaries. They had planned on a banquet to honor the city's two heroes.

"Chief, do you think they'll ever stop arguing long enough to come in here? My legs are falling asleep from being in this cramped position so long."

"Quit complaining Officer! How do you think the mayor feels. She's been waiting patiently since the call and is twice your age. You don't hear her complaining."

"But Chief."

"No buts officer. We're waiting. They have to stop eventually."

At that statement, the mayor felt she had to do something. It sounded to her a tad like a lovers' quarrel. Just like the ones she used to have with her husband when they were courting. It's sweet, but she didn't have all day to wait for them to reconcile it. She rose from her place behind the planted palm and announced to those gathered, "Enough bickering! I'm going out there to drag them in. We're not getting any younger you know." With that said, Mayor Bouvier marched over to the door and swung it wide open.

"Surprise! Now get in here before I have one of the officers shoot both of you for keeping us waiting so long!"

OK, what will happen next? Who knows! But stay tuned …