Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Sacrificing Love--Hearts of Warriors ❯ An Unnerving Welcome ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Blah blah…DBZ…yaddy yadda yadda…not mine…you guys know what I'm trying to say.

Quick Note: Here's Part Two of Sacrificing Love, and if you haven't read the first one, well…good luck trying to keep up! (I HIGHLY suggest you read it) It takes place when Bulma, Vegeta, Kakarrot and Chi Chi are leaving the remains of Vegeta-sei after Zarbon destroyed it. This part contains new surprises, and I sincerely hope that you enjoy it.

WARNING: First chapter's short, mainly because it's a brief recap, but it will NOT be a trend!

Sacrificing Love: Hearts of Warriors

Chapter One: An Unnerving Welcome

They had made it…

Two days ago, she plotted the ship's course. She was taking them to her home planet. Chikyuu…It seemed like a dream to her. Finally, she would be home…

And what was better, was the fact that she didn't need to leave the friends that she made on Vegeta-sei. She had been fearing the day when she was to depart for Chikyuu, the day that she would be sure that she would never see them again-and lucky for her, that day never came.

Bulma sighed and stared at the ceiling of her cabin. Luck. That was hers alone. Everyone else on the ship had lost something but her. Kakarrot and Chi Chi had lost their home. And Vegeta…he lost almost everything in that explosion. His race, his people, his father…'Kami,' Bulma thought. `What hasn't he lost?'

She closed her eyes. The ship should be entering Chikyuu's atmosphere in one more day. Bulma pushed the depressing thoughts out of her mind and focused on seeing her family once again…

<><><><><><><><> <><>

"Dr. Briefs!"

He looked up from his latest project, an intergalatic transmitter free from interference (A/N: Geez, what a mouthful! ), to the other occupant of the room. "Hmm...? What is it?"

"I sense two powerful energies closing in. It seems like…" the young man paused. "…It seems like they're heading straight here!"

Dr. Briefs hurried to his telescope and focused it on the moving object. He nodded. "Yep, it's a ship alright."

The man looked at him nerviously. "What do we do?"

"There's nothing else to do, but wait."

<><><><><><><><> <><>

Bulma waited until the gear had dropped and the ship halted to a full landing. This was it. She was finally here. But now she wondered what she was going to say to her parents. `Hi, Mom and Dad! Sorry that I've been gone for the past three months and oh yeah, I've seen nearly an entire race destroyed!?' She didn't think so. She sighed and concluded that she would let them ask her all of the questions.

"Well, woman?"

Bulma turned to look at the face of Vegeta. "We've landed." She pressed the button that opened the ship's door. "I've taken us to my home planet, Chikyuu." She saw Chi Chi and Kakarrot nod. "Right now, we're at my house." She rose from the pilot's seat and started to the exit of the ship. "Shall we?" The rest of the party followed her out.

Chi Chi looked at their surrondings. They were in the middle of a strange city where almost all of the buildings were created to look like domes. There was a huge building in front of them, with the letters forming the words, Capsule Corp. on the side. Suddenly, the sliding doors of the building opened to two humans. One old man and one young. "Bulma?" the older man asked.

Vegeta felt Bulma tense beside him as she stared at the two with wide eyes.

"Hello, Father……Yamcha?"

Author's Note: Okay, I guess you thought I killed him off, but actually, I-well, all of the good stuff will be explained in the next chapter. Stay tuned!