Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Sad, But True ❯ Kakarott Awakes ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Sad, But True

Rating: R

Curse him. Curse him!!

This is MY body, and that idiot has taken it from me! One careless mistake has cost me my very body. Now it belongs to that peaceful, blissfully ignorant moron. He's using it to do the exact opposite of my intended mission.

My memory has been blank for many years now. I've lain dormant under the persona that is Son Goku for far too long. Blackness has been all I've known ever since that day I hit my head and this fool emerged. I burn for the revenge that will one day be mine.

Radditz's blatant explanation of the Saiyajin species has awoken me. He knows what was supposed to have happened to this pathetic planet, and that acknowledgement has strengthened me.

My dear brother has kidnapped the idiot's son in an attempt to awaken his Saiyajin side. Sorry, brother, I am already awake and aware. I can see through the eyes that he controls. I can feel the anger in his heart as he searches for you, brother. You are doomed.

The battle rages fiercely. I must admit that my counterpart is very determined. Perhaps he is not as pathetic as he seems once he sets his sight on something he truly desires. Saving this puny planet is one of those desires. Protecting his family is another.

The fight continues. Brother, you are strong. A true Saiyajin. Unlike this clown who owns my body. You are truly admirable, Radditz, but you must die. You may be fighting Son Goku, but you are injuring my body. For that, you will perish.

You turn to kill that annoying Namek after his failed attack on you. A serious mistake. Never turn your back on me. I stretch what little power of suggestion that I now have to Son Goku.

Grab his tail!!! Remember how much it hurt when people grabbed your tail? Use that to your advantage!

To my utmost delight, he leaps forward and snatches the brown appendage. I pool as much of my anger and hatred into his as I possibly can with his mental chains holding me down. He snarls and brutally squeezes the tail.

Savage elation fills me as my incapacitated brother screams in agony. He begs for mercy, hoping the fool will listen to his lies. I can feel mercy begin to well up in my counterpart's heart. He's actually gong to listen to him!!!!

NO!!!! No, you idiot!!! Don't listen to him, dammit!! He lies!!!!!

He lets go of the furry length. BAKA!!!!! He's going to get us both killed!! I struggle against his mental chains, but they just snap down harder.

Radditz regains his feet. You MORON!! Stupid bastard!!! My brother turns and sends the insolent fool flying. I feel Goku's rush of confusion at the act and a strong wave of betrayal soon follows it. He actually doesn't understand why his own brother would lie to him and then try to kill him.

My brother sends his boot crashing into my chest, breaking several ribs. The scream that escapes my lips renders my throat raw. Whether it came from me or the weak-witted, gullible Son Goku, I do not know. The pain that floods through this body is felt by both of us.


I'll kill you!!!! Do you understand that?!? I'll kill you!!!!


You will DIE for this, brother!!!!! You. Will. DIE!!!!!!

He raises his boot again for another attack on my body when suddenly, his scouter picks up another power level. He turns his head this way and that, but he can't seem to catch sight of this new fighter. The rendering of metal and a scream reaches my ears, but both the idiot and I are simply focusing on drawing each breath that fills my beaten body.

He is weak now. If I didn't share his exhaustion, it would be very possible for me to retake my body. Unfortunately, I'm as weak mentally as Goku is physically. I will have to bide my time on reclaiming what is mine.

The fool turns his head to see that the source of the noise was his son. The boy actually ripped through a Saiyajin space pod with nothing but his ki. A child. Amazement fills me at this revelation. No child had ever demonstrated this kind of power before.

The boy launches himself at Radditz and lands a hit straight to his uncle's chest. I watch as he falls back, groaning in pain. Suprisingly, he keeps his balance and stays on his feet. The boy falls to the wayside and simply lies there for several minutes. I cannot ignore the swell of pride I feel. He inherited his strength from ME, not this simpleton.

My brother moves to kill Gohan. It seems that the child's power has faded along with his anger. Radditz bats the boy away, sending him rolling across the ground to come to a stop several feet away.

He turns his back to me again so that he can kill the boy. I try to stretch my control as rage at this insult to my pride, but I find that my will to do anything except simply watch has evaporated. I am mentally drained too much to even provide suggestion to the disgraceful moron.

I look on in mute fascination as Radditz charges up a ki blast with which to take the boy's life away. I feel my body begin to move. Remarkably, my counterpart has found the strength to make my body move. I can sense what he has planned. This gives me a surge of anger and the will to use what little mental power I have left in me.

NONONONO!!!! What in the name of hell DO you think you're DOING?!?

He grabs Radditz from behind and tells the Namek to use his new technique…

You'll DIE, you IDIOT!!!!!! Stupid fucking bastard!!!!!

Piccolo charges up the attack and takes careful aim at his targets…

You IGNORANT BAKA!!!! You insolent FUCKER!!!!!!

The beam comes speeding at us, ripping through both my brother's body and my own. Pain wipes away any coherent thoughts that may have come to mind, which is just as well because thoughts from a dead man are worth nothing.

I only feel the impact as my body hits the earth. Pain is the only thing I know right now. Pain and impotent rage. More of the fool's friends show up, but they are worthless. There is nothing they can do to help.

A feeling of lightness has now overtook the pain. The idiot is finding it increasingly hard to hold my eyes open. I can feel death coming to claim us both, but Son Goku has no idea that he's taking another person with him. My presence is completely unknown to him.

The only thing that calms my soul as I sink into the blackness is the thought that when the simpleton's friends wish him back, I will come back as well. Then I will be able to reclaim my body once my will is strong enough. One day, this body WILL be mine again…