Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Safe ❯ This is the only chapter so what does it matter!!!!!!! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello, I am putting this out as a pre-thingy to an idea I have (not sure if it's even aloud). I don't care about reviews, but this is no fun unless many people do it and say what how their stories ended up. Have you ever read the “Goosebumps” books where you get a choice and turn to certain pages? I want to do something like this. It is going to be an adventure/action story deal, and in the first one you will be Gokuu and you will make choices on how to save the planet.
Anyhow I thought it would be fun so I put together a little sample in case you have no idea what I'm talking about. Warning: This takes thought process. Not only do you have to jump around, but you have to remember thing you chose earlier and you have to have proficient knowledge of the show (Japanese version). If you don't, you can just guess, though you might not get all the quirks. So here is the sample:
===S 1===
Your name is Puaru. You are the side-kick of Yamucha, whom you adore, since he is the greatest desert bandit Japan has ever known. You are walking down the street when you see a key lying on the ground. It looks kind of gross, sitting in a pile of mud that looks pretty questionable. But maybe you might need the key, since it is an adventure story after all.
What will you do?
Pick up the key -- S 2
Leave it -- S 3
===S 2===
You pick up the key and continue down the street. Thoughts run through your kitty brain as you head towards Yamucha-sama's house. His birthday is coming up tomorrow and you haven't bought him a gift yet. You sigh and shift the key from paw to paw. Finally you reach Yamucha's house.
It's locked, what will you do?
Duh, try the key -- S 4
Try to ram down the door -- S 5
Look for an open window -- S 6
===S 3===
That key was too questionable. It may have had germs on it or something. Besides, somebody else might be looking for it, and that would be no good. Thoughts run through your kitty brain as you head towards Yamucha-sama's house. His birthday is coming up tomorrow and you haven't bought him a gift yet. You sigh and shift the key from paw to paw. Finally you reach Yamucha's house.
It's locked, what will you do?
Look under the mat -- S 7
Try to find an open window -- S 6
Go find a phone to call Yamucha -- S 8
===S 4===
You stick the key into the lock and try to turn it. SNAP. It broke, that must have been one heck of an old key! You look closely at the handle and see that it has something written on it, but you can't quite make it out.
“Hey there!” comes a voice from behind you. “I lost something, and I was wondering if you had seen it. It was an old key. It was made of bronze and had my great grandmother's name inscribed on it, have you seen it?”
Well Puaru, are you going to tell the truth?
Of course! - S 9
No, I can't! - S 10
===S 5===
You huff and you puff, you move away from the door, one meter, two meter, three, four; that should be enough. You gear yourself to go and dash forward. CRASH. Your head connects with the door and goes through. Your body, unfortunately, is not so resilient. It did not make it through and now you are stuck. You yell for help but nobody comes, and you lose consciousness.
When you wake up, you are in the hospital. It seems a little boy, happy to find the key you left behind, called the ambulance for you. That was good. Not so good however since it's 12:00 am, the next day! You missed Yamucha's birthday. Plus, your going to have a lot of explaining to do when he finds out you wrecked his door.
Sorry Puaru!
===S 6===
You look around the house and find, fortunately, a window was left open. You fly inside and whip up a cake. You go out, buy Yamucha a gift and head back.You are well prepared when he comes back, and everything is great!
Good Job Puaru!
===S 7===
You look under the mat, but there is no key. You can't get in, so you can't make Yamucha a cake or anything. When he comes home, you explain the situation to him and he asks: Why didn't you just turn into the key and let yourself in?
Duh, Puaru!
===S 8===
You go to the nearest payphone and call Yamucha.
“Hello?” comes his voice from the other end. You sob out the whole story. He sighs and chuckles a little. “Puaru, why don't you just turn into the key, or something?” You blush for being so stupid, apologize and hang up the phone.
You return to the house, turn into a key and begin the preparations with a new determination to prove yourself. You put up decorations, you whip up a cake, you buy him three different presents and two flavors of ice cream. You make his bed to prepare for the part of his birthday he'll enjoy with Bulma. He comes and loves it!
Great, Puaru!
===S 9===
You move aside and show him the broken key.
“Sorry…” you mumble pathetically. The poor boy cries, his mom is going to kill him!
What do you do Puaru?
Give him Yamucha's Birthday money - S 11
Apologize and leave - S 12
===S 10===
“I haven't seen it,” you lie, feeling incredibly guilty. The boy looks down cast and you reach out to put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Hey!” he exclaims, spotting the key, “That's it! You broke it, and…hey! You lied to me!” The boy then beat you to a bloody pulp. Yamucha came home later that night and wasted his birthday nursing you.
Naughty Puaru!
===S 11===
“Here,” you say dejectedly. You give him the money and his face brightens.
“Thanks!” he says and bounds off down the street. You sigh and find a way into the house. Yamucha comes home and you try to find the words to explain why he won't have a birthday gift from you. All of the sudden the doorbell rings. You answer it and standing there is the boy with a basket of food! “It's from my Grandma.” He says. You thank him and bring it in. Yamucha has his best birthday ever,
How fuzzy.
===S 12===
You apologize and inch away. All night you can't sleep. You toss and turn until you can't take it. You find the boy and give him the money. And now you have no money to buy Yamucha a gift with!
Damn Conscience!
Ok, so that's the basic format. That was really fuzzy and really simple, but it gives you the idea of it. Also, in the real thing you will need to know attacks. For instance if you were Piccolo and one of the options was to do a Genki Dama, you probably shouldn't pick that one since that characters can't.
Review to let me know what you think of my ideas. I will need help to work out glitches. This is a really hard format to work plot-holes out of, so it will probably have a lot of kinks you'll have to help me sort through.
Thank you so much!
P.S. It just occurred to me that I haven't put disclaimers on ANY of my stories *laughs nervously* ok, so this will be a:
SUPER DUPER DISCLAIMER!!!!!!!! -- .I do not own DBZ. --
Now wasn't that special?