Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Sage Vegeta's Dark Son ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Vegeta listened closely as his son explained what was happening,
Freaza is selling me to his mother Queen Infernia, and his sister
Princess Ember, I am no longer his slave as of today."
smirk crossed over the young Sayjin's face.

"Which means for the next few days, I can do whatever I wish. Freaza dare incite his mother's wrath."
won't survive, Infernia and Ember will kill him immediately upon arrival,Vegeta thought to himself.
don't be foolish. What would those two twisted bitches want you for? has to be a plot to destroy the newest Sayijin prince, they want our race to die."
Vegeta would never admit it, his son was much stronger, and he had no proving it. Pushing his power outward, his energy forced his father into air, throwing him into a wall.
words were said with disdain so thick it was almost visible.
Ember fancies me, I am to be a bed servant to her needs."
voice hit a venomous whisper.
don't ever speak to me like a subordinate again, or your death will be
my greatest pleasure, UNDERSTOOD?"
waiting for an answer, Sage glared at his father one last time before leaving
the room. In the gaze it was clear to Vegeta just how purely Sage hated him.

woke in a cold sweat, Gasping loudly. Bulma was up and by his side in an instant.
dream honey?"
Bad memory!" he stated quietly.
can't hear you."
was pale and sweat soaked when he rose from the bed and walked through one of the recent holes, created by his ensesent training.
cry, "where are you going?" fell on deaf ears.

clouds danced along the night sky, black on shimmering light blue. Vegeta stands on a
hillside, every muscle strained to the breaking point. Small rivers of blood ran down his face neck, seeping from every orifice on his body, staining his shirt and pants.
was trying to remember ... something. Something he had forced into the back of his mind ago, but what? It was plaguing him, and that dream was the key. His mind raced, trying find something in the dream to hold on to.
had the man done, or said that seemed so familiar? What was bothering him?' he raked
his mind.
body tensed more, and broke. His muscles released, and he found the memories at the moment. His first son, the only person he had ever used the word LOVE out loud with,
the man who hated him more then anything in the world. His dead son. Sage.
blood moved over the now scabbed rivers tears mingling with them, the first time he had in longer then she remembered.
was all this coming back now, he thought.
his teeth, he fell to his hands and knees and d looked up staring into the darkness,
the thought went through his head one more time.
he screamed at the top of his lungs.

lifetime away, a reptilian soldier stood before a huge throne, bowing to his master waiting for permission to speak. His master watched him closely, fingering the piercing on his prehensile tail, and smirking waves his hand at his servant, him the floor. His dead silver eye and fiery black one looked over the twins either side of him. One male one female, each white haired, and ice blue eyes, skin tinted red. They didn't look very powerful, but their energy rivaled even their before he transformed.
energy signal we have been looking for, King Vegeta's, has been found."
soldier's voice was a low deep growl, though he was trying hard not to be for
fear of angering his leader.
it is far stronger then anticipated, what shall we do?"
one good eye shimmered as he pondered the word.

tell the engine room to turn on all thrusters and move in the signal's direction."
female twin nodded and ran down the hallway to her destination as her master to her brother.
go feed my bed slaves, we may need them if he has rebuilt his army, and want them strong."
smirked knowingly.
and Infernia have been begging for your attention, what shall I do to quiet them?"
tone of his voice told his king he wanted to hurt them, as was his tendency to do anyone he could, but it was not what his master had in mind.
them I shall be there soon to give them more then they can handle."
for you."
turned back to the soldier in front of him, his smile disappearing.
thing we were searching for is a mere prince. I am the only King of Sayjins, Remember that."
King S ..."
never had a chance to finish; his master was in front of him in SSJ3 before could blink either of his eyelids. A face that one would have resembled Vegeta's,
but was now covered with small deep scars one directly over and through his right eye,
beamed brightly as he snapped the scaly neck.
powered down as he reset himself in his throne, Sanoth had already gone to do his
duties and he was left alone. The King pressed a button on the side of his chair, and spoke the intercom.
anyone in the throne room vicinity, please come get the ex-lieutenant's body from my NOW!"
creatures of all assortments ran into the room and carried the carcass form sight, one stayed behind for just an instant.
sorry for taking so long King Sage."
ran swiftly after his comrades as Sage leaned forward onto the char, his black hair his shoulders, the red streaks looked like fire in the shallow light. A smile
returned to his face as he watched the small blue planet move closer.
i come father."
thought of his father at his feet, lying in a pool of his own blood, dying. The thought a large bulge appear on his lap and he rose removing the robe, waling naked to his once captors once again.

automatic door opened, giving Sage access to his bedchamber. He saw the hungry faces of Ember and Infernis and smiled to himself. It amused him to watch them beg.

day i will kill you, I will thrust my hand into your neck, rip out your throat, and let the steaming blood flow into my mouth, and stare into your eyes when die."
more he spoke, the more pleasure he took out of it, he then turned and looked at Vegeta.
your next."
walked through the crowd, throwing Freaza to the floor. All eyes fallowed, wondering if the premonitions would come true.

had been days since Vegeta had thought about those memories, and he wasn't planning on it as Bulma pressed her lips to his, he barely heard her words, the look in her eyes broke the barrier, bringing back more memories.

young Sayjin prince watched as the voluptuous woman danced in front of him, it was his thirteenth birthday and Freaza had sent her as a present. The Sayjin woman leaned over and touched his sensitive area, he leaned back and moaned losing his only chance to see the tattoo on the back of her neck, GE (Genetic Experiment).
gravity turned up to a thousand times didn't seem to phase Sage, his hair flailing almost as wildly as his limbs, the figure before him was the greatest warrior he had. Fenex was vicious and malevolent, almost as much as Sage himself, but not nearly as strong willed.
suite kept the gravity chamber from effecting him. Yet still the arms and legs coming towards him were hard to react to. He was almost knocked through a wall when the outer door opened.
a moment to get used to the change in atmosphere, Sanoth and Geanar walking in unison towards their master. Before they spoke he knew what they were here for, one last swing sent Fenex out the door. He picked himself up as Sage spoke.
increase off. You came to tell me we would be there in a little while?"
was no question; the twins shared a glance as Fenex finally came back huffing. His huge chubby frame seemed to shadow all three people in the chamber. Despite his size however, he was genuinely powerful. Though he outranked the twins they never paid him heed, combined they might beat him one day, but now they were Sage's men and they didn't want to anger him.
are almost to the planet, as you said."
knew because i could sense Vegeta, and he has just sensed you three, Infernia, and Ember. I am using you to cloak my own signature."
two looked at each other then at Sage, bowed and left. Fenex stayed smiling.
know they plan to try and kill you right?"
was no question and needed no answer, Sage knew very well. They would never get the chance though; he didn't plan on letting them survive the next battle. He stopped in his steps thinking about their death.
I will let Geanar live, so you may have her. Sanoth on the other hand must die. Computer, open the armoury."
wall opened up, revealing a huge sword. Picking it up Sage smiled swinging it wide and quick the sound of metal on metal made Fenex cringe.
Sayjin Slayer, beautiful isn't it? I still can't believe how easy it was to find."
you mean take?" Fenex smirked. "Anyway we should be getting ready."
swing hit the wall, taking a huge chunk out of it. The piece hit the ground at the same moment that the ship hit the ground of the planet Earth.

was jerked from his slumber by an indescribable force. He was up at the same moment Goku instant transmitted into his room.
is that power? It almost feels like yours Vegeta."
don't know Kakarot, but i have a feeling it's after me."
makes you say that?"
don't know, I just don't know"

stepped out of the ship smile still on his face.
am here father."

are five of them, and they are extremely powerful, more then anything we have ever faced."
was staring out the window as Vegeta pulled a shirt over his head.
there are six of them. Reach out and feel, one of them is using the others to hide. Are the others ready?"
they are waiting at Kame's Lookout."
let's go."

other Z fighters stood watching the ship from Dendia's home, their shock over whelming them. Goku and Vegeta appeared before them, but went unnoticed for a long time. It was almost as if they didn't want them to be there, as if they didn't want to face whatever was down there waiting.
did have to deal with it however, and knowing Vegeta and Goku were there, only meant it was time, without a word all of them rose and flew down towards the landing space ship. By the time they had gotten there the doors were wide opened, and five creatures stood there waiting, yet it didn't seem for them.
Vegeta, and Gohan almost fell down after seeing two of the women, they look identical to Freaza, except for colorations. A huge man blocked the door, his head gear making him look slightly more dangerous. What was really frightening though was how closely their power levels matched both in strength and frequency, making them seem more like a unit.
two identical beings began dancing back and forth on their feet, they were getting anxious. They exchanged an impatient glance with one another, as the two Freaza-things sat in a submissive pose.what seemed like a life time Goku spoke.
are you and what do you want?"
twins spoke in unison, No one interrupted, nor even looked their way. The ship still lay opened, as if they were expecting the other being Vegeta had sensed to come through at any moment.
King has brought us here on a search for Prince Vegeta. He has an invested interest in that old bastard."
last words were filled with so much malice, it surprised even them. Many of the X fighters looked at Vegeta, Goku however just stepped forward.
after your Business with him is done?"
time the giant spoke, his huge frame moving with every word.
same we do to all worlds when their purpose has been filled, destroy it, and take the last two males and females, for experimentation."
always, Tein, Chouzu, and Yamcha let their anger get the best of them, gave each other a small signal and charged forward. They were the sign, the twins immediately shot forward and floored Tein and Yamcha, smashing their faces into the ground in a simultaneous identical attack. Chouzu had his head turned, not even thinking about stopping he slammed head first into the Giant, almost breaking his neck. He fell to the ground as the huge man spoke up.
Sonath, kill them and get it over with. I gues I can take care of the small fry."
hand lowered and before Chouzu could move, he was smashed, literally. He layed ther not moving as the twins began kicking and punching the other two. Piccalo suddenly shot a LIGHT BEAM CANNON at the male twin, knocking him into his female counter part. By the time Piccalo checked on both his commrads, however, they were dead. Chouzu gave one last muffled scream as he joined them.
smaller Freaza like creature shot forward, slamming into Piccalo, as Krillin ran for the giant. His whole body slammed into him, but still the huge creature was uneffected. Ember began pummeling piccalo with all her might, but it made no difference he was far stronger then her. Ath the same time Fenix grabbed Krillin's head in one hand and began squeezing, Piccalo threw the women into the ship, rocking it She fell to the ground, limp either unconscience or dead, Piccalo didn't care. One blast sent her into the next demnsion.

Waiting inside the ship, felt his precious Ember die. His eyes become pure red, and the rage filled him. A scream escaped his lips, and he pulled his power together into him. Powering up, the ship around him began shaking breakign apart under his power. It was time.

the fighting stopped, as shards shot in all directions, orbiting around a form in the center. Piccalo , Krillin and the twins were now lying dead, peices stickign out of their chests. The form moved forward, the pieces still orbiting around him, as he came into veiw. all the remaining X fighters looked in shock as they saw the face of Vegeta on the man before them. The Giant stepped aside adn the Freaza woman stood, walking towards the mysterious person. Gently he leaned down and kissed her, his power soaring.
am sorry for Ember my dear, but I will make them all way."
body moved forward slowly, the rage inside causign it to triple.
I shall start with you father."

fast for any one to see, Sage was behind Vegeta and holding his arms tightly. The evil look in hiseye was too much for Trunks to take, he sailed forward and was caught in midair by Fenix. One quick look from Sage told Fenix what to do, he grabbed Goten and began banging their heads together, as the two youngest Sayjins flailed and shouted. Suddenly Trunks shouted something that caught Sage' attention imediately.
help us."
voice stopped Fenix cold, "Fahter? You mean to tell me this purple headed runt is my little shit... I mean brother?"
with the same lightening speed as before, Sage grabbed Trunks from Fenix's hand, holding him in the air, and snapping his neck. the limp body dropped to the ground, causing dust to fly every where. When it cleared Sage was no where to be found, searching Vegeta finally found him behind them all.
sense another, Oh daddy do I have a sister? How interesting, I bet her insides taste good."
into the distance, Sage was too fast to see. The Z fighters had more to deal with, Fenex was charging forward full force. His huge form pushed Goku into the ground, Vegeta was long gone, after his son. Lefts and right sailed between the two worriors, blood sweat and spit flew as finally some shots connected. Goku was thrown to the down and slowly being crushed by a hand as big as his torso.
legendary Kakarot, how ientertaining. Tell me how does it feel to be out classed."
smirk crossed the lips of the sayjin as his hair color changed to a bright gold, his eyes blue. A shout escaped his lips and with all his strength he pushed upward... and didn't budge the huge creature. Laughing the giant pushed harder, squeezing the air out of Goku. Gohan was quickly over him, and just as quickly smashed to the ground. A Light Beam Cannon hit fenix in the back of the head, lettign goku go he spun around and attacked Piccalo. The mask fell off and the remaining fighters stood in shock, This massive monster was blind. The eyes holes were burned shut, but it wasnt hard to tell there were no eyeballs behind them. A rage filled scream filled the air and small but powerful energy balls shot everywhere. Before he could move, piccalo felt his head being crushed by a huge hand. Fenix smiled as the green goo began leaking from the nameks face into his hand.

any comments, or questions?)
and Bulma stared into the night sky, the lights had caught there attention and they refused to leave the sight Even the figure coming towards them didn't deture thier eyes, until he came into the light landing. Unable to see the strange hair color they mistook him for Vegeta.
what happened?" Bra ran to him, eyes full of worry until he stepped closer and she realized this was not her beloved dad. Smirking he snatched her off the ground and held her up to his face, she could see the immortal scars burried into his skin. His eyes turned blood red adn the flesh around his cheeks quivered.
little sister," His tongue lashed out and licked from her chin to her forhead. "Aren't we a tasty little princess."
filled her eyes, but Bulma was too shocked by the word sister to do anything. Why did this monster look like Vegeta? Then him and her daughter were gone and a shout filled the air.
has three hours to find me, then she will feed my hunger."
later Vegeta was there, Bulma didn't look up as she cried at the table.
is Bra?"
one who looked like you took her, who was he Vegeta?"
dark memory I had hoped long dead. He was my first son, and my first enemy. Sage."
did he take her Vegeta? Why couldn't he take me, why our daughter?"
hates me, and the very thought of my blood being passed on sends him into a rage, he wants to kill her infront of me. The problem is, I'm not sure i could stop him."
that he flew back towards the battle to help Goku, he needed all the help he could get. Bulma completely forgot the message till he was long gone.

sweat rolled down fifteen year old Sage's body,His gentle dream was turning into a nightmare. Long ago he had forgiven his father for not being there when he needed him, and his sleep had been peaceful since. His dream was dark the clouds sharp and ominous, a huge beign stood before him staring down at him. The deep dark voice spoke into his mind not his ears.
you have a mission. As long as one with yrou fathers blood remains alive a dark being will be brought back. He existed long ago, his evil was immeasureable. The darkness he creates will be pure death, and he will come back in the form of King Vegeta. As logn as one of yoru fathers blood lives, he will return."
visions before hsi eyes were too horrible, Sage woke with a gasp. The room was freezing and he bundled up, he wouldn't be sleeping for a long tiem.

The night air blew cold past Sage and Bra's heads as they flew over South City. Her screams had not effected him and she had given up several minutes ago, now she just needed to talk. Needed to know she was still alive.
are we going? Where are you taking me? Why are you taking me? Why do you look liek my daddy?"
more word and I rip out your tongue and eat it inches from ryou eyes."
shut her up real quick, her face went pale and her body limp. Suddenly and unexpectedly Sage landed, letting her loose on a roof as he sat on the pebble ground, sighing loudly. His one good eye stared intot eh night, not watchign her as if giving her an invitation to run away. Before she got the chance she noticed a deep conflict in his eyes. Being the deathly curious sort she had to find out why someone so ruthless seemed so confused.
are you thinking?"
dead eye glared at her and seemed fully alive for a second.
it is so much easier to fight somoine who hates you then one who cares about you."
sentece was more to himself then than her, but it stopped her mouth for the short rest.

was halfway to goku when he sensed Sage just south of him. Without thinking he shifted coarse and flew towards the signal. His muscles tightened as South city came into veiw, upon a rooftop two of his children say silently. All in one second Sage saw him and grabbed Bra sailling into the air to meet him.
around his father slowly, "Death awaits you, will you embrace him or defy me?"
you have to ask?"

With a scream of rage, he shot a huge energy ball at his father. Barely dodging it, Vegeta started building up his own ki blasts. With one hand Sage flung the attacks to the side, one hit directly into the middle of a skyscraper bringing the top plummeting down. With a scream Sage dropped Bra and flew straight towards the falling building, forcing it upward with all his strength. Vegeta held his daughter upa dn watched in disbelief, suddenly Sage's face filled with pain as an indescribable agony raked his body.

could feel the skin sizzeling as both Piccalo and Goku attacked him at once. In pain liek he had never experienced, he threw all the energy he could muster at them both sending them sailing backward. Still both the fighters kept coming at him full force, thier bodies bloody and weak they refused to stay down. His own power weakening too much to win, Fenix wanted nothing more then to destroy these two trouble makers.
wont you die?"
no answer, Piccalo sent a namek Dark Beam, a new attack he had created. While Goku shot a Kamahamaha, at the same moment. Finally the great beast lay still as his power faded into the next demension.
have to find Vegeta and find out whats going on."
nodded and the two sailed for the power they felt west of them.

the building and Sage were falling fast to the ground, when vegeta felt his power increase rapidly and sharply. The flesh around Sage's forarms began breaking revealing dark green scales and tuffets of fur, the muscle expanded to double thier normal size. The mutated DNA inside of him was reacting to his need for power, the energy around him was so bright he seemed to be on fire as he forced the structure upward then with a mighty blast obliterated it from existance. The spikes on his tail were surounded by skelital extentions, and the length and thickness changed. His eyes changed, one was blood red the other a darker crimson, and the skin around hsi cheeeks seemed to be melting showing the boney grin beneath. In one of the Windows Sage could see his own reflection, and it filled hims with rage.
sad voice broke the night, "Why? Even in the darkest night, I still cast a shadow."
dissapeared from sight. Bra screamed his name as Vegeta stared at where his son had been.

saved them, but why?"
and Piccalo were staring at Vegeta dumbfounded, he was explaining to them what had happened. Still none of them could beleive it, Bra was crying on her knees and no one thought to comfort her. All around them they could hear people talking about the mysterious figure who had such outstanding power. Suddenly the tears were stopped as Bra screamed.
they were innocent, he only wants to kill us, anyone with royal blood."
do you knwo that?"
saw it in his eyes,it was just there as plain as day."
wasn't paying attention he was too busy looking for the ki of the dreaded son of Vegeta. It hd seemed to completely dissapeared. For a second he was gone, then returned lookiing worried.
woman who was with him is gone, and I can't sense either of them. I can't imagine where they could be."

and Infernia were in fact deep withing a cave below the surface of Earth, Sage smashing anythign he could get in reach of. Infernia stared at her love and had fear in her eyes, what had thse beasts above done to him?
happened darling? Why are you liek this?"
I knew i might fix it, either way it doesn't matter, I will be dead soon after my father if I can help it."
you? Why can't we just go somewhere and live our lives?"
can't as long as I am alive my fathers blood flows through my veins. That means the dark king can come back, I can never do that to the poor innocents who cannot defend themselves. The lives of hundreds cannot measure tto the lives of countless. I am sorry."
that why you saved those humans? Because they were innocent?"
you have to ask?"
that sentence she saw mroe of his father in him then she had ever thought possable.
eyes darkened, "I will have the royal blood, one drop at a tiem."

was in her room recovering from her experience, when a dark figure stepped beside her. Unable to see hsi fac she sat in shock as he spoke.
the prison of glass papears, and all women fly, the dark king will return. Sage's destiny is to prevent his return, at all cost. Do not despair child, you will not die in vain. And in the next demension, your family will be at peace with itself."
voice was more in her head then her ears, suddenly she received images of glass boxes rising to a night sky and a being who looked liek her father and Sage but with dead eyes.

was in there in a seond shaking her daughter from her slumber.
wrong darling? Wake up, was it a bad dream?"
I don't want to die."

fists bleeding profusely, Sage still pounded into the solid earth around him. His body was exhausted, Infernia watched him silently. Suddenly the wall infront of him burst open revealing a lava chamber and a giant cloud of smoke with an awsome arua.
is this?"
stood and watched as her beloved stepped forward and a huge voice spoke.
dares desturb the rest of Shenlong?"
in the hell is a shinwrong?" Sage smirked.
dare you insult me, leave mortal or perish."
will not be bullied by a wretched cloud of nothing."
amazingly large ki blast shot at Sage forcing him through a nearby wall and straight out of t he chamber sealing it behind him. Infernia flew to the hole but was too late.
you wish to join him? the cloud spoke to her gently.
of coarse."
be it." she was no longer inside the cave but on the surface of the Earth watching Sage pound intot he ground.
I am here."
shock he turn and ran at her hugging her tight Tears litterally burned her shoulder it was almost painfull but she wouldn't stop this hold for anything.
we are done here we will go somewhere nice and live beyond the reach of the dark king, just you me and our child."
was the first tiem she had seen him cry, adn it hurt her deeply, someone so strong falling so easy, would he truely be able to kill his father and syblings? Did it matter, he would always be hers. They held each other close for a long time.

the remaining Z fighters moved as one turnign thier heads to the sense of a new power, Sage was back. Goku looked at Vegeta and Piccalo, his expretion grave.
finish finding the Dragon Balls, Vegeta and I will take care of Sage."
a grim look Piccalo took the six balls already collected and flew in one direction, Goku and Vegeta flew in the other. Putting the fusion earrings on as they flew they changed into Vegeto.

stopped embracing Infernia and began powering up, the rage building his body still mutant, his power was extrodinary. Even the fused Sayjin sailing for him wasn't sure if he could beat him.
can't we just go? I don't want you to fight anymore.."
have to, he must die."
a being who looked like a combonation of the two he had seen at the crash sight stopped before him, Sage sensed his father inside the being.
seems insignifigant compared to how long i have waited for this Vegeta. You are a lowely creature and I shall prove it."

in space, far beyond the worries of the earth, a red headed Sayjin worked diligently to train with the strange being before her. While she strained with every ounce of energy she had just to push her body off the ground, while he did them with one finger not even breaking a sweat. His unwavering smile only made her angrier. A low growl escaped her lips and his smile widened, suddenly the gravity increased another hundred times.
now Angel, Dont't be so easy to stop, do you really think Vegeta," the last word was said slow and dieliberate, "would stop?"
going to pay for that you arogant bastard, I will break that jaw of yorus and perminately wipe that smile off yrou face."
grin was stil unwavering, as the creature changed from pointer to pinky and sweated a single drop. Still for every one of hers he did ten, there was no doubt which was stronger, but Angel was far more focused then her companion.
biggy, I am not now nor ever gonna be worried about you huny bunch."
cutesy face he made almost made her want to vomit.
I am seriously gonna hurt you."

giant energy ball hit Vegeto smoke flew everywhere, Sage sailed forward, knowing the being was still alive. A punch landed right in the temple jerked Vegeto's head around and a snap of Sage's leathal tail sent him sprawling to the ground breaking several stones and causing a nearby mountain to crumble. Diving full force, he put his fists together and pushed a great deal of ki energy into them, putting them deep into Vegeto's stomache. Flipping in midair, he pushed himself backward and shot several dozen projectiles at his opponent. Sage landed gently on the ground barely breathing heavy, his face gritting with anger.
smoke cleared and Vegeto stood, small cuts and bruises covered his body. Small trickles of blood ran from his mouth down his cheek, but he only smiled. Wiping the blood away the back of one hand, he spoke to Sage calmly.
won't let this go on any further Sage, i don't want to kill you, but if you won't stop trying to kill me, I have no choice."
stared at him, "Infernia leave now, This is not going to be pretty."
fighters began powering up as she left the area.

stopped in his tracks, he could sense both worriors were almost a thousand miles away, yet he could still see the light given off by thier energy. It looked like a bright sunset, and he could feel them both getting stronger.
I can't tell Who is stronger."
continued his search, worried he may not have any reason to live other then that, nothing could compare to those beings he felt and he refused to give into the fear he felt.

tried going super Sayjin, but something was differnt, his eyes went completely red, and his hair was silver with golden streaks. vegeto shifted to his ssj form, then to the second level. they two 'Sayjins' stared at each other darkly. Each waited for the other to make thier move. A shout of rage came, and Vegeto shot a beam of light at Sage, "Galat Gun." The ki shot hit right into sage's chest. smoke filled the area where he had been, when it cleared he was itching his chest.
was that? It itches like hell."
hwo something liek you can stil have a sense of humor."
last comment had done somethign dangerous, wounding Sage's pride.
will pay for that, right now."
sky began to darken, the clouds swirling in a vortex above Sage as he lifted his hands above him. A lightening bolt shot down and connected to each finger, sending energy shooting through his body. With his arms stll shaking with pure energy, he crossed them infront of him, two blades formed, as if they were coming out of his flesh. Sage smiled evily, with every passing second Vegeto could feel the energy in the blades growing.
blades solidified, and Sage moved forward fast and hard. Vegeto dodged one shot, and for miles behind him mountains were destroyed by the energy released from swinging the sithes.
had been watching him too carefully however, and was flying out of reach, raising his hadns towrads the sky.
blades were a whitish color where as Sage's were blood red.
it's now truely up to the stronger of us."
fighters hit each other, thier sithes all crossing one another and surging ki made the entire area pure white, even the two beings couldn't see one another they only sensed each others power. Face to face, nose to nose, they fought.
more innocents will die for you father, I won't alow it."
can't play hero here, that's my job."
sight came back and they pushed each other backward, and began staring each other down.

each clash of the two sets of energy blades sparks of power pushed both worriors back from each other. Rage built in both of them, a huge burst of energy pushed them both to opposite sides of the canyon they created. In unison they kicked back forward charging at one another, when they met in the middle, Vegeto and Sage tried to hit each other with thier own Crimson Sithes. When the two worriors connected, thier blades shattered, small pieces cuttign thier forearms and shoulders. Blood dripped down slowly as they stared at thier armsa dn into each others eyes.
now I never thought that was going to happen," Sage smirked," atleast not to me."
was almost as funny as yoru face, little boy."
shout and Sage dissapeared, before Vegeto could sense him, he had his tail wrapped around the fused beings throat. Squeezing he laughed outloud, several drops of spit, puss, and blood leked onto his tail from Vegeto's lips. With both hands he tried to pull the tail from it's place.

stared forward in uter terror, he had collected six dragon balls already, five had already been collected by goku for the fun of it, and the other one was easily spotted one a sign hanging over Satan City Mall, th last one however was in a horrid place,. Right where Sage and Vegeto were fighting. Still he had to do what he had to do, lowering his power level he was creeping slowly by foot towards the battle field.
just hope he doesn't sense me."

upward, Sage smiled his disgusting grin, and started increasing his power, suddenly he did a U-turn and began flying straight down, Divingt deep into the surface fo the planet, he pushed farther into the chamber he had been in with Infernia. The heat was more intense when he realized the magma chamber he had seen the smoke in was directly below them. Pushing his tail and Vegeto down with it, Sage punctured a hole sending Vegeto into the shenwrongs things chamber. The smoke boiled and shot Vegeto back otu with a major ki blast, shredding his shirt. Blood poured from his mouth like spit, he hit the cold air outside the chamber and fell to the ground. Flying up, hSage floated above him.
is so much easier to get others to do my dirty work."
am far from done freak."

saw the dragon ball. directly next to the crator Vegeto and Sage shot out of, satring at the two he slowly stepped closer. It was just within reach, when Vegeto stood up. His ally charged forward, smashing Sage into the ground as Piccalo grabbed the dragon ball from it's resting place. He flew as fast as he could nad didn't dare lok back as a falsh of light lit up the sky.

realled, blinded by a Solar Flare. he swung at empty air for a moment, disorienteda nd raging. Before hsi sight came back, Vegeto threw himself into his chest, forcing him to bend over. Puling himself beyond his opponent Vegeto shot his knee upa dn his elbow down, crashing both into the same point on opposite sides of his body, he could feel Sage's ribs crack under the preasure. Grabbign the Tail just belwo the spikes, Vegeto began twirling Sage around and around in circles. Sage coughed up some blood, and finaly regained his sight. Just before Vegeto let go of his tail.Sage wraped the end around his wrist. As Sage sailed away, he brought Vegeto with him. Both of them smashed head first into a mountain side, frocing it to crumble around them.

sat down at Dende's Lookout, smiling at how fast he had gotten the remaining balls together, as Dende stepped forrward.
i will sumon the dragon, but you have two wishes what will you dow tih the second?"
don't know yet, I will have to figure that out when the time comes."
began summoning the dragon, the sky darkened and clouds surrounded the area. The great creature shot out of the balls, becomign solid and towering above the nameks.
are your wishes?"
back all the people Sage killed today."
Eternal Dragon's eyes light up, red glowign brightly.
is done, what is yrou next wish?"

fighters, were slowly picking themslves up, blodo was everywhere. Smiling Sage looked At Vegeto and fliped him off, then charged forward. Swinging his left, Vegeto dodged it and watched the fist go by, big mistake. The other hand grabbed the back of hsi neck and pushed his face into Sage's Knee. Still the fighting continued.

is your wish Piccalo?" Dende asked
am thinking."

Sage once again dissapeared from sight, Vegeto was having a hard time keeping track of him. Before he could sense him, Sage was behind him, arms wrapped around his neck, cutting off air to his brain adn his lungs all at once. Vegeto's face started turning bright red, he pushed himself and Sage upward with all his strength. Several dozen feet in the air he changed direction meaning to plow his foe into the ground, his plan was found out. Twisting around Sage pushed Vegeto forward shovign his chest and stomache into a spike like rock, pushign the little air in him out harshly.

"Well now, seems your not as powerfull as i thought. I am so sorry that you wont last longer."

Blood covered Vegeto's face, Sage couldn't make out anything but his one opened eye. Still he refused to give up, swinging his arms Vegeto caught Sage's sides as hard as he could, each hit slowly forcing his grip to loosen. Finally Sage let go, just to hit Vegeto in the back of the neck with a round house, then before he could hit the ground Sage's foot caught the underside of his china dn sent him straight up into hsi waiting hand. Held there Vegeto stared at the monster before him and Had only one thoguth in his mind. Sage must be stopped.

"Anything to say before you die?"

"Only one thing," Vegeto spat right in Sage's left eye. "I've used more power then you have taking a crap."

Vegeto's hand came together just outside of Sage's sight, and powered up his energy. Sage was staring wide eyed at his captive, the wicked smile left his face. He pulled his hadn back and prepared for the final blow, when suddenly Vegeto shouted a strange word.


The shot tore into Sage's chest thrusting him backward into the ground.

Shenlong growled angriely, hs pateints growing short. Still Piccalo didn't knwo what to wish for, under his breath he spoke to himself.

"I wish ..."


Sage's body lay smoking in a heap, he couldn't move a muscle. His body was a crimson mess and his flesh looked like torn clothe pieces torn off lying around him. Vegeto had won and he knew it, Sage could not believe it. He began struggling to get up. A darkness began creeping over him.


Infernia was at the landing site and looking at what was left of the ship. Finaly she found what she was looking for, a small transeiver. She ran up to it, she could feel her beloveds power waining and couldn't stand it.

"Hey the is Infernia are you there?"

A Voice came from teh other end, sharp and angery.

"Yes I am, what do you need?"

"Sage is in trouble get here quick."

"Right away."


The last part was said to a dead line, and she only hoped he knew it was urgent. She didn't trust him but he was her only option.


Vegeto began powering up for a final assault, when a mysterious figure appeared, Long black coat wavign in the wind, his white hair was a huge contrast to his dark face and golden eyes. Suddenly the figure pulled forth a huge power from within himself. Raising a single hand he looked grimly at Vegeto. OPut of no where, hundreds upon hundreds of Sayjin ghosts began apearing, thier mist liek forms wavign under the powerful energies. One by one they twisted into smoke and flowed into a ball ontop of the strangers hand, the energy was enourmous. His voice was a whisper and worked quickly into a yell.

"blood LINES!!!." (no type-o's I dd that on purpose.)

The blast threw Vegeto back and caused the two Saujins to unfuse, looking completely confused the stared at each other then at the figure as he picked up teh unconscience Sage. Staring directly into thier eyes he dissapeared, leaving no trace of himself or Sage.

"Kakarot, what was that?"

"I don't know but the new guy, he seemed familiar, the way he stood the way he powered up. No worries, full of confidence. I don't know it reminds me of some one."


Infernia saw the white haired man form infront of her and grab her wrist, seconds later they were in his ship hundreds of light years away. Sage was bleeding and the figure was binding his wounds.

"Thank you."

He didn't even bother replying. He was breathign heavy, he had used his finisher right away and it took alot out of him.

Sage's eyes opened, adn he stared at the two beings over him.

"What happened?"

"I had Orex come and get you."

"Good I will need him, we are going to train, hard. I will destroy my father before King Vegeta comes back. Come now."

His ribs were still broken and it was plain to see he had no energy left, but he still walked towards the nearest Gravity Chamber.


Piccalo stared at the balls as they flew into seven directions. He was still in shock at his own wish. He hand't expected the Dragon to take it seriously, but now he couldn't figure out what to do.

Moments before, piccalo whispered to himself.

"I wish the evil Sage were dead."

"That cannot be done, Sage has no evil intention, only evil means, there for he cannot be pure evil. You have one wish, what is it?"

Dende stepped forward, "I wish to save it for later."

"So be it."


Xero looked out as he sensed Oex, then continued training with angel, they would meet soon enough.


Piccalo stared in the distance, no longer sensing Sage, he wondered how he had finally been beaten. As if reading his mind, Goku spoke from behind him.

"He isn''t dead, just gone. And I don't think this is the last we will see of him."