Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Saiyajin Revived ❯ Strange Occurrences ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Strange Occurrences

Um, hi there. I had wrote this before but my dog deleted it. Honestly, she did!!! She was sitting on the desk and somehow deleted the whole story. Luckly, I save this story on a disk but I didn't save this chappie. Well anyways here it is.

Disclaimer: They're too long to write. Go look at an earlier chapter!!!

Vegeta and Vejima watched Bulma leave and began preparing for the day's training. The young toddler looked up at the man and said,

"I'm hungry!!! Food now!!!"

"Quiet! You will eat later." The boy's bottom lip quivered as he said in Saiya-go,

"I want my damn food now!" Vegeta turned to Califa, who was going through a series of katas very similar to her father's normal routine , and said,

"He acts like you when you were this age." The woman looked at Vegeta while continuing her routine and spat,

"I'm surprised you even remember how I was." The man humped at her remark. As he turned back to face his grandson, he was met with a small foot slamming into his chin. He stumbled a couple of steps and thought to himself.

*Since when did a two year old child have strength like this?!?*

The little boy walked over to his mother and fumed,

"I want food, NOW!!!" The woman smirked and looked at her father, who was staring at the little boy with an uncharacteristically shocked expression on his face, and said to her son,

"I will feed you if you can hit you grandfather in the face." Vejima looked at Vegeta and back to his mother and said,

"That's a grandfather? But you said they were big!" Vegeta humphed as Califa laugh at her son innocent statement. She squatted down to her son and said,

"Just do it Veji. Ohm and be sure to use all of training." The young child nodded at his mother's instructions and walked towards his grandfather. He looked up at the man and said,

"Be still so I can eat!" Vegeta laughed and said,

"Life isn't that easy brat!"

The toddler demi-saiyajin leaped at Vegeta with immaculate speed for a child his age. The man quickly moved to the side and grabbed the boy's outstretched tail. The young child yelled in pain as he curled up in a fetal position. Vegeta pulled the boy up by his tail and said,

"Mistake number one. Your tail must be wrapped securely around you in battle. Keep it wrapped or I will pull it harder the next time." He then released the child's appendage and stood back. Vejima growled at his grandfather as he cradled his precious tail. He blinked back his tears as he charged at the man.

*The child is stubborn. Well, I guess it's my placed to teach him.*

Vegeta smirked as he once again moved out of angry child's path of destruction and grabbed the tail. He kept to his word as he squeezed the child's extremity slightly harder. Vejima howled in grief as the pain shock through his entire body. Again, Vegeta lifted the boy up and said,

"This will continue until you do as I say. Now wrap it now!", and simply dropped the boy. Califa watched on in wonder and slight amusement as she remembered her lesson in protecting her own tail.


"Keep it tucked child! Your father would not be happy with you sloppy display of defending yourself!" Beaneya said as she dodged out of her daughter's way. As she turned, she tugged at the child's straight puffed appendage. The young girl frowned at the action. It was the fifth time her mother has made that action since there training session.

"Mother, it does what it wants to do! I can't control it!" The sovereigness sighed as she stood erect from her fighting stance. She looked at her frustrated daughter and said in a stanch tone,

"You must learn or it will be a weakness for you. Your sister has learned! Are you telling me that the second princess of the New Saiyajin Empire is not capable of control something as feeble as her tail?!? Preposterous!" Califa looked as her mother with an affronted expression. She forbade herself to cry from her mother's words as she gently grabbed her tail and wrapped it around her unpronounced waist and tucked the tip. She looked up at her mother and crouch down in a fighting stance. Beaneya smiled and moved closer to her child and tugged at the ribbon in Califa's hair as she softly said,

"Let me give you a suggestion. Take your ribbon and wrap it around your tail to prevent it from moving. Soon, it will get used to staying in such a discreet fashion and you will no longer need the bind."


Califa snapped out of her daydream in time to see her son land a hard blow to his grandfather's jaw. She smirked as she saw Vegeta punched the young boy back, square in the face. Vejima whimpered as he screamed,

"I hit you! You don't hit me!!! You cheater!!" Vegeta folded his arm and said to the boy,

"Like I said, life isn't fair. Now get up so we can eat." The young child's demeanor quickly changed at the mention of food as he hopped up and ran towards the house. Califa followed her son into the house, beaming with pride. Vegeta watched the two walk away as he thought to himself,

*Why, for some reason, did that seem familiar? Humph, maybe déjà vu does happen.*

He then followed them into the house.


Marron slowly lifted herself off of the floor as she looked around the room. As she stood she felt her body groan and pop from sleeping in a fetal position all night. She looked at the bed and saw the letter and picture from Jack and the events of the night before quickly flooded her mind. Her eyes clouded over and she remembered her husband's anger and hurt face. Her tears didn't fall until she heard his voice echo in her head.

*'Your gold digging mother is better than you are. At least she knows when someone loves her. I don't ever want to see you again, we're getting a divorce Marron.'*

"Uubuu, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. Please, somehow, forgive me." The woman hung her head down and felt a wave of nausea overcome her and immediately ran to the bathroom. As she clutched the toilet for dear life, she sobbed, both from the sickening feeling she was experiencing and at the fact that her husband didn't want to see her again. Once she got over her queasiness, she went back into her room and laid on Uubuu's side of the bed. She inhaled deeply to take in the man's smell and closed her eyes to make believe he was there with her.

*He's here right now nuzzled against my back waiting for me to wake up. I can feel his warm, sweet breath in my hair and hear his soft, fake snore.*

She rolled over in the bed and felt a cold piece of paper on her leg. She opened her eyes and saw it was the picture of her and her Australian lover. Tears brimmed her eyes as she growled at the picture. She then jumped off the bed as though it harbored some type of disease. Her icy blue eyes rivaled her mother's at the moment as she stared at the picture. Suddenly she snatched the photo off of the bead and screamed,

"You!!! This is all because of you!!! I hate you!!! I hate you!!! I wish you'd die!!!" The woman inadvertently powered up and watched the picture dissipate in her hands. She then started trashing anything within her reach as she continued screaming,

"I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU!!!" Soon the room was completely destroyed and Marron had practically beat herself bloody. She looked into the broken mirror on her vanity and whispered,

"You deserve to die, bitch," and formed a small, but strong ki ball in her hand.


Pan groaned and turned in her and Trunks' bed trying her best to ignore the aggravating tone of the phone ringing. She looked at the clock on her mate's side of the bed and sighed.

*7:48am!!! I hope for this person's sake this call is important.*

She picked up the phone and said in a sleepy tone,

"I hope this call was so important that it couldn't wait until say 10 o'clock because if it's not I'm going to attack whoever this is." She then half expected to hear her mother or grandmother comeback with a snappy comment but instead she heard a unfamiliar male voice say,

"Miss Son, sorry to wake you. But this is Ouja Hayari." Pan sat up in the bed and rubbed her eyes as she asked,

"Who are you? How did you get this number?"

"Remember, I offered you the modeling position for my fashion show? As far as how I got your number, well let's just say I have my ways." Pan sat and thought for a moment and then said,

"Mr. Hayari from the boutique in the mall, right?"

"The one and only honey!" Pan giggled softly at how the man somewhat sounded like Bulma and replied,

"Please excuse me. The couple of days have been pretty rough. I.." Ouja interrupted Pan and asked in a slightly panicked voice,

"You're not able to do the show?"

"No, that's not it. I simply forgot about your offer. I should still be able to do your fashion show." She stretched as she heard the eccentric fashion world dweller sigh in relief. After his sigh, Ouja went into the details of what time Pan should arrive and who would be at the event and other details.

As the man spoke endlessly about his show, Pan thought about the events of the past two days and her dreams.

*Why does it seem like we're bout to have another worldly catastrophe on our hands? We just can't, me and Trunks just got back together and I don't want anyone to die.*

"Miss Son, are you listening?" Pan was brought out of her thoughts with Ouja blaring on the phone. Although the man couldn't see her she started blushing and said in a very Son-like manner,

"Um, gee, I guess I drifted away. Sorry." Ouja sighed and said,

"It's not a problem, I will have a messenger send the information to your mother's office. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Mr. Hayari I do apologize for my rudeness. It just…" The man quickly interrupted Pan by saying,

"Honey, in this business what you just did was polite. Don't think about it. Have a good day." She smiled and said,

"You do the same, I'll see you tomorrow."

Pan laid back down in the bed and closed her eyes. She then heard in her head a familiar voice saying,


"It's about time you got up sleepy head." She smiled and replied,

"I'm surprised you are awake. Why are you at work so early?"

"Panny, it's three minutes to eight! I'm always at work by eight, eight-thirty at the latest." Pan sighed and said,

"I would've thought you would have stayed home today with so much that happened yesterday. Kami knows I won't be going in today." She heard Trunks sigh and say,

"CC can't run itself. Even if the president, co-president, chairwoman of the board, and their mates have fucked up lives." Pan gave a weak laugh and said,

"Hey I don't have a fu…"


She was immediately inundated with a plethora of unfamiliar ki. She gasped and immediately yelled,

"What the hell is this!!!" Trunks answered back in a panicked voice,*********************

"It-it feels like Krillin, Uubuu, Marron, Yamucha, and…our mothers?!?"

"Meet me at grandpa Goku's house!"**********************

Pan jumped out of the bed and ran to the nearest window and took flight towards the place were most of the large ki readings were; her grandparent's house. As she flew towards Mount Poazu, she attempted to sort through the jumbled ki sources and almost fell out of the sky when she felt one she'd thought she'd never feel again.

*Mr. Piccolo's alive? But how? Something bad is going to happen. I just know it. *________________________

Uubuu arrived at his and Marron's home and immediately knew something was wrong, Marron's ki was higher than normal. The man ran into the house and up the stairs with remarkable speed only to see Marron had trashed their bedroom, as well as herself, and was now standing in front of a broken mirror speaking to herself. As he approached the woman, he saw her form a ki ball in her hand and start to aim it at herself. At that moment everything seemed to go in slow motion to the island native. He ran toward his wife and screamed,

"Marron, no!!! Stop!!!" Marron heard her husband's voice and turned. At that very moment, the two humans felt their power levels involuntarily rise beyond anything they've ever felt from themselves. Marron's ball of ki also increased in power as it escaped her hand and headed directly towards Uubuu. Marron's eyes widened as she realized the destructive energy was about to hit her husband. With speed she never knew she had, she ran to block Uubuu from the blast, knowing he wouldn't be prepared for it. Uubuu, on the other hand, had prepared himself for the blast and was very intent on protecting his wife. He pushed the woman out of the way and took the blast head on.

"Uubuu no!!!" Marron watched as the blast seemed to envelop her husband with a blinding light. She shielded her eyes from the light and felt the heat of the blast increase then dissipate. As she opened her eyes she immediately noticed most of her room had been destroyed and rumble was every where but no sign of Uubuu.

"Uubuu!!!" Marron felt a lump in her throat as her eyes glazed over with tears. She pulled her self up and looked over the wreckage

"Uubuu!!! Answer me!!!" The distressed woman began lifting rumble as she stifled the cries that dared to escape from her. Suddenly, she saw a patch of smooth dark brown skin. The cries she was holding back, came out against her will and the tears fell freely as she fanatically lifted drywall, brick, and glass to free her love. Soon she saw his face, that was marred with cuts and bruises. She lifted his head and rubbed the low mohawk as she said in a low, strained voice,

"Uubuu that blast was meant for me," then she cried silently over her husband.


Vegeta, Califa, and Vejima sat at the large kitchen table and silently devoured their large breakfast. As the three completed their morning meal, Vejima looked at his grandfather and asked,

"Why don't you have a tail?" Vegeta replied without looking up from his meal,

"Is was cut off a long time ago." The young boy got up from the table and asked,

"Do you want it back?" The man stopped eating and said in a rather soft voice,

"I'm not really sure anymore. Why are you asking me this?"

"Mother doesn't want her tail anymore. She said it brings trouble. But she lets me keep mine. Will it bring me trouble?" The man smirked at his oldest grandchild and said,

"Tails don't bring trouble here anymore. You can keep your tail as long as you want." The child looked directly at Vegeta and smirked. He smirked back and said to the boy,

"Complete your meal child. You will have more training to do." Vejima got back into his chair and continued to eat. Califa watched her father and son interact and had to suppress a smile.

*The two of them look and act so much alike that it's eerie. I think this was the right thing to bring 'Jima to earth.*

Vegeta saw her expression and asked in a threatening tone,

"What the hell are you gawking at? You act like you've never seen people eat." The woman quickly removed the humane expression from her face and said,

"It's not that. You two act a lot like." Vegeta growled and continued to eat. Vejima looked at his grandfather and said,

"She always find weak things like that." The man said between bites,

"All women do."

The three Saiyajin royalty finished their food and headed back outside. As Califa trained with Vejima, Vegeta fought with an invisible assailant. In mid kick he felt something that caused him to loose all concentration.

*Bulma, doesn't have power levels like that!!! Neither does Kakkorot's woman!!! What the hell did they wish for with those damned balls!!!*

Califa gasped as Vejima slammed into her, causing her to fly a few feet. She wasn't concerned with the boy's attack, but the ki reading she was getting from Yamucha. She quickly stood and walked over to her father and asked,

"Does Yamucha have power like that all the time?" Vegeta grunted,

"No, something has happened. I need to go." With that the man took off to Mt. Paozu. Califa watched her father fly off in the opposite direction from Yamucha's reading and figured he went to see about Bulma, she also felt her power level go up.

*What's going on here!!! This can't be good.*

She turned towards Vejima and said,

"Boy come with me now," and took off in the air. The young child shrugged his shoulders and took off in the sky after his mother.


In a galaxy far away from earth, a woman stood on the deck of her ship and smirked. She said out loud to no one in particular,

"Hmm, so the bastard is alive." She turned to the ship's pilot and commanded,

"Ensign, change course. We are going to the North Quadrant of the universe."

Okay, I know not much there but you got to admit, things are defiantly shaping up. Please R&R and I promise to have the next chapter out sooner.