Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Saiyan Rebirth ❯ Episode 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Only writing this once! I don't own Dragon Ball Kai. However any OCs in here I do own.

Episode 1: Saiyan Attack!

Deep, deep in space there were four saiyan space pods traveling though space. Each of them had a saiyan warrior inside of them. One was the prince of the saiyans, Vegeta. One had a bald headed saiyan called Nappa in it. The thrid had Kakarot's older brother, Raditz in it. And the last pod had the last surviving saiyan female, Cellariss in it. At least they all thought Cellariss was the last living full blooded saiyan female. However there wasn't any proff of this.

Cellariss was sitting in her pod staring out at space wondering if there was a chance that any other saiyan females were still alive. Whenever she spoken of this to Vegeta, he had always got mad at her snapping at her and telling her there were no other saiyans alive, expect for them, and Kakarot who had been sent to earth as a baby.

However, Cellariss was very loyal to Vegeta, him being the saiyan prince. Even though Nappa and Raditz never really showed him much respect, Cellariss did. She had known Vegeta on a personal level since they were small children. They had often sparred together a lot. They grew up as friends. Just then Cellariss saw a planet off in the distence,"Prince Vegeta, a planet straight ahead. Should we stop for a rest?" She asked Vegeta though her scouter.

Vegeta looked out through his space pod. He gave an evil grin.

"Why not?" he suggested with his arms crossed. "We could use some rest and maybe this pathetic planet could be used for some enjoyment."

"I think that is an excellant idea," replied Raditz. "It's been awhile since we destroyed anything. I'm beginning to get bored."

Raditz was one of the tallest out of the four Saiyans and he was the eldest son to Bardock. He had a baby brother, Kakorat, but he was sent to a planet called Earth years ago to destroy it. Kakorat was a weak Saiyan and it was decided he would be the best candidate to destroy a worthless planet.

Vegeta on the other hand was nearly the shortest. He was only 2 inchs taller than the shortest of the four, but he was also the Crown Prince of all Saiyans, though he didn't have anything to rule as his planet was destroyed years ago by a meteor. Vegeta's father was known as Vegeta, who was dead. The Saiyan home world was once known as 'Planet Vegeta'.

Cellariss sighed,"Is destroying things all you ever think about?" She asked Raditz.

But Nappa had heard her. Nappa was actually much more taller then Raditz by a few inches. But he had a short fuse. Cellariss didn't really like him much,"Why not? Destroying things gets a saiyan's blood for battle boiling," Nappa said.

"I know that, Nappa. But can't we just relax and just take it easy for once?" Cellariss asked as the pods neared the planet,"Besides I'm hungry." Cellariss had always been a bottonless pit with food. Everytime they tried to go somewhere, she always conplained she was hungry. But she did have one thing going for her. Cellariss had the biggest crush on Raditz. She hoped one day Raditz would make her his mate.

Raditz rolled his eyes. "Cellariss, you're always hungry when we near a planet." He then added with a laugh. "Perhaps you should eat the small fries on this planet. That should satisfy you for a few days."

"Raditz!" Vegeta barked. "I think we all could use some plentiful amount of food. I'm sure this miserable planet will have enough for the four of us. While we're done here, we'll capture the planet in the name of Frieza."

Raditz quietly grumbled. He hated Frieza and as each day went by, the hate grew to be even more and more.

Nappa checked the power levels of the people as they landed on the planet,"Ha! Check this out Vegeta. The strongest power levels are no more then 100 points," he laughed as he checked his scouter.

Getting out of her pod Cellariss laughed as well,"Ha! A planet of weaklings!"

"How pathetic," Vegeta growled. "Well we're here now. No sense in wasting the trip down."

Vegeta opened his space pod, stepping out. He stretched his back, working out the kinks from being cooped in the pod too long. Raditz also stepped out and did the same, though he had to work his kinks out longer as he was much taller.

"It's good to be out of there. Even if it's just for a short time." He looked over one of the people of the planet. He smirked. "It's play time." He then yelled. "Hey you! Give us food!"

Vegeta shook his head. "Raditz, where are your manners?"

Raditz looked at his Prince. "Oh, right. My mistake." He turned to the alien. "You weak pathetic fools! Get us food Now! or you'll all die!"

"Now that's more like it," Vegeta smirked.

"Ah! Get away from me!" The man shot a gun. He aimmed at Cellariss. She caught it in her hand turning it into dust.

"You just made the biggest mistake of your life," she said. She ran at the helpless man and not wanting to waste her energy just stuck her arm though the man's gut, pushing it out the other side, killing him in an instant. She then kicked the man's corse sending him flying then blowing him to ashes even though he was already dead,"Weakling," she smarked as she licked the blood off her fingers.

"My, my," Vegeta teased. "Cellariss, I think your temper has gotten worse being cooped up in those pods."

The people on the planet suddenly scrambled from the scene in complete fright.

"Cellariss," Raditz laughed. "You sure know how to put the point across."

Vegeta took a step forward. "Listen up you pathetic weaklings. If you value your life then you will do our bidding. Now we demand you to bring us as much food as possible!"

"We will never feed evil beings like you!" One said.

Cellariss glared at there kids,"Bet you won't be so brave at the lifes of your children."

Nappa grabbed one of the kids after Cellariss said that,"What! You cowards! Using children as shields!"

The kid started crying,"Shut up!" Nappa screamed hitting the kid on the head knocking him out.

"Do you think we care about your miserable excuse for children?" Vegeta asked. "Nappa! Prepare to drop the brat into river over there." Vegeta pointed to a nearby river.

"No! Please!" a young woman shouted. "I'll get you anything you want!"

Cellariss grinned,"Good, choice."

Just then there was a call on her scouter. It was from Frieza,"What are you monkeys up to now? Get back here at once!" Frieza demanded.

'Frieza!' Cellariss growled in anger,"We'll be back in a short while, Lord Frieza," Cellariss replied into the scouter. She shut it off,"Looks like Frieza wants us back, my prince," she told Vegeta. The woman were already bringing them food.

Vegeta punched the nearby tree, causing it to fall to the ground. "Damn it!" he ground. "Nappa! Release the brat!"

"Ah man!" Raditz groaned. "And we were just about to get some food too."

"I hate Frieza," Vegeta snarled. "One day I will become stronger than him and kick his fucking ass."

Cellariss grabbed as much of the food as she could stuffing it into her space pod,"What are you doing?" Nappa asked,"You do realize with all that junk weighting you down your ship won't fly right?"

"But I'm hungry!" Cellariss conplained.

"You can fill your gut later. We need to get back to Frieza," Nappa said. He got into his space pod. Cellariss emtied out a lot of the food, only keeping some of it in her pod before getting in her's as well.

Vegeta and Raditz climbed into their pods and began their lift off towards space.

In the meantime, elsewhere on a space ship above Planet Frieza a lone woman was walking in the cooridors of the ship. She soon walked into the room where Frieza and his minions were standing.

"My Lord," she gave a bow. "Vegeta and his party has just left the planet and now are on their way."

The woman was known as Vileauna, who had a mystery past. Not even she knew of her past. She worked loyally to Frieza and she was basically a spy for him. Spying on Vegeta and his three remaining Saiyan survivors. She never knew why, but she did her job loyally and without question.

Frieza nodded his head to Vileauna,"Good! Come and get me when they arrive," Frieza ordered, as he looked out into space deep in thought.

As the pods took off Cellariss was eating some of the food she had took into the ship. She grinned, at herself. She had left a surprise for Vegeta in his pod. When no one was looking she had sneaked some food into his pod. After all he is the saiyan prince. She felt it was her duty. She even left a note in his pod saying it was her that had left the food.

"Yes, my Lord." Vileauna stood up. As she turned away, she gave a smile to Zarbon. If he wasn't standing beside Frieza, she would have wrapped an arm around him and praised him on how handsome he was.

Vegeta went to move his foot and found some food. There was also a noted there too. He read the note and smiled. Cellariss was such a loyal member of his people. Tapping his locator, he turned it onto a private channel that was set to Cellariss.

"Thank you for the gift," he grinned.

Cellariss changed to a private channel,"Your welcome Prince Vegeta. Your our prince. Someone has to look after your needs. I know the others probably wouldn't lift a finger to help you. Although Raditz may, if I asked him." She blushed a little bit,'Raditz is so hot,' she thought giggling, not realizing she forgot to turn off her scouter, meaning Vegeta probably heard her.

Zarbon grinned and smiled back at Vileauna. He asked Frieza to excuse him for a while, as he pulled Vileauna out into the hallway. After the door is closed he asks her,"Vileauna how would you, a beautiful woman such as yourself like to have lunch with me?" He asked, kissing her hand, in a gentleman like manner.

"What was that?" Vegeta asked with a raised eyebrow. He stopped his eating long enough to hear an explanation.

"Why Zarbon," Vileauna chuckled. "You want little ole' me to have dinner with such a dashing guy like yourself? How could a refurse such a sexy man?" Vileauna knew talking such praises toward Zarbon was his best trait and as far as she could tell, it was the one thing that kept her alive in the last 10 years.

'Ah! My scouter's still on..and..and Vegeta heard me! Oh my! This isn't good. I know how I can get out of this,' Cellariss thought,"Uh, nothing my prince. I just thought it was funny how weak that planet was. I mean just anyone could walk in and take over, even Kakarot, by himself no less," she told him.

Zarbon grinned at Vileauna, as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder leading her down the hallway towards the food room, where after getting the food, he still acting like a gentleman pulled the chair out for her.

Vegeta grinned as he took a bite of his food. "Yes, that planet was very pathetic. We don't even know if Kakorat is still alive. He's only a Saiyan weakling anyway." Vegeta continued to grin as he felt she was flirting with him. She was, afterall, an attractive woman. Of course she was the only Saiyan female left. But out of all the women he met in his lifetime, she was the most sexiest by far.

Vileauna accepted the offering. "My Zarbon," she commented. "You are being very gentlemen like today. What is the occasion?" she asked. "Besides the fact that your latest conquered planet has been one of your greatest achievements thus far."

As far back as Vileauna could remember, she had always had a crush on Zarbon and always bent to his will.

"Haven't you heard? Frieza found a very strong planet with very strong fighters on it today. He wants the saiyans to go take it over. By the end of the day he may very well get some very strong recruits. That is if were that lucky," Zarbon said as after Vileauna was seated he sit down himself to enjoy his meal.

Cellariss had turned off her scouter this time. She then decided to pick up a conversation with Raditz on a private channel. She tuned into Raditz' scouter so the others wouldn't hear,"Raditz, how long do you think it will take to make it back to Frieza's ship? And what do you think he wants with us on our day off?" She asked Raditz.

"Lord Frieza wants to send the Saiyans?" Vileauna asked. "I'm surprised that he didn't send you. But then I guess perhaps this planet is not good enough for the handsome face of dear Lord Zarbon, Frieza's best right hand man." Vileauna began to eat. She had often wondered why she ate like a Saiyan but with gentle care instead. She wished she could remember her past and why she had a scar at her lower back.

Raditz saw that his private channel was beeping. With a flick of his hand, he turned it on. He soon heard Cellariss' voice.

"You know Frieza, he likes to make us his pawns," Raditz said. "Have you seen the woman who hangs all over Zarbon a lot?"

"Yes, I have Raditz. I don't know what she sees in that monster Zarbon either," Cellariss sighed. Raditz still hadn't answered her about how long it would take to get back to Frieza's ship. Maybe he didn't know how long it would take.

"Oh! Lord Frieza is saving my talents for a more importment mission," Zarbon told her, as he took a bite of something that looked like a sandwich.

Vileauna smiled. "Yes, your talents lie in very special assignments." She then continued to eat until she had her fill, which was most on the table. When she was done, she leaned back in her chair. "That was most excellant. Being the top notch in Lord Frieza's army has plentiful rewards. But I really should get back to my station. The Saiyans will be arriving shortly and you know how Lord Frieza likes to be told ahead of time."

"I have no idea, but she seems to be in his good graces and of that of Lord Frieza as well. She has never conquered any planets but yet she prances around without an escort like she owns the place." Raditz then looked at his scanner. "It looks like we'll be coming up on Planet Frieza soon. Guess we weren't that far afterall."

"Maybe he has a special assignment for us. Someone as strong and brave as you are should be able to take on anything," Cellariss said, trying to flirt with Raditz, as she blushed. She took a bite of a piece of fruit as she flirted with Raditz.

"Yes, Lord Frieza doesn't like to be kept waiting. I'll see you later beautiful. I'm going to the trainning room for awhile," Zarbon said as he left.

Raditz grinned, crossing his arms. "Just don't let Vegeta hear you say that." He loved getting compliments, especially when they came from Cellariss.

Vegeta suddenly appeared on all radios. "We're approaching Planet Frieza!"

Vileauna blushed at Zarbon's words. She stood from her seat and went to her station to wait for the oncoming of Vegeta and his men. "Zarbon is very kind," she said to herself. "Perhaps one day, Frieza could permit me to spend more time with him." Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw 4 blips appear on the screen. It was the Saiyans. She quickly rushed to Frieza.

"My Lord," she said. "Forgive the interruption, but the Saiyans are just arriving."

Frieza nodded as he walked from the room and waited as the pods landed. Cellariss had finished all the food in her pod and was still hungry. She got out of her pod. Next Nappa got out of his pod as well. Frieza waited for Vegeta and Raditz to come out as well, before explaining himself to them. Frieza was in his small mobile car thing, that floats a few inches off the ground.

Vegeta had finished the food, which was snucked on board and stepped out, followed by Raditz.

"Lord Frieza," Vegeta announced, going down on one knee, expecting his followers to do the same. Raditz was quick to bow to one knee. "We have returned as quickly as possible. How can we serve you?"

"Lord Frieza," Cellariss said as she stood in between both Raditz and Vegeta, and bowed as well. Nappa also leaned down. Frieza then updated the saiyans about there new mission. They were to go to this planet and take over. He explained there were some real strong people on the planet and that he'd like to recruit some of them for his army. He told them he was going to give them five hours to rest up then they've have to leave,"Yes, Lord Frieza," Cellariss said.

When they got up to leave Frieza grabbed Cellariss by the arm,'Not again! Whenever he gets worried or moody, he decides to use me as his little sex toy! I hate him!' Cellariss thought.

"Come with me Cellariss," Frieza said pulling Cellariss along and into his chambers.

About an hour later, when Nappa was walking by the room he heard what they were doing in there,"Damn!' He thought, realizing what Frieza was doing. Nappa was mad. He went to Vegeta and told him,"Vegeta, it seems Frieza is using Cellariss as his play thing again," he told him. Nappa didn't like it, but there was really nothing him or the others could do to help Cellariss. Frieza was there ruler, and what he says goes.

Vegeta growled. "He'll die."

"Calm down Vegeta. There's nothing you can do. Frieza's way stronger then you right now," Nappa said trying to calm Vegeta down. But he was actually chining his fist in anger at one of his fellow saiyans being used like that,'If I was strong enough, I'd rip Frieza apart myself.' He thought,"Anyway, Vegeta. About our mission. I heard that those people are that planet are very strong. Maybe perhaps one of use should pay a visit to earth. See is Kakarot's still alive and get him to help us. He may not be as strong as we are but hey, it's better then nothing right," Nappa said.

Vegeta turned to Nappa. "That is if Kakorat is still alive."

"Maybe I should go!" Raditz offered. "After all, he's my brother."

About an hour later, Cellariss came out of Frieza's room. He was sleeping. She was walking around in just her spandex. She noticed Raditz looked like he was busy like he was going somewhere. She walked up to him,"Raditz? What's going on here? Are you leaving to go somewhere?" She asked him.

Raditz looked at Cellariss. "I'm leaving to see if I can find Kakorat to help us with our new mission." He gave Cellariss a gentle look. "Cellariss, I have a confession to make," he started. He raised his hand to rest against her cheek. "I should have said this a long time ago... but...I lo..."

"Raditz!" Vegeta yelled as he walked into the room. "You need to leave."

"I'm leaving to see if I can find Kakorat to help us with our new mission." Raditz told her.

"Oh! Well good luck with that," Cellariss told him. She got ready to turn and walk away when Raditz gave her a strange gentle look.

"Cellariss, I have a confession to make," he started.

"What is it Raditz?" Cellariss asked him. Raditz rested his hand gently against her cheek,'Oh my! He's touching me!' She thought, closing her eyes and moaning in pleasure.

"I should have said this a long time ago... but...I lo..." Raditz started when Vegeta interupted him.

"Raditz!" Vegeta yelled as he walked into the room. "You need to leave."

'Darn!' Cellariss thought,"Well, guess I'll see you when you get back, Raditz. Good luck," Cellariss told him.

Raditz gave Cellariss a soft smile while Vegeta looked at them oddly. Raditz turned away, walking down the hall, heading to his space pod. Vegeta looked at Cellariss. "He better return." He turned and walked away, heading to get ready to start his mission.

Narrator: Next time on Dragon Ball Kai, Raditz goes to Earth and finds his brother as a grown man but Earth is not destroyed. What has his brother done all these and why didn't he attack Earth?

Goku: Goku here! Though Raditz is going to Earth, he'll never again see Cellariss.