Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Second Chances And New Lives ❯ Round One ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Second Chances and New Lives
Avi (the authoress): Geeze…. I go through all the trouble of REWRITING THIS ENTIRE FIC CHAPTER BY CHAPTER and no one likes it??
Kalia: Well…maybe tastes have changed since you first posted this which was AT LEAST 3 YEARS AGO!
Avi: Shut it…I'm the author and I'm in charge here!
Kalia: Whatever you say hon.…-shakes head sadly- whatever you say.
Avi: -forlornly- I said shut it…
Chapter 4: Round One
Today is the big day, and it's a scary day. The trio would have been to the battle earlier but they decided that stopping off at Corin's for a few beans was a good idea. The beans would surely be needed. Just to place it, Yamcha, Tien and Choutsu are no dead and Piccolo dies right before they arrive. Fact is only Krillen and Gohan, who has met his new siblings once before, are left on there own, but only for something like 2 minutes.
It was deathly quiet as Kalia and Kin flew along side there father, one on each side of Goku. They had been able to feel when the others had died and were well aware of Krillen and Gohan being the only one's left.
((((((((((((((Kalia's POV)))))))))))
I was scared. I was scared and Kino was scared and I could even sense a little bit of fear in my father. However, we were sayajin, it didn't matter that we were half bloods, the blood was there just the same and so was our training. I refused to show any fear if I could help it, and I knew I could. I also knew Kino thought the same thing, but I was more worried about him then myself. He was only 8 years old, he was just a kid, but then again, Gohan was just a kid too. We were all half bloods and we were all strong and ready to do our best.
We were the children of Son Goku.
After what seemed like forever we arrived, touched down without a sound. That's what it was like for what seemed like an eternity in what was only a few moments. We all just stood there, glaring at each other with hatred and puzzlement. We were sizing each other up as if we were stray dogs about the get it on for the last piece of meat in the dumpster. The only difference was the still, unnatural silence that passed between us for those few, agonizing moments. But finally, someone broke the silence in my head.
(Damn sis! I thought Napa was huge in the series, but…just look at him!)
(I know bro, I know. Just remember, don't show any fear and that Vegeta will end up killing him anyways. Just fight, but remember, you still need energy for our plan. You do remember our plan right?)
(Totally…it will blow him away.)
(All righty then, lets give it our all. Just like dad!)
It was then that Vegeta spoke, and let me state that this was not all that much like the show. And it was most definitely real for us now.
“Ah, Kakkarot, you finally made it. How…nice.”
“Yeah, maybe now I'll have a real challenge.” Napa spoke, like the big dumbass he is.
“Can we just get this fight started already?!” I spoke up and Vegeta glared at me, but I stood tall and straight. Hey…I just wanted to get this over with! I did notice how tall Vegeta really was, which was a good 2 inches taller than me any day. Damn my penchant for taller guys! Still…cute and taller or not…he was the enemy, and an ass to boot.
“And who do we have here? A very young female and a mere child? Wonderful recruitments Kakkarot…you may as well just give up now.”
“You have no idea how strong we are!” Kino yelled at him, glaring daggers at the prideful prince.
“You will not win this battle Vegeta, I guarantee it.” I added to Kino's comment as I took my place at my brother's side. Dad walked in front of us, protective father as always.
“This ends now.” He stated and with t hat said, it started.
Of course, Napa being the mass of muscle with no brains that he is, thought he could easily beat my dad. But after about half an hour or so of kicks, punches, blasts, flying and dodging, Goku Kamehmeha's his arse. It knocked Napa off his high horse so to speak and Vegeta, seeing the oh so weak Napa losing so shamefully (at least from his point of view) decided to destroy him himself.
“Stop Napa. I am very disappointed with your fighting skills. Letting this lowly 3rd class baka beat you!” Vegeta said, his voice low and menacing. “I think I will just save us all the time and trouble, and kill you myself.” Within 30 seconds after finishing that sentence Napa was gone in a flash of blinding white light.
Okay…that was kind of scary, really scary. Resolve is a little shaken there, but nothing I can't handle…I hope. Of course that didn't keep me, Kino, Gohan and Krillen from backing a good couple of paces.
Now it was time for the real battle.
I watched in both awe, and terror as Vegeta slowly rose from his rock to face my father. And then the battle ensued as we all watched. Goku sent a barrage of punches and kicks Vegeta's way, but Vegeta blocked nearly all of them and finally, dad managed to land a knee hard in his gut. The sayajin prince merely shrugged it off. Then they were at it again, flashing bursts of energy high above us and all around us barely possible to follow and yet we managed. Barely. It was soon after that Krillen joined in, when it looked like Goku needed the help and finally after what seemed like forever, although I'm not sure how long it really took, all three were finally on the ground.
I was angry and I was sad as I watched Gohan take Vegeta on and I flew up to help, as did Kino. It finally appeared that Vegeta was wearing down but Kino and I had forgotten about something. Odd considering it was this very reason that caused me to make dad get rid of our tails. It was Vegeta's secret weapon, so to speak, the Lunar Ball. How could I have forgotten about that???
“You know Kakkarot…thanks to your father I don't need a full moon to transform. Your father was a great scientist, he figured out a way for a sayajin to transform even in the middle of the day. We can make an energy ball that mirrors the moonlight.”
As he said this he made the ball, it was brighter than any white light, any full moon I'd ever seen and I silently thanked Kami for getting rid of our tails. I was however, drawing a serous blank at how to stop him. I knew I needed to cut off that tail, but how? `Stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid! How could I forget about the stupid lunar ball, I need to get that tail off…I need…um…MY SWORD! Where's my sword???? Here sword! Where are you???' I thought to myself as I began to desperately search for my sword while Vegeta became that huge Ozaru monkey thing. He kicked Krillen aside, knocked Gohan into a Cliffside as the boy tried to fly up to punch him in the eye and I was still trying to find my Kami damned sword! Not to mention trying not to get stepped on or kicked!
Then I heard the most horrible sound I'd ever heard and I didn't even know it would ever become the most horrible sound I'd ever hear. The father who had so willingly taken us into his home, taken us in when we had no where to go, become one of the two best parents we'd ever had, I heard his groans and yells of pain as I searched for my sword in even more of a panic. Vegeta had picked Goku up and was squeezing him, I thought it was amazing that dad wasn't dead yet, but dwelling on it only made me that much angrier. I was seeing red now and I was screaming and cursing as I searched for that damned blade through pile after pile of dirt and rubble. The sounds of pain went on until I sensed more than heard what dad was going to do.
(Kino…. close your eyes!)
(Just do it!)
“SOLAR FLARE!” Rang out and Kino was glad he'd listened to me. Our eye's had been shut but Vegeta's eyes had been wide open and so the giant monkey had been blinded! This also caused him to drop dad, which hey, at least he wasn't being squeezed anymore right? Right! I opened my eyes a moment later and sighed in relief. The light that was receding quickly, flashed off the blade of my sword as it lay upon a pile of dirt and rocks to my left.
“Yes!” I grabbed it and with speed I didn't know I had anymore, I made my way to the Ozaru. I was fast, and I was silent, the huge ape never even heard me coming. I took the chance then and right as he regained his sight I took a flying leap, flipped over mid jump and sliced the katana blade straight down through his tail. There was an angry, agitated and pained roar as I severed his tail.
Then before my very eye's, he shrank.
I had more important things to worry about though, like my father. I rushed to my father with Kino by my side and we had the bag from Corin with us. He was only able to give us two beans and I was about to give one to dad but he refused.
“Dad, eat the bean. It will help you and you know it.”
“No. I want you and Kino to eat them. It's up to you two now, use those attacks, the power of them combined is incredible!”
“Your sure about this dad? You really think we can do it??” Kino asked him, unsure.
“Yeah! I have faith in you…now go!” He told us as he looked up at us, pride and confidence radiating from his exhausted eyes.
We did as we were told and each popped a bean into our mouths. Senzu beans are rather interesting. They look like soybeans but they are hard and crunchy and tasted a little like vanilla. But they worked miracles and with our replenished strength the two of us turned to face Vegeta with nothing but hatred and anger pouring out of our death glares and for a moment, shock actually graced the other wise overly arrogant expression on his face. Almost as if he were actually regarding us as an actual challenge. One could even say that for a split second there was some form of doubt in his eyes, but that was ridiculous right? Right…
Kino and I took the fighting stances we'd practiced as Vegeta took his.
Round one was over, round two was just beginning.
(((((((((((((((((((((Chapter Fin)))))))))))))))))))))))))
Is that a good cliffhanger dears and darlings? Hm??? Do any of you actually like this story? Come on! I need to know if you like it or not! Review me! Please! Ugh…reduced to begging for reviews…. how sad am I.