Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Secrets of a past ❯ nana ( Chapter 6 )
Alright no funny comments at the beginning of this one. Though I must admit I truly am addicted to this fic. I have never written one so fast or so often. But, well the inspiration has me I will write.
Bulma turned to Cold with an unreadable expression and spoke. "You wished to see me."
Looking into her icy blue eyes Cold was almost felt a shiver go up his spine. He knew she hated him. If not for everything he did to here then for what his son had done. In some ways he regretted it for it would have been invaluable to have her on their side willingly. That however was no longer an option.
"Empress, yes, I did want to see you. Before we go to planet cold we will be making a few stops on planets that need your help. When we reach cold you will reverse what you did before. Then I will let you return to your precise earth and leave it unharmed."
"Very well then, I will agree as I already have to help you. Then you must leave earth and me a lone forever."
"That will be done Empress," then he added with a look of regret and sadness running through his eyes. "I'm sorry for what my son did."
Though she did not truly believe him Bulma smiled weakly at Cold. "I'm sure you are. I must go now. My long years on earth have left my physical training to weather."
"I'm sure it has, would you like me to join you. Although you where by no means my strongest student you are still very good. I would not mind training you again." Replied Cold calmly.
Slightly shocked by this in offer Bulma turned to leave and stated calmly. "If you would like to train me again you may. I am in need of a good teacher and few are willing to train one as weak as me."
Turning to the door and Bulma Cold nodded and fallowed her to the training rooms. When they got there they saw that Frieza and Vegeta where in a heated battle. One that Vegeta looked to be losing. This slightly scared Bulma but she did not show it for it would be used against her.
Letting then know of there presents they began. Though Bulma did not use ki she still had excellent style. Cold lowered his power leave close to her own and waited for her to begin.
Holding her staff out in front of her Bulma closed her eyes and a bright light emitted from the staff. When it cleared she was holding a long slim sword in her hand. Getting in to a ready stance she attacked Cold.
The instant the battle began both lost track of the outside world. For if they had not they would have noticed Frieza and Vegeta stop dead in their battle to watch the two. Both where amazed at how much aglitly both fighters possist.
For Cold had long been known to just have brut strength but now it was obvious he had much style as well. Bulma as well had a great style and Vegeta to say the least was shocked that she could fight and so well. He knew she was not near as strong as Cold or himself for that matter. It was obvouis however that she could fight and had done so often.
Both Frieza and Vegeta just flew over them watching the battle that was proceeding at light speed. After about 2 hours they where done. Bulma looked about ready to clapse but had escaped unscathed as had Cold. They bowed to each other then spoke.
"Empress you have improved even with a lack of training I must say I'm impressed."
Bulma smiled at this and responded. "I see you have lost some of yours though your strength makes up for it as it always has."
Cold smirked "It always has empress. Thank you for the honor of letting me train with you."
"Cold you are always welcome to train with me. You where my teacher after all, there for I can not turn you down." Then she added in a Cold tone. "But, outside of training and eating with you, you will stay out of my way."
Nodding Cold answered. "That I will." Then looking above to where his son was "Frieza come lets get ready for dinner. Vegeta you my join us as well."
With that father and son left the room and Vegeta went to back to staring at Bulma who was looking at the door as thought she wanted to kill it. "Onna you fight well, why have you never done so before."
Looking up to Vegeta with an annoyed glare she responded. "I could not for I had to hide who and what I am so that people like Cold would not find out where I went. Now however he found me anyway." Looking down at the floor she muttered "why can my life not be easy. It is like I'm doomed to live in hell."
Vegeta heard this comment but chose not to remark and instead just flew down to her. "Let's get ready for dinner but, after I want some more explanations."
Bulma just looked at Vegeta with emotionless eyes then headed back to their room. Once there she debated weather or not to take a bath. The time constriction in the end made her decide against it maybe later that night.
Placing her fingers to her forehead she cleaned herself up well still keeping the same out fit. Then she walked over to Vegeta who was staring at her like she was food and placed her fingers on his forehead and did the same. He now had on the outfit from last night.
He looked her in the eyes as thought to question why she had done it in a low voice she responded. "We do not have much time it is just easier to do this."
Not really knowing how to debate her Vegeta just nodded it was then he noticed he was not bloody or hurt anymore eather. This caused him to look at Bulma in amazement but she just brushed it off.
Closing her eyes she changed her sword make into her golden staff and then spoke to Vegeta. "Well we better get this over, I would cook our own food but I could never cook. Not even my powers help me there. It is my one down fall in life."
This made Vegeta smirk and he fallowed her out of the room and to the dinning hall. Dinner went by rather fast and little was said between the groups. Once done Bulma and Vegeta quickly headed back to their room.
Inside Vegeta gave Bulma a look that said it was time to spill or pay the price. Laying her staff down next to her on the couch Bulma motioned for Vegeta to join her which he did. As soon as he was seating she began.
"Alright Vegeta I know you remember who I am but as for what I am well you did not even know that then. I also know you have some other questions which I will answer after the initial one. Now Piccolo should have gathered the Z-fighters on earth by now at Chi-Chi's and I'm guessing they want an explanation as well. I also have to pass my royal connection to Gohan. So what I'm going to do is tell you well I tell them as well. Besides I need your help to keep Frieza and Cold from finding out what I'm doing."
Having no clue what to say to this Vegeta just nodded in agreement.
"Alright now what I'm going to do is place my consciousness in your mind. Do not worry I will read none of your secrets I just need a source they cannot track. I will then use your mid to contact Chi-Chi."
Though this disturbed Vegeta a little he did not want to have it appear as such. So he acted annoyed and responded. "Alright alright let's just get to it."
With that she placed her concousness with in his mind and contacted Chi-Chi.
Chi-Chi was busy feeding the z-fighters who where sitting around eating waiting for an explainatin when Bulma contacted her.
`Chi-Chi what up?'
Not regonizing the mind Chi-Chi said both in her mind and out loud `who is this.'
Bulma laughed a little in her head well Vegeta snickered `Chi it is me Bulma, I'm using Vegeta's mind to contact you so that Frieza and Cold will not over hear.'
Chi-Chi just smiled and then responded `oh sorry about that.' Then she screamed at Bulma causing Vegeta's head to hurt `WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU THINKING JUST LEAVING US HERE.'
Needing to calm down the ravid woman Bulma spoke as calmly as she could well `chi do not do that, it hurts Vegeta's and my head. I will explain to you soon ok but I want to tell all the other Z-fighters as well. Can you bring them on to the phsicic plane and I will met you there.'
In a happy tone Chi-Chi replied `Sure thing, oh and my Goku is back.'
Bulma smiled well Vegeta grumbled `that is great Chi anyway I will met you there.'
With that Bulma and Chi-Chi brought the others into the pysici plan. Or rather Bulma brought Vegeta well Chi brought the rest. Luckly she did not need to bring Piccolo and Gohan since they could get there on their own.
Once everyone was there they stared at the void space in shock but before anything could be so said Bulma drew there attention. "Alright people I have brought you here because there is something you must know."
Both Krillin and Yamacha replied "No shit"
Getting angry at them Bulma yelled back "Just shut up you idiots"
Nether really wanted to yell back at Bulma so they kept their mouths shot. Bulma then looked at the others Goku stood there with the normal Son grin. Then Chi in the attare of her people Gohan as well. She had to smile at how good he looked along with his mini staff.
The whole Son family went to go hug Bulma before they began. When Chi-Chi hugged Bulma, Bulma said in her ear.
"Your son looks great."
With a motherly smile Chi responded "Oh I know he will have all the ladies."
Gohan then hugged her without saying anything. Goku came next and a small growl was heard from Vegeta this made Chi-Chi smirk and wink and Bulma and they gave each other a knowing smile.
Alright everyone sit down there is much to tell. With that everyone sat. Chi was holding on to Gohan as Goku held on to her. Vegeta was holding Bulma passively by the whist. Yamacha sat next to Krillin and looked a little angry at Vegeta but dared not do anything. Piccolo sat by Bulma and Vegeta waiting for the story to begin. He already new it but he did not want to leave so he sat down.
Bulma first turned to Piccolo and said. "Thank you for everything you have done. I hope you do not mind hearing this all again."
Piccolo just waved her off telling her to begin.
Alright everyone I will say this only once due not interrupted ok. There is a lot to tell and not a lot of time.
As you have likely figured out by now I'm Empress Bulma of the Osirian people. Chi is my loyal friend and body guard. Our planet was destroyed over 24yrs ago by Cold who took me and Chi-Chi. He would have proffered to take just me but I insisted I not be alone. Reluctantly he agreed, and I and Chi-Chi ended up living and working for Cold for 13yrs of our life.
Now our people learn every fast so I at acted about like I was about 8 yrs old however we stay looking about the age of 5 for 10 years of your life. Then we rapidly we age to like 16 years and stay that way till we are well over 50. That however is not important.
Cold wanted my people to make the planets under his rule more productive. For we the Osirian people have the power to change a planets environment. Now depending on how strong the person is the can do things like create lakes to moving continuities or even at my level moving planets position or destroy them.
I did things like this for Cold along with my people for over 13yrs until I escaped along with Chi-Chi. We then used the link that we had to the others and gathered them her so we could be one again. Kami allowed us to stay so long as we helped to the planet which we agreed to gratefully.
Earth is on the edge of the universe and a rather rural planet making it safe to come here. Once here I my people gave me the title of Empress after my mother's death which I had not heard about being apart form my people for so long. My father died before I was born. Now we are able to communicate through telepathy over great distance but since I left when I was so young few where given the chance to link to my mind. Also I had not yet reached the age of 6 where I could receive the royal link.
So when my people where reunited with me they became overjoyed having feared for my loss for a long time they made me promise not to leave them again. Unless there was an heir, having never had a child I had to find one.
It was when I went to Namik for a short time that I knew I must choose and heir. For my people where not happy with my going and only agreed after I said I would choose and heir upon return. After much watching of my own peoples kids I chose Gohan. He is the purest soul I have ever met and will lead well.
Now I know some of you wonder how me and Chi ended up getting our families well that was simple we used your minds to trick our parents into thinking we where their children. We both spent much time watching families and finally chose the ones best for us.
I met Goku on the dragon ball hunt except for my wish was not really for the perfect by friend it was going to be to get my planet back.
Also you might wonder why you have never seen your people. This I is because we live deep in the dessert, and woods of this planet covered by a magic spell making anyone not of your blood miss it completely. Now I could have stayed with my people to be raised but as an empress I could not have one of them as my parents, political corruptness requires me to stay rather far away. Chi fallowed just so I would not be alone
Well that's about all I have the time to explain Cold and Frieza will wonder where my mind is soon. Chi will explain the rest if you have any questions before you go however I must give Gohan the royal link.
Walking over to Gohan Bulma placed her hand on his head and transferred to him a copy of the link. Then she waved to the others and was gone along with Vegeta.
Soon they where all back in there respective places and though some questions had been answered there where still many more.
Ah another chap done. I hope you like some darker secrets will come out in the next later