Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Seperation ❯ Trouble Makers ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

An- Chapter 1 posted! I can never think of what to say up here -.-

Owell here's the story!

Disclaimer- I don't own any DBZ -.-


Chapter 1- Trouble Makers

Bulma sighed as she walked down another hallway, she put her arms behind her head and leaned back a little as she continued to walk. She was 15 and was the 2nd smartest saiyan on this planet, next to her father Bardock, and there was absolutely nothing for her to do.

Suddenly someone rounded the corner and smacked into her throwing her to the floor.

"Hey you idiot watch where your…" she looked up to see Vegeta "oh…its you"

He smirked and laughed "you dare tell me Prince of ALL Saiyans to watch it?" she got up with an annoyed look as she dusted herself off.

"Oh shut up Vegeta" she started to walk away again, he sighed and quickly ran after her

"Geez I'm so terribly sorry"

"Your not funny Veg-head"

"Don't call me that!" they continued to turn corner after corner until they reached his room.

"You know your `palace' needs a little more noise and excitement"

"I've got firecrackers…"

She smirked "lets go get em then!" they laughed and ran into his room and began to look for them.

30minutes later-

"Damn it Vegeta! I thought you said you had firecrackers I don't see firecrackers!"

"Shutup! I know there in here somewhere!" she glared and looked in the drawer he was looking in. She instantly spotted them right next to his hand

"Vegeta! THERE RIGHT HERE!" she grabbed them out of the drawer sticking them in his face.

"Man I have a dumbass for a boyfriend"

"Shutup, we've only been going out for a month and don't call me that!"

"where are we gonna set em off?"

"where else? The hallway where all the elites sleep"

Bulma smirked "we are gonna get in so much trouble"

He chuckled and used some of his ki to light it then grabbed her arm "now run!"

They both rushed down to the garden area near the fountain and sat down.

The blue-haired saiyan grinned "this fountain holds a lot of memories doesn't it"

"Huh? Why?"

"Idiot don't you remember anything, its where we first met…"

~~--~ * Flashback * ~--~~

"Hey what's your name?" the little 5-year-old chibi asked the chibi prince.

The flame-haired boy was silent but then spoke up "my name's Vegeta Prince of all saiyans, what are you doing here?"

"I'm Bulma and my daddy's the greatest scientist"

"Bardock's your father?"

"Yes, how do you know him?" she asked as she sat next to him

"He's one of my trainers" she gave him a cute smile

"Do you wanna be friends?"

The question shocked him at first but then he smirked "yea sure"

~~--~ * End Flashback * ~--~~

"and we always come here to think and it's where we first kissed"

~~--~ * Flashback * ~--~~

"Vegeta! I SWEAR WHEN I CATCH YOU IM GONNA KILL YOU FOR PUTTING WHATEVER THIS IS ON MY HAND" she screamed as she chased him into the fountain area.

When she got close enough she jumped knocking him onto his back and she fell on top of him.

"Hey…Bulma get off!"

She smirked and took her hands and wiped them all over his face.

He gasped "my face!"

"oh shutup" she bent down and pressed her lips onto his.

He instantly kissed back and wrapped his arms around her waist.

~~--~ * End Flashback * ~--~~

"Guess your right…"

"of course I am Veg-head" he glared at her.

Then they heard voices "They went this way!" "come on! We gotta catch them!!"

"Shit there coming! Come on" Vegeta grabbed her hand and dragged her back out of the room and they ran down a hall until they reached a door that had a sign on it

`Private Property: Do Not Enter'

Vegeta smirked and opened it pushing Bulma and himself in closing it behind them.

With all the stuff that was in the room it was very cramped and Bulma was being pushed against Vegeta's chest, she let out a sigh of relief as they saw the guards pass and she pushed the door open walking into the hallway.

"Ha we sure showed them, Free…" before she could finish someone grabbed her


An- Hey guys, I updated as you can tell ^.^ but anyway if you want me to email you whenever I update just leave your email address on your review or just send me an email saying you want to be on the mailing list.

Well Ja Ne!
