Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Show Him How ❯ We have to do WHAT?!?!?! ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z or any of the characters seen in the show, movies, manga, etc. I am not making any money or profit whatsoever off of this story either.

Author's Note: Well, seeing as how you're back to read this chapter, you musta liked the last one! *smile* Anyways, just the usual thanks for the great reviews and all! If you had any questions about the last chapter, make sure to read the section at the bottom!

*Special thanks to Vegetababe and Bulma Peacecraft for beta-ing!*

Show Him How

Chapter 2: We have to do WHAT?!?!?!

Last Time: Something goes wrong with the spaceship/gravity room while Bulma is fixing it, and she and Vegeta are launched into space.

"Well, how far exactly would you say we are from Chikyuu?" Bulma questioned, trying her hardest to fight the jelly-like sensation in her knees.

"I'd say it's about 3500 Givlets." Vegeta responded, watching as Bulma began to tremble lightly.

"Wha…What's a Givlet?" she murmured, dropping heavily onto one of the padded benches that lined the wall. "How many kilometers?"

"I don't know." Vegeta sighed softly. "Givlets are the standard measuring system in most galaxies, and I'm not sure of the conversion into metric."

"Well, how long do you figure it will take us to get home? I have a very important meeting tomorrow at work and I can't miss it!"

"Well, at the speed this ship travels it wouldn't take us more than a few days, a week at the most, if we were to conserve fuel. There's not a lot left in this thing." Vegeta patted the console lightly with a gloved hand. "If we went any faster we'd run out before we could make it into Chikyuu's atmosphere, and we'd most likely end up floating around out here till we crashed into something."

"Well then, turn this bugger around and let's go home!" Bulma screeched, and the Saiyan winced lightly, resisting the urge to cover his ears.

"I've been awake for two hours, you idiot! Don't you think I've tried that already?" Vegeta growled.

"Idiot? Can idiots make spaceships? I don't think so!" Bulma screeched, then paled lightly. "Wait, what do you mean you've tried turning us around already?"

"I mean that there's something wrong with this damn ship, and I can't alter the course! And by the way, idiots do mess up while fixing ships and cause them to blast off into space!" The Saiyan prince left his spot by the ship's controls and began to pace lightly back and forth. "I've studied the course we're on right now, and I figure we're on a collision course with the planet Imtor. Hopefully, you didn't mess up the landing gear too."

"Shut up." Bulma snapped. "I don't want to be blamed for all this."

"It is your fault." Vegeta retorted, casting an angry glare in her direction.

"Did I not tell you to shut up? No," she held up her hand, stopping Vegeta, as he was about to say something. "I have a terrible headache Vegeta. Please don't yell at me, and just tell me what Imtor is like." she sighed, putting a hand lightly on the large bump on her head.

Vegeta growled, turning his back to the human woman. "Imtor is a fairly nice planet, I've been there only a few times. The people are gentle for the most part, hostility is rare. When we arrive there, you must be very careful though…"

"Why? What'll they do to me?"

"The males are highly dominant in Imtor society, and the women subservient. Men do as they please with the women, and being 'married' as you would call it is a very rare occurrence. Women are seen as little more than objects of pleasure, and are used freely, without worry."

"You mean they…they're…sex slaves?" Bulma gasped.

"Not quite." Vegeta chuckled lightly. "Seeing as the women are pleasured as well, they do not object to being used like common whores. It pleases them, and as they have no worries about getting pregnant…"

"What do you mean no worries about getting pregnant?" Bulma cut Vegeta off, ignoring his indignant scowl.

"Imtorites have the unique ability to control whether or not they become pregnant after intercourse." Vegeta finished his sentence, slightly amused as Bulma's eyes widened. "So, you see, the males of Imtor would not understand that you do not, and they will be highly offended if you choose to decline an invitation for sex."

"What…What will I do? I…I can't, no, I won't be some alien's little whore!" Bulma began to panic, seeing no possible solutions to this problem.

"Relax, will you?" Vegeta growled. "While we are on Imtor…" the now hysterical Bulma cut him off again.

"What? What?" She screeched. "Are you saying that I'm supposed to just LET them ravage me like some sort of cheap prostitute? I won't Vegeta! I'd rather die!"

"SHUT UP!" Vegeta roared, pushing her down onto the bench. "Calm down, for Kami's sake."

"I…Gomen nasai." Bulma murmured, her cheeks turning a delicate shade of pink.

"While we are on Imtor," Vegeta began again, "you and I will have to pretend to be mates."

Welp, there's another chapter done! And before you say anything, I realize that many of you readers are in the States, and don't use metric, but I'm Canadian and I do so too bad for you. *giggle* but anyway, most countries do use the metric system, and scientists, etc. (like Bulma) most definitely do, so I don't want to hear any complaints about that all right?

Next Time: Bulma and Vegeta have a little chat about being 'mates' and things start to heat up. No kiddies, no lemon yet, but the ship finally lands on Imtor!

A FEW QUESTIONS ANSWEREDDo I have a mailing list you can be put on?

If you want to be notified when I post new chapters, just send a BLANK email to cat_girl_26-subscribe@topica.com You'll receive a subscription confirmation in your email soon after. Just follow the instructions and you'll be on the list!

How was chapter 1 an NC-17 rating?

If you had read the description of the fic, you would have noticed that I plainly wrote *There is no NC-17 ness yet, but there will be later*. The reason for that is because there WILL be adult scenes and such, and I don't want anyone to follow along with the story, then be disappointed because they aren't comfortable with lemons.First there in the gravity room....then you call it a ship...or is the gravity room on the ship????

Vegeta's gravity room is a spaceship. The one he uses in the anime when he's training is almost exactly the same as the ship Goku used to go to Namek. Also, Vegeta uses his gravity room spaceship to go train in space. They are the same thing.Why was there no Memorial Day fic? Will there be a Father's Day fic?

First of all, yes, there will be a Father's Day fic. There is no Memorial Day fic, and there never will be, because Memorial Day is an American holiday, and I am Canadian. It has something to do with the Civil war and WWII or something, I'm not quite sure. All I know is that we don't have it here in Canada. I mean no disrespect, but I won't be writing any fics to which I do not have ties. I will be writing a Remembrance Day fic, but that won't be till November. Sorry if any of you are disappointed, but I have my reasons and I'm not changing my mind.