Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Sick Dayz ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Well, I better get going." "Where?" "To work." Gohan went over and kissed Videl on the cheek. "Take care Goten," Gohan said walking out the door. "I'll help with the dishes," Goten offered. "Are you sure you're feeling up to it?" "Sure." "I'm gonna go wake up Pan. I'll help you when I get back." Videl walked upstairs. Goten walked over to the sink and put in the soap and warm water. Then he put in the dishes. He grabbed a sponge and a dirty dish. He began to scrub, when…CRASH!!!

Videl ran downstairs with Pan, who was still in her pj's. They saw a yellow-haired, green-eyed Goten on the floor, who looked to be in more pain than ever. Videl called Gohan since she didn't know what to do when Goten was like this. "Gohan? We need you over here right now!!"


It didn't take Gohan too long to get home, but when he did, he could hear his little brother crying out in pain. He ran to the bedroom and saw Goten in some serious pain. "He just powered down from a super saiyan," Pan told her dad. "Goten! Powering up only makes it worse!" "Gohan, calm down. He didn't know," Videl said. "Gohan?" Gohan looked at his brother. "Am I gonna die?" It was a childish question, a question only a child would think to ask. "Of course not Goten! You'll be fine." "How ya feeling Uncle Goten?" "Pretty bad. Trust me Pan, you don't wanna get this." "That reminds me of something," Gohan said. "What Dad?" "Goten's virus is contagious and if we don't wanna catch it, we'd better take a pill." He grabbed the medicine bottle and handed everyone a pill. "This is gross!" Pan cried. "Now you know how I feel," Goten joked. "Well Goten, since you're feeling better, I guess it's safe for me to go back to work." "But Gohan. What if something happens to him?" "Videl, I have a very important meeting to go to. I promise I'll come straight home afterward." After saying bye to his family, Gohan got into his black Lincoln Navigator and left for work.


Later that night, Goten tried his hardest to get some sleep. The pain in his chest was strong enough to keep him wide awake. But when he finally did fall asleep, he was rudely awaked by an unbearable pain inside him. Goten grabbed his medicine and ate a pill. The pain slowly decreased, allowing Goten to get some sleep. Once he drifted off to sleep, he began to dream. He dreamed of his father, and when he had first met him. Man, how he wished Goku was here to help him get over this stupid virus…


The next morning Goten was feeling much better. When everyone came down for breakfast, he decided to tell them about his dream. "Yeah, I had a dream that Dad was there, by my bed. He was the one that helped me get through the night. Now I feel great!" "You better keep taking the pill, just in case," Gohan warned. Up above the Son house, a pair of saiyan eyes carefully watched over his family. Waiting to see what other good deed he could do to help them out.


Well, that's it. I think the ending was a little weird. What'd you think? Please review! I know I keep asking that, but I only have 2 reviews (1 being from me…-_-). That story was dedicated to my favorite teacher Mr. Cullen, who recently had to go to the hospital because of chest pains. Get Well Soon Mr. Cullen! C-ya!