Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Silver Springs ❯ Chapter 14
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
** = journal entries
Chapter 14
**I had spent two days seething with anger over what had happened between Vegeta and I in that moonlit room. I could not believe he had the gall to turn and walk away from me when I was more than willing to forget everything that happened and give myself into a night I had longed for.
He had haunted me since Namek; not a week went by that his face didn't float through my dreams. I would see him in the shadows of my room at night, smell his scent for a second on the summer wind, hear his voice in a crowed place and every time my mind played these tricks, my heart would jump. I wanted to see him again; I needed to see him again. It hadn't been fair to Yamcha, but if he knew, he never let on. And finally I had him right in front of me, his sculpted perfection and amazing mind captivating me, pulling me toward him with a force I couldn't refuse. Only to have him refuse me at the moment of my anger's surrender? Did he enjoy these games with me?
Finally sometime in those rage filled days I came to a realization. I was a grown woman. I had no business chasing after this man like a lovesick schoolgirl. God, I had been making a mockery of myself. A woman of my age angry and upset over a man? What was I? Still stuck in the ridiculous structure of high school, thinking it was the end of the world if one guy didn't talk to me? I'm surprised I didn't get sick at my realization. And that's when I figured it out. I was a grown woman, president of a successful corporation, inventor of amazing scientific advances and a mother of a brilliant, well-behaved son. I was not about to let Vegeta's games get to me. I had always been blunt and forceful, since when was I afraid to vocalize how I was feeling? My behavior was unacceptable. I decided then to handle Vegeta like I would any potential business partner, and be utterly unshakable when it came to getting what I wanted.**
-Excerpt from the Journals of Bulma Briefs, 796 AD.
Vegeta sat alone in the large conference room, reading over Avallino's proposal for the fourth time that afternoon. They weren't a very strong planet, but their location was perfect for a port and trading center. If he was planning on expanding his empire farther into the sector, he was going to need a planet to set up a base on. It looked as though the deal with the Avallinans was going to prove profitable after all. A knock on the door shattered his concentration and he raised his eyes to it.
"Enter." He said, figuring it was probably Ardlin or someone else to give him yet another boring report on how a trading post on the far side of his empire was faring. He was more than surprised to see the cause of his uncomfortable lust enter the room. She strode in wearing a navy blue business suit, her heels resounding off the walls of the room. She looked at him with an unreadable expression, waiting for him to speak. "What do you want woman?"
"I came to give you an update on the factory." Her voice was smooth and mischief played through the aqua pools of her eyes. He sat back in his chair, curious as to her cool demeanor. Her collected persona and sparkling eyes sent signals to every part of his body. She was turning him on with nothing more than a flip of her hair and a sway of her hips. He nodded, signaling her to continue. "The conveyor belt and the encapsulator are ahead of construction schedule, they should be completed by the middle of next week." She said, walking closer to him. "And the materials are almost gathered, production should start within two weeks." The sway of her hips under the blue material, the sound of her heels was beginning to drive him mad. She knew what she was doing to him, and she relished every moment.
"Is that all you came to tell me woman?" he said, trying desperately to sound bored, but his eyes were glued to hers, telling her that he was far from bored. He let his lust flash through his eyes, a look he was far to willing to show.
"Actually no. I also came to give you an ultimatum." She stood right in front of the large desk he was seated at and looked him right in the eyes, serious about every word she had spoken. Vegeta's eyes widened in shock and he had to keep himself from outright laughing at her.
"Me? An ultimatum? What makes you think you can do that woman?" he asked, amusement filtering through his words. Her bold statement made him want her even more.
"Look Vegeta, I'm sick of your games. I'm not here to play them."
"My games? Woman, what the hell are you talking about?"
"The other night! In the observation room, you had the gall to...do all those things to me and then walk away with not even a word of explanation? I'm not doing this anymore. So you either tell me what you want from me or ignore me for the rest of the time that I'm here. Is that understood?"
"Do not attempt to tell me what to do woman. Don't you know why I left the other night? Or does your weakling human physiology not allow you to be that in tune with your body?" she looked at him, confusion evident on her face. "No. Of course not. If I had taken you, I would have impregnated you. You were fertile." Bulma's eyes grew wide. He knew that? How? She didn't even know that. "Now get out of my sight before I blast you." Suddenly it hit her. He had wanted her; he still wanted her, she had seen that minutes earlier as she was telling him about the factory. Maybe he had wanted her for all of those years, just as she had been wanting him but he was too proud to admit it. He had denied himself the other night for...what reason? What had held him back? Honor? Duty? Fear? If he didn't care he would have just taken her, right? The knowledge ignited her passions for him tenfold. She felt so close to him at that moment, she felt she finally understood something about the proud Saiyan.
"But Vegeta, you still haven't given me my answer." She said softly.
"I thought I just did." He growled dangerously. She walked around the desk to stand beside him knowing that there was a huge risk to her life in doing so.
"No you didn't. I asked you, are you going to ignore me for the rest of my time here or-" she placed a hand on his muscular upper arm and leaned into him. "Are you going to take me right here, right now?" she whispered in a sultry voice into his ear. He turned to her, shocked at her courage. He had never admired someone so much in his life. Looking into her eyes, he saw the fire burning brightly behind them, calling out to him to do what he so desperately wanted. He breathed deeply once, checking her scent before smirking deliciously at her.
"Are those my only choices?" he asked in a low voice, lust flashing through his eyes as he grabbed her wrists. She nodded as her pulse shot through the ceiling. Without another word his ran his arm across the desk, knocking everything to the ground and laying her on it. Her suit was gone in a flash, leaving her in nothing but her bra, underwear and high heels. She toed them off as he undid his armor. He returned shirtless, his arousal pressing against the front of his pants. She kissed every inch of skin that she was close to, his neck, his jaw, his ear and finally over his cheek before capturing his lips with her own. She kissed him fiercely, her need for him undeniable. If he didn't take her, she thought that she would die for sure.
He returned the kiss hesitantly, but her passion was like a virus and before he knew it he was forcing his tongue into her mouth, staking his claim. His hands found their way onto her breasts, freeing them from the offending bra with nothing more than a swift tug. He massaged her breasts, making her nipples hard under his soft hands. As he continued his ministrations, she worked her own hands down his body, stroking his length through his pants. He growled into her mouth as she arched against him, their need for each other urgent. He moved off the desk to free himself of his pants, and she saw an opportunity. Moving off the desk, she slid his pants off of him, marveling at the sight of his member, strong and erect. She pushed on his chest playfully, indicating to him that she wanted him to sit down.
He sat in his chair as she smiled at him devilishly. Slipping her underwear off her body, she stepped out of them and placed her hands on his shoulders, allowing him to gaze at her body. She was so beautiful, her hourglass figure calling to him, begging him to touch her. His hands flew up to her waist where he ran his fingers lightly over her smooth curves. She kissed him below his widow's peak, slowly moving her lips down his forehead, over his nose and to his lips. After a passionate kiss she continued downward, moving her lips in a straight line down his chest. She reached his member and began kissing and licking around it, moving her tongue over his inner thighs and across his scrotum. His hands twitched lightly, it was taking a lot of his control not to take her. She licked the tip of him lightly, circling around the head, flicking her tongue wildly at the very underside of his penis, where the head met the shaft. He couldn't help but groan at the sensations she was creating. He plunged his hands into her hair, running his fingers through the blue silk.
She took him into her mouth slowly, running her tongue along the head before deeping his depth. She bobbed her head rhythmically, relishing in the small moans that were trickling from his lips. No pleasure he had ever experienced compared to her. She worked him faster, making him tip his head back in utter ecstasy. He was content to experience the most amazing blowjob of his life.
She smiled around him, hearing his small sounds of pleasure. Nothing had even sounded so beautiful to her. Suddenly, he stopped her, pulling her up onto his lap and kissing her deeply. Before she knew it, she found herself seated on the desk, Vegeta's head buried firmly between her legs. Her scent was exquisite, how could he have forgotten how amazing she was? He ran his tongue lightly around her clitoris before sliding down to her opening. He dipped his tongue inside her and her hands slid into his hair. He brought himself back up to her clitoris and he took it into his mouth, sucking on it. She screamed at his unexpected action, moving her hips against his face. He continued his motions, making her moan his name.
After awhile she felt herself reaching a climax, the first climax she would have with another person in years. She didn't know if she could handle it. He pulled back before she exploded, pushing into a horizontal position. Positioning himself, he looked into her eyes.
"Woman, tell me what you want." He breathed, ready to explode if he didn't take her soon. She kissed him and then whispered in his ear.
"You Vegeta. I want you." With that he thrust into her, finally fulfilling the desire they both shared. She moaned and thrust up to meet him, dragging her nails along his muscular back. It had been so long since she had been with him; her memory had done him a serious injustice. He was better than she remembered. They moved against each other for what seemed like forever, only aware of the feel of the other one. Their soft moans filled the room, and Bulma could feel herself reaching a climax. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper into her. He felt her, she was ready. Thrusting deeper into her, he felt her clench around him as she cried out in pleasure. It was too much for him to take and he went with her, kissing her fiercely as he came. Moving off of her, she sat up, finally aware of how uncomfortable the desk was.
She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his shoulder, inhaling the scent of his sweat and their lovemaking. He nuzzled her almost lovingly, kissing her softly on the head before moving to grab his clothing. She followed suit, dressing quickly, realizing that she had been gone from the plant for much longer than she had intended. As she put on her shoes, she felt powerful arms slide around her body. He nipped her ear playfully and she rested against his body, snaking her hand to the back of his neck.
"Tonight woman. Come to my chambers." He whispered as he kissed her neck. Even though it had only been a few minutes, he wanted her again. But he knew waiting would just make it all the more delicious when he took her properly.
"I don't know if I can...," she said, thinking that if Trunks found her missing he would most certainly go looking for her.
"Tonight." He breathed, turning her and capturing her lips with his. She smiled and nodded before leaving the conference room. She smiled for the rest of the day.
Chapter 14
**I had spent two days seething with anger over what had happened between Vegeta and I in that moonlit room. I could not believe he had the gall to turn and walk away from me when I was more than willing to forget everything that happened and give myself into a night I had longed for.
He had haunted me since Namek; not a week went by that his face didn't float through my dreams. I would see him in the shadows of my room at night, smell his scent for a second on the summer wind, hear his voice in a crowed place and every time my mind played these tricks, my heart would jump. I wanted to see him again; I needed to see him again. It hadn't been fair to Yamcha, but if he knew, he never let on. And finally I had him right in front of me, his sculpted perfection and amazing mind captivating me, pulling me toward him with a force I couldn't refuse. Only to have him refuse me at the moment of my anger's surrender? Did he enjoy these games with me?
Finally sometime in those rage filled days I came to a realization. I was a grown woman. I had no business chasing after this man like a lovesick schoolgirl. God, I had been making a mockery of myself. A woman of my age angry and upset over a man? What was I? Still stuck in the ridiculous structure of high school, thinking it was the end of the world if one guy didn't talk to me? I'm surprised I didn't get sick at my realization. And that's when I figured it out. I was a grown woman, president of a successful corporation, inventor of amazing scientific advances and a mother of a brilliant, well-behaved son. I was not about to let Vegeta's games get to me. I had always been blunt and forceful, since when was I afraid to vocalize how I was feeling? My behavior was unacceptable. I decided then to handle Vegeta like I would any potential business partner, and be utterly unshakable when it came to getting what I wanted.**
-Excerpt from the Journals of Bulma Briefs, 796 AD.
Vegeta sat alone in the large conference room, reading over Avallino's proposal for the fourth time that afternoon. They weren't a very strong planet, but their location was perfect for a port and trading center. If he was planning on expanding his empire farther into the sector, he was going to need a planet to set up a base on. It looked as though the deal with the Avallinans was going to prove profitable after all. A knock on the door shattered his concentration and he raised his eyes to it.
"Enter." He said, figuring it was probably Ardlin or someone else to give him yet another boring report on how a trading post on the far side of his empire was faring. He was more than surprised to see the cause of his uncomfortable lust enter the room. She strode in wearing a navy blue business suit, her heels resounding off the walls of the room. She looked at him with an unreadable expression, waiting for him to speak. "What do you want woman?"
"I came to give you an update on the factory." Her voice was smooth and mischief played through the aqua pools of her eyes. He sat back in his chair, curious as to her cool demeanor. Her collected persona and sparkling eyes sent signals to every part of his body. She was turning him on with nothing more than a flip of her hair and a sway of her hips. He nodded, signaling her to continue. "The conveyor belt and the encapsulator are ahead of construction schedule, they should be completed by the middle of next week." She said, walking closer to him. "And the materials are almost gathered, production should start within two weeks." The sway of her hips under the blue material, the sound of her heels was beginning to drive him mad. She knew what she was doing to him, and she relished every moment.
"Is that all you came to tell me woman?" he said, trying desperately to sound bored, but his eyes were glued to hers, telling her that he was far from bored. He let his lust flash through his eyes, a look he was far to willing to show.
"Actually no. I also came to give you an ultimatum." She stood right in front of the large desk he was seated at and looked him right in the eyes, serious about every word she had spoken. Vegeta's eyes widened in shock and he had to keep himself from outright laughing at her.
"Me? An ultimatum? What makes you think you can do that woman?" he asked, amusement filtering through his words. Her bold statement made him want her even more.
"Look Vegeta, I'm sick of your games. I'm not here to play them."
"My games? Woman, what the hell are you talking about?"
"The other night! In the observation room, you had the gall to...do all those things to me and then walk away with not even a word of explanation? I'm not doing this anymore. So you either tell me what you want from me or ignore me for the rest of the time that I'm here. Is that understood?"
"Do not attempt to tell me what to do woman. Don't you know why I left the other night? Or does your weakling human physiology not allow you to be that in tune with your body?" she looked at him, confusion evident on her face. "No. Of course not. If I had taken you, I would have impregnated you. You were fertile." Bulma's eyes grew wide. He knew that? How? She didn't even know that. "Now get out of my sight before I blast you." Suddenly it hit her. He had wanted her; he still wanted her, she had seen that minutes earlier as she was telling him about the factory. Maybe he had wanted her for all of those years, just as she had been wanting him but he was too proud to admit it. He had denied himself the other night for...what reason? What had held him back? Honor? Duty? Fear? If he didn't care he would have just taken her, right? The knowledge ignited her passions for him tenfold. She felt so close to him at that moment, she felt she finally understood something about the proud Saiyan.
"But Vegeta, you still haven't given me my answer." She said softly.
"I thought I just did." He growled dangerously. She walked around the desk to stand beside him knowing that there was a huge risk to her life in doing so.
"No you didn't. I asked you, are you going to ignore me for the rest of my time here or-" she placed a hand on his muscular upper arm and leaned into him. "Are you going to take me right here, right now?" she whispered in a sultry voice into his ear. He turned to her, shocked at her courage. He had never admired someone so much in his life. Looking into her eyes, he saw the fire burning brightly behind them, calling out to him to do what he so desperately wanted. He breathed deeply once, checking her scent before smirking deliciously at her.
"Are those my only choices?" he asked in a low voice, lust flashing through his eyes as he grabbed her wrists. She nodded as her pulse shot through the ceiling. Without another word his ran his arm across the desk, knocking everything to the ground and laying her on it. Her suit was gone in a flash, leaving her in nothing but her bra, underwear and high heels. She toed them off as he undid his armor. He returned shirtless, his arousal pressing against the front of his pants. She kissed every inch of skin that she was close to, his neck, his jaw, his ear and finally over his cheek before capturing his lips with her own. She kissed him fiercely, her need for him undeniable. If he didn't take her, she thought that she would die for sure.
He returned the kiss hesitantly, but her passion was like a virus and before he knew it he was forcing his tongue into her mouth, staking his claim. His hands found their way onto her breasts, freeing them from the offending bra with nothing more than a swift tug. He massaged her breasts, making her nipples hard under his soft hands. As he continued his ministrations, she worked her own hands down his body, stroking his length through his pants. He growled into her mouth as she arched against him, their need for each other urgent. He moved off the desk to free himself of his pants, and she saw an opportunity. Moving off the desk, she slid his pants off of him, marveling at the sight of his member, strong and erect. She pushed on his chest playfully, indicating to him that she wanted him to sit down.
He sat in his chair as she smiled at him devilishly. Slipping her underwear off her body, she stepped out of them and placed her hands on his shoulders, allowing him to gaze at her body. She was so beautiful, her hourglass figure calling to him, begging him to touch her. His hands flew up to her waist where he ran his fingers lightly over her smooth curves. She kissed him below his widow's peak, slowly moving her lips down his forehead, over his nose and to his lips. After a passionate kiss she continued downward, moving her lips in a straight line down his chest. She reached his member and began kissing and licking around it, moving her tongue over his inner thighs and across his scrotum. His hands twitched lightly, it was taking a lot of his control not to take her. She licked the tip of him lightly, circling around the head, flicking her tongue wildly at the very underside of his penis, where the head met the shaft. He couldn't help but groan at the sensations she was creating. He plunged his hands into her hair, running his fingers through the blue silk.
She took him into her mouth slowly, running her tongue along the head before deeping his depth. She bobbed her head rhythmically, relishing in the small moans that were trickling from his lips. No pleasure he had ever experienced compared to her. She worked him faster, making him tip his head back in utter ecstasy. He was content to experience the most amazing blowjob of his life.
She smiled around him, hearing his small sounds of pleasure. Nothing had even sounded so beautiful to her. Suddenly, he stopped her, pulling her up onto his lap and kissing her deeply. Before she knew it, she found herself seated on the desk, Vegeta's head buried firmly between her legs. Her scent was exquisite, how could he have forgotten how amazing she was? He ran his tongue lightly around her clitoris before sliding down to her opening. He dipped his tongue inside her and her hands slid into his hair. He brought himself back up to her clitoris and he took it into his mouth, sucking on it. She screamed at his unexpected action, moving her hips against his face. He continued his motions, making her moan his name.
After awhile she felt herself reaching a climax, the first climax she would have with another person in years. She didn't know if she could handle it. He pulled back before she exploded, pushing into a horizontal position. Positioning himself, he looked into her eyes.
"Woman, tell me what you want." He breathed, ready to explode if he didn't take her soon. She kissed him and then whispered in his ear.
"You Vegeta. I want you." With that he thrust into her, finally fulfilling the desire they both shared. She moaned and thrust up to meet him, dragging her nails along his muscular back. It had been so long since she had been with him; her memory had done him a serious injustice. He was better than she remembered. They moved against each other for what seemed like forever, only aware of the feel of the other one. Their soft moans filled the room, and Bulma could feel herself reaching a climax. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper into her. He felt her, she was ready. Thrusting deeper into her, he felt her clench around him as she cried out in pleasure. It was too much for him to take and he went with her, kissing her fiercely as he came. Moving off of her, she sat up, finally aware of how uncomfortable the desk was.
She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his shoulder, inhaling the scent of his sweat and their lovemaking. He nuzzled her almost lovingly, kissing her softly on the head before moving to grab his clothing. She followed suit, dressing quickly, realizing that she had been gone from the plant for much longer than she had intended. As she put on her shoes, she felt powerful arms slide around her body. He nipped her ear playfully and she rested against his body, snaking her hand to the back of his neck.
"Tonight woman. Come to my chambers." He whispered as he kissed her neck. Even though it had only been a few minutes, he wanted her again. But he knew waiting would just make it all the more delicious when he took her properly.
"I don't know if I can...," she said, thinking that if Trunks found her missing he would most certainly go looking for her.
"Tonight." He breathed, turning her and capturing her lips with his. She smiled and nodded before leaving the conference room. She smiled for the rest of the day.