Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Slayer Mine ❯ A Sidekick?! ( Chapter 8 )
Vegeta could not understand it. But just because he couldn't understand it did not mean he was about to give up! He stood still in mid-air, reaching out all around him with all his senses…feeling…searching…for something…some sign of her. Dammit! He'd always been able to feel her, no matter where she was!
"Bulma!" He screamed and felt the loss to his bones, where was she?! He flew off, continuing a search that he had been on for the last week and half. The others helped as they could and the local police department, bumbling as they were, tried. Even Kakkarot, in his moronicness was putting forth all his effort to find his wife and Vegeta was secretly grateful even if he'd never show it.
Piccolo had watched Vegeta take off for the hundreth time that day and growled deep in his throat. He too had tried to sense Bulma, but nothing. He could find no reasonable explaination for it either and that bothered him almost as much as Bulma being kidnapped did. Giselle had informed him in no uncertain terms the other day that she needed to be out killing `baddies' as she put it and had been leaving each evening at dusk to wander the favorite haunts of the undead and other monsters to do what she did best, always coming back smelling like the dead and graveyard dirt.
Giselle was getting ready for graveyard duty when Goten came up behind her and stood watching her for a moment. Until that moment, She'd never actually told him what she did. She'd mentioned something about Piccolo and this `watcher' business but he'd not understood and she hadn't felt the need to explain further. Now, as she inspected the sharp wooden stakes and a cross-tipped dagger that looked like a relic, he wasn't sure about her.
"Giselle?" He asked, and she did not turn about, although she did stiffen and wait, "What are you doing? What's all this…stuff for?"
"Oh." She said, her voice soft, she was looking at one the wooden stakes, she turned about, "Didn't you know? I'm a vampire slayer. In fact, I am THE Slayer."
"Really?" He said, one eyebrow raised curiously, "The way you said that, like it's important but you'd rather not have the title. Why?"
She sighed heavily and sank down on the side of the small bed Chi Chi and Goku had been kind enough to allow to have during her stay with them. "I can't explain it, Goten." She said, looking up at him through the curtian of dark hair, it had reddish highlghts he noticed as it seemed to glow in the lamplight, "Please don't ask me to. All I can say is…Spiderman was right!"
"What's that suppose to…" Then he was silent as she went on with her work, suddenly he brighten and exclaimed; "I have a great idea, Giselle! I'll come with you tonight!"
She jumped up, "No! Absolutely not, Goten!" She cried, she did not need to be responsible for another person, taking care of herself was more than enough! "I can barely keep tabs on myself, I am so not going to be babysitting you too!"
"If you haven't noticed before, Oh Great Slayer of Icky Dead Things," He said, crossing his arms over his chest and looking at her out of the corner of his eye in much the same manner as his father, "I am not your average human `kid' here. I can take care of myself."
Giselle knew that. She knew Goten could take care of himself, she knew it only too well. That was not the reason she was so against him going with her tonight. No, the way her heart was reacting and her mind and hands all wanted to do things that she'd never thought of doing before she knew she would be so off her game tonight it wouldn't be funny! She needed to keep all her focus on her slaying and she couldn't do that if he was along. It was that simple. Until she found a way to deal with this, she was best just keeping away from him.
"Goten." She said, hating herself for being so harsh, but it was for the best…people's lives depended on her after all! "Get away from me. I don't want to see you right now…maybe…maybe ever."
She felt like such a heel as the look of surprised hurt passed over his too-honest features and she had to restrain herself from crying out an apology and taking him into her arms and soothing away that look with kisses. Stop it! She told herself. The kid needs to toughen. There's more to strength than the physical. If he doesn't learn to guard his feelings better he will go through like being hurt and disapointed at every turn. I just did him a favor.
So why did she feel like such a little bitch?
She shoved past him, her bag slung over one shoulder, trying not to touch him lest she lose what little hold on herself she had. She did not see him glare after her as she made her way to the front of the house and let the front door slam shut behind her. Chi Chi glanced up from the phone where she was speaking to yet another detective about Bulma and frowned.
She mouthed to her son with one hand covering the phone; "You okay?"
He nodded, not saying anything and went outside, taking to the sky, going in the opposite direction of Giselle. Chi Chi's eyebrows knitted together on her brow as she watched her son through the window and wondered at his sudden, uncustomary anger.
She was soon distracted by the man on the phone, however and the fact that her friend was still very missing and that needed to be kept as the topmost priority!
Goten, as worried about Bulma as everyone else, but knowing that worrying overlong over something did no good, he was concentrating on the problem more close to home and one he could, at least, deal with…or try to at the very least. He'd turned in the air and continued on, following, yet out of sight, Giselle.
She was walking towards the old graveyard that all the kids at his high school claimed was haunted. Not that he was scared of dead things, but he felt a shiver non-the-less as he dropped down lightly to the ground and followed behind Giselle, still keeping out of her sight. He gasped as he saw a hand push it's way from the dirt, all gross and decomposing, skin hanging off in huge clumps. He nearly lost his dinner as it was followed by a bony arm and them a head, more gruesome than anything he'd ever seen…maggots falling out of one eyeless socket, bone showing through flaking skin.
He was about to yell out a warning to Giselle, who had her back to the creature, when another rose up, much faster than his counterpart to her left and yet another came stumbling in from the other direction, followed by a fourth and fifth! Goten couldn't believe how many of these disgusting, falling-apart…things…there were!
"God!" Giselle cried, disgusted, as she spun about and landed a hard kick to the first vamp, knocking it's head off it's shoulders, letting lose fly her first stake to take out the one at her side, "I just knew it was gonna be one of those nights…ah…well…" She said while taking out the others, almost without breaking a sweat, "It's…a….work…out!"
Goten smiled, relieved that she was okay! Not that she had any reason not to be. The girl was fantastic! She was close to the fastest thing he'd ever seen. She paused, gathering up her fallen stakes and dusting the ash of the dead from her clothes, and stood still for a moment. Finally, she narrowed her eyes and called; "Goten! I know your there! You can come out now."
What? He asked himself, trying to fade into the surrounding shadows, how had she…? She waited, growing more angry by the second. How dare he follow her here after she'd told him to stay away! How dare he just ignore her like that!? She resisted the urge to tap her foot and start mumbling about the untrustworthiness of some people. "I am not waiting forever, Goten."
He came foreward and she just shook her head at him; "I can't believe you."
"What?" He asked, defensively, "I was curious…I've never seen as…Slayer…in action before."
"Do you realize what could have happened if I'd been distracted?!" She cried, "Do you?! People depend on me, you know! This isn't just some `cool' game that I go out and just `do' every now and then, Goten!"
"I know, Giselle…I'm sorry!" He said, "I never meant for you to be mad at me…I just…aaaww…just forget it!"
She watched as he turned away, ready to take off once more into the dark night sky. She could not stop herself this time. She reached out and grabbed his arm, stopping him. "Goten…please. Don't…just don't." She said, not knowing how to say what she wanted to say…what she needed to say, "I'm sorry, okay. I never should have said what I said earlier…I didn't even mean it…"
She couldn't see his eyes light up at her words, but when he turned around there was a different kind of glow to his eyes, a type of fire that seemed to burn her without hurting her…and she gasped and stepped backwards. But not before he caught her from stumbling and held her against him, breathing softly, waiting.
"There's something between us, Giselle." He said, at last, not looking away from her eyes, he felt drawn to them as if he could dive into them and drown, "I know you feel it."
She shook her head, still trying to deny what her whole body was knew was true; "No…There is…there is….nothing…"
"There is!" He said, feeling her heart pound against his own, with his own; "You can't keep ignoring or trying to deny it, Giselle! It's there! I feel it and I know you do too!"
She started to protest again but he was done argueing with her. He leaned down and captured her mouth with his own, invading her with his tongue and causing her to gulp air against his lips and then, after a slight hesitation, she began to return his kiss…a bit curious and more than a little experimental, she ran her tongue across his teeth and shivered as she felt his hand roam over her head and grasp a handful of her dark hair, shoving her head closer to deepen the embrace.
When at last they parted, Giselle felt stunned, weak and unable to thing straight. She'd never felt anything…so…she turned away from him, needing a moment to gather scattered pieces back together again. Goten waited for her and smirked in satisfaction. He'd been her first kiss. He could tell. Somehow, that thought made him feel very good.
It seemed the sardonic little vampire slayer who had seemed so worldly wise had more to learn than than she knew and he planned teaching her much more than just what one mere kiss felt like. He had already decided that he would be her first in other things as well.
He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms about her. He could already see a new bloodsucker meandering along in their general direction.
"Up for a little vampire slaying?" He asked, taking one of her stakes from her, "Come one. With both of us on the job we'll get done faster. Just think of me as your sidekick…"
She stifled a giggle and they spent the rest of the night killing vamps as partners.