Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Slumber Party! ❯ Are We Having Fun Yet?! ( Chapter 6 )
Fuming, Vegeta stood there and called; "Bulma! Get out here, now! I want to speak with you!"
From her hiding place beneath a rather overgrown bush, Tori heard and wondered who it was that was shouting so. Doesn't he have the common decency to go speak to Bulma face to face instead of screaming for her in the middle of the lawn?! She waited, knowing that if she stood up or spoke, her hiding place would be pointless. As she knelt there, shivering from the cold, she had to wonder exactly what she was doing there.
If I don't get found in the next five minutes, I'm going inside! Screw this! She thought, My legs are falling asleep! She sighed heavily and wished she were curled up on the sofa with a blanket and a bowl of popcorn. She heard breif yelling which sounded like Bulma and the man she had heard and then everything was silent.
Vegeta nodded when Bulma told him what she and the other women were up to. Hide and seek. An earth children's game. He'd heard of it before, but hadn't wanted to waste his time observing or, god forbid, playing it! What four grown women were doing playing such an asinine game, he had no clue.
He walked to the hiding place he knew Bulma's new little friend was, he sneered at her weak power level, Pathetic, really, and parted the branches to look down at her startled face. "Come on out. The game's over."
Thank god! Tori thought, even though she glared up at him for ruining her `fun', "Who are you?"
Vegeta didn't like the tone of her voice when she asked her question. She still sat in the shrubbery, her arms folded under her breasts and studied him warily. She reminded him of a cornered animal who did not know enough to be afraid of it's captor's. He asnwered her question with no little amount of arrogance and she snorted and stood up, brushing past him like he was less than important and entered the house.
Vegeta seethed in anger and clenched his fists. How he wanted to hurl a ki blast at the uppity little bitch and elimate her from the face of the planet. But, he stayed his hand. After all, she was Bulma's friend and as much as she got on his nerves, he did indeed have feelings for the blue haired minx.
Instead, he narrowed his eyes and took off into the air, deciding to forget about the women for awhile and go work on his training…even though it was late into the night.
Piccolo had watched the exchange between Vegeta and Tori and smiled slightly to himself.
"What are you grinning about?" He spun around, he hadn't realized that she'd come back out. Didn't he just see her go into the house? How could she be standing behind him when he's clearly seen her walk inside and close the door? "Not much of a game, huh? He ruined it."
The other women had abandoned their hiding places and wandered indoors to escape the chill night air. Piccolo studied her and wondered why she wasn't inside as well instead of standing there obviously freezing in nothing but her knee-length black tee-shirt and ankle socks. She looked very vulnerable and small to him. "Nothing." He replied, "Your going to get sick."
She cocked her head to one side and raised a delicate eyebrow, "How's that?"
"If you stay outside in your…your nightclothes…your going to get sick from the chill." He said, not knowing why he cared, if he did at all, "Go back inside before you freeze."
"I can handle a little cold." She said, laughing, and he realized that she was a bit tipsy from whatever she and the others had been drinking, no wonder she wasn't cold! "Besides, I feel all warm inside anyway."
"You won't by morning."
"Hey, listen." She said, suddenly becoming serious, she reached out and touched his hand lightly, "I really meant it when I thanked you for earilier and…I'm sorry about your cape…it was just a stupid dare…"
He looked down at her hand then back to her face, "It's nothing. Don't trouble yourself."
She heard some commotion in the house and said, "I have to go. They're going to wonder what I'm doing." She grasped an end of his cape and pulled him downward, he did not resist, towards her. "It was nice meeting you." She said and kissed him briefly on the cheek.
Tori turned to walk back inside, leaving a bemused namek behind her. From her place near the window, Bulma smiled behind her raised hand. Chi Chi looked at her and then out the window at Tori and back to Bulma. "What's going on?"
Bulma just shrugged as Tori walked back into the room, holding a deck of cards she'd picked up from the desk next to the foyer. "Anyone for a game of strip poker?" She asked and giggled, "Should be fun…"
"I'm not sure…" Chi Chi said, turning a bright shade of crimson, but both Bulma and Marron were in. They coaxed Chi Chi until she had to relent, mostly by tickling and poucing on her with pillows.
"We'd better keep it down." Chi Chi said, starting to whisper, "We don't want to wake the boys."
"Too late, Mom." They turned to see little Gohan standing there, rubbing his eyes, his father; Goku and their friend Krillin were behind him, grinning at the women.
"What's this about strip poker?" Krillin asked, eyeing Tori, at which point his girlfriend threw a pillow at his head, which he ducked easily enough.
"Gohan, honey," Chi Chi said, ushering her son out of the room, "Go back to bed and get some sleep."
"But, I wanted…" But he yawned and could not quarrel with his mother, espeically since he was actually still sleepy. Chi Chi tucked him in and kissed him goodnight. She closed the door to the bedroom on her way out.
She found the others back in the living room, Tori was all ready busing dealing out the cards to each player. She smiled at her husband. This should be interesting…She thought. Just then, she heard the front door open and close and looked up to see Vegeta's smirking face standing in the entryway to the livingroom.
"Vegeta, want to play?" Bulma said upon seeing him standing there, "Come on, it will be fun…"
"What kind of stupid game are you playing now?" He asked, but sat down next to Bulma and accepted the cards Tori handed him.
"Have you ever played this game?" Tori asked, "Strip poker?"
"No." He said, glaring down at his cards, what was he suppose to do now?
"Then how do you know it's stupid?"
He looked up at her, then at Goku and back to her; "Because," He said, "Kakkarot is playing. It must be stupid."
Chi Chi threw a pillow at Vegeta's head. Which, of course, he ducked and it flew past him to hit the wall.
"Okay, enough." Tori said, "Let's play! Someone want to explain the rules to Veggie, here?"
"Don't call me that!" Vegeta snarled, "You will adress me as Vegeta, Prince of…"
"Oh, just be quiet and listen so you can know how we play this!" Bulma said, "You can spout off your fancy heiratage for her later, if she's even insterested."
Bulma looked over at Tori just in time to see her rolling her eyes and fell backwards into a fit of giggles. The men just stared, not knowing, what, exactly, to make of them or their odd behaviour.
"Are we going to play or not?" Krillin asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, "If not, I'd just as soon go back to sleep…"
"Yeah, when are you girls going to bed, anyway?" Goku asked, yawning, "It's about three in the morning…"
The women exchanged glances and Bulma said; "We can't, Goku. The first one of us to fall asleep gets it."
Goku did not ask what, exactly, `it' was, but by the looks they were passing back and forth amongst each other, he guessed it wasn't good. He looked at Krillin and noticed that he seemd to know what the hell was going on, or at least, he was good at faking it. He studied the cards in his hand. Deciding to just forget about whatever the women had planned for each other.
"Too bad Master Roshi isn't here!" Krillin whispered aside to Goku, "This would be his dream come true!"
"Geez! Come on! Let's play all ready!" Vegeta cried, losing what little paitience he had started with, "I'll be ready to collect social security by the time we start this game!"