Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Sovereign ❯ And So It Begins... ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: (stating the obvious...) Dragonball, Dragonball Z and related characters were created by Akira Toriyama. I don't own it.

ATTN: This story is a work of fiction intended for fan use only. Do not reprint, redistribute or alter any portion of this work without consent from the author.




Seven orange spheres laid before him. Each consisted of red stars that burned into the smooth marble surface. They glowed eerily in the soft cushion of snow that blanketed the icy fields of Mt. Tsurumal-Tsuburl. It was the perfect location to summon the Eternal Dragon. The perfect setting for the birth of a new era, the dawning of a new age, the awakening of a true king. He smirked evilly as he stood there marvelling at the Dragonballs. Oh yes, his time has finally come. He would no longer be scoffed or laughed at for his "delusion" dream. Those who had mocked him, pointed and made fun of his height... he would make them pay. Yes, they will all pay for their insubordination and lack of respect. Every last one of them will grovel at his pint-size feet, hailing him as their new king.

"Um... Lord Pilaf?"

He blinked as the voice stirred him out of his pleasant reverie. The Dragonballs were in place and Mai and Shao were waiting expectedly. They stared at him with blank expressions on their faces, unaware of his musings for wealth and power. A sweat drop rolled off Pilaf's blue forehead and he coughed, clearing his throat.

"Are they ready?"

"Yes, my lord. The Dragonballs are in place and the Eternal Dragon is ready to be summoned," ventured Shao with a big grin on his face. Pilaf's tiny chest swelled with pride and overwhelming joy. His eyes became bright as they sparkled like little stars and he clasped his hands together.

"Do you two dimwits even realize what this means? How long I've been waiting for this moment?!" He breathed inwardly as his gazed settled on the Dragonballs once again. All seven of them. Ever since he can remember, his only goal in life was to claim his rightful title as master of the world. When he discovered the Dragonballs he recruited Mai and Shao as his commanding officers in the hopes they would bring him the magical orbs. Who would have thought it would take years (more like decades) to gather all seven? Pilaf sniffed, a tear sparkled in his eye and he wiped it away with a stumpy finger. Ofcourse, things would have gone more smoothly had he never met the accursed, meddling, monkey-tailed runt, Son Gokou. The fact that he and his group of misfits destroyed his beautiful fortress only made Pilaf loath him even more. After that, things seemed to have gone downhill in his search for the Dragonballs. But now all of that has changed. It was time to collect for the headaches and frustrations he endured throughout the years; for every time Mai and Shao would come to him empty handed, failing in their missions one after another, after another. He was about to witness all of his dreams and desires come true. This was his legacy. This was his destiny. This was his--

"Um... Lord Pilaf?"

Once again the voice interrupted his thoughts and he gritted his teeth in irritation. His patience was beginning to slip and he turned cruel eyes on his two lieutenants.

"I am trying to enjoy my glory, here. What is it?"

"Aren't you going to summon the dragon?" Anger swelled in the soon-to-be emperor's features, seeing the genuine confusion on Shao's face. Why did he put up with such incompetence?

"Ofcourse I am, flee-brain!" His gaze fell on the Dragonballs once again and a pale flush appeared on Pilaf's cheeks. "Uh..." He looked at Mai and Shao who were still staring at him expectedly with wide eyes.

"Just how do I use the Dragonballs, anyway?"

They promptly fell over on their faces, feet dangling in the air.

"My lord," Mai began as she stood up slowly, dusting off snow from her uniform and wiping away a sheen trail of sweat that trickled down her face. "Are you saying after all these years you don't know of the required password?" The faint blush on Pilaf's cheeks rapidly darkened to a deep red. Mai sighed and leaned down to whisper something in his ear. The words came out muffled to Shao as he stood up and casted a nervous glance around his surroundings, hoping there weren't any wild, untamed animals that were particularly large and... well... hungry. Poetically at that moment, Shao's ears twitched at the sound of a wolfs howl echoing throughout the terrace. He started to shake in fear and abruptly screamed when he felt a hand fall on his shoulder.

"Don't eat me!! PLEASE! I'm too young to--"

"Shao get a hold of yourself." Mai said sternly. "Nothing is going to eat you. Lord Pilaf is about to summon the dragon." Sure enough, Pilaf stood directly infront of the Dragonballs. His arms were outstretched above them and a diabolic expression twisted his features as he shouted the words to the spell.

"Come out, Shenlong!"

A chill air blew as everything grew quiet except for the cold rustle of the wind. Tiny snowflakes gusted over the Dragonballs as they glowed on and off, their radiance becoming brighter as the combined orbs illuminated the crystal-white setting. A darkness as black as night cascaded over the sky and unnatural thunder tore through the air. Lighting ripped through the heavens once... twice... then a sudden large bolt streaked down and crashed into the glowing radiance of the seven Dragonballs. A blinding light exploded on impact that caused Pilaf to fall back, hitting the snow-covered ground with a loud thump. Almost at once, a golden blaze burst forth from the orbs and snaked through the air like a python, the very edge of it forming fanged-teeth that seemingly chewed through the sky. It cracked and spiralled among dark clouds, forming a serpent-like silhouette that was ablaze in a fierce glow. The fiery radiance cooled to reveal the form of a dragon. A dragon as old as time.

Shao and Mai held eachother, screaming like idiots as the ominous figure towered over them. Pilaf shrieked in terror, flapping his arms stupidly in fright. He had forgotten how HUGE the Eternal Dragon was in size as he stared wide-eyed at the apparition that loomed above him. When he witnessed Piccolo Daimao use the Dragonballs all those years ago he wasn't nearly as frightened as he was now. Shenlong spoke, his voice boomed across the landscape, the power of it threatening to cause a nearby avalanche. He stated three simple words that enabled Pilaf to temporarily regain his composure, exhilaration coursing through this blood and he smirked wickedly.

"State your wish."


Email icewind@ht.st