Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Storm ❯ Krillen's social life ( Chapter 5 )
Title: The Storm
Author: J.Dee - The Crazy Saiyan Stalker
Rating: NC-17- some offensive language
Story Brief: A storm caused by a ritual performed when it's not suppose to be, sends a witch to the other dimension when she's struck by lightening. Dying in her world she is given a second chance in other. But her friends aren't willing to let go and is she willing to go back??
Author's Note:
Look two chapters out in the same night!!! Yeah!!! It's the weekend I'll hopefully be able to post a chapter or two out every weekend. It would be cool… I'm doing this cause the chapters from 1-3 were double chapters if you couldn't' tell… so instead of making the chapters too long to read I decided to keep them at their original size… and just upload two at a time…
Goten: *crosses arm* I'm still mad at you…
*sighs* There's no pleasing some saiyans…
Added A.N:
Parts of this and future chapters is just adjusted from scenes of the TV show...
I ran in to a brick wall for originality and inspiration sorry bout that...
* * * * * *
I looked at Bulma her idea was coming up. I knew with me being there. That then they could force a premonition to hit me to tell them the location. The problem was I knew the location I needed no premonition and I swallowed as Bulma spoke up.
"Hey hold on. I just had a great idea. I know a way we can save the earth and not fight. Get rid of Dr. Gero." Bulma said.
Everyone looked at Bulma. Yamcha blinked once... twice.
I saw Goku's face falter I knew that he was actually looking forward to this fight and in a way I was too. But ya can't blame Bulma for trying.
But a saiyan not fighting is like keeping pimples off oily skin, extremely hard.
"Here's what I think we should do. Use the dragonballs to summon the dragon. He'll tell us where the doctor is. We take out the doctor and all of our problems are solved. Ya get it?" Bulma explained.
Krillen grinned, I frowned oh no here come his ego. Someone should really take those sun glasses off him seriously. Sure they suit but his ego got larger than Vegeta's.
"That's great! In fact Bulma I'm surprised I didn't think of that before you did."
I looked at Yamcha with a side long glance from behind Tien.
Yamcha looked at me. "You finished hiding Lee?" He asked.
"Hiding? I'm not hiding! I'm part saiyan I don't hide." I protested.
"Uh huh so that explains why you stepped behind Tien when Vegeta and Piccolo started to argue." Yamcha remarked and he smiled at me.
I blushed embarrassed. "Heh..."
Tien looked behind at me. He didn't say anything but I thought I saw him smile.
"I mean who wants to wait around for three years anyway." Krillen added going on about Bulma's idea.
I cringed and Yamcha looked at me then Vegeta snapped.
"By the time we found the dragonballs it will be too late. You dolt!"
Krillen jumped and looked at Vegeta.
I blinked. "Dolt? What type of word is dolt?" I questioned. "It's an old word I know that. I haven't heard that since I was like seven or something." I added.
"Girl will you shut up! I haven't decided what to do about you yet!" He shouted, then turned to the others. "Leave the great ideas to the great minds like my own." Vegeta added.
I sweatdropped. "Okay can we say ego?" I muttered.
Bulma grabbed Goku by the arms. "Goku you're with me aren't you?" she asked.
"Wow I can't believe it but I guess I have to side with Vegeta." Goku replied.
I blinked and let out a relived sigh. So far everything was going just like the show I hadn't been questioned as of yet.
"Besides Dr. Gero hasn't made the androids yet. So he hasn't done anything wrong. Well we'll just have to wait." Goku added.
"Now who can argue with that logic?" I remarked relieved.
"But that boy said those androids were strong enough to wipe us all out!" Bulma exclaimed. I looked down. Bulma was right. "Why do you want to rush off and meet them head on? Think about it guys you don't want to fight them." She added.
"No we don't. But it looks like we have to." Tien spoke up.
I peeked out from behind Tien and walked up to Bulma and gave her my comfort.
"Bulma everything will be okay. We got the warning of it we can change it." I said.
Tien looked over to Yamcha and Krillen. "So what about you two are you with us?"
Yamcha nodded. He looked over to me. "Lee you in?" He asked.
I smiled "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
"We're done for." Bulma sighed.
I rubbed her back and she looked at me. "Why do you want to fight? You should at least agree with me." She asked.
I nodded. "If we had more time Bulma, then maybe. But I'm also part saiyan as well." I explained.
"Well that's it. I know what I have to do." Krillen spoke up. I looked at him and frowned his ego was seriously starting to bug me. "I'm in. Even though the odds are against us, and this will seriously cut in to my social life. Wouldn't ya say bub?"
Goku laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.
"You had to give him those sunglasses didn't you?" I frowned at Goku.
"Think about it. We're alot stronger together than we are apart. And together we'll have no problem beating those androids. Right?" Krillen continued.
Gohan blinked and he looked up at Krillen his features blank. I had to mentally agree with the together thing though.
"Yeah Bulma you're idea was good, in theory, but maybe you ought to rethink you're position on this one." Krillen added.
Bulma was standing there arms crossed across her chest. "What are you saying?" She glared at Krillen.
Krillen motioned her over and I rolled my eyes. They shared a few words in quiet.
Gohan obviously over heard cause then he spoke up. "I get it you're saying you don't want to get beaten up?"
"Gohan cool it you're crampin' my style." Krillen remarked.
"What a dweeb. As for the rest of you don't come crying to me when those androids take over the earth and enslave everybody because I'll just say I told you so." Bulma remarked her arms crossed across her chest. I took a few steps away looking over to where my pod was. I drummed my fingers.
"Then it's all settled we'll all fight together!" Goku announced.
"Yeah they echoed. I blinked and watched as Yamcha, Gohan, Krillen and Goku pumped their fists in the air.
Such emphasis in an animated reality. I never did that when I was alive, er well when I was alive and sober.
"Look at you the great general rallying his troops." Bulma remarked. She was getting rather snarky. "Hardly you look more like a cheerleader." She added.
Goku blinked and looked behind a Bulma who had her back to us now.
"It's hopeless. Boys will always be boys." Bulma then let out a growl.
I looked to the left then the right. Then at Goku with an arched eyebrow.
"Lee something you want to say?" Goku asked.
"Er... no cause Bulma will get mad."
"Wise move." Yamcha whispered to me.
"I heard that!" Bulma snapped.
Yamcha cringed.
"Go on Lee say it." Goku encouraged.
I shrugged. "Okay. I'm not a boy."
"I think we noticed that." Yamcha remarked with a sweatdrop.
"But now comes the serious question." Goku said. "This guy from the future told me about you Lee. Yet you didn't tell me why?" He asked.
"Oh yeah sure, as if. Would you of believed me?" I asked.
Goku nodded. "Well yeah I would of."
I blinked. "Okay Bulma was right. You are far to trusting, in my world you can hardly trust anybody. This is why I didn't tell you. I don't trust easily. Unless my instincts tell me too." I explained.
"Your world? So you some from another time like that guy?" Gohan asked. "Cause then that would explain the saiyan side of you." He added.
I smiled. "My world is completely different from his. We have no A.I in that world at least not yet. There are no flying cars or talking dinosaurs either. We're more um primitive than this world. But not too much." I explained.
"So you're from the past?" Goku asked.
I scratched my head. "I don't think so I'm from the future but in an alternative world where technology hasn't advanced as much as it has in this world. If you get what I mean." I explained.
"Then saiyans exist in your time?" Goku asked.
"Well er... I don't know." I replied. "I've never even left my home planet. I come from earth. Namek was the first planet I arrived on."
"So you're ship didn't crash?" Goku asked.
"No I was just zapped there when I died in my world. There is enough energy out there for when someone is killed to blast them to the next dimen..." I stopped realising I'd found the key on how android 20 got to my world. "...sion" I finished. "Oh no... that's how he get there..."
"Lee." Goku spoke up. "What's wrong?"
"My premonition. I saw the android killing my friend in my world. Which means he's killed here. But he continues on there. This is mondo bad..." I remarked.
"That's why you must go home." Piccolo remarked to me. Not because you're afraid. But because you want to save your world. But if that boy is still fighting two androids how can one be in your world and here at the same time?" Piccolo questioned.
I swallowed. "That's cause there's more than two androids." I replied lowering my head. I had just started to change the events of the dragonball world.
"What?!" Vegeta exclaimed.
"You knew this all along?" Goku asked me.
"Lee how many androids are there?" Yamcha added.
"I'm not to sure about six." I replied keeping my head down.
"Uh how many of them exist at the moment?" Goku asked.
"None. That I know of." I replied with a sigh.
"Six androids. So we must of defeated four." Tien replied.
"Two." I corrected. "The other two destroy each other."
Vegeta stalked up to me and I looked up at him. Well up in the one inch difference. Damn me for not wearing clanky Geri shoes.
"Girl I say you tell us all you know now before I blast you back to you're own dimension!" He growled.
"Do that and you'll never know anything." I replied coolly.
"Vegeta's right Lee we already know half of the story now." Goku remarked.
"I can't say. I'm sorry you guys." I turned away from them and began to walk off.
"Does the boy from the future know there is six?" Piccolo asked me.
I shook my head. "No in his time three were destroyed when he was only a baby."
I let out a sigh. "I wish I could tell you everything I know but I can't jeopardise anything else I've already said too much." I remarked.
"What do you mean?" Yamcha asked.
"Just by the boy coming back as he did he's altered time. This time line anyways. Five androids will be destroyed out of the six in three years. Two will destroy each other in the quest for freedom and more power. One will join our side in the final battle and the last one is no concern or worry." I looked over my shoulder at Krillen then at the others. "My knowledge is too much and I've jeopardised the future now. I should just go." I went to walk off.
"You do know the where a bouts of Dr. Gero's lab don't you?" Bulma asked.
"Yes. I guess I do." I replied.
"Then we do have time to finish the doctor off." Bulma said.
"But as Goku said. He hasn't done anything wrong yet. What type of people would we be to execute someone before they could change their future and their impact on the world they live in? If any of you gave me a gun and a lone bullet and the location of Adolph Hitler's school and sent me back in time to change history with that single bullet. I wouldn't do it because it would alter history as we know it." I explained.
Goku nodded. "She's right Bulma."
"Hmph. Of course you would agree with her wouldn't you Kakarott." He smirked.
"Vegeta." Piccolo growled. "Don't. Not now, not here."
I looked at Vegeta. "You're not worth my time Vegeta. I hold you in lowest of the low. So say what you want to, do whatever you want. I'm just happy knowing that you will never surpass Goku." I turned round and mentally scolded myself. What was I doing to these people I was altering history despite what I said I'd already fired that lone bullet and it was sailing straight towards Hitler and history was changing.
Vegeta grabbed me he was exceptionally strong. I'd only had a year of training and he'd been training all his life what did I think I was super girl? not compared to him. I knew he could destroy me but he hadn't I guess my knowledge kept me alive.
"I will prove you wrong girl. And when I do you'll be the first to go." He growled.
"Vegeta leave her alone." Goku remarked and I felt him pull me away.
I looked up at Goku and let out a breath and glared at Vegeta. "Jerk." I grumbled.
"Okay if you don't want to say anymore on the subject Lee we'll leave it at that." Goku remarked and he looked at me.
"Thanks." I replied.
Goku then turned to the others. "Okay then well meet here, um in three years from now, at nine am on may twelfth." He said. I looked at Goku he was actually looking forward to this battle I could see it in his expression. "And if you don't think you can handle it then don't bother showing up. Got it?"
"Kakarott I want you to know. That just because we've agreed to fight together, this time. I don't want you to start thinking anything has changed between us. Listen when this is over. We'll meet to settle the score." Vegeta growled.
I looked at Vegeta. 'Oh if he only knew Goku would die, but then again if he did he'd probably challenge him now.' I thought.
"Sure." Goku agreed with a smirk.
Vegeta growled and powered up and he took off with a blast back to Capsule Corp probably to see what equipment they had that he could train with.
I let out a sigh. "I hate that guy." I grumbled.
"Don't worry you'll get use to him." Yamcha remarked. "Probably not like him, but get used to him." He added.
Tien waved and Chaoitsu levitated up.
"Goodbye you guys. See you in three years." Tien said.
"See you later." Chaoitsu added and the two took off also.
"Be sure to drop us a line sometime!!" Krillen shouted after them.
"Train really hard we're counting on you guys okay!" Gohan shouted after them also.
Goku looked towards Piccolo. "Piccolo I need a training partner so what do you say it would make Gohan happy."
"Alright then. I'm in." Piccolo replied.
Gohan jumped up pumping his fist in the air. "Yeah alright."
Goku looked over. "Krillen, Yamcha, Lee. Care to join us?" Goku asked.
I blinked surprised. Goku just invited me to train with them. I wasn't sure that was a good idea. But I'd rather train with Goku than Vegeta.
"Uh no thanks I think I'm going to train with Master Roshi." Krillen replied.
"Yeah I like to train at my own pace. And besides I don't think I can keep up with you guys anyway." Yamcha replied.
Goku looked at me. "I uh don't actually know I don't know if I'm still going to be here in three years. You know friends trying to call me back and all."
"From what I've heard. You'll be here Lee." Piccolo spoke up.
"Uh I guess it wouldn't hurt. But I don't think Goku's wife will like me too much. I could be a bad influence on Gohan." I remarked.
Piccolo looked over at me. "You said you also wanted to talk to Goku." he spoke up.
Goku smiled. "Well then that's settled."
Bulma looked at me. "And if you get sick of Chi-chi pay me a visit okay?"
I smiled at Bulma. "Sure. Thing. I'll drop by next week sometime."
Bulma smiled. "It was nice to meet you Lee."
"You too."
"Okay see ya." Goku turned to leave with the group of us and then he stopped. "Oh and Bulma hope you have a healthy baby." he added.
The four of us powered up and flew off.
"See you in three years." Goku shouted back at them.
The arrival at Goku's place was nerve wrecking. I was wise- very wise. I stayed outside listening to Chi-chi yell at Goku from inside.
I looked over to the hole in the side of the house and I cringed and looked to Piccolo.
"That's one battle Goku will never win." Piccolo remarked.
I smirked. "Damn straight."
I don't know why, but Chi-chi hadn't even really bothered with me. She looked me over once and that was it. She didn't even think of me a possible threat.
Piccolo looked over at me as I stared at the house.
"Something bothering you kid?" He asked.
"I feel like such an intruder." I sighed.
Piccolo looked at me. "They'll come to accept you. From what Trunks said."
I nodded. "Yeah. I guess but I swear Vegeta's going to ruin that."
Piccolo shook his head. "He'll focus on getting stronger to fight the androids. Which is what you should do as well."
I looked over to the house. "Uh yeah." I replied.
I didn't like it much at Goku's the place was great and homely like, like ya can only imagine picture perfect. But I didn't feel right. I think Kame house would of been better. But there was no way I was going there any time to soon.
Sitting at the table that night I just poked at the food. Can you believe it fish? I hate fish. I hadn't touched the stuff in over a decade and they were expecting me to eat it? no way no how. I watched as Gohan and Goku ate. I looked at Chi-chi as she looked at the two. I looked down as she looked at me.
"You're awfully quiet Lee." Gohan remarked.
How perceptive kids are, even in an animated reality.
"I um guess I'm not used to this." I replied.
"Not used to what?" Gohan asked.
Not only are they perceptive they're overly curious.
"I grew up with my brother. My parents never around and when they did it was like they didn't even acknowledge us. This is just odd to see how much Chi-chi cares for your education. And seeing two parents together. It's odd. I'm only used to seeing my mom. My dad he's gone. He left us." I replied.
"You only had your mother? Where did your dad go?" Gohan asked.
I shrugged. "I don't know."
I ate the rest of the food leaving the fish Chi-chi looked at me.
"It's called fish Lee. It doesn't hurt." Goku remarked. "In fact it tastes real good. Chi-chi's a great cook." He smiled.
I nodded. "I don't eat fish. I don't eat meat." I replied.
"You don't?" Goku blinked.
I arched an eyebrow at him. I'd spent an entire year with him and he didn't even notice. How male.
Chi-chi looked at me. "Do you know how to cook?" She asked.
"Um... I'm no chef but I get by." I replied.
"So where is your brother?" Gohan asked.
"Last I heard he ran away. Legally though. He's eighteen." I replied.
"How is he at fighting?" Goku asked. I bet you he was thinking of pulling my bro in to help with the battle.
"He's a fighter. But he hasn't got much confidence. That's why I blame C.Kay. They talked him in to running away the first time. My mother was not impressed. Being as it's a racial gang thing." I replied.
"A gang?" Chi-chi remarked.
"Yeah they go round on bike and cars with chains and attack people and stuff?" I saw Chi-chi give me one of those looks of her and I continued on quickly. "It's sad really cause my bro was like really smart and stuff and he could of done so much better. If only he had someone there to edge him on." I stood up. "Well if you'll excuse me I think I might go for a walk."
"When you come back I'll show you where you can stay." Chi-chi said looking at me.
I nodded. Goku grabbed the fish off my plate and finished it in one go I shook my head and smiled.
"Guts." I remarked and picked the now empty plate up and I put it in the sink.
"Can't let it go to waste." Goku remarked to the stare from Chi-chi.
"Catch you guys. I should be back in about an hour or so." I remarked.
"Bye." Gohan called out to me.
I walked out hearing Chi-chi's voice. "She seems nice. But there's something wrong with her."
"She hasn't had an easy life so dad told me." Gohan spoke up.
I powered up and flew off. I was going to walk. Just not yet.
I landed in a desert not far off and looked off across the plain at the setting sun. I walked for a little bit and I floated up to a rock and sat on the top of it looking at the sun set. I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my chin on them.
I watched until it was and the stars were out. I tried to pick out familiar constellations. But there was only one. The planet Venus that set not long after the sun. Every other star was different.
I heard a pair of feet touch down behind me and I looked over my shoulder I blinked and stood up looking at Goku.
"Care for some company?" He asked.
"Goku you should be with your family." I replied.
"I know but I remembered you wanted to talk to me." He looked at me.
"Yeah well it doesn't seem important now after what Trunks said about the androids." I remarked.
"It's still important though." Goku remarked "I know I can tell."
I looked at Goku he was wearing a pair of jeans sneakers and that red Fred Flintstone shirt with a white tank top underneath it.
"It's about this bond I think I know of a spell that can sever it. I just need your permission. I can't perform a spell without the permission of the people it involves. It's a pretty simple spell. But I want to see how far this bond thing has run." I said.
Goku nodded. "Well you have my permission. And I'm sorry for dragging you back to my place. But I was sure you didn't want to be at Capsule Corp. With Vegeta or on Kame Island with Master Roshi." He replied.
I nodded. "Well as soon as I find some work I'm sure I can get my own place."
"But what about time for training too?" Goku asked.
I looked down thinking. "I suppose I have to go hard core for that and work would get in the way wouldn't it? I don't know how long I can stay at your place though. I just feel like the worst person in the world. Chi-chi doesn't even suspect anything of what happened with us."
Goku nodded. "I know. That's why it's best for you to do this spell and soon."
I looked to the sky then to the non existent moon. "Good thing it's a spell that doesn't require a certain phase of the moon or the moon it's self."
Goku smiled. "Oh that was Piccolo's handiwork."
I nodded. "That figures. Anyways I've got to find some cashola then I'll head in to town and find some stuff for this spell."
"But for now you should come back it's getting late." Goku remarked.
"Okay." I replied and the two of us lifted off and flew back.
We landed outside and Goku opened the door for me and I stepped inside. Chi-chi was sitting in front of their television watching the late night news report.
She looked at me. "Oh you're okay we were beginning to worry."
I nodded slowly. "I lost track of time. I'm so used to telling time by the where the stars and moon are positioned. I forgot you don't have the same stars I do."
Chi-chi smiled and she stood up. "Well I'll show you to the room. You're going to have to share with Gohan I hope you don't mind."
I shook my head. "No it's fine I had to share a room with my little brother when I was little."
I followed Chi-chi as she lead me to the room she pushed open the door and I looked inside. 'And to think this room will be Goten's in future.' I thought.
"Thank-you." I replied.
"Sleep well." She said and she walked off down the hallway.
I closed the door Chi-chi didn't seem to scream and shout at me. Why? I guess she was glad there was another female in the house. That or I hadn't pissed her off yet.
I wandered to the window and looked out to see Piccolo floating under a tree meditating. Gohan was sitting outside just watching his mentor. I smiled I closed the curtain. I changed in to a spare shirt of Goku's Chi-chi left me to sleep in it was extremely baggy. I looked over to see my two bags sitting in the corner and I blinked.
'Goku must of got them.' I thought as I climbed in to bed and turned out the light and went to sleep.
To Be Continued...