Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Strawberry Adolescence ❯ The Heiress Makes Her Entrance ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Strawberry Adolescence by xinnocentlyxguiltyx

I am writing down this "autobiography" of Buruma Briefs, the woman who started dragonball, not because I her biggest fan but because she is one on of the few characters I have come to strongly dislike. It's not necessarily because of her character in the show/manga but because of the way she is portrayed in fanfiction. Truthfully most fanfics focused on her make her seem too innocent, too bitchy, too dark, too bubbly, or too perfect. The point is to see her development throughout DB/Z/GT. There will be B/OC, B/Y, and B/V. This is just a little experiment to help me appreciate her character more and hopefully save the reputations of others i.e. Yamucha, Vegeta, possibly Goku. So anyways read, enjoy and review.

Prologue: The Heiress Makes Her Entrance

On the morning of February 12, 733 AD, at 2:47 a baby girl was born to Dr. Ian and Victoria Briefs in West Capital General Hospital. The girl is of course me, shouldn't take much to figure that out considering this is my autobiography. As you can see my father was not "blessed" with a name having to do with underwear. It was my mother's brilliant idea to name me after women's gym shorts or panties whatever the hell you want to call it. It's still a pun off women's undergarments. My mom never brought it to her consideration that my moniker would result in years of name calling from my "peers"; no of course not she thought it was adorable. My middle name is Lingerie. My father didn't exactly help; he was so in love with my mom that he would chop of a hand and a leg for her. So he automatically agreed with her on a lot things.

It really wasn't that horrible but only because I was born into Capsule Corporation, the richest company in the world. So having a name like mine really isn't that bad when you have 7.4 trillion zeni behind it. My parents always made sure I got what I wanted.

"Daddy I want this toy!"

"Princess, it's yours."

"Momma, get me that dress!"

"Ask your daddy, dear."

"Daddy can I have that dress!?!"

"I can only give you the best, poppet."

It came with the territory of being the first and only child. They always told me I was the most beautiful and intelligent child in the world. I was perfect in their eyes and eventually I believed it myself and I still do to a degree. It wasn't abnormal, I mean I did it to my son when he was born, God knows he wasn't going to get it from his father. The thing is I didn't grow out of that attitude until I was in my late twenties, when I met my significant other.

I never went to pre-school or kindergarten like most kids my age at the time. In fact I was home schooled with a tutor until high school. I enjoyed staying home and watching my dad work in his lab. Frankly I found the "My Lil' Mechanic" play set my father got me much more entertaining than the "Easy-bake" oven my mother gave me on my 5th birthday. Now it's starting sound like I detested my mother but I really didn't, it's just that I was a huge Daddy's girl and the things my mom wanted me to do I wasn't interested in. My mom did want me to go to school so I could have a better opportunity to improve my social skills of which weren't exactly polished. My dad felt that it was better for me to stay home where I was already happy. By the time I got through my ninth tutor my parents decided it was time to thrust me into a world of hell and betrayal… preparatory school.

Chapter One: West Capital Preparatory Academy

My parents literally had to drag me into this hellhole. I tried everything to make them let me stay home, crying, bribery, threatening to commit suicide. I wouldn't have been so against if they hadn't registered me as a boarder, so I could only go home during breaks. The headmaster and headmistress were very nice when they spoke to me but that was when my parents were there. By the time my parents had seen the school and my dorm, they were absolutely positive this was the perfect school for me to go to. I thought they were on crack. Once my parents left and the headmaster had gone to make his pitch for the school to some other prospective families, the headmistress for the girl's dorm began to show her true colors. I can quote exactly what she said to me. She said:

"I know that you think that just because your parents have the money to send you here and can assist in funding this school that you can walk around here like a princess. We have many other students here that come from money. I'm sure you realize that boys and girls are never permitted to be in each others dorms so don't try anything funny. I can tell you enjoy male company. We do not condone smoking or drinking anywhere on the property Here is your dorm, your things have already been brought up for you."

Oh yes, the perfect school for me to go to. My room was not great but it wasn't bad. It had a desk, jack for my laptop, queen sized bed, a dresser and closet oh and a roommate. I had a roommate, just bloody lovely. I found her sitting on her bed in her own neat little corner of the room. She didn't notice I entered the room until I coughed to get her attention. I swear she had a mini spaz before she could get herself under control to say hi to me. She said her name was Haley and she like me was a freshman. She looked really shy; I had to keep asking questions to keep her talking. At least she wasn't annoyingly talkative and I knew I could get some peace and quiet. She was very easy to live with I must admit, if I wanted to do something, I could and if I wanted something she would, get it for me as long as it was within the rules.

We had the same first period together; it was nice not to walk alone especially in this school. Haley took the liberty of showing me who everyone was and what clique they were in. The jocks, artists, thespians, cheerleaders, gamers, otakus, ravers, etc, it's the same in every school you go to. It shocked me to see that Haley was part of a popular group of girls in the school. I immediately disliked them. Very snobby, very fake. They acted as if I wanted to join their group which I'd rather not. I knew it would just wind up in a bunch of back stabbing. Their self proclaimed leader, Jacqueline looked like she didn't want anything to do with me until she learned my name.

"Buruma, you just got here right? You should hang out with us until you get on your feet. We're having a party in my room on Saturday, wanna come?" She asked in a sickeningly fake voice.

Stupidly I said "Yeah, sure why not." As nice as Jacqueline seemed there was still tension between us especially when it was about one subject, boys. Jacqueline is a tall brunette with natural blonde highlights, jade green eyes, with a small button nose and a model's figure. She had to have a flock of guys following her. The problem was once I stepped in that flock of boys started following me, the girl with the "exotic" lavender hair, dark blue eyes, petite figure, and breasts that came in the room before she did. Never did understand what made teenage boys into drooling neanderthals at the sight of a girl's chest. I loved every second of taking the spotlight from her, it's just the way I was. Looking back on it now, I had no shame. I was a tease and flirt and didn't care who knew it.

I quickly discovered why my roommate was even allowed to breathe the same air as these girls, she was practically their slave. She did anything for them. I talked to her about it sometimes but she didn't really mind as long as she was accepted by them in anyway she happy. The Saturday late night parties they had were completely against the schools regulations, there was drinking, smoking, and guys sneaking in and out every fifteen or so minutes. I wasn't against it, the school was boring, and this was fun. I avoided the drinking and smoking aspect but the boys were always welcome. I think you can tell I liked the boys, a lot. Enough to give away my virginity, no. Unfortunately, I got the attention of Jacqueline's "love" interest before she did. That pissed her off, I didn't care. Big mistake on my part, and she was going to make sure I paid for it.

To Be Continued…

Eh, kind of short and not really interesting but trust me I'm starting the beginning of the dragonball hunt next chapter. Or at least I hope I can get an introduction to. Hope you like it, leave a review, tell me if you like it or hate, if either tell me why. After you do that, go check out my other fic, Every Five Minutes. It's a Gen-Z fic and if you don't want to read that, at least read DoraMouse's work since she is the one who inspired me to do this.