Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Surprise! She's a WHAT?! ❯ Chapter 19

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: The usual. Akira Toriyama owns Dragonball Z. All original characters are mine! No suing please!

SSAW?!: Ch19

"What do you mean?" Chichi asked, worried.

"The castle is guarded by demons. Plus it floats slightly above a lake. We cannot just storm the castle to rescue Goten, but we may have to do that. But we need a way to go to that route." Destiny answered.

"Demons as the ones that hurt Gohan and Katherine?" Bulma inquired.

"Apparently so. Demons are tackled slightly different then you would a normal person. They are most vulnerable to holy attacks, which Irene, Robert, and their daughter possess.. Anyone can kill demons if they have the right amount of skill and strength." Destiny confirmed.

"So holy attacks would be effective against them? Anything else wouldn't?" Goku asked.

"Not necessarily Goku. Your blasts would kill demons too. We could show a form of fusion that would aid you in this upcoming battle." Robert responded.

"A fusion? Two of us already can do a fusion." Chichi stated.

"What?!" both Irene and Robert cried.

/ I believe that is your cue. / Destiny spoke mentally.

Katherine and Gohan walked out to the center of the group. Irene, puzzled why her daughter and Gohan would be out there. Did they know something they didn't? The two saiyans placed their two palms together in the exact position and a light engulfed them. When the light faded, the king and queen gasped. Now only one person stood where Katherine and Gohan used to be.

"As you can see we can fuse together. Call us Kahn." Kahn said.

"How did you manage that?" Robert asked.

"By accident. For three days we were stuck fused because Katherine's device hit us. After we separated, we discovered that the side affect was we can fuse together by placing our palms together in a certain way." Kahn answered. The fusion split back into Katherine and Gohan.

"Katherine, we were meaning to ask you why Gabriel attacked you. Although we sent him to find you, I did not expect him to use force." Irene inquired.

Katherine stayed silent for a while, not responding. She finally found her gaze settling on her parents. "I found out a secret about Gabriel when I was fourteen. Now don't get started about why I didn't tell you. You two were busy in getting me engaged with him, so I couldn't tell you without breaking your hearts. I found that Gabriel was having an affair with his second-in-command, Jasmine. They were in the room that we gave to Gabriel while he stayed at our palace." she replied.

Irene paled and things clicked into place why her daughter might have left Dalmor.

Robert never felt so much anger in his life and of all people it had to be Gabriel. He would have a talk with him.

Katherine then explained everything from when Goten and Trunks found her unconscious to the present situation.

"Vulcan did WHAT?! I thought he died when we killed him!" Irene breathed.

"Whoa! This Vulcan is the guy that hurt Katherine. That would explain why we found her like we did." Bulma stated.

"Yes. He told me he survived my parents' assault because he was immortal." Kat said.

Robert nearly blew his calmness.

Irene's anger rose. Her hair flickered from dark blonde to a lighter blonde.

"Immorality?! That's impossible! How did he obtain that Tanaka?" Vegeta exclaimed.

"He didn't say. Besides I haven't seen him since he attacked me. Probably assumed I was dead." Kat said.

"Let's get this straight. We have Gabriel after you for hurting Jasmine. Mars and Videl are after the saiyans and this Vulcan guy." Krillin recalled.

"Exactly Krillin." Kat said.

"How are we going to Goten back?" Goku asked.

No one really had a brilliant idea yet to get inside, but…

"Remember when we said we knew of a fusion technique? Well, we will teach it anyone to fuse." Robert announced.

"You can't mean everyone here! I can't fight, sense ki or even fly! So why would I need to know it?" Bulma exclaimed.

"Everyone has the power within to so such things. Just watch." Irene explained.

Everyone stopped back to give Irene and Robert room. They stood three feet apart, looking at each other. Brown eyes met sapphire. Their palms touched each other like Gohan and Kat did to fuse. "Rfeqhz hr Gqloc!" Irene and Robert spoke. (Fusion of Light!). Their bodies became transparent and they came together. A bright, white light caused everyone to shield his or her eyes. When they looked back, their jaws dropped. Standing in front of them appeared to be a female.

"W-What? That's possible?!" Jasper gasped.

"What? Female versions of a fusion exist. Even Kahn has a female version of himself. This fusion technique won't work if you don't say the words at the same time. The two people selected do not need to be equal in power, the technique will adjust that. This fusion has no time limit, a fusion can split if they're too injured or whatever." the new fusion responded.

"What did they say?!" Vegeta demanded.

"They said: Fusion of Light" Gohan replied.

Goku thought as to whom he would like to fuse. He would like to fuse with Gohan, but he has Katherine to fuse. That fusion could be used a backup. Besides he had the perfect candidate to fuse with. The savior of Earth shifted his gaze at Vegeta and smiled.

Vegeta saw the look that Goku was giving him and he snorted. "I will not fuse with him!!" he declared.

:: Shall we get Vegeta to fuse with your dad Gohan? ::

:: Certainly ::

"Why not Vegeta? The fusion between you and my dad would kick ass. Second to Kahn of course." Gohan spoke.

"You're not afraid to fuse with Goku are you Vegeta? I'll tell Bulma something very interesting if you don't…" Kat added.

The prince of saiyans focused his stern gaze on them. "I'm not afraid to fuse with Kakarot, I absolutely refuse to fuse with him! What could you possibly Bulma that would be so entertaining?" Vegeta retorted.

"Oh, while we were at my place looking at the books on Planet Vegeta…" Kat supplied.

"What did he say while you two were at your place? This has to be interesting…" Gohan said.

Vegeta's eye twitched as he remembered to what Katherine was talking about. *She wouldn't dare tell the woman the comment about her bad cooking. She better not!*

"Er, fine. I am only doing this because Kahn will be weaker then this fusion between Kakarot and me. Come on Kakarot." Vegeta finally said.

Goku smiled inwardly and joined Vegeta in the center. Placing their palms together, they closed their eyes. Surprisingly the two full-blooded saiyans spoke, "Fusion of Light!"

Katherine and Gohan covered their eyes and then they gasped. In front of them stood the new fusion, whose height was neither Goku's nor Vegeta's. Their eyes were black and so was their hair. The blue gi with an orange shirt, white gloves and boots. This fusion smirked, looking at two specific people.

"Well? I don't have all day." the fusion retorted.

"That smug smirk, the gloves, and boots remind me of Vegeta." Bulma said.

"It does. But the outfit is like my Goku's." Chichi said.

The fusion between Irene and Robert, Rene chuckled. "This outta be fun." she said. Rene wore a blue-grey training gi complete with grey boots and gloves. Her blue-grey eyes watched the group. Her soft brown hair up in a fancy warrior braids.

Gohan and Katherine grinned and became Kahn.

"You're…" Kahn trailed off.

"Vegito." Vegito supplied, blasting off in the sky.

Kahn shrugged and followed.

"I'll go keep an eye on them." Destiny spoke up.

"I want to go!" Trunks cried.

The goddess nodded and they left.

The remaining Z-fighters were left with Rene.

"So… who wants to hear a joke?" Krillin inquired,

Kahn found Vegito in the place where the battle with Goku's older brother took place. His soft blue eyes studied Vegito, who had his arms crossed. Vegito did not attempt to attack first. *Vegito probably waiting for me to attack first. We'll see about that.* Kahn phased out and re-appeared behind Vegito. He raised his elbow forward to jam Vegito in the back, but Vegito blocked it with his arm and punched Kahn in the side.

"Ow!! You actually sensed me?" Kahn asked.

"Don't tell me you have become a bit dense up there." Vegito spoke.

Kahn just glared at the fusion. Vegito delivered a swift kick to Kahn, but Kahn dodged it. Kahn threw a fist to Vegito's face, Vegito turned his head to avoid it and landed an uppercut to Kahn's jaw. This caused Kahn to stumble back and Vegito raised his palm. Kahn looked up to see a blast aiming for him. "Crap." Kahn muttered. He managed to send it aside and watched Vegito phase out. He looked over his shoulder to see Vegito's elbow slam into his back. Kahn fell to the ground, face-first.

Trunks winced slightly. "That had to hurt." he muttered.

Destiny made no comment, but her sea-green eyes sparkled.

Kahn spit out dirt and sensed Vegito behind him. He rolled aside to avoid a kick. Vegito recovered to hover above Kahn.

"Had enough yet?" Vegito smirked.

"Not yet." Kahn replied.

The two fusions engaged in a fast action phase of punches and kicks. Vegito, amazed that Kahn could keep up with him, but eventually tossed the fusion back on the ground. Kahn shook his head and flashed a glare at Vegito. He flew up only to get blasted on the ground again.

"Alright! That's it!!" Kahn spat, flaring into SSJ. Before Vegito could deliver a smart-ass remark, Kahn socked him in the jaw. Vegito rubbed his jaw and smiled amusingly.

"So you managed to 'really' hit me." Vegito said, becoming a SSJ.

Kahn fumed at his remark.

"Shouldn't we be thinking of a way to save Goten?" Trunks asked.

"Of course we should be Trunks, but we do need a break to re-gather our thoughts." Destiny replied.

SSJ Vegito dropped his unknown fighting stance causing Kahn to do the same. The cloaked stranger watched this scene unfold. A break from fighting seemed to work well with this group, but they need to get back on track. "There is more at stake then they might realize." the stranger spoke. They had been watching Kahn and the others from afar ever since Kahn had woken up. The cloaked stranger phased out.

Both fusions raised one fist to strike each other when someone blocked them. Vegito's eyes darkened a bit at the interference. Kahn stared at the cloaked stranger, then drew a sharp breath as the memory returned.

"It's you." Kahn breathed.

"Huh? Who is that?!" Trunks said.

"What is going on here?" Destiny said. Both her and Trunks flew over.

"How dare you interrupt this fight!" Vegito retorted.

"Perhaps it is for the best. There is something I need to say to everybody." the stranger spoke.

"What do you mean?" Kahn inquired.

"You'll see…" the stranger answered. The cloaked stranger flew off, apparently knowing where to go.

The group of four followed the stranger.

Videl kept wondering why Katherine and then this boy tell her she should reconsider her current path. Did they have a point? "No. They're wrong. This is what I want to do." Videl said. She went off to find Mars.

Mars sat in his throne room when Videl entered.

"Master, what if they find where this boy is?" Videl inquired.

"There's a very slim chance they could. But I have an idea. Why don't I simply open a gate from this world to theirs? That way they will find us easily. That doesn't mean we will not be prepared for them." Mars responded.

"That's perfect. You have enough demons to do this task?" Videl said.

Mars stood to address her concern. "There's plenty to take care of them. How much time should I give them to prepare?"

"I'd say about an hour."

"That can be arranged Videl." Mars called his top officers and told them to get ready for intruders to come in an hour. He instructed them to use their full potential against them. Mars motioned Videl to follow him.

Goten sat in his cell, bored. "It's no fun without Trunks here." he muttered. His senses told him two people were coming. He looked to see Videl and Mars.

"Your brother and Katherine will be coming along with others to rescue you." Mars spoke.

Goten's eyes lit up. "Really?" he asked.

"Of course they are." Videl said.

"Good. Then Kahn will wipe the floor with you!" Goten declared.

"Yes, yes. Now come with us." Mars said, slightly irritated.

"Nuh-huh. I'm staying here until my oniisan comes." Goten stated firmly.

"You will come with us." Videl spoke, coming in the cell.

Goten chose to stand up to his full height and crossed his arms. "You can't make me." he said.

Videl grabbed the sleeve of his arm and tried to drag him out. She found Goten wouldn't budge an inch. She pulled harder only to find Goten kick her in the knee. Videl let go and stumbled back. Mars wore a cold face and stated, "Enough foolishness." He grabbed Goten tightly and picked him up. Mars walked away and Videl followed.

"You got to be kidding me!" Jasper exclaimed.

"Oh come on Jasper! Wouldn't you do the same when you and Katherine fought together?" Selene retorted.

"Well yeah." Jasper admitted.

Rene sensed five people coming toward them. *Five? I thought they were only four?*

"Kahn and Vegito are back." Rene announced.

Eighteen saw Kahn, Vegito, Destiny, Trunks, and a cloaked stranger? approach.

"Who is that?" Eighteen asked in a neutral tone.

Kahn made a notion to speak, but the cloaked stranger waved their hand to be silent.

"Allow me to show you." the stranger replied, tossing the cloak off. The stranger turned out to be a female?! Her smoky brown hair twisted up in many braids, her blue-green eyes serious. She wore an unknown teal warrior's outfit.

"I am Callista. I am very much aware of your situation. The rescue for Goten will be sooner then you like. This I have foreseen. It appears that Kahn has not told you how they know me." Callista spoke.

"What? Kahn knows you? How?" Chichi demanded.

Kahn blinked at Chichi for a moment before answering. "Well… remember when I said something about a white void?" Chichi seemed to recall this and nodded. "Good. Callista is the person that spoke to me while I was knocked out for two days. I saw how Videl tried to attack me by a screen that was located in this white void. Good thing she talked me out of trying to help Goten and Trunks. I would have been too weak to help and probably dead." Kahn said.

"Er, okay Kahn." Krillin spoke.

"Soon? We don't have a plan as of yet…" Bulma said.

"How soon are you talking about?" Chichi asked.

"I don't know. That I did not foresee. I have a feeling it will occur soon if not very." Callista responded.

"How are we going to rescue my son?" Chichi asked.

"When we get there, somehow, we will split into groups and go from there." Rene spoke.

"That may the best idea so far. That could work." Goku said.

For nearly an hour the assembled Z-Fighters came to a decision as to how to divide into groups.

Group 1: Kahn, Trunks (who insisted), and Vegito (no surprise).

Group 2: Eighteen, Krillin, Selene, and Jasper.

Group 3: Rene, Destiny, and Callista.

It was decided that the remaining would stay in case Earth is attacked for a strange reason.

"Keep an eye on my daughter Bulma." Eighteen said.

"I will. I'll inform Yamcha and the others of the situation. I'll send someone to let Piccolo know…" Bulma trailed off.

"No need for that." Piccolo said, joining the group.

"Piccolo, stay here in case Earth is attacked." Vegito spoke.

Piccolo acknowledged this and mentioned that Dende had told him what was going on.

"Excellent. Here let me heal everyone." Destiny said. A white light engulfed the group and healed any injuries or such.

"I gather that is Goku and Vegeta? So Vegeta lowered his pride I see." Piccolo commented.

"It was only to beat Kahn up." Vegito scoffed.

Kahn rolled his eyes in disgust.

Mars satisfied that his men were ready, nodded to Videl. "It's time." he said.

"Yes it is." Videl commented.

Behind them Goten, who was chained to a pole, struggled to break free. He noted that they might be stronger then him, but not against his oniisan. The young half-saiyan didn't get why Videl and Mars were so cheerful. "My oniisan, Katherine, and daddy are coming for you! You'll regret this!" Goten called out.

"We'll see." Mars said. He lifted his hands and chanted.

A sudden gust of wind caught everyone's attention and they turned around. A large circular shape began to appear until it looked like a circle of ripples in water.

"What is that thing?" Trunks asked.

"I believe that is a gate of some sort." Kahn answered. The fusion walked up to the gate.

"Are you nuts!?" Jasper exclaimed.

"No." Kahn responded. The fusion raised his hand and stuck it in the gate. Nothing happened. He withdrew his hand. Krillin breathed a sigh of relief until he looked back. Kahn took a deep breath and walked into the gate.

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What has Kahn gotten himself into? Why did the fusion walk into the gate without hesitation? Find out next chapter. Read and review!

Destiny's Light