Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Surviving Together: A New Legacy ❯ Agony ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Surviving Together: A New Legacy

Chapter 10 - Agony

"So you've learned some new tricks? Too bad they won't do you any good."

Bulma's lips trembled as her eyes focused on the figure pulling at her hair. "No! It can't be! You're dead!"

"Me? I was just about to say the same thing to you." Nappa smirked as he twisted her body around so they could be eye-to-eye. He crushed her body roughly against his chest as she struggled to shake her hands free. "I must say when I saw you eating lunch with that sorry excuse for a captain, I almost fell out of my chair. Imagine my shock to see that you lasted with Zarbon's foolish sister for more than a day, but I guess you're just full of surprises aren't you?"

"How the hell are you still alive?!?!!" Bulma demanded, dazed by the fact that Nappa was standing right in front of her. "All of Freeza's men where killed when Freeza was defeated. Why the hell were you spared?"

Nappa's smirk widened considerably. "You really haven't met the 'Emperor' yet have you?"

Bulma's eyes narrowed. "Why the hell would I want to? If he keeps scum like you around I sure as hell want nothing to do with him!"

"And that's exactly why I'm here my dear. I am going to see that you have nothing to do with him ever again!"

"Again?! Nappa, what the hell are you talking about!? I was brought here to help your damn group of cronies kill Cooler, after that I'm gone! You're wasting your time with me!" She argued as she tried to release herself from his tightening grasp.

"You always were the picture of innocence weren't you? That little act you put on with Vegeta. Don't think I didn't know what you were doing. Wrapping him around your little finger, getting him to think you cared for him, and then using him to escape. I must say, it was brilliant. Few people could have fooled the Saiya-jin prince as you did. You should be proud."

"Proud!" Bulma practically screamed. "I loved Vegeta! You and Radditz never understood that! Vegeta was a better man than either of you. He saved my life out of honor! Not because I manipulated him into thinking I cared for him. Vegeta was never that foolish and the fact that you accuse him of such just proves that you never knew him at all!"

"You stupid bitch!" Nappa roared as he shook her small body and threw her across the room, slamming her roughly into a wall. "Do you actually believe that garbage? Vegeta wanted you for sex just as Radditz and I did. He held no other emotional attachment to you besides lust! A weak emotion! You were nothing but a weakness to him!"

Bulma grumbled as she got back on her feet. Letting out a harsh chuckle, she glared furiously at the bald giant. Needless to say, he was quite baffled by her quick recovery. "You know nothing of what Vegeta and I shared, you never did."

"Is that so?" Nappa asked as he dematerialized and rematerialized directly in front of her. He grabbed her neck, pinning her to the wall. "You think I don't understand huh? I understand perfectly well what that fool did for you. Getting you off the ship, to protect you! To bad it got him killed in the end." Nappa smirked, as he the little lie would hit a nerve. "Why yes, Freeza beat him to death right after you escaped. He spent hours pounding the life out of the boy. Freeza, demanded to know where you both went, but the fool stayed quiet, so in a sense, you killed him!" Nappa roared. The mere lie caused Bulma great pain and Nappa was enjoying every moment of it.

"No." Bulma's face flushed as she blinked back tears. "I won't believe it!" She screamed as she tucked her knees into her chest and then kicked them out making contact with Nappa's stomach, sending him flying across the room. She jumped back to her feet quickly and prepared to fight.

As Nappa watched her step into a fighting stance, he began to laugh. "You must be joking? You aren't actually going to try and fight me are you?"

"I'm not some scared sixteen-year-old child anymore Nappa. I will not cower down to you and I sure as hell will not go down without a fight." She growled before charging at him.

The bold move caught the Saiya-jin completely off guard, knocking him straight into the couch. He snarled as he slowly got back on his feet. "You won't win this wench!" Nappa screamed as he charged towards her. He sent a knee into her mid-section and as she doubled over he brought his fist across her face; a combination that sent her spiraling to the ground. Bulma moaned as she curled up to protect her stomach. The punch had her gasping for breath, as she hadn't expected him to put all the strength he possessed behind it.

"Pathetic." He shook his head as he grabbed her by the arms and pulled her into the air. "Not even two punches later and you're done."

"Not…yet!" She breathed as she swung her legs up to capture his neck between her ankles. She twisted free of his hold as she slammed his body to the ground. With the last of her energy, she began to form a ki blast as she rose. She waited until he stood on his feet before aiming it directly at his chest. The force of the blast sent him crashing into the opposite wall breaking a lamp and the closet door.

Trying to escape, Bulma ran towards the entrance. However, she soon realized that she would never make it in time as she saw Nappa standing in front of her face. He was bloody and his clothes were torn to shreds but he was definitely not out. "Bitch, I was going to kill you quickly but now…now, I'll have some fun with you first!" He growled as he backhanded her. The force of the slap sent her flying into the couch.

Bulma tried to get back up but her energy was depleted. She moaned as she felt herself being pulled off the couch by her shirt. She could feel him drag her body towards her bedroom where he threw her carelessly on the bed. She tried once again to pick herself up but to no avail. She used all her strength trying to fight off the brute and now she was helpless to stop him. She almost let out a cry as she felt Nappa press against her. She could tell he was quite aroused by their little fight. That thought alone almost made her retch.

The disgusting man licked his lips, as he looked at the badly beaten woman crushed against him. The scent of her blood alone excited him. "I must say, I'm going to enjoy this. You must be quite a good fuck in order to have kept Vegeta's interest. This is going to be fun." He chuckled as he ran a finger down the center of her chest tearing the fabric right down the middle. After roughly nipping her neck, he moved down to rip away her pants when she began to speak again.

"You fool..." She hissed as she tried to push his hands away. "You can kill me now, but you'll be signing your own death warrant."

"Oh?" Nappa mocked, quite interested by her feeble attempt to threaten him. "How so? Vegeta's not here to protect your sorry ass anymore. So do tell me? How will I be in danger?"

"That's where you're wrong Nappa." She coughed up some blood as she sent the man the most condescending smirk she could form. One that would make even Vegeta proud. "Vegeta saw to it that I'd have his protection till the day I die by giving me his…son." She whispered the word with more pride than any other she had ever spoken.

Nappa's eyes widened as he gulped in sheer terror. "No! No that half pint brat can't be Vegeta's heir! He can't be!"

"That he is! And coming after me, I promise, will be the last mistake he ever lets you make." She sent him a look of triumph, at least she could go to her grave knowing the bastard would soon follow.

Nappa roared as he pushed his hardness between her thighs. She screamed as he almost managed to rip through her clothes with the one act. "Then if I am to die, I'll see to it I get one hell of a going away party out of you." He ripped away what was left of her pants, leaving her broken frame barely covered by her ripped silk underwear. He purred as he roughly grabbed her breasts and wrapped his tail possessively around her already bruised thigh. He rocked his body on top of hers to make certain she was nicely crushed before he moved to rid himself of his remaining garments. Once he had eliminated all of his confining apparel his brought his hardened length up to her nearly unconscious face.

Bulma could feel tears streaming down her face. She couldn't believe it was all going to end like this. How could she have let this happen? If there were any truth to Nappa's words and Vegeta died protecting her how could she allow it to end like this? How could she let his death be in vain?

She tried making herself believe that this was a nightmare by shutting her eyes when suddenly she heard him order, "Open wide, bitch. Taste what a real man is like." He moved to jam his penis into the woman's blood filled mouth. However, he hadn't thrust but once when Bulma grabbed his length in her blood soaked hands. He screamed as she squeezed with all her strength.

"Say goodbye to sex for the rest of your miserable life." She growled as she reached under her pillow and pulled out the dragger she so religiously kept under her head at night. Nappa had no time to react as the dagger sliced right through the base of his once hardened shaft. The appendage fell limply to the bed as he let out a mind-numbing howl. Grabbing his groin with both hands, he couldn't believe that she had stripped him of his manhood. He dropped his head forward onto the bed as tears began to fill his eyes.

If Bulma hadn't been in so much pain, she would've laughed in his face. The second she 'relieved' Nappa from his accessory, she crawled off the bed before he could topple over her in agony. Her body was completely cut and bruised. Her skin reeked of his sex. All she wanted was a shower to clean herself from his filth. She also wanted to cover herself before her son came home and faced what a nine-year-old boy should never see. Her tears flowed freely as she thought of her son. She had begged him never to leave her and now she was the one leaving.

Bulma hadn't walked more than five steps from the bed when she collapsed and her mind drifted into unconsciousness. Her last thoughts were of her son and how unfair it was for him to lose both his parents before the age of ten.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< br>
The sound was ear piecing, and then an ominous silence ensued. After the pair exchanged worried glances, they sped towards the room in lightening speed.

When they entered the living quarters, it was pitch black.

"Mom?" Trunks called as he entered to search the room. However, Vegeta grabbed the boy by his shoulder stopping him from moving any further.

"What?" Trunks questioned, frustrated by being restrained.

"Listen." Walking into the room, Vegeta picked up on a very low-pitch sound that seemed a lot like weeping. The whimpering didn't anger him as much as the scent he sniffed in the air. The room reeked of blood and a drifting scent of semen. The combination brought him sheer rage.

Trunks noticed the scent of blood, but he was too young to decipher the other scent. As Trunks' eyesight began adjusting to the darkness, he noticed the room's disarray. Most of the disorder, however, was in the direction of his mother's chamber. "That's my mom's bedroom." He pointed in the direction of the stench. He moved to go in, but Vegeta stopped him again. "Stay here." He ordered as he moved ahead.

"No!" Trunks disagreed determinedly. "If my mother is hurt I want to help her!"

Vegeta grabbed the boy again as he tried to move once more. "I said wait here, I'll take care of it."

"She's my mother!" Trunks argued.

"And that is exactly why you won't go in!" Vegeta then stiffened his hand and hit the boy in the neck area knocking the child unconscious.

'No boy should see this.' Vegeta thought as he was filled with a momentary sense of emotion. Based on his keen sense of smell, he knew exactly what he would find. The stench grew stronger as he got closer. Vegeta contemplated the many different ways he could kill whoever dare defy his laws.

As he entered the room, thoughts of punishing the attacker changed to surprise as he saw his Saiya-jin counterpart in a fetal position grabbing his groin area. His surprise once again turned to complete rage at the sight. In the blink of an eye, he hoisted the weeping man up by his neck. "How dare you!" Vegeta roared in his face. "You know my law Nappa! You also know that I will carry out the sentence! What the hell would make you lose enough sense to rape a goddamn scientist that I brought here to work for me?!"

The man continued to whimper as he tried to speak. "Please…kill me."

Vegeta's eyes widened as he looked down and finally took notice of Nappa's sad state. Vegeta couldn't help but laugh manically as he realized the bastard received exactly what he deserved. After a few seconds, Vegeta got back to the situation at hand. "Where is she?" He asked with as much threat and fear as he could ooze into the three words.

"Dead." Nappa hissed, hoping that to be the reality. Vegeta growled as he threw Nappa's body behind him. He had been a fool to allow the man to live this long. He shared as much responsibility for the woman's death as Nappa.

He sought out the woman's body with his highly attuned senses. It didn't take long before he picked up the fresh scent of blood. Slowly, he made his way towards the scent. He followed it to the other side of the room. His eyes fell on a pair of naked legs. As he moved closer he saw more of the woman's shapely curves. Since her flesh was exposed, he could tell that her upper body was completely covered by bruises. A torn pair of silk underwear and a shredded blood soaked bra were all that were left to covered her skin.

When he was finally close enough to see her face, his heart stopped. 'No.' His mind screamed as he saw her. The face, the blue locks! It was her! His woman!

Vegeta's mind went numb as he was mentally transported to the past.


"Up monkeys!" Dodoria hissed as he opened the door to the general room that connected the three Saiya-jins sleeping chambers.

Nappa, Radditz and the Vegeta all stumbled out of their rooms rather disheveled considering it was the middle of the night. "What can we do for you Lord Dodoria?" Nappa asked with false respect.

"It seems to be a lucky day for you monkeys." The purplish man chuckled. "Lord Freeza has a gift for you three primates."

The three Saiya-jins looked at each other with suspicious glances. They had no idea what a 'gift' from Freeza entailed. "What kind of gift, sir?" Radditz asked a little worried.

"Oh, it's quite a delicious one." Zarbon interrupted as he strutted into the room catching the attention of all four men. The three Saiya-jins stared in shock at the broken woman in his arms. It was obvious she had been severely beaten.

"You fools don't deserve this." Zarbon hissed as he dropped Bulma's unconscious body on the floor.

Nappa and Radditz licked their lips in excitement, as they looked at the scantily clad, bruised, broken female. "She looks Saiya-jin." Radditz grinned.

"She's an earthling." Dodoria said with disgust as he crossed his arms. He could barely stand the sight of her. "I should warn you apes, her species is very fragile, the slightest tap will break a bone so if you want her to live long, don't be too rough." The man chuckled as he looked at Zarbon. "Shall we leave?" He asked before glancing back towards the tailed men across from him. "I really don't want to see monkeys mate."

****End Flashback****

Was history repeating itself? Vegeta was suddenly shocked back to reality, but the present reality was even worse than the past memory. She was more broken than he felt his stomach could stand. His woman! The woman he vowed to protect was alive all this time and what had he done! He had mourned her ten years all to find out she had survived without him! She survived until now! Until he destroyed her home, until he brought her here, until he let live the beast that raped her. He felt his fury inside him rise, as the only emotion he could deal will welled up inside of him. Logical thought had left him the moment that he had seen the face of the only woman he had ever cared for. The woman he had thought dead. His woman.

Vegeta's hair turned yellow and his eyes turned green as his entire body unleashed pure rage. The pain was too much to bear. He let out a spin-chilling howl; the entire planet was to feel his agony.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Author's Note: Awwwwweeee……. And you all thought the last chapter's ending was bad… Ok, Ok, no more teasing. I'll be a nice author this time and go start writing the next chapter immediately. No previews this time, I'm leaving you all guessing. Next chapter in a few…