Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Toppings ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own DBZ, so please refrain from suing me.

ahhh yes, SSM is back with a little treat while everyone is waiting for the next chapters of her stories!

My second lemon...hope it don't stink too bad!

Sweet Toppings by Star Spangle Mistress

The house was blistering hot with no relief in sight. The middle of July heat wave struck hard leaving the two-demi saiyans with out their air conditioning once again for the night. Trunks swore up and down that he was going to get a new one for the small capsule home that Goten and himself lived in. Goten didn't complain any, keeping himself cool as he lounged in just his boxers in front of a osculating fan. Trunks on the other hand padded around in just a pair of cut of jeans, his lavender locks clinging to his sweat soaked face.

"Oi Trunks, come sit down in front of the fan with me." Goten called out from his spot on the plush white carpet in front of the television. Trunks frowned, he didn't want to get that close to Goten with the heat, it was already unbearable at the moment with out adding more body heat.

"Later Goten, it's too damn hot right now." Trunks said as he left the room for the kitchen. Goten pouted slightly, turning his attention back to the television not wanting to irritate his lover further. Goten learned quickly not to push Trunks' buttons when he got in one of his foul moods or risk the wraith of the lavender haired prince. The last time Goten went too far, he found his favorite pair of boxer shorts frozen solid inside their freezer.

Marching across the warm linoleum flooring, Trunks flung open the freezer door noticing that most of the ice was gone from the trays. Grumbling to himself about Goten needing the ice to cool himself with, Trunks dug around through the frozen food and found a small container of ice cream that hadn't caught the younger demi saiyans attention being well hidden behind a bag of brussel sprouts.

"Hn, good place to hide ice cream. Goten won't touch those things with a ten foot pole." Trunks mused to himself. Digging some chocolate syrup from the refrigerator, Trunks rattled around the cupboards for a bowl and fishing into the silverware drawer for a spoon.

From the living room, Goten could hear Trunks making all sorts of racket in the kitchen that rose curiosity quickly. Getting up quietly from his spot in front of the fan, Goten made his way towards the kitchen, peeking around the corner at his lover to see what the fuss was about. He smiled as he watched Trunks digging out the rich vanilla ice cream out of the container and filling his bowl high before drizzling the chocolate syrup carefully all over the cool treat without making a mess. Half tempted to go and join Trunks, Goten stayed where he was at watching Trunks put away everything before digging into his sundae at the counter.

Dipping his spoon into the bowl, swirling the thick chocolate syrup around before bringing the spoon to his mouth, Trunks moaned low in his throat at the ice cream melted against his hot tongue. The creamy vanilla and chocolate concoction was hitting the spot. Almost sensually, his tongue licked the spoon, tasting the remnants of his cool heaven before getting another spoonful.

From the doorway, Goten was melting with desire. The way Trunks licked at the spoon, his tongue being so graceful. It didn't take long before Goten was aching hard as he continued to watch. He cursed his lover over how sexy he could make just eating a simple bowl of ice cream could be. Unconsciously, Goten's hand brushed against his erection slightly sending small jolts of tingling passion through his body. With out even thinking, Goten stopped his peeping, and came around the corner smiling at his lavender hair prince.

Drawing another spoonful up to his mouth, his cerulean eyes glanced upwards to see Goten coming into the room with a smile on his lips and desired filled eyes. Trunks swept his eyes from his lovers face down his well-toned body catching an eye full of the straining arousal inside red silk boxers. He watched at his young koi came to the counter, peering at the bowl of half empty ice cream and back to his face.

"Tru-chan." Goten said in a husky voice sending shivers down Trunks' spine at the desired filled voice. Before he could say a word, Goten had two fingers dipped into the bowl, bringing them up to the young prince's chest before smearing the cold substance across his pecs. Trunks shivered at the contrast of hot and cold that glided against his overly heated flesh. Hissing out a breath, Trunks watched as Goten slid his tongue along the melting dribbles of sugary delight making him groan in need.

"Go-chan stop please…ahhhh it's too hot to do this…" Trunks begged as Goten's moist tongue went lower across his stomach to the edge of his denim shorts catching any of the stray drips of vanilla that riveted down the hard creases of muscle. The younger demi saiyan didn't pay attention as he lowered himself to his knees in front of the lavender hair prince. Hands brushed over the fasteners of the cut-offs before working downwards to the frazzled edge of the faded jean shorts. With a glint in his eyes, Goten moved both of his hands up his princes' legs, past the material in the way to caress Trunks' most intimate places as his tongue drew lazy circles around Trunks' navel.

"Damn it Goten, you're making me hotter." Trunks growled out, lacing his fingers through chaotic black hair that knelt in front of him. Goten chuckled to himself at his lover's statement.

"That's the whole point koi. Now to cool you off some." With a sly grin, Goten reached one hand towards the counter, searching out the forgotten bowl of ice cream. Dipping his fingers into the mixture again, Goten used his other hand to unfasten the front of the young prince's shorts, bringing them down muscular legs, letting gravity take them the rest of the way to the floor.

"Too hot for boxers Tru-chan?" Goten raised a questioning brow to his lover before returning his gaze back to the magnificently erect royal cock that stood proud in front of his lips. With one last evil sounding chuckle, Goten smeared the cold chocolate and vanilla from tip to base of Trunks' length watching the older demi-saiyan shudder at the touch.

"Kami Go…Goten stop teasing me ugh…damnit…ohhhh…" Trunks' head lolled back as exquisite heat contrasted with the cold sugary liquid that was applied to his cock. Licks, nips and kisses pleasured the royal length as Trunks panted for breath, feeling his knees becoming weak with the onslaught of pleasure that was building in a frenzied pace in his loins.

Goten slid his tongue along taking in the taste of his own sundae that he had made out of his lover. The taste was one that he couldn't describe. Sweet with a hint of salt, the unique taste that was all Trunks. Listening to the lavender hair prince gasp and groan above him, he brought his other hand from restraining Trunks' hips to cup his sac as he worked to bring him to climax.

Trunks' face was flushed. Red stained his chiseled cheekbones as the torture continued below him. It was getting harder to breath with the humid air that hung heavily in the house combined with the extra heat that Goten was creating. Sweat beads dribbled and raced down bronzed skin, following the natural valleys and creviced of Trunks' muscular torso. The fire that boiled his blood was reaching its peak quickly, his hips trembling, wanting to buck forward in the wet inferno. With one last tasty lap, Goten relinquished his torture of the young prince moments away from orgasmic bliss.

"We're not done yet." Goten whispered huskily, ridding himself of his own confining boxers. Taking the few steps to close in on the lavender haired bishounen, Goten swooped down for a fiery kiss letting tongues do battle, both tasting the other sending the passions soaring higher.

"My turn for some fun." Trunks smirked, turning his chocolate-eyed lover around and pushing him to the floor. Goten found himself on his hands and knees in the middle of their modest kitchen on the warm linoleum floor that was dotted with elaborate designs. With a shiver, Goten felt the half melted ice cream covered fingers trace his spine all the way down to his entrance. He let out a heavy groan as the cold fingers were replaced with a hot tongue that lapped its way from the nap of his neck all the way down making him shudder. His cock was begging for attention, pre-cum dripping freely from the tip making a milky like puddle underneath him.

"Nnnnnnnngh…Trunks…please…I want…" Goten rasped out in between panting breaths as Trunks continued his assault with his tongue.
"What do you want Goten? Tell me what you want." Trunks asked in a whisper close to the chaotic haired man's ear below him.
"Kami-sama…ahhhh I want you Trunks!" Goten muttered in a ragged voice, withering underneath Trunks fingers. Soft pads of fingers traced Goten's opening, teasing the nerve endings sending jolts of pleasure in waves over the younger demi-saiyan.

"Tell me exactly what you want." Trunks asked again looking at Goten's flushed face, damp dark hair sticking to his forehead.
With a growl Goten pushed back on Trunks' fingers allowing two hot digits to slip inside. He moaned at the bittersweet pain that accompanied it. Chocolate eyes rolled up in his head as his back arched with pleasure.

"Is this what you want Goten?" Trunks questioned, slipping his fingers in a little farther brushing against Goten's prostate.
"More…I need….more…you…need you damn it Trunks!" Goten shuddered again, his knees threatening to give out on him at any second. Trunks snickered a bit watching his lover move back on his fingers, listening to the symphony of moans and groans he was eliciting from his throat.

Trunks was becoming more aroused watching his lover rock against him, cheeks flushed with heat and desire. It was Goten that started this little game, but it would be the lavender hair prince that finished the game. Pulling his hand away, Trunks watched through heavily desired eyes as Goten started to protest for lack of contact. Resting his hands on the younger demi-saiyan's hips, Trunks thrusted forward to the hilt, burying himself in his screaming lover.

"Ahhhh…Tru…Trunks! Damn you…not so rough" Goten shouted, tears slipping from the corners of his eyes from the sudden forceful entry. Trunks cursed himself silently; this wasn't the first time he took Goten hard with out much preparation. It didn't help that his excitement level was beyond any level he knew before. His mind only registered Goten in front of him and the will to ram himself deep with in him.
"Saaa Chibi, I'm sorry…" Trunks whispered resting his heaving chest against Goten's back still whispering endearments to the younger one as he continued to rock gently inside tight raging heat.

Minutes past as Trunks continued his lazy strokes, his head swimming with thoughts of pounding the ebony haired lover into the floor. Wrapping his arms around Goten, Trunks pulled the young Son up in his lap, the back of his head resting on the young prince's shoulder.

"I love you Goten…" Trunks ragged voice whispered out as he took Goten's hard cock in his hand, stroking in time with his light thrusts earning him dulcet moans. Pre-cum dribbling down from the slit to run over the lavender haired prince's embracing fingers.
"Ahhhh love you Tru-chan…ugh move dang it!" Goten punctuated his remark with the backward thrust of his rump into Trunks' lap.
"Your wish is my command." Trunks smirked raising Goten up by his hips and slamming him back down on his engorged shaft.

Goten moaned and whimpered drawing closer and closer to climax with each rough stroke that Trunks gave him internally and externally.
"Wait for me…"
"I...I can't…ohhhh Kami! TRUNKS!" Goten tossed his head back, his back arching as a tidal wave of please over took him. The sights, sounds, taste, smell and touch of his lover cumming, Trunks threw back his own head howling his completion to the world around them. Holding on for dear life, Trunks held the trembling form to his chest as he rode out one of the best climaxes he ever had.

"Damn Trunks, could you be any rougher?" Goten sighed out as he felt Trunks shift behind him. Soft lips press to the nap of his neck, an apology from Trunks.
"Sorry koi, now you know not to get me so excited."

On the other side of the kitchen door, another dark haired demi-saiyan stood with a semi-shocked face. Gohan had come over to talk to his younger brother only to be given a floorshow of a lifetime.
"Damn, I need to try that with Vegeta…" Gohan mumbled out before turning around and heading straight for the door with a predatory gleam in his eyes.

"You think Gohan got an eyeful?" Goten asked, finally catching his breath enough for a small laugh feeling Gohan's ki disappearing from the house.
"Maybe. Should I call my dad and warn him?"
"Naaa that would take the fun away."