Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Tails of Troubles ❯ Thoughts of... love? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Tails of Troubles-

Rated: NC17
Timeline: Sequel to Claimed Love
Warnings: Sex, Incest, orgies, shounenai, yaoi, lusting…
Pairings: Goten/Trunks, Trunks/Vejita, Vejita/Gokou, Trunks/Goten/Vejita, vague Gohan/Videl and Gokou/Chichi
Summary: Trunks makes an unwise wish. Goten reveals his feelings. Chaos ensues.

Author's Notes: (just 'cause!) Thanks so tristar, manawolf, and Silver Sorceress for your comments. *hugs* and Manawolf, I am lurking around the DBZ Yaoi Livejournal club that you and Xero Sky are in, and I loved your foursome chapter! ^_^' *blush*

Little Wild One: I've taken no offense to your review... although I must say I don't like being called dude. I'm female. ^_^ I've never once even considered such an expression... and actually never heard it before, so no, I'm afraid "Sex by 8 or it's too late" isn't something I go by. No, I don't believe Vejita will be having sex with infant Trunks anytime soon. And no, I don't write every kind of sex. I cannot possibly stand the idea of Gohan/Gokou... but that's only because I HATE Gohan... I don't write any pairings with him... except for once Piccolo/Gohan scene I wrote a few years back... but even that hurt my stomach. *shiver* I did it for the reviewers, though, because they wanted it.

As for the rape comments... what the hell are you talking about? Chapter 1 was not a rape chapter. Never once was rape mentioned. If you would have read the author's notes (because it's quite obvious you didn't) you would have realized that A) this story is a sequel, and in the previous stories Vejita and Trunks fell in love and mated (hence the chapter title). Also, B) you would have known that there was incest, because it's quite clear. Even in the chapter summary it notes the pairing: Vejita/Trunks. If you watch DBZ, you would realize that was incest. Please pay attention to such obvious things.

Thank you for your thoughts, and your honest review. Sorry! Maybe read some of my other fics, but please note the author's notes next time! *hugs*

Chapter 2: Thoughts of... love?

He stood against the counter of his mother's laboratory, the dragon-radar in his hands, seven golden dots steadily blinking, waiting to be collected from where they rested on various places on Chikyuu. He was dressed in a pair of loose black sweatpants, lavender colored hair matted against his head and back, damp from his bath.

The day before, upstairs in his bathroom, Trunks had watched as Vejita stepped through the door, a teasing smirk on his face as he moved forward, reaching out and taking Trunks' hands, guiding him out of the bathtub. Strong tanned arms had wrapped around Trunks' waist as warm lips nibbled and kissed. Hands had groped and touched as the two explored each other with heated desire.

A smile dressed Trunks' lips at the memory, his satiated body tired and spent. He leaned further over the countertop, ankles crossed, elbows on the smooth surface, gazing at the blinking golden dots in deep curiosity. Vejita was upstairs asleep in his bed, the covers strewn across his muscular body, unaware that Trunks wasn't beside him. Even Trunks was a bit surprised. He never left that blissful heaven, but this idea had been haunting his mind for so long, and when Vejita had muttered the tired wish absentmindedly weeks prior, Trunks knew he wanted to fulfill it. He wanted to make Vejita perfectly happy, and even if that meant blowing up the world, he would have barely hesitated.

Trunks chuckled softly, pocketing the dragon-radar, and gathering his long hair over his shoulder, braiding the locks to keep them from his face for when he left Capsule Corporations, took to the skies, and began his hunt for the dragon balls. He wasn't completely sure if he would wish for what Vejita wanted just yet. There were so many pros to the situation - better sex at the top of the list. The cons, however, were few but powerful. The wild sex would be uncontrollable, and the chances of them getting caught would increase. He would have to explain why he wished for it, which wouldn't really be that difficult, but it might raise suspicion.

Completing the braid, he opened a drawer nearby and grabbed a rubber band, securing the twists with a simple snap of elastic. He rushed plans through his mind, considering every possible detail. Bulma was somewhere in Europe, dealing with paperwork and the such so Trunks could begin the takeover of Capsule Corp Industries. Bura was with Pan, Gohan, and Videl since Bulma didn't trust her husband and son to take care of her daughter for more than a couple of days. Gokou would be the only one to really show up, and he wouldn't be a problem. In his mind he gazed at the blinking dots, constructing a path that would take the shortest amount of time to gather the magical spheres.

He took a breath, pushing the braid over his shoulder and cracking his knuckles with a click of his tongue. "For you, Father," he whispered nervously as he stepped outside the lab and moved down the corridors to the nearest doorway. Fresh cool spring air greeted as his bare feet touched grass, tickled by the blades. Smoky blue eyes filled with lust gazed up to a bedroom window, shades drawn closed so the afternoon sun wouldn't bother the occupants. The world couldn't be more perfect as far as Trunks was concerned. His father's heart and soul belonged to Trunks and only Trunks. Gokou was just a minor annoyance, and one that Trunks didn't always mind. In fact, he'd grown to enjoy the Saiyajin's little visits. Gokou had submitted fully to not only Vejita, but Trunks as well. He had the marks to prove it.

Trunks vowed silently to return soon, hopefully before Vejita awoke and realized he was gone. He knew at that moment, with the thought of how overjoyed Vejita would be with the gift, that he would go through with the wish. He grinned in excitement and pushed his ki beneath him, rising in the air. "Always for you."


Goten laughed aloud as the two little demi-Saiyajins fought, amazed that Videl allowed it. Gohan returned his brother's grin as he watched from the two small children swing and giggle at each other. The two didn't take the fight seriously, but their Saiyajin blood burned and they were enjoying it.

Gokou rose from the grass as he awoke, stretching, stomach rumbling louder than an earthquake. Goten chuckled and mimicked his father's movements, brushing his hand through the short black locks of hair. "Dinnertime," Gokou grinned, moving to Goten's side and grabbing his shoulder. "Have fun guys!" he shouted across the yard to Gohan and the two battling children. They waved and said their goodbyes. In a fuzzy flash of ki Gokou and Goten vanished, reappearing inside their own home where Chichi was burning food. "Is dinner ready?" Gokou questioned eagerly, moving towards the three seats. Chichi spun around with her hands on her hips and huffed in annoyance. "I swear, Gokou…" she began her rant, but as the sky darkened and thunder rumbled, the two bickering lovers paused, glancing out the window.

"It's Shenlong," Goten whispered with wide eyes filled with excitement. He rushed to the window, hoping to see the Eternal Dragon nearby, but with no luck.

Gokou moved towards his son, eyes narrowed as he searched mentally for the person responsible. The angered façade vanished after a moment, replaced with a curious smile. "It's Trunks," he said, pressing his fingers against his temple. "Be right back." With those words he vanished. Goten frowned and sighed. "I wanted to go," he muttered.

"You can visit Trunks later tonight and see what it's all about. Vejita probably just destroyed something. Oh that man is such a bad influence." Chichi shook her head, turning back to the overcooked meat on the stove. "Now go and wash your hands. No telling what's on them!" Chichi continued ranting, shaking her head and talking to herself like the psychotic person she was. Goten scowled and moved down the hallway towards the bathroom.

Stepping inside, he turned on the faucet and washed his hands, the lavender soap - a bottle stolen from Trunks - sweet smelling. After only a moment he turned it off and sighed, looking up into the mirror with a pitiful sigh. He hadn't seen Trunks in forever it seemed - not since the dinner party that had been so awkward because of whatever had happened between Gokou and Vejita. He missed his best friend.

Goten sighed and leaned against the sink, burying his head in his folded arms. Who was he kidding anyway? He missed everything about Trunks! He missed those devious smirks, the mischievous mind that had got him in trouble so many times, the soft friendly touches they exchanged, the stubbornness and authority, everything!

How long had he wanted Trunks? Goten didn't have a clue. Perhaps he was born with this lust inside of him, burning like an inferno. He had tried to deny it, but it was there, and it ached each time he looked at the lilac-haired Saiyajin. He had begun to miss that pain. He wanted it back. Whatever the price he had to pay, Goten didn't care. There had to be something for him, some place in Trunks' heart that was waiting for him. Surely, Trunks wasn't completely unaware. Perhaps the beautiful prince even returned this strange feeling.

He'd wanted to tell Trunks for so long, but so much had been happening in the last few years. The two had rarely seen each other. Before reality took over their world, Goten knew he had to tell Trunks how he felt. Trunks was going to inherit his mother's position as President and CEO of CC. He would be overwhelmed in less than a few months with business and the such.

There just wasn't enough time! Things were moving so quickly and Goten felt like he was being left behind.

"Hurry up, Goten! Dinner will get cold!"

He winced at the high pitch of Chichi's voice and rose, shaking the thoughts away with a sigh, wincing at the strain of his groin. Just thinking about his best friend made him hot with lust. Indeed, he would have to see Trunks tonight.


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