Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Taking Chances and Leaps of Faith ❯ In Which There is History ( Prologue )
****It is important that everyone read this history. It will help to understand the race I have created as well as my original characters. I will do my best to explain throughout the story, but sometimes it may become difficult to get my point across. If there are any questions, as if anyone will ever read this, please feel free to email me at Kris8011@sbcglobal.net and I will do my best to reply. Thank You.****
Elrondia is a world filled with higher power beings. They do not rely on ki to generate their powers. They are a people that are aligned directly with the nature of their world and all other worlds. They feed off the energy of planets to generate their powers, which are many and always different. No Elrondian has the same exact power, but some have versions of the same. All Elrondians are skilled in self-defense, their form of martial arts known as Tek-unda, and whatever power they possess. Examples of these powers would include control over weather, earth, healing, elements etc.
Elrondians live for as long as they are needed. Every Elrondian is given a mission, and when their mission is complete, they "die" and their matter becomes a part of their planet, so technically, they are still alive, just in another form. Because of this, Elrondians view "death" as another version of life.
Elrondians are the last of the Old Races, the first races created. All the other Races have been destroyed by natural causes or war. Elrondians protect their livelihood by distancing themselves from universe affairs, they are at a point now where only the oldest of people remember them, and then only vaguely by stories their ancestors told. They are a mythic race now, thought either to be extinct or simply fable.
All Elrondians are considered beautiful because they have had thousands of years to evolve and change. They are wise and benevolent, considerate and peaceful. Elrondians are generally tall and lithe. The women have slender bodies, softly pointed ears, oval eyes, and a multitude of skin and hair colors. The men are also tall, but muscular and fit, their ears are larger and the point more defined. Men have long hair as well, but most tie it back. Their eyes are more rounded and they also have a multitude of skin and hair colors.
Equality is the manner of law on Elrondia and every boy and girl is raised to know the same things. Elrondians grew out of petty emotions that caused prejudice and racism long ago. However, Elrondians are not perfect and do make mistakes. Evil is still prevalent, but very small. Sadly, even a small amount is dangerous because Elrondians that are evil are EVIL and very dangerous. Most are captured and kept locked away with other Elrondians who try to figure out why and help them become better. Evil is thought of as an illness of the mind and soul.
Tek-unda is a mixture of meditation and self-defense. It is not designed to kill, but to protect, for that is an Elrondian's main purpose.
The Royal Family of Elrondia is a symbol of protection; they protect the people, the planet, and the future of the universe. The Royal Family and its members are the only Elrondians who travel off world to fulfill prophecies meant to guide the universe. The Royal Family is the only group of Elrondians that will die of old age and that is because their mission is never finished, but instead passed down. This is the only way that Elrondians know their normal life span is several thousand years.
The Royal Family consists of the natural King and Queen of Elrondia and any of their children. The prophecies provide the names of the Elrondians meant to fulfill missions for Elrondia. When one of these is born, the King and Queen adopt them into the Royal Family enabling them to fulfill their missions as well as enjoy a normal lifespan. The King or Queen is always the first-born child. The first-born will then choose a wife/husband from Royal Family members. (It is forbidden for blood relatives to marry. Therefore "members" of the Royal Family also serve another purpose as prospective choices for the first-born.) The other children of the King and Queen are free to choose whomever they wish. However, should one the lesser born marry outside the Royal Family, they forfeit their chance to become a replacement King or Queen.