Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Tears of a Clown ❯ Gradeschool silliness ( Chapter 3 )
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Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ...Everytime I say this, an angel dies.
"Master Shen? Is this the other student?" Chaozu wondered, looking at Tenshinhan. "Hello. My name is Chaozu." He looked up at the giant towering above him, with not a sign of emotion, not a sign of feeling. Just souless. Tenshinhan squinted his eyes slowly and looked away. Still with no emotion, Chaozu retorted."Freak." An instant later the "freak" did more than just roll his eyes. Who the flipping hesh does this poor excuse of a china doll think to call someone a freak? Feeling petty, and just to humiliate him, Tenshinhan purposely stood over him, and with a grimace started:
"Who you're calling a freak you bleached monster!" That had to have got him. Maybe he'll cry if I continue. "I don't know what's worse, the eye liner you wear to look pretty, or that after seventeen years you would have still need an adult to go in theatres!"
Tenshinhan sneered at the little clown, his face starting to twist up into cute strange shapes, breathing hard...Cry you spawn, cry.
And then, Chaozu...smiled?
Chaozu then levitated ever so slowly to Tenshinhan's normal eyes, his eyes with a endless void, and a mouth full of smack.
"So when people ask, do you tell them that cliche` 'Oh that's just my third eye' when it's actually a deformity? That your mother smoked Rainben while sinning on her father, and that's how you became? Or is it something else, entirely?" He moved to touch Tenshinhan's third eye.
"Is this...really?" Tenshinhan, in utter disbelief at Chaozu's calmness, and his quickness to insults didn't react until it was to late. His eye didn't even close. It was squishy, and soft like a fresh banana, newly peeled. O, and yes the pain was excruciating.
"Children..." cooed Master Shen mockingly. "Play nice, or Daddy will be there with time outs."
Chaozu looked to Master Shen, and floated to the side of Tenshinhan, eye still smarting, but tolerable.
"Suddenly I had the greatest idea." Answered Master Shen. "You two hate each other, which means you both think the others a waste of time." He looked at Tenshinhan, who's eyes were agreeing, though his body was rock hard.
"However." stated Shen softly, calmness radiating from his body. "You need each other more than you know. As a mentor, you must know that your friends is all you have. To be alone, TRULY alone, is a fate far worse than torture. With no one, you have resigned yourself. You're already gone, and you just need the cold dull steel to send you where your heart left off to years ago.
His two pupil were hard to read, admitted Tsurusennin, but he knows he's getting through to them. "My good idea is before bed, you two have a friendly spar." Tenshinhan's eyes went from looking down to lighting up. "By seeing the other in battle, it will mean you can learn a little of each other." He paused before adding. "I think."
"Sound like a plan." answered Tenshinhan. He looked to Chaozu, his opponent, and grinned. You're dead. He stepped away about 25 feet, and turned. Chaozu didn't even move, let alone turn to his opponent.
He's really starting to piss me off. Tenshinhan immediately went into an offensive stance, and waited.
Shen looked to Tenshinhan, eyes full of murderous intent. A chi of hate so thick you can cut slabs of it with a butcher's knife. Then Shen looked to Chaozu, who was staring into space. Shen felt the pull of his own signature chi rise, though no one would consider it chi.
This boy...Tenshinhan has the skills and potential, but the true assassin of the two is this boy here. It's all because of what he is...The monster.
"BEGIN!" Tenshinhan was already to Chaozu, ready for the first strike kill
End of part 3