Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Teenage Vacation ❯ The Time chamber and a Baby? ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Trunks you dumb ass look what you did this time!!"Bra was yelling at him again today. He got up and looked around and no one had seen Pan in days they had a substitute unit leader but now one respected her like they did Pan a few wanted to see her she had lock her self into her room. The only person who had seen her was Sammy and if anyone asked about it she would hit them into Tomorrow. They often heard whimpers from her room no one dared to even go into the hall way. Some times Videl was allowed to go back there but only once a week no one said anything about it she was how they found out how she was doing. One day Videl was going back there and Pan emerged and only her mother had noticed she was growing fatter. Pan insisted that she should go into the training Chamber which is for when people fall desperately behind which pan had. She set the chamber for almost a year inside but she would not age she would just train and try to forget everything. She walked into the room with the pass Sammy had given her. In side there was only up to Three people allowed inside the room she chose her Mother and her best friend Sammy. They had gone in there Pan had a secret that only they knew and they were the only to know. In Four days so she could be in there for a year. She needed to train and be alone and have her closes family there with her. Another words her mother and best friend. They walked in and looked around it looked like the hyper bolic chamber. There was Three separate rooms and two bathrooms and a kitchen. And a large empty space for training and another room that lead to the main library. They had helped Pan for Eight months because pan had become pregnant with Trunks. She didn't want to further up set him so she had decided that she would have the baby in privity. She had they baby on Dec 17 of that year and she was happy she had finally had the baby it drove her crazy and probably her Mother also. One year had pasted none of them had aged. She came out with her baby in Sammy's arms she would be asked Less Questions, than Pan, "Queen?" Pan looked back at Sammy, "yeah Sammy." she smiled and said, "will you hold Her?" she looked at pan and pan took her baby her baby had Black hair with lavender in it and the Bluest eyes like Trunks. He was adorable. She still hadn't thought of his name. She wanted so bad to name it Trunks but it would be to obvious, she still wanted give him a name. She was going to check out the baby name book once she got to the library. She walked back to her room and her mother and Sammy had followed she entered her room to see it had been completely trashed someone had come in. She knew in her head to how when in her heart she knew it was Her masters servant he had probably sent to find her. She looked at her baby and sat him down on the middle of the bed and turned to her mother she felt someone coming so did the other two Sammy picked up the baby and walked out of the room and Videl followed and she began to pick up things trying to tidy up but it was no use. She had been able to put her things in her Dresser when her door opened. There stood a very angry man he looked at her and she tried to smile she knew it was no use. She was hit in the face and she looked up to seethe servant and her Master looking at her. "Hello my lord-" she was cut off by her master saying, "letting the place go aren't we." she looked at the servant who smiled widely and she said, "sorry sir I was away temporarily and someone came in and trashed my room." she bowed down then she heard a crying Baby form the other room. She looked down her eyes widen and she felt her heart skip a beat and he said to her lifting her head up to look at him, "I know where you were and whose's the father and mother of that baby." he turned around then said to his servant to clean up his mess then before he left not looking at her he said, "congratulations Pan." then left and his servant twas still in her room now picking up things without a word. She let out a heavy breathe then walked over to Sammy's room where they were trying to clam the boy. She picked him up and he instantly stop crying and giggled. This little boy already had power over her. She loved him and thought it was weird to love someone you just met so much even though she had always had fellings' for Trunks she never let him know. her memory was coming back to her slowly. She turned to take her baby back to her room followed by Videl she hugged her daughter then kissed her Grandson's head and walked back to her Unit room. Pan walked out with the baby when she heard someone yell fight. She walked outside everyone stopped and she saw that Trunks and Michael were fighting they stopped still in there positions from earlier then there arms went to there side and Trunks looked at the baby. She looked at them both then she said, "come here now." she lead them into her Dinning room and sat the baby down and looked at them both. "What the hell are you two ass holes doing I just got back and your going at it. Tell me why couldn't this have waited?" she looked at them both Michael look at the baby then Trunks then Pan. The baby looked like the two of them. She mad a hump sound and took the baby and walked out on them she took the baby to Sammy had asked her to take care of him she then walked in to her now spotless room and got into her drawer and pulled a gun and a whip out she took them and placed them on the table then looked at them both they were now either scared or confused they were sending mixed signals. "Ok now we can do this the quick way no violence or anything or we can do this with Violence, strong language, R rated Stuff so some one better start talking because I'm really good at torture, no trunks not like that." she knew what he was thinking in his head he said, `what kind of torture because this is really making me horny' she looked at him then she picked up the whip and sat an apple on the table in front of her they heard three cracks and the apple was cut into Six pieces. She sat down across form them and began to eat the apple. They watched then she picked up the gun Trunks Gulped then Michael yelled, "He started it he said you were a slut and I stood up for you." then he bowed and rushed out of the room she looked at trunks the she looked at a center spot on the wall she shot at it. Then looked at him, "So Trunks how are you doing?" He looked even more confused but answered, "pretty good, um ...... aren't you going to shoot or something?" she looked at him in confusion, "should I Michael normal lies should I believe him?" he looked at her and shook his head no. she got up and went to the mini stove in the corner and up some tea on she sat back down across from Trunks and they sat there nether saying a word. finally A whistle came from the tea kennel. she got up and got to get the tea. She came back with two cups in her hand and have one to her self and one to him and then went the a cabinet and got out some cookies. She sat down and then heard trunks start to say something, "Pan whose kid was that?" she looked at him then said, "it's Sammy's. why?" he looked up at her then said, "he looks so much like you not her. And I guess I thought it might have been yours." he looked back down at his cup. She got up and said, "can you keep a secret?" he nodded looking at his cup, "the child is mine but I'm having sammy take care of it. She known for sleeping with random men no me." She looked at him and he smiled not looking at her. She picked the cookies up and put them up. He looked at her and said, "who is the Father?" she looked at him in the reflection of the glass cabinets she answered, "my lord." she watched Trunks look expression change. She saw how hurt he was she wanted to look at him Face to face but was to scared she got a knife out of the drawer and walked back over to Trunks, she grabbed his leg and pulled it up onto her lap and ripped his pants and slide the knife across his skin the she ripped various places of his clothes then she hit him a couple of times. He didn't understand but he sat there no moving still Traumatized by what she had said earlier. She then walked out of the room but out side in the hall way she said silently, "you may go but make it convincing, limp what ever." she walked over to Sammy's room and saw that the baby had fallen asleep and Sammy had left, she looked down at her hand and saw, 12 o'clock. lunch. She walked over to the baby Boy and smiled, "how about Jason. Do you like that." the baby just slept. she picked him up and he awoke just for a minute. Then went back to sleep. She walked into her room and noticed there was random Gifts on her bed and a baby Cradle she smiled and put the baby in the cradle. The cradle was a white one and had a blue blanket in it and the blanket said, `it's a boy' she smiled and walked over to the other presents. She opened them they were baby presents like toys books and blanket, diapers, clothes and a camera. She picked up the camera and took a picture of the baby then there was a note. She looked at the note, "you will have one year off for the baby hope you like the gifts. Everyone but who you chose will think that I let you off to take care of Sammy's baby since you are older and already are in need of vacation. Master." she smiled one year off. She looked at her baby. She was happy to have the time off.

She was often visited by her mother and once her father and every day by her friend Sammy her father Sammy and her mother and of course Trunks and her master was the only one who knew it was her baby. She liked it like this. She sometimes would take the baby with her to the Cafeteria. And some women would come and tell her how Cute Sammy's baby was and how it barely looked like Sammy. She watched her baby and how everyone always said something about the baby and Sammy. She looked at Trunks every time she came into the room. She loved to look at him and watch him Eye the Baby. She always smiled and sometimes walked over and said hi to every one then always left. One year pasted like magic she watched her little boy become one and his first word was Mama then it was Truk. It was so cute even though in her heart she knew that Truk was not a word. She was happy he was Beginning to talk. She noticed her year was Almost over she was happy the baby would spend a year with Sammy then she would have him for the rest of the time. She walked out of the babies room which used to be Extra bathroom was now her babies room she never understood why they had three bathroom one in each room then one down the hall way. They had turned that Bathroom into a Babies room they had taken everything out and painted it Powdery blue and got him a white toy box a little table and chairs, and changing station and things that babies need. They often saw her masters servant around he was most likely trying to find out who the father was. They ignored his Questions and insults and he soon stopped because he was beaten down By Pan because he had insulted her saying she was a Whore and how she should have Married her master and things like that he still called her Salve and when he did she refused to answer him, until he called her queen he always spat it out like it was Poison. She often though of Trunks and how she missed him. She was happy to know that she was going to do her job tomorrow. She walked out of her room in a Yellow top and black choker and leather pants with black gloves and yellow tennis shoes. She walked out and started form the top she walked in the first mans unit it would be there last two months under her command. She hit all the doors not saying a thing then she walked out and went to the next one until she was sure everyone in her units was up she walked back up to the first unit of men and did roll call they were happy to see her and she was happy to see them as well. She shook hands with most of them and asked if they had kept up with there studies they nodded. She walked to the women units and the men units she woke up everyone and talked to each of them a little to. She got to her mothers unit. She hadn't seen any of them except her mom in a year she walked int and they all walked up to her and hugged her except Marron and 18 it was like they knew something she didn't Pan said, "so all of you guys are here I have to finish my last unit then go over to Sammy unit I have her units to now until next year." she walked out and noticed all the women were leaving to go to do there training all smiled at her and some laughed and memtion how much they liked her better. She walked in to see all the boys weren't up she walked over to goku and pulled her whip out of her belt and let it crack he instantly got up and stood up and said, "Sorry Sammy I was really tried I had a bad, Pan-"{ she hugged him he hugged her back and looked at him and said, "Don't call me Pan I'm Queen now remember." he let her go and followed her to the the hall way and saw that vegeta wasn't up either. "Why aren't the old guys up?" she yelled and then walked into his room to see he was naked under his blanket she cracked her whip and he stood up suddenly and said, "sorry Sammy." then he smirked and opened his eyes and saw Pan he grabbed his blanket and she raised an eyebrow, "so do you wake up like this every morning?" she smiled and walked out shutting his door so he could get dressed. She walked to the front of the line and said, "ok now I have to begin waking you up Thirty minutes Early because I have Sammy's units for the next year. Now lets see, Goku, goten, Daddy, Krillen. Vegeta whose in his room and better be getting Dressed, and um Trunks." she looked down at the clip board and walked back tot he front. "Ok guys get dressed and get to your Studies. I'm going to train with you guys this afternoon." with that she walked out and into Sammy's units. She had a longer time with them because she had more then Pan. She walked into the guys room looking for a particular book that she wanted to read. She found that Trunks was Reading it. She walkedinto Trunks room and asked for the book and he replied no and she felt her short fuse light. She asked him again nicer and he handed her the book he asked why she wanted it. "I was hoping that I could read it to Sammy's kid he needs a new book I've read all the other books in the nursery he needs something new and any way why were you reading a chick book?" he looked away and he said, "because everyone said it was your favorite." she looked at him in shock then he got up and walked to the book cart and got another book and started reading it. "Thanks for the book Trunks. Do you want to go see Jason?" he looked up at her and nodded. She lead him out and on her way noticed that Goku was having trouble reading it and understanding it and saw that Vegeta was irritated with haviong to read instead of training. She walked out with out anyone noticing. She lead him to the babies room and saw that him and Sammy were playing she got up and said, "hey since you're here may I please go train." Pan nodded and she was out of there before she could actually say any thing she said on the floor and the baby yelled "Mama" then pointed to Trunks and said, "Truk." she smiled for the first time in a long time. She sat down and said. "You want me to read to you?" the baby began to laugh and giggle. She smiled and said, "or do you want to play with da-, Trunks." the baby looked up at trunks then at the book then back up to Trunks and grabbed the book then crawled over to trunks and held the book up. He looked at the child looking up at him it had Blue eyes like his and back hair with Specks of Lavender. "Trunks I think he wants you to read to him." he baby sat down and looked at Trunks, "how old is he pan?" she looked at Trunks and said, "thirteen months." she looked at her baby and trunks looked at her and smiled. He picked up the kid and the kid looked at him and said, "Daddy." Pan's eyes grew large. Trunks smiled and said, "no kid I'm not your dad." Jason yelled again, "daddy, daddy, daddy!" and looked at him. Trunks looked at the kid and noticed how much he looked like himself. Pan was looking at him with a shock expression. he looked at her and said, "pan tell this kid I'm not his dad." she looked form the baby to him and was searching for words she was tried of lying to Trunks. "Trunks lets just read the book and get this kid to sleep then I`ll explain everything. They got the kid to sleep after about Thirty minutes of reading. Pan lead trunks to her room and then took him out to her Bath room that way the person if they wanted to listen had to be in her Bed room and she had locked that door, then she looked at Trunks and tried to smiled she said, "Trunks you're his Father."


Trunks: I'm a dad??

Yep see I do love you event though you did hurt my Best friend even though I'm the like only one who doesn't know that the baby is not Sammy's

Trunks: ha ha ha ha ha

*throws frying pan and hits him square in the head*

Trunks: hey

Well guys until next time I have to go beat up my dumb ass brother