Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Tell Him ❯ I Feel Too Much ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I Feel Too Much
By Mia Skywalker
PAIRING: Bulma/Vegeta
RATING: maybe PG?
C&C: Please, yes. I'd like to know what people think of this.
DISCLAIMER: DBZ is owned by FUNimation, Viz, Toei, and Bird Studios, and was created by Akira Toriyama. It is owned by a bunch of big corporations that have much more money than I do. Suing me would be trying to get blood from a rock. The song "I Feel Too Much" is by Celine Dion, one of the most wonderful singers I know of.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thanks to Ravyn, for her beta!
NOTES: This is part two of what's sort of a two part songfic, the first part of which is "Tell Him". You don't HAVE to read both for each one to make sense, but if you read both of them together, you'll see why I consider them both parts of the same songfic.
He stared up at the stars as he did many nights, wishing he could return home again. But Vegeta-sei was gone, destroyed by a madman, a creature he had worked for, slaved for, almost given his life for. He hadn't known then that Frieza had destroyed his home; once he had learned the truth his slavery to Frieza had ended. He had declared his freedom from the tyrant and then had walked out, earning the enmity of one of the most dangerous beings in the universe. He didn't care, though. He had learned all he could from him, and once he had discovered that Frieza had destroyed his birthright....
::In more ways than one,:: Vegeta thought to himself, still staring at the spot where Vegeta-sei would have been. He had been the prince, but the planet he would have ruled was gone. And all chances of him becoming the king had vanished when Kakarot had killed Frieza. He could have assumed the kingship by killing Frieza, since the first option, killing his father, was no longer open to him. But he hadn't been strong enough to kill Frieza; it had taken a low-class warrior to do it instead. And now he had to fight and kill one of the few remaining Saiyans in order to claim the throne. ::What's the point?:: he wondered. If there were no Saiyans left, who would he rule? Did it even matter any longer?
He sensed rather than saw the woman come outside. His senses were highly attuned to her, aware of her every movement, even if he didn't acknowledge her presence. He felt her out there, watching him, saying nothing. He tried to ignore her, block her out, but as usual he was unable to, so he simply pretended to her that he didn't know she was there. He was about to leave when he felt her pain, a sudden aching sorrow, a loss and loneliness he found familiar. He remained, then, but tried to ignore the feelings that were washing over him. He knew they were coming from the woman, and he ground his teeth, realizing what that meant.
I just wanted you to talk to me
But baby you captured my heart so easy
And I know love, baby when I see it
Boy when you're near me that's the
Feeling I get
He remained motionless, staring up at the sky but no longer seeing the stars. Instead her face, her figure, burned their way through his mind, filling his vision. He could smell her even from up here, the flowerlike fragrance of her perfume as well as the deeper bouquet of the woman herself. He had never understood why she wanted to mask her scent with perfumes. Although they weren't unpleasant, her own scent was more beguiling than any manufactured cologne she might wear.
It was when he felt her thoughts, her longing for him that he finally turned towards her. This was new; she had never seemed to feel anything like that before. Why now? But he felt it, and then the thought entered him that she wanted him to be happy. No one had ever cared about his happiness before. Almost angrily he turned and faced her, eyes narrowing as he studied her. Why would it matter to her if he were happy or not? Why did he want it to matter?
It's pure emotion inside of me
And all I know is I feel too much...
He saw her gown flutter in the breeze, and to one with his Saiyan senses it didn't cover her up at all. He could see every outline of her limbs, every line of her body under the sheerness of the gown, the puckering of her nipples, even the outline of her womanhood. His mouth went dry as his gaze settled there, and he could no longer resist the temptation. He flew towards her, landing lightly on the balcony near her. He saw her begin to back up a step and then stop. ::Good,:: he thought. She was afraid, but she wouldn't run. Somehow it pleased him that she had the courage to stand up to him, that she didn't flee from him.
He felt himself drawn to her, a moth to her brightness. Oh, she was bright to him, her soul and spirit a beacon to the bleakness of his own. He stepped toward her and saw her tremble. The tempo of her breathing increased and he could hear her heart rate increase as well. He continued to approach her, deliberately moving towards her, trying to intimidate her, willing her to flee from him. It was to both his elation and despair that she didn't; he was almost touching her when he finally stopped.
Too much, too much baby all I do is think
About you night and day I feel too
Too much, too much baby don't let go 'cause
It's my heart you're takin'
He stared into her eyes then, trying to determine what to do. He could hear her heart pounding and the scent of her changed slightly. She was afraid, yes, but she was becoming aroused as well. She desired... him? The thought surprised him, so much that at first he didn't know how to react. Her skin glowed under the moonlight and he found himself unable to resist it, bringing a hand up to caress her cheek gently. To his surprise she leaned into him, not only accepting his touch but welcoming it. His heart pounded briefly in triumph, as a primitive yearning asserted itself in his heart. Unable to control the longing she had released in him, he drew her against him, feeling his own heart pounding in time with hers.
He slipped his hand over her skin and into her hair, closing his eyes as the strands of silk wound their way over his fingers. Saiyan women didn't have such soft hair, and the sheer sensuality of it entwining around his fingers made him close his eyes briefly in delight. When he opened them again, he looked at her temptingly parted lips, wondering if they were as soft and full as they looked. If he kissed her, would she push him away?
The spell that I'm under I can't undo
But baby I wonder do you feel it too
His mouth slanted down, capturing her lips in a kiss. He felt her open her mouth in surprise, and he deepened the kiss, plundering her sweetness with his tongue, trying to taste her completely. She trembled in his arms and he tightened his hold on her, wishing he could drown himself in her forever. He felt her cling to him, and when a whimper escaped her he knew he had won. He couldn't help a smirk of satisfaction.
He pulled her more tightly to himself, sliding his hand down to what would have been the most sensitive part of her body had she been a Saiyan; the part of her buttocks where the base of the tail would have formed. Instinctively his fingers twirled the area, regardless of the fact that she was not a Saiyan, and that part of her body was no more sensitive than any other. He felt himself wanting to become one with her, wanted to remove her clothing and ravage her where they stood.
A classic case of infatuation
Is it possible that I feel too much...
This need, this desperation, rose to a fevered pitch, and he might have succumbed to it had she not moaned, jarring him slightly from his euphoria. He smelled her hormone levels rise abruptly, and knew she was ready for him, that she would welcome him if he chose to take her. Instead he pushed her away abruptly, his hands shaking. He knew this was wrong. He could make her his, right now, but if she didn't know what was happening would it be only one-way? If he gave her his heart, would he have hers in return?
He glared at her, trying to fathom whether or not it meant anything to her. The look she returned was one of confusion, desire, and... longing. He felt himself soften towards her, and he returned to her, this time holding her gingerly, as though afraid to break her. His lips touched hers lightly, not a kiss of passion, but of understanding. He pulled back and stared at her, memorizing her face, etching it into his mind and his memories, to last perhaps the rest of his life.
"Bulma," he whispered softly, putting all the need and desire and - yes, he could admit it to himself - all the love he felt for her in that one word. She stared at him uncomprehendingly, and he managed to repress a sigh before he abruptly flew off, forcing himself not to look back, lest he be unable to leave.
It's a serious connection when I look into your eyes
When you show me your affection, it's more than I realized
He flew off, allowing the cooling air to calm him, using all the control he had at his disposal from a lifetime of training to get his raging hormones under control. Then, unable to resist, he felt himself compelled back to the woman's place. He saw her staring at herself in the mirror, and to his dismay he could feel her uncertainty, her feelings of low self-worth. He wanted to curse as he realized it was too late. Although they had not consummated it, that one kiss had sealed a bond between them, and he knew that from now on he would never be able to look at another woman. He railed silently at fate; it should have taken much more than a single kiss to seal a bond, unless that bond was so strong it was inevitable.
He watched her as she slid into bed, shaking with his own desire to join her there, to make her his in act and deed as well as spirit. He continued to watch her long after she fell asleep, before he finally flew off again, this time for good. :::You will be mine, Bulma,:: he thought to himself. ::Someday, when we're both ready, you will be my mate.::