Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Temptation: My Best Friends Husband ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Trunks had what seemed like the perfect life, A great job, and a devoted wife in
Marron, what happens when he takes Pan as his mistress, and lives a whole other
life with her.

A/n: . I had the idea of this story bothering me, so I had to write it. Chapter
six of Sixteen Candles is almost typed up should be up by weekend.

Disclaimer: I could be Akira Toriyama, and be completely bored out of my mind,
or I could be a regular fanfic writer who only wishes she owned DBZ, DB, and

Which one am I?

Gohan: I would take the latter.

Me: You would.

Ages; Pan 20 Trunks 33 Marron 28 Goten 32 Bra 21 Uub 24

Pan had loved Trunks for as long as she could remember she did not know when it
started or why she had the feelings, she just knew she loved him; the only
problem was Trunks was married to her best friend Marron Chestnut.

Pan wanted so bad to tell Trunks how she felt, but never did because she never
wanted to ruin her relationship with her friend. To her friendship was more
valuable then any man, but would Pan give into temptation if it were handed to

“So which one does you like Pan.” Bra, Trunks sister asked, she had always
thought Pan had the hots for Uub, because Pan would always say him when asked
that question, Pan would never say Trunks.

“Uub Chan of course.” Pan lied as she forged a smile on her face.

“Have you told him, how you feel.” Bra smiled. Pan shook her head; she would
never tell Uub she loved him, the reason being she never did love him. There was
only one person she wanted, and he was taken by Marron.

“No, I can’t.”

“Why not.”

“I just can’t alright.” Pan said, as she got up and ran out of the room. She ran
until she was out of earshot of Bra and Marron. “I can’t tell them, it’s not Uub
I’m mad about, but Trunks. I’m in love with Trunks.” She said aloud. It was the
first time she had said it aloud. Even if she never said it aloud to anyone, she
was finally glad she admitted to herself. Unbeknownst to her however, Trunks had
over heard her.

Trunks watched her lean against the wall, the slide down to the floor, where she
buried her head in her knees and started crying.

“I love him so much, I can never tell him how I feel, and I can’t do that to
Marron.” She sighed. Trunks continued to listen to her, he was dumbfounded.

“She loves me?” Trunks asked him. He could not believe it, all the years he had
known her she had never admitted anything like that, he had wanted her and not
Marron, how ever when Marron admitted her love to him, Trunks had given up on
Pan, and went for Marron, he would learn to love her eventually. Pan had never
told him, her feelings, until now, at least not intentionally, Pan had stepped
aside to let Marron have him; the reason was Marron loved him, and Pan valued
her friendship with her.

Trunks went over to her. “Pan?” he knelt down to her level.

Pan looked up. “Trunks, what are...Oh my god did you hear me.” Trunks had a
solemn look on his face, which embarrassed Pan. “Oh, my god, you did, I’m sorry
I...Uh...” The next thing Pan knows is Trunks lips are on hers.

Pan pulled away, “Trunks, I...”

“I want you Pan, I always wanted you, I just never told you before" He looked
deep in her eyes. “Marron told me how she felt, I told her I loved her too, and
she was my dream girl the one I always wanted. I however lied to her, I never
loved her. It was always you. He tried to dry her tears. "I actually thought I
would fall in love with Marron, however that never happened, as I said, it was
always you.” Trunks said sincerely. He took a deep breath and continued. “I
never stopped loving you and I love Marron only as a sister or a good friend, I
don’t love her the way she deserves to be loved. Wholeheartedly, passionately,
as a Man should love a Woman.” Trunks explained

“Trunks, I can’t betray Marron, she’s been there for me, she’s the one I could
always run to when something was bothering me, I could tell her almost anything,
except the fact that I was in love with you.” Pan told him.

Trunks smiled, “That’s the reason I love you, you are the truest friend I know,
you would never betray your friends.”

Pan smiled, Trunks was right, she would not betray Marron, by falling to her
emotions. “And that is the reason, I won’t give into temptation. “She got up to
walk away from Trunks, he however was willing to give in. and he was willing to
let her give in.

”Pan wait.” He ran after her.

“Trunks, please I can’t be around you anymore.” Trunks caught up to her and
began kissing her.

‘Don’t give into Passion, don’t give into temptation Pan’ She told herself,
Trunks then lifted her up in his arms, still lip to lip, and carried her to his
bedroom, Pan had given into Passion and Temptation and made love to him. From
that day, Pan had become Trunks’ mistress, betraying her best friend, as she
began an affair with her bestfriends husband.