Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Temptation: My Best Friends Husband ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, or Dragon Ball GT. If I did own it, I would have a hell of lot more then $66.07 in my checking account.

I do not own any of the Baseball Stars or Rock Bands mentioned in the fic.

Pan moaned Trunks name as he collapsed onto her breathing heavily. "I love you Pan." His voice breathy, as he nuzzled his nose into her neck.

"I love you Trunks." She told him, she told her best friends Husband she loved him. She had to been the worst friend to ever live, and to top it all off, she had made love to her best friend's husband and enjoyed it. Trunks collapsed onto the side of her, and smiled.

"That was the best I had ever had Pan, thank you." Trunks complimented Pan on being the best lover he had experienced in his thirty-three years of life, eighteen of those years being sexually active. Trunks knew the reason why she was the best it was because he loved her, all of his other liaisons he felt nothing towards, not even Marron…his wife.

Pan smiled she never would have thought Trunks would compliment her on being such a great lover, after all it had been her first time. Pan lost her virginity to Trunks that night, many had spread rumors that she had lost it years ago, and was known for sleeping around. That night Trunks had learned the truth about the woman he loved, she was in fact in her twentieth year still a virgin.

"I'm glad you think so, I was afraid you might think I was inexperienced, which I am, but you know what I …"Before Pan could finish she was cut off by Trunks kiss. "…mean." Pan said into the kiss as she finished her sentence.

Just as Trunks was about to take Pan as his again, he heard the door of his room jiggling. Pan and him stopped what they were doing and stared at the door. Then they heard something they wished they had not, Marron.

"Trunks, the doors lock, I can't get in." Marron tried jiggling the doorknob again.

"Uh, just a second Marron, I'll let you in soon." He shouted. He then turned towards Pan, and whispered. "I'm sorry, can you go out the window." Pan nodded as she was dressed and left out the bedrooms window. Trunks walked out to the balcony.

"I love you Trunks, call me later." She kissed him goodbye. Trunks then turned back inside, he grabbed some fresh sheets quickly made the bed, and he then opened a file on his computer, to make it look like he was working on something.

"Trunks let me in." Marron was getting impatient. "Trunks…" Just as she was about to say something.

"Marron, I'm sorry."

"Trunks why was the door lock?" She wondered why her husband locked their bedroom door.

Trunks had to think of a reason fast, "I…uh…well, needed some privacy for the project I've been working on." He pointed to the computer. He looked at Marron, and hoped she would buy it. Luckily for him, she did.

"Oh, why didn't you just say so, what are you working on?" She walked over to the computer.

"Oh you know just work related stuff, he shut the monitor off, why don't you, and I go and get something to eat." He said as he got her away from the computer, and like a fool, she bought everything he told her.

Pan entered the living room of the house she shared with her parents. "I'm back." She shouted happily to the unsuspecting family members.

Videl Pans mother walked out of the kitchen where she was cooking dinner. "Hello Pan, you look awfully happy this evening, did something happen."

Pan smiled. "You can say something did happen, something most wonderful happened mother." She flared her arms out and laughed wholeheartedly.

"Well you going to elaborate, or am I going to have to figure this one out on my own." Videl laughed, if she knew her daughter. Pan was not one to tell anyone anything.

"I can't tell you mom, but just know it is good, and it makes me really happy." Pan replied as she kissed her mother on the cheeks and went upstairs.

Videl smiled, it had been along time since she saw her daughter happy. She however could not help but wonder what It was, however as long as Pan was happy she did not care.

Pan entered her room. It was your usual bedroom, a full bed laid against the wall near the window, a desk with a computer on it laid in the corner, while a dresser sat next to it. A Vanity lay on the wall opposite the window and an entertainment center lay in the opposite corner of the desk. On the bed laid a blue down comforter, and a big stuffed black puppy that Trunks had given her when she was five. On the wall were posters of sports stars, such as baseball greats including Mickey Mantle, Joe DiMaggio, and Babe Ruth along with new comers such as Ichiro Suzuki, Shigetoshi Hasegawa, and Kazuhiro Sasaki. She also had posters of Rock Bands, such as the Doors, Pink Floyd, and Nirvana. It was the typical bedroom for Pan's personality.

Pan smiled as she flopped down on her bed, and picked up the puppy, which she had christened Trunks. She hugged the puppy and smiled she could not help but feel happy, even though it was betraying her friend. Pan lay on her bed thinking of Trunks, when her phone rang.

She picked up the phone. "Hello." She answered.

"Pan, hey babe." Trunks replied, he was out with Marron. He called her on his cell phone when Marron had gone into the bathroom.

"Trunks, where are you?"

"At the Mirage, Marron's favorite Restaurant, I couldn't say no."

"I understand, look Trunks if you want to stop what we're doing because you're feeling guilty towards Marron, I understand. I mean I know you are married to her and you must have some feelings towards her."

"Look, don't worry about Marron, I want to be with you, Pan that had been the best I had. I'm not going to stop it now, because of Marron."

Just then, Marron came out of the bathroom. "What won't you stop because of me?" She asked smiling.

Trunks turned around to see his wife. "Marron, I…"

Authors notes: How will Trunks talk his way out of this one, and will Marron stay clueless to her husbands liaisons with Pan. To find out read the next chapter of "Temptation: My Best Friends Husband.