Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Asylum Chronicles ❯ Answer Your Surveys Truthfully!--Part One: Ginyu's Answers ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Miscellaneous Saga

Disclaimer: Chicken feet and buzzard teeth and guacamole soup! (In other words, I don’t own the characters!)

  The Asylum Chronicles: Chapter 10-Answer Your Surveys Truthfully!: Part One-Ginyu’s Answers By Queen Breeza    

The Ginyu Force: Status: Demented, beat, and defeated, yeah, that sorta thing...

Frieza’s Status: Tormented...you should know why by now...

Currently, Frieza and the Ginyu Force have been placed in separate rooms each with two chairs and a table; they weren’t transported to their own patient rooms yet. First, in order for the doctors to get to the root of their “problem”, they wanted to know a few things about Frieza and his Force before prescribing them the medicine they would need. So, they left them each with a pencil and a survey on the table. The rings around the warriors’ arms and ankles were designed to keep their powers in check, which is why Frieza was so easily taken away to begin with as with the Ginyus. On with the story, darn it!

(In Ginyu’s room)

(Ginyu looks at the survey and the pencil.)

Ginyu: Uh...okay! (He picks up the survey and the pencil...yeah...)

Ginyu: Now, what?

(Read it and write, stupid!)

Ginyu: Oh, okay! (Ginyu reads the directions) “Directions: Answer the survey truthfully! If you are lying, we will know!” Creepy...(looks at question 1 and begins)


Question 1: Do you live to serve anyone?

Ginyu’s Answer: Um. I think so. Yeah! Frieza! (He’s writing as he thinks...same with me...)

Question 2: If so, what is your relation with he/she/them?

Ginyu’s Answer: There’s a them?! Whoa! I didn’t know Frieza was a “them”! But I knew he was a she! But this thing says “he/she”. O.O Could he be both!? Oh, well. Anyways, he’s my best friend!^_^

Question 3: If not, what do you plan to do?

Ginyu’s Answer: But I just told you! I work for Frieza!!!

Question 4: What troubles you in life?

Ginyu’s Answer: Well, my mommy left me at a strange building when I was five. And then she came back the same day only...she repeated this for 12 more years!! I found a way to live without her when she was gone, but I always missed her. I fear that one day she’ll forget to tuck me in at night and...oh, no! She already has!! Mommy!!!!

Question 5: When were you born?

Ginyu’s Answer: Uh.....I dunno.

Question 6: What planet were you born on?

Ginyu’s Answer: I don’t know. Ask Yoshi! He’s also my best friend!!^_^ I have two!! Aren’t you jealous?

Question 7: What is 1+1-7x6/3+4545-2656-467?

Ginyu’s Answer: Duh! It’s 1,176,345,452,656,467. Stupid survey...

Question 8: Do you feel hurt when someone tells you “you are dismissed”?

Ginyu’s Answer: Sometimes...

Question 8: Who is the most powerful being in the universe?

Ginyu’s Answer: That one’s easy! Frieza!!

Question 9: Why do you feel you need to act the way you do?

Ginyu’s Answer: Because someone needs to be cheerful around Frieza’s ship!!

Question 10: Why are you crazy?

Ginyu’s answer: (after something snapped in his mind) I’M NOT CRAZY!! FRIEZA IS MY FATHER!! YOSHI IS MY MOTHER!! CAN’T YOU SEE??? CHEERIOS WILL CONQUER THE WORLD!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Ooops, did I say that out loud?

(Ginyu returns to normal and reads over his answers making sure he didn’t misspell anything. Satisfied, he put the pencil and survey down, leaned on his chair and began knocking on the wall next to him. It was a small room after all...)

Ginyu: Hello? Is anybody there? Hello? This is Captain Ginyu speaking! Will you come over and play with me?! HELLO! ANSWER ME, %$@#&*!



Well, that was delightful, right? Not as funny, but still it was okay...(sips drink) Can I get some more “Let Me Out Of This Room Or You Will Be Eaten By My Invisible Spider Children”? C’mon, please!? Get me out of here!! Azodnem! YW!? (but they could not here her behind the glass) (Azodnem: She’s really stressed out.) (Milesyoshidino34: We should let her sleep.) (Doctor with 6-inch needle goes in the room) Nooo!!!!!!! The next chapter is (stop it!) Answer Your Surveys Truthfully!--Part Two: Recoome’s Answers!! Nooooo!!!! It burns!!!