Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Bite ❯ 18 ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Bite-Chapter 18

By Elbereth in April

With a yell, Vegeta attacked. His right fist connected with Brolly's face. The bigger Saiyan took a step backward. Then his left fist came up and met his gut, making him stagger back further. A sweep kick and Brolly had his feet knocked out from under him, and fell over. Vegeta promptly kicked him in the throat.

Brolly choked a bit, but grabbed Vegeta's leg as he was moving back, and pulled. Vegeta started to fall, but changed it into a twist and a roll back to his feet. Brolly stood up.

Then they both took to the air. Brolly threw a roundhouse punch that Vegeta dodged back from. The blow missed by mere inches.

Vegeta responded with a double kick to the chest and head, which had Brolly seeing stars for a moment. Vegeta used the distraction to grab Brolly up bodily, knee him in the small of the back, and hoist him above his head, where he spun him around several times and then let go. Brolly flew dozens of yards, crashing through trees and plowing through hills. Vegeta followed.

As Brolly was pulling himself out of the wreckage of a hillside, Vegeta hit him with a Gallic Gun. "Quit playing around and get serious," Vegeta sneered.

Brolly's eyes narrowed. "All right," he hissed, making it to his feet. He gathered his eerie green ki again and threw it; it started as a tiny ball and spread outward rapidly.

Vegeta set himself to block it. `Are you sure this is wise?' Vegeta asked Hito.

`We're Super Saiyan 3!' Hito countered, with pride.

`Oh boy. Why am I always this arrogant?'

The energy blast hit his crossed arms and rebounded back into the sky, but it did burn. Vegeta bit his lip around the pain so he wouldn't yell. `There. Everybody thinks we're tough now. Was it worth it? That hurt!'

`Does Brolly look intimidated?'

`Hmm. . . yeah, a little.'

`Well then. Quit complaining, brat.'

He did have a point. Vegeta met Brolly's eyes and smirked. "You call that an attack?"

Brolly roared in anger and launched himself at Vegeta, who laughed. They exchanged more blows. One eventually connected against Vegeta's ribs with a crunching sound and his vision blurred for a minute. He kicked Brolly away. "Big Bang Attack!" he yelled.

Brolly blocked it, but it knocked him down to the ground before he could send it away from himself.

Vegeta followed it up quickly with a rapid series of small energy blasts, one after the other. Brolly was obscured by smoke for a moment. Then suddenly, he was right in front of Vegeta, his hand glowing with that green fire. Vegeta dodged and the blast took out more forest.

He heard a scream off to his left and turned. Goku had just blasted Trunks, who was falling to the ground. He twitched when he landed and didn't get up again. Gohan immediately renewed his attack on his father.

Brolly used Vegeta's distraction to come up on him again. He hit him hard in the jaw before he saw it coming. Vegeta crashed into a tree, and spit blood. He groaned, but got back up.

`We're still too evenly matched, Hito. How are we gonna get him?'

`Um. . . know any more tricks?'

Vegeta thought. `Well, there's another neat move Nasu has. . .'

Brolly was gathering more of his green energy.

"Earth and Wind," Vegeta said calmly, concentrating. He held out both hands in front of him and let his ki flow. Wind blew up around him, from the sheer energy force he was projecting. Brolly started to be propelled backwards. He scowled and stopped himself from moving. The ground around them started to rise in clumps and chunks of earth and grass, swirling madly in the wind. Brolly blinked and covered his eyes with one hand.

Then the wind came faster. Trees were uprooted and flew around. It became very hard to see. The wind formed into a tornado, blowing faster and stronger yet. Brolly started to move again, unable to stop himself this time, getting tossed in spiraling circles until he was dizzy. The air started to crackle with charged ki energy, sparking around Brolly in electric shocks.

He spun Brolly high up into the air and then dropped him. He hit the forest floor with a bone-breaking thud. The wind stopped abruptly. Rocks and trees fell on top of him. "Final Flash!" Vegeta cried, and released all the built up energy on to Brolly.

It was deathly quiet. Brolly lay unmoving. A trickle of blood ran from his mouth. Vegeta, breathing hard, chest heaving, looked over at Nasu and Radditz.

"Is he dead?" Radditz whispered.

Vegeta began to cautiously approach the still form.

"Vegeta! Look out!" Nasu screamed, just before he was tackled from behind by Goku. Goku punched him in the kidneys, then stood suddenly. He just stood there, unmoving, simply blinking.

Vegeta groaned and slowly sat up. He met Goku's eyes. "Vegeta?" Goku asked, looking and sounding very puzzled. "What's going on?"

Vegeta's eyes opened wide. Was Goku finally free?

"How do you feel, Goku?" he asked, deliberately using his Earth name, even though it felt weird to do so.

"Um. . . fine? What-what's. . . oh." He blinked a few more times, then raised one hand to his head. "My head hurts. It feels really. . . funny."

Vegeta's gaze swiveled back to Brolly. Who was slowly sitting up. His eyes were totally insane. Vegeta looked back to Goku, whose expression went completely blank.

"Fight it, you baka," Vegeta snarled, exasperated. "You don't want to be evil!"

Goku gasped and clutched his head. "He's crazy!"

"No kidding!"

Vegeta was starting to feel a little panicked. Gohan was lying over there with Goten and Piccolo crouched over him, all too out of it to contribute anything. Trunks was on his hands and knees, conscious again, but looking pretty damaged. Nasu and Radditz were gripping one another's hands, staring back and forth between Goku and Brolly with wide eyes. They were ready to help, but just not that strong. Everybody else was still unconscious.

`We've only got 2 minutes left before we unfuse, brat. Forget Goku for now. Hit Brolly with everything we've got while he's concentrating on regaining Goku.'

`What have we got left?'

`All the usual. . .'

`That won't do it!'

`Well, you seem to have this thing with acquiring other people's moves. . .'

`What's wrong with that? If they're good ones.'

`Well, Kakkarot's got some good ones, much as it pains me to admit. . .'

`Examples, please?'

`There's one that's called a Spirit Bomb. . . if we've got time to do it. . .'

`Let's try!'

`OK. Clear your mind-we're gonna call on the Earth. . .'