Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Bite ❯ 20 ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Bite-Chapter 20

By Elbereth in April

Bulma let them take over the whole attic floor. She protested at first that Nasu should have her own room, but Hito said she was used to living with males on Frieza's ship and to just let her stay up there, too, if she wanted. So they ended up just walling off certain sections for privacy and leaving the rest one big room space.

Currently it was 10 PM and four young Saiyans were sitting on their respective beds. Along with Goten, who was on the floor, sitting on a sleeping bag, and Meg and Becky, on air mattresses. Their three friends had been invited over for the night.

"I overheard Mom and Dad and Chi-Chi talking earlier," Trunks was telling them. "About sending us to school in the fall."

Nasu, Radditz, and Vegeta looked at each other. School had never occurred to them.

"For the last couple years, Goten and I have been going to this private academy. Thirty-five kids whose parents want them home-schooled. But we've been saying for awhile now that we'd like to see more of the world, meet new people. And Mom said it wouldn't be a good idea to drop 5 teenage Saiyans on them, anyway. Like a nuclear bomb, were her words." He grinned. "So they decided to send us to Orange Star High School, where Gohan went."

"That's where we go," said Becky, her eyes sparkling.

Meg clapped her hands. "We can show you around!"

Trunks grinned wider. Radditz raised his eyebrows. Nasu tugged at her hair. Then Vegeta slowly started to smile in the same mischievous way Trunks was. "So the bomb falls on them instead?" The other three Saiyans all immediately started smiling, as well.

"May Heaven have mercy on the poor teachers' souls," came a female voice from the doorway. Bulma and Hito stood framed by the door.

"Mercy is for the weak," Nasu responded automatically.

Bulma fidgeted. "Um, we'll have to work on that."

"As long as they're out of the house. Just don't blow up the place. We'll have enough trouble on our hands with this new brat on the way," Hito grimaced.

"Have you agreed on a name yet?" Meg asked.


"Woman, we're not naming the brat Bra and that's final!"

"Yeah, Trunks is bad enough," Trunks complained.

"How about Daro? That's the Saiyan equivalent of a female undergarment," Nasu told Bulma.

"What about Barbra? You could call her Bra for a nickname," Becky suggested.

"I still like Suitokoon," Radditz stated, voice firm.

"Sweet corn?"

"Good Saiyan name," Hito nodded. "Or Piisu."

Meg scratched her head. "I can see this will be a long, agonizing debate."

Trunks laughed. "Why don't you give her all those names and she can pick one when she's older."

Hito looked thoughtful. "It's an idea."

"Anyway," Bulma said, taking Hito's hand, "we just came up to say goodnight. Does anybody need anything else before we go to bed? Everybody got a pillow?"

Everyone claimed to be fine, and Bulma led Hito away. Hito looked back at them one last time and smirked. "Orange Star High School won't know what hit it."

Five Saiyan smirks and two human grins answered him.

________ __________

Hito looked at his two newest students. "This is 25 times gravity. If you want to become Super Saiyan, we'll have to keep increasing it."


"OK, you already know how to sense and repress ki. On to step two. . ."

When Trunks and Vegeta joined them at 8 AM, they were enthusiastically sparring while Hito watched. "You two! Get to it!"

"Yes, Dad," they chorused, making Nasu miss her punch when she and Radditz started laughing. Hito scowled.

"Ooh, ooh, I want to call him Dad, too!" she exclaimed.

"Brats, show some respect for your Prince and your sensei."

"Yes, Dad," all four said together.

"That's it! I'm taking you all on!"

Trunks and Vegeta immediately went Super Saiyan as Radditz whooped in excitement, and the whole group clashed in the middle of the GR, which shook.

Several hours later, they'd blown the place up and Bulma was giving them all a thorough scolding. They had the decency to look sheepish. Bunny Briefs giggled as she watched through the window. `One pack of Saiyans ruled by one human woman,' she thought, giggling again.

_________ ________

Goku showed up just after lunch. "Could I talk to the Vegeta's, please?"

They went into Bulma's den for some privacy. "I want you to know," he said sincerely, looking Vegeta in the eyes, "that I'm sorry about acting evil and trying to kill everyone."

"I should hope so," Hito snorted.

"If you want to look into my mind again and make sure I'm trustworthy now, I'll let you."

Hito raised his eyebrows. Vegeta's eyes widened a fraction. He hesitated briefly, then, "Yes. I do."

Hito watched them both as Vegeta looked into Goku's open mind. He saw a relaxation of tension in Vegeta's body that he only just then realized had been there. The boy trusted people even less than him, and was very good at hiding things. He'd have to keep a close eye on him in order to make sure things were really all right with him. At least it seemed he'd be able to stop being afraid of Goku, despite all that had happened. It looked they'd get along well enough.

They were finished. "Now all you have to do," he reminded them, "is suppress the bond. As much as you can."


Vegeta already felt much better. Now he followed instruction as Hito and Goku helped him cover up his end of the link, and then Goku covered his side. It could never be completely sealed or destroyed, but it was shoved to the bottom of their mental awareness. As Goku had put it earlier, like an itch you have, but can ignore.

Goku smiled when they were done. "I'm glad we can be friends. If you ever want to spar, just call!"

Hito smirked. "You know we reached Level 3 when we were fused."

"Awesome! Fighting you'll be great!"

Vegeta laughed. "He hides it better, but he's as bad as we are."

________ ________

After Radditz and Nasu explored the possibilities of Virtua Fighter 4, Trunks and Vegeta dueled at Tekken late into the night.

Then they went to bed. And Vegeta didn't fear dreams at all.

A/N: I don't know if this is the end. I really like these characters, so I'd like to keep going. Stay tuned.