Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Brolli Chronicles ❯ Book one: Beginning of maddness ( Chapter 2 )
" Look at me, you may think you see who I really am but you'll never know me,
Every day, it's as if I play a part,
Now I see if I wear a mask I can fool the world but I cannot fool my heart,
Who is that guy I see staring straight back at me?
When will my reflection show who I am inside?
I am now in a world where I have to hide my heart and what I believe in,
But somehow I will show the world what's inside my heart and the love for who I am,
Who is that guy I see staring straight back at me?
Why is my reflection someone I don't know?
Must I pretend that I'm someone else for all time?
When will my reflection show who I am inside?
There's a heart that must be free to fly,
But first with a need to know the reason why?
Only one so young can see what we think, how we feel,
Must there be a secret me?
Unfortunately why?
I won't pretend that I'm someone else for all time!!
When will my reflection show who I am inside?
When will my reflection show who I am inside............
Book one: beginning of madness
There is a planet far from our own, it is known as Vigita-sei.
The planet of the saiyajins. A race of warriors with two distinguishing traits. The passion of fighting and war and their tails. A lost race of proud fighters, but this is not their story, no, even though our subject is a member of this bloodthirsty race.
Down on this planet is where our story, where our true understanding of the legendary super saiyajinj Brolli begins..............
Moaning and groaning, a saiyajin woman is seen. Her raven black hair was tied back from her face in a loose pony tail. Whisps of hair escaped it's confinement and attached itself to her clammy face as she shrieked. Her skin was pale and bullets of sweat soaked her body causing her clothing to cling to her form.
Another shriek erupted from her mouth as she continued to push. Droplets of sweat streamed down her forehead and the sides of her face, her cheeks getting hot and crimson from the pressure.
The doctors looked on patiently as the nurses aided her.
The woman's ebony eyes went wide with pain as her body convulsed.
This pattern continued for the length of an hour. Then an infant's cry could be heard. The doctor held the infant- saiyajin as the nurse cut the cord connecting him to his mother.
The saiyajin opened his eyes but immediately shut them due to the bright lighting in the room.
The doctor then proceeded to clense the blood and residue off his little form.
The saiyajin woman just stared on in the direction they had taken the child. She then crashed her head down onto the softness of the pillow, her breath heavy and ragged.
Meanwhile a similar course of gestures of movements was happening in another birthing room.
A saiyajin woman howled in pain as she gave birth.
Twenty minutes later, a loud cry could be heard echoing throughout the entire room. The baby was immediately clensed and delivered to the power testing chamber.
" Here's the infant, Kakkarotto sir. Offspring of Bardock and his mate Carrna."
" Excellent, bring the saiyajin child here." He demanded as the nurse handed him the child.
He then commenced the testing. He fully examined the baby. " hmmm.... It seems he only has a power level of two. He will be sent to Earth, in order for him to wipe out it's inhabitants and prepare it for sale." He said as he handed her the child. " bring him to the nursery."
Meanwhile the other child was being tested for his power level.
The doctor examined him and his eyes went wide when he saw the results. " ten thousand", he barely whispered.
" Doctor, are you alright?", the nurse inquired.
The doctor subsided the shock enough to give her an answer. " yes, fine. Take this child to the nursery."
The nurse nodded and took the child, heading to the nursery.
The doctor just stood there for a moment and looked up the childs info.
' Brolli, offspring of Paragus and Notcha; power level, ten thousand.'
His face turned to that of determination. " I must inform King Vigita!"
The next day
Notcha just slept silently as her mate Paragus walked in. her eyes fluttered open to get a glimpse of him.
After a long silence, he asked, " well is it a boy or a girl?"
" a boy." She whispered.
Paragus smiled, kissed his mate and left to visit his newborn son, Brolli in the nursery.
That was the last time he saw Notcha, she died the next day.
Everything was peacefull in th nursery, Brolli slept peacefully. At least until Kakkkarotto started wailing for food. (-__-)
Brolli's eyebrows twitched in agitation but he didn't wake. It was five minutes later when Kakkarotto wailed louder.
Brolli's eyes shot open, his lower lip trembling, his tiny fists clenched. As Kakkarotto continued his incessant wailing, tears began to form in his eyes at first slow and then fast. Soon Brolli was crying hysterically. They cried in unison. It was at this moment in time when the seed of his hatred for Kakkarotto/Goku was planted and started to grow.
Now if I may have but a moment of your time. There is a saiyajin legend. It states that if two saiyajins are born on the exact same date as eachother, if the first infant cries and causes the other to cry then that saiyajin will forever be dominant over the other.
When the two babies quieted, Paragus walked into the nursery, looking for his son Brolli.
When he finally found him, he p[eered down at him. It seemed he had gotten his mother's nature: quiet, reserved, patient. He also gained her facial profile, his looks were similar to hers. As he slept, he tured to his side, his tiny hand clasping the blanket against his small chest. His tail gently swaying back and forth in a sweet rhythm, caressing the sheets with it's sheer movements. His ebony hair went down to his back but in the lighting of the room it looked more a shade of purple or violet.
Paragus smiled and left so his son could rest peacefully in the confines of his crib. ( that's not gonna last long)
The doctor waited patiently in the receiving hall of the king's palace. He kept pacing around the room in a nervous notion.
Suddenly a guard called him and his body shook with anxiety.
" the king will see you now."
The doctor nodded and followed the guard into the room. It was a dark room, only a fireplace and two torches illuminated light. The king sat at his desk going over business of some sort.
The doctor approached him and there was a long silence.
Finally the king broke the silence and snapped, " Well, what is it?!"
The doctor cleared his throat and said, " well, it's about the birth of Paragus' son, Brolli sir."
" Yes, what about him?"
" well, it seems, " the doctor swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat," it seems the child has a power level of ten thousand."
" WHAT!!!!? The king roared pounding his fist into the desk, causing paper and other various items to fall to the floor.
" I said he has a power level of..."
the king threw a ki blast past him, " I heard what you said you idiot!!"
the doctor shook nervously.
" you can go now or was there something else?"
" no, nothing. Good day your majesty." The doctor bowed and ran out of the room.
The king began to pace around the room, anger swelling in him at the news he had received.
" DAMN.!" Vigita pounded his fist into the wall, plaster crumbling onto the floor. " How could something like this happen? Only saiyajin of my bloodline are allowed that sort of strength. I'll just have to get rid of him."
Brolli slept soundly then suddenly Kakkarotto's wailing penetrated his slumber... again, causing him to cry.
He whined even when Kakkarotto seized to utter a sound. Brolli banged his small palms and nervously hit the sheets, his tail swishing back and forth in an angry notion.
His toes curled as he banged his feet against the other end of the crib. Tears streamed down his plump cheeks, stinging his eyes. Brolli opened his eyes, turned his head to the side seeing Kakkarotto. Brolli's bottom lip quivered and his eyebrows knitted together in instant anger. For a minute, Brolli seemed to quite down but then another wave of tears spilled from his eyes. He closed his eyes to lesson the sting from the tears, his chest heaving. Brolli turned towards Kakkarotto's crib, clenching his fists and banged them against it, knowing he was the infant who always kept him from sleep.
When he wasn't crying or sleeping, he turned his head from side to side, examining the room. One look at Kakkarotto's face sent him into hysterical crying and sooner or later the other saiyajin- infants joined in.
Paragus walked down the hallway, side to side there were guards all along the walls.
Scarlet red curtains trimmed with golden tassels decorated the walls. A thin velvet carpet with the color of maroon covered the white marble floor.
Paragus then came to a pair of tall silver doors. It had elaborate patterns of past battles of the saiyajin ancestors all over them with diamonds encrudted around the door handle.
Paragus grabbed the handle and opened it.
He slowly walked in and was greeted by king Vigita and his son prince Vegeta.
" My king, your highness." Paragus bowed his head and looked up at the king.
Prince Vegeta just ' hmohed' and pressed his back against the throne.
" you wished to see me, my king?" Paragus stood as King Vigita rose from his throne and paced circles around Paragus.
" yes, Paragus. I hear your mate Notcha, gave birth to a son."
Paragus' expression changed slightly, sort of saddened, " yes she did, but she's dead."
Oh, I see. I have also heard that this son of yours has a power level of ten thousand." The king paused looking at Paragus, " I order you to dispose of him........ immediately."
Paragus gasped, a look of shock intermingled with grief on his face, " but your majesty!!!"
King Vigita sent Paragus a death glare, " you will do it!! Is that understood?!"
" yes sire," Paragus reluctantly said, bowed and left the room.
No sooner had he left that King Vigita called upon one of his soldiers, " Follow him, watch him and inform me if he kills the child or not, I have doubts of his loyalty. He may not carry through."
" Yes, sire." The soldier quickly bowed and left the room.
Paragus paced back and forth, debating in his mind on what to do.
' how can I kill my own son, a saiyajin?'
' he is all I have left'
'my only family'
' But I can't defy my king..........'
' .............my son.............'
Paragus' thoughts trailed off for hours and then finally decided what to do.
It was late. The sky was black; stars shimmering in the sky. A gentle breeze moved throughout the atmosphere.
Paragus walked to the nursery just as the nurse went off duty. It would be a good ten minutes till she came back, just enough time to get it over with.
He slowly walked towards his son Brolli's crib, peering down at the small form there.
' he looks so beautiful. So strong and yet so helpless.'
His tail gently swayed, resting on his thigh. His infant hand clutched the sheet as his chest slowly heaved up and down.
His lips parted as he breathed out stale air; eyebrows twitching and finally eyes opening.
Paragus froze.
Brolli looked up at the form towering over him, then turned so that he was now laying on his back.
Paragus unsheathed the dagger he had been concealing under his cape.
Without Brolli knowing it, Paragus barged the dagger straight into.....................
A/n: hope you liked. Remember I haven't seen the brolli movie, so this is my perception. I've only seen clips and read summaries on the movie and his life so review please I worked really, really hard on this so please no flaming, if you have criticism or any facts from the movie to add tell me
But just remember if vegeta, piccolo, and buu have good in them can't he