Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Devil's Dance ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: The Devil's Dance
Authors: Ryuuko and Megami
E-mail: nakasawa_ryuuko@yahoo.com
Archive: Just ask for permission please. E-mail listed above.
Disclaimer: The bishounen and bishoujo that appear in this story are property of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studios and Funimation. Though why do we really give Funimation any credit? The bastards.
Warnings: A/U. This is Dragon Ball and its affiliates, thus violence, blood and gore. I am writing it, thus mild to overtly bad language. And since I firmly believe that sex between two people of any sex is not a bad thing, het, yaoi and yuri…lots of het, yaoi and yuri goodness. You have been warned. Flamers will be publicly flogged.
Complaints: I know there won't be any because the only people that exist in the world are open minded, intelligent, and tolerant. Megami: *eyes Ryuuko* Um, what have you been smoking? Ryuuko: *grins* Why, you want some? Megami *shakes her head* Ryuuko: Anyway, if you gots problems with me e-mail is listed above.
Reference: It's in the attached file (if applicable.)
Inspired by: Nothing in particular other than the sexy bishounen
Pairing(s): Vegeta no Ou (our former no Ouji) and Kakarotto no Ouja (the former no baka), Vegeta no Ouji (our former no Ouji's son) and OC. But she's not an overpowering OC. You'll like her, I swear.
Summary: On the night of their son's Coming of Age ceremony, Vegeta no Ou and Kakarotto no Ouja suffer an unspeakable loss. Can their family survive the tragedy? Will the saiyajin race survive the war that is sure to follow?
Authors' Note: This is a story we've longed to write for a long time about Vegeta-sei as we imagine it to exist. It's probably a bit different from other people's. Ah well. Enjoy!
Second Authors' Note: By the way, in this universe, Baadakku's foresight was not given to him by an alien species. It is an inherited saiyajin ability that his youngest son also possesses.
Third Authors' Note: In response to a problem I probably forced to exist, Kakarotto is known as the Saiyajin no Ouja in this story. Due to the fact that if Kakarotto was female he would be given the title of 'no Jo'ou,' I figure that there should be a male equivalent. Therefore I am using Ouja (as I understand both Ou and Ouja are acceptable words for King) to mean 'lesser king.'
Feedback: Yes, please! Again, e-mail above!
<…telepathic communication…>
Chapter 1
Many years ago, deep in space, far from the planet we call Chikyuu-sei, there existed a solar system consisting of two suns and four planets, each with their own moons. The largest of these planets, Vegeta-sei, was home to the strongest race in the galaxy: the saiyajin. This planet, unlike most of it's neighbors, had few defensive systems set in it's atmosphere, leaving the view from space to be completely unmarred. No one would dare attack the saiyajin. The last to do so had been slaughtered by a handful of the saiyajin elite guard.
Scattered across the blue green surface where huge cities, built between the huge rainforests and mountain ranges that covered the majority of the planet. There were very few flat pieces of land on this planet as if the god who had created it had found that far too boring. Nestled into the Kraga'ar range, the largest of the seven, was the capital city of Vegeta-sei, Torridhe. In the middle of the city, built into the face of the mountain range, was the home of Vegeta-sei's ruling family. The palace was a marvel of architecture, carved out of the rock by ki, flesh, and blood. It had taken almost a century to complete and had lasted for over four thousand years, surviving many long bloody wars.
The palace was currently swarming with visiting dignitaries as the Ouji's Coming of Age Ceremony approached. The ball would take place that night, in fact, and representatives from every colony, outpost, and planet in the Saiyajin Empire were in attendance. Eligible, and beautiful, men and women had been sent to hopefully catch the Ouji's eye for it was finally time for the rebellious heir to settle down and take a mate, much to the delight of his parents. Of course, as the Ou and Ouja, said parents did have last say in who exactly their boy would mate…or so they would have liked to think. The fact was, the Ou had as much say in his eldest son's mating as his father had had in his own: not a helluva lot. The former Ou, in fact, had hated his son's choice in mate. It was too bad that the old man had died before the current Ou's mate came into his full power. What a surprise the old bastard would have had then!
For, though few knew it, the Ou's mate was a Super Saiyajin.
Fewer still knew the reasons for his ascension.
Eleven years after Vegeta no Ou and Kakarotto no Ouja mated, there was a kidnapping attempt on their three, at that time, children. One overly-enthusiastic-would-be-kidnapper broke their youngest's tail, sending both parents into a rage and Kakarotto, the birth parent, over the edge. Needless to say, there wasn't a helluva lot left of the would-be-kidnapper's when the enraged mother was done with them. The whole incident had been hushed up, but rumors still spread about the golden warrior their Ouja had become.
But that was all ancient history and this day was for their son. Said son was currently endlessly pacing the common room of the royal apartments much to the amusement of his younger siblings. The second and third oldest, Taishi and Nira, watched him. Akiko was feeding her 7-month little sister, Susami, mush that their mother had prepared and the twins, Itsuki and Danjuro, were curled up asleep in an oversized armchair near the fireplace.
"'Geta-chan," Taishi began with a snicker, "you're wearing a hole in the floor."
Vegeta no Ouji ignored his little brother, choosing to instead worry about all the fucking people he would have to meet tonight and all the polite talk and the questions and the names and the dancing! Gah! He was the fucking Saiyajin no Ouji! He wasn't meant to dance! Their species was meant to fight, eat, and fuck, damn it, and nothing else!
Nira leaned towards his older brother. "You'd think he'd be happy about having a party thrown for him, but here he's acting like it's the end of the world."
"It may be," Taishi answered. "Have you seen what mama and papa expect us to wear tonight?"
Aki smirked, picturing her blood red, black and gold dress. She loved these parties where she got to dress up and dance with her mama and papa. "I like mine."
Her two brothers rolled their eyes. "That's 'cause you're a girl."
Nira received a pillow in the face for that comment.
Sami giggled and clapped her hands as the two siblings growled at each other. Then, suddenly realizing that Aki's attention had slipped and she was no longer being fed, let out a yelp. The older girl ignored her as she was still trading insults with her brother, but a full blown wail put a stop to that.
"Damn it, Sami!" Aki cradled her little sister to her, purring gently and vehemently hoping that she could get the little girl calmed down before her mother heard her cries. She was supposed to be taking care of her younger sister so her mother and father could get some much needed 'alone time'. None of the siblings had any illusions as to what their parents were up to. After all, they were saiyajin and what else did saiyajin do but eat, fight and fuck?
Upstairs, the brood's father was cursing as his mate exited their bed and shrugged into a robe, knowing full well that his youngest wouldn't stop once she'd started unless she was in her mother's arms. After all, her mother could purr like none other. Kakarotto kissed his mate's forehead, smirking at the endless tirade about "…fucking brats 18 fucking years without good fucking sex goddamned fucking bastards…" The Ouja chuckled and left the Ou to pout as he made his way to the common room. By the time he arrived on the scene, Juro and Suki had joined their older sister in attempting to calm Sami down and, to no avail, were making faces at the little girl trying to get her to laugh.
Aki glanced up as her mother entered the room, feeling like she had failed. "Gomen, mama, she won't calm down." Her mother merely smiled knowingly at her, causing the 8-year-old to feel somewhat better.
Sami, sensing her mother near let out an even louder wail, causing the twins to cover their ears. "Saa," Kakarotto cooed to her, gently taking her from her older sister and cradling her to his chest, "what's wrong angel?"
The wails turned into sputtering sobs as the little girl tried to catch her breath. Her entire body vibrated with the purr rumbling from her mother's chest. Kakarotto chuckled and turned to watch his eldest pace for a few moments. Then, with a heavy roll of the eyes, he snapped, "If you don't want to fucking dance then don't."
Vegeta blinked and turned to his mother as his brothers and sisters giggled. "Ano…what if I don't want to go at all?"
"Well, now, that's not up for discussion." Their mother smirked. "Why don't you take your siblings to the stadium for a while? Have a friendly spar. All of you look like you need some energy burned off."
The twins were immediately on their feet, chanting, "Yeah, yeah!"
Vegeta heaved a heavy, burdened sigh. "Thanks mom."
"Heh. You're welcome. Now get the fuck out of here. All of you." Kakarotto grinned as his brood ran in different directions to change into sparing clothes and then dashed out the door, followed quickly by their eldest brother shouting, "Wait, goddamn it!" When they were gone and the door was shut firmly behind them, he grinned at his littlest and got a toothy smile in response. "Quiet, ne? Let's go cheer up your father."
The Ou was still muttering "…better be fucking grateful brats better be full of fucking gratitude never gonna get sex again ever…" when Kakarotto returned. With a roll of his eyes, the Ouja strode over to the bed and plopped their daughter on her father's stomach, making Vegeta grunt and shut up. For a moment, Sami and her father just looked at each other, one blinking large eyes while the other raised an eyebrow. Then the little girl grinned and giggled, making her father smirk. "Why is a terror like you so fucking cute, hm?"
Kakarotto stretched out next to his mate and child, laying his head on a royal shoulder. "I sent the brood to the stadium."
"Hn. Good. All that fucking pacing was starting to get annoying."
The Ouja raised an eyebrow. "I must not have been distracting you enough if you could hear that."
Vegeta chuckled and kissed his mate gently, letting his fingers trail through silky hair. Sami yawned wide and curled up on her father's stomach, her parents' purrs sending her to sleep. Kakarotto smirked. <Give her a few minutes and I'll take her to her crib so we can continue.>
"Mmmm," the Ou murmured, pressing another kiss to his partner's lips, tongue darting along the velvety skin. <Good.>
Thick ebony tails twined together. <Vegeta is nervous. Far more than he should be.>
The Ou pulled back with a frown, mind racing as to possible reasons for the boy to be dreading this day. Today was his Coming of Age, a day saiyajin looked forward to from the day they were born. It was the day that he could choose a mate. Perhaps… <You think he has chosen someone?>
A nod was his answer. <He does not think we will approve.>
<If we don't he's not going to->
<Vegeta, did your own father have a say in the matter?>
The Ou's cheeks colored. <Still, I won't allow some commoner to contaminate our blood li-> Kakarotto merely raised an eyebrow, causing Vegeta's cheeks to turn a deeper shade of red. <Hn. Perhaps you are right.>
<Of course I am.>
The mates smirked and the younger turned his attention back to his daughter, grinning at the thumb stuck in her mouth. <Kawaii.>
<Much more than those brats ever were.>
Kakarotto chuckled, but it faded quickly. The Ou glanced at his mate, concerned, hand endlessly moving through the other's hair. Their bond was flooded with worry and…foreboding. <What's wrong koishii?>
<Are there still rumors of an attack?>
A quiet sigh answered the question. <Yes, but Nappa and your father are taking measures against anything and everything. The most likely person to attack would be Furiiza, but he is only allowed two of his men with him at the feast.>
<I won't let that bastard ruin my child's ceremony.>
<Hn. Neither will I. He would be a fool to try anything tonight with all the extra security.>
<Maybe, but that bastard's been after the throne ever since your father died. I wouldn't be surprised if->
<Koishii, extra security has been assigned to the children. No one will have the opportunity to get near them.>
<You've seen something?>
<…Nothing definite, just a general sense of disaster looming. Papa's felt it too.>
<Saa.> The Ou glanced down at the little one on his stomach. <Take the leech to bed, ne?>
Kakarotto smirked as he scooped the little girl into his arms and climbed out of bed. <I'll be right back.> He left the room with a sultry wave of his tail.
"Hm…I'll be waiting," the Ou promised empty air.
The Ouja carried his daughter to the room next door and gently tucked her into her crib, taking a moment to watch the girl sleep. A whine drew his attention and he watched the family vrou (a large empathic dog species) wander in. He knelt and scratched it behind the ears, grinning as it growled in appreciation. "Protect the little one, ne?"
The vrou woofed and settled beneath Sami's crib, laying it's head on it's paws and stoutly watching the door. Kakarotto grinned toothily and returned to his room and the patiently waiting Saiyajin no Ou. Patient my ass.
<Patient to get into your ass!>
A hearty laugh escaped him and he barely got the door closed before Vegeta pounced, knocking him to the floor. He grunted as he landed on his back with the Ou straddling his stomach. <Fuck…heavy…>
A thick ebony length slapped his robed chest. <Baka.> Then their lips were melding, tongues dueling, sharp canines grazing. Royal hands quickly disrobed Kakarotto and hot flesh met hot flesh, bringing low sounds from both. Fingers caressed slick skin, soft words were whispered, lips and teeth caressed a sinewy neck. The Ouja hissed as fingers plunged into him, preparing him none too gently. Vegeta kissed him, murmuring, "Forgive me, koishii. I have no patience today."
The Ouja grunted and cried out as Vegeta found that place that sent pleasure coursing through him. He growled and snapped teeth as those fingers were removed, only to purr when something much larger replaced them. The Ou picked up a fast, bordering on violent pace, pounding his mate into the carpet. Tails whipped through the air and thumped on the floor, hands roamed wildly, mouths met again as their bodies fully melded to one another.
Then they were both screaming, coming in unison, bodies stiff before collapsing in a boneless, sticky heap. Both purred loudly, limbs entwined, tails coiled together, trying to stop the heaving of their lungs. Then both muttered a single word that sent them into chuckles.
Reviews please!
Vegeta: What kind of pansy-ass lemon was that woman?
Ryuuko: :P
Kakarotto: Oh, yeah, that's mature.
Vegeta: *With that angry vein throbbing on his forehead* Woman!
Ryuuko: What? Whatcha gonna do about it, huh?
Megami: *Wisely stays out of the way*
Vegeta: *Smirks*
Ryuuko: o_O
Vegeta: *Disappears with a maniacal laugh*
Ryuuko: o_o Ok… Now I'm frightened.
Megami: *Has run for her life*
Ryuuko: *Follows*