Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Fight ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Notes: Well this is just something that I cooked up and it is what the title says it is so is not going to be that long, never the less I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: Just because it is a fight scene I have to rate it PG or PG-13 which ever of the two, oh yeah just in case; I do own this story but if it relates to any content pertaining to Dragon Ball Z or it's affiliates, I don't own that, but it would be cool if I did though, oh well enjoy!

The Fight

Two fighters, standing distant, watching each other, calm, not moving. Then a muscle moves, they strike each other with opposing forces strong enough to destroy planets and consume galaxies. Faster than the blink of a human eye they strike at each other again and again, each blocking each other's blows with incredible ease. They start again; one connects with a blow to the abdomen the other with a blow to the chest. They each step back to observe the damage each of them has done, not even a scratch but around them the landscape has been mutilated by their battle, once huge boulders are now just mere gravel. They pause then power up, their two strengths erupt in a in a huge wave of light and energy causing the ground shake and crumble below their feet. The two fighters go airborne to continue their battle, fists and feet flying, one fighter gets the upper hand and quickly sends the other plummeting into the earth below. The fighter continues to fall hitting the ground hard as he slides continuing to connect with rocks that are littered across his path; finally he comes to a halt by crashing through a mound of solid granite. Throughout all this he stands up and dusts himself off then meet his opponent face to face unscathed. They continue to battle meeting each other's blows time and time again. Onlookers below simply gaze forth and wonder how these two men could possibly be doing this; knocking each other through boulders the size of houses and moving faster than the human eye can detect. One fighter stops and powers up a split second occurs before a blinding flash emanates from his body only to dissipate and leave the fighter still floating but his body has changed, he has grown stronger, his hair has turned from black to brilliant gold and his simple black eyes have changed to a lustrous emerald green. The other, unscathed by this change, simply does the same.

Now the battle has truly begun. The distant onlookers just faintly hear them congratulate each other on a well made warm up, the crowd screams in horror to the reality of these two combatants not fighting to their true abilities. The two make their way to the ground where they will start their true battle. They wait for each other to make their moves, finally one flinches and they disappear. The crowd looks on in amazement and horror as the two fighters connect in the middle of their original positions creating a great explosion of light and energy. As the dust settled the group of people found the two still there arms locked in a struggle both trying to overpower the other. They disappear only to reappear above the heads of the people below fists and feet flying, they break apart, suddenly a blast of blue energy flies toward one of the fighters. He dodges the attack only to find another flying straight for him. This he took head on, he had only enough time put his arms out in front of him to attempt to stop the blast. This attack pushed him to the ground over a mile away, only then does it explode blowing bits of debris outward from the crash site. The result, a tremendous crater left by this attack nearly 300 feet in diameter. The opposing fighter simply put down his hands, he knew something was not right, out of nowhere it came, a thunderous blow to the back of the head sending him plummeting to the ground below and skidding along the rocky terrain, he didn't have time to react, it all happened so quick. Soon there was a shower of energy attacks landing and exploding all over the place leaving the odd one to connect with the poor man's body. The attack stopped and the fighter slowly stood up, this time he was hurt, his body was cut and bleeding in numerous spots, his clothing was tattered and torn just barely clinging to his body. He took his fighting stance awaiting the to come for him, he did not. The other fighter looked onward as he began another transformation, His hair stood up straighter then began to grow down to the base of his spine as energy arcs looking like mini lightning bolts started to bounce from one spot on his body to the other, his build developed as his voice was noticeably deeper.

"I am now at a power level that could easily finish you, no more games, no holds barred I want you dead!" he called out to his opponent.

"Is that all you got? That there is child's play" his opponent called back. "If you think you have the greater power you are truly mistaken, I only bleed because I'm in my weaker form".

"What are you speaking about? There is no level higher than SS3, you don't have the power to accomplish such a feat".

"Oh yeah just watch me" said the fighter on the ground as he took his position already starting to draw the energy from within. "HRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAA!!!!!" He screamed as his change began. His hair grew longer than his opponents down to just behind the knees it flashed a light that lit up the sky as the earth around him was parted. A distinctive tail emerged from behind him, uncoiling from his waist. His hair turned a shimmering white as did his tail, his eyes that were green before this transformation changed to a brilliant blue, as his build became increasingly more dominant and his size became gargantuan. He was finished, his combatant looked on in horror as his combatant flew up to meet him eye to eye.

"What are you?" he managed to yell out trying to contain his fear.

"I am a being born every million years, I have the power of the gods to wield and you just made a big mistake trying to take me out"

"What level of super saiyan is that?"

"T E N" he spelt out for the man.

"Oh my god!" he screamed as he tried to back away.

"Too late" The fighter said raising his arm, a small blue dot about the size of a pea developed inside the palm of his hand, suddenly a huge wave of energy erupted forth engulfing his enemy. Once it dissipated he looked on to find nothing left of his opponent.

The small group of people below was silent, no one moved, someone below asked him who he was, just as he had left the answer was quick, Jared.

The End

Hey some of you may think that I drag this character out a bit but hey I love him he is my creation and none of you can take that away from me. * Mine all mine *